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`12th January 2017
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`(REV DEC07)
`Patents Form 1(e)
`Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to an oncolytic immunotherapeutic agent and to the use of the
`oncolytic immunotherapeutic agent in treating cancer.
`Background to the Invention
`Viruses have a unique ability to enter cells at high efficiency. After entry into cells,
`viral genes are expressed and the virus replicates. This usually results in the death of the
`infected cell and the release of the antigenic components of the cell as the cell ruptures as it
`dies. As a result, virus mediated cell death tends to result in an immune response to these
`cellular components, including both those derived from the host cell and those encoded by
`or incorporated into the virus itself.
`Viruses also engage with various mediators of the innate immune response as part
`of the host response to the recognition of a viral infection through e. g. toll-like receptors
`and cGAS/ STING signalling resulting in the activation of interferon responses and
`inflammation which are also immunogenic signals to the host. These immune responses
`may result in the immunogenic benefit to cancer patients such that immune responses to
`tumor antigens provide a systemic overall benefit resulting in the treatment of tumors
`which have not been infected with the virus, including micro-metastatic disease, and
`providing vaccination against relapse.
`The combined direct (‘oncolytic’) effects of the virus, and immune responses
`against tumor antigens (including non-self ‘neo-antigens’, i.e. derived from the particular
`mutated genes in individual tumors) is termed ‘oncolytic immunotherapy’.
`Viruses may also be used as delivery vehicles (‘vectors’) to express heterologous
`genes inserted into the viral genome in infected cells. These properties make viruses
`useful for a variety of biotechnology and medical applications. For example, viruses
`expressing heterologous therapeutic genes may be used for gene therapy. In the context of
`oncolytic immunotherapy, delivered genes may include those encoding specific tumor
`antigens, genes intended to increase the immunogenicity of antigens released following
`virus replication and cell death, to increase the general immune activation status of the
`tumor, or to increase the direct oncolytic properties (i.e. cytotoxic effects) of the virus.
`It has been demonstrated that a number of viruses including herpes simplex virus
`(HSV) have utility in the oncolytic treatment of cancer. HSV for use in the oncolytic
`treatment of cancer must be disabled such that it is no longer pathogenic, but can still enter
`into and kill tumor cells. A number of disabling mutations to HSV, including disruption of
`the genes encoding ICP34.5, ICP6, and/or thymidine kinase, have been identified which do
`not prevent the virus from replicating in culture or in tumor tissue in vivo, but which
`prevent significant replication in normal tissue. HSVs in which only the ICP34.5 genes
`have been disrupted replicate in many tumor cell types in vitro, and replicate selectively in
`tumor tissue, but not in surrounding tissue, in mouse tumor models. Clinical trials of
`ICP34.5 deleted, or ICP34.5 and ICP6 deleted, HSV have also shown safety and selective
`replication in tumor tissue in man.
`As discussed above, an oncolytic virus, including HSV, may also be used to deliver
`a therapeutic gene in the treatment of cancer. An ICP34.5 deleted virus of this type
`additionally deleted for ICP47 and encoding a heterologous gene for GM-CSF has also
`been tested in clinical trials, including a phase 3 trial in melanoma in which safety and
`efficacy in man was shown. The trial data demonstrated that tumor responses could be
`seen in injected tumors, and to a lesser extent in uninj ected tumors. Responses tended to
`be highly durable (months-years), and a survival benefit appeared to be achieved in
`responding patients. Each of these indicated engagement of the immune system in the
`treatment of cancer in addition to the direct oncolytic effect. However, this and other data
`with oncolytic viruses generally showed that not all tumors respond to treatment and not all
`patients achieve a survival advantage. Thus, improvements to the art of oncolytic therapy
`and oncolytic immunotherapy are clearly needed. These may serve to increase the direct
`oncolytic effects of therapy, the anti-tumor immune stimulating effects of the therapy, or
`both of these effects together.
`Recently it has been shown that oncolytic immunotherapy can result in additive or
`synergistic therapeutic effects in conjunction with immune checkpoint blockade (ie.
`inhibition or ‘antagonism’ of immune checkpoint pathways). Checkpoint blockade is
`intended to block host immune inhibitory mechanisms which usually serve to prevent the
`occurrence of auto-immunity. However, in cancer patients these mechanisms can also
`serve to inhibit or block the potentially beneficial effects of any immune responses induced
`to tumors. Alternatively, immune responses may not be fully potentiated due to a lack of
`activation or lack of full activation of immune potentiating pathways. Therefore, drugs
`which alleviate these blocks or stimulate immune potentiating pathways (ie. which
`activate, or are ‘agonists’ of these immune potentiating pathways) are attractive for testing
`and developing cancer treatments. Targets for such approved or experimental drugs
`include CTLA~4, PIN, 93—1,..1, LAG«3, Trix/Ls, VISTA, CSPlR, mo, CEACAME, GITR,
`4-1 “BB, KER, SLAIWFI 0X40, CD40, EGGS or CD47.
`For these approaches to be successful, pre-existing immune responses to tumors are
`needed, so that a pre-existing immune response can be potentiated or a block to an anti-
`tumor immune response can be relieved. The presence of an inflamed tumor micro-
`environment, which is indicative of such an ongoing response, is also needed. Pre-existing
`immune responses to tumor neo-antigens appear to be particularly important for the
`activity of checkpoint blockade and related drugs. Only some patients may have an
`ongoing immune response to tumor antigens including neoantigens and/or an inflamed
`tumor microenvironment, both of which are required for the activity of these drugs.
`Therefore, oncolytic agents which can induce immune responses to tumor antigens,
`including neoantigens, and/or which can induce an inflamed tumor microenvironment are
`attractive for use in combination with immune checkpoint blockade and immune
`potentiating drugs. This likely also explains the promising combined anti-tumor effects of
`oncolytic agents and immune checkpoint blockade in mice and humans that have so far
`been observed.
`The indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) pathway contributes to tumor-induced
`tolerance by creating a tolerogenic environment in the tumor and the tumor-draining lymph
`nodes, both by direct suppression of T cells and enhancement of local regulatory T cell
`(Treg)—mediated immunosuppression. IDO catalyses the rate-limiting step of tryptophan
`degradation along the kynurenine pathway, and both the reduction in local tryptophan
`concentration and the production of immunomodulatory tryptophan metabolites contribute
`to the immunosuppressive effects of IDO. IDO is chronically activated in many cancer
`patients with IDO activation correlating with more extensive disease. It can also function
`as an antagonist to other activators of antitumor immunity. Therefore, inhibitors of the
`[DO pathway are being developed as anticancer agents, particularly in combination with
`checkpoint blockade agents such as those which target CTLA-4, PD-l or PDL-l. IDO
`inhibitors may also be synergistic with oncolytic immunotherapy, including together with
`drugs targeting other immune checkpoint or immune co-stimulatory pathways.
`Summary of the Invention
`The invention provides improved oncolytic viruses. The improved direct oncolytic
`effects provided by the viruses of the invention will also lead to improved systemic anti-
`tumor immune effects. Enhanced replication in and killing of tumor cells will result in
`enhanced tumor antigen release and enhanced systemic immune responses to the released
`antigens. The expression levels of any genes inserted to augment the direct oncolytic
`effects and/or immune stimulation will also be increased.
`Virus species naturally exist in a range of variants (strains) within the natural
`population which may differ by a small or larger number of nucleotides while still
`retaining the antigenic characteristics and sufficient sequence identity to still be recognized
`as the same species. These strains, due to their differing sequences, may exhibit a range of
`differing properties, including properties which have been selected for by natural selection
`in their natural host or hosts (for example the ability to infect or replicate in the target cell
`types of the virus in question, spread between these cells, or to evade the host innate or
`adaptive immune system, or to spread between infected individuals of the host species) and
`properties which have not been specifically selected for (e. g. the ability to replicate in and
`kill or spread between cell types which are not the natural targets of the virus in question,
`including tumor or other non-target cell types or tissues). The inventors have recognised
`that sampling a range of viral strains of a particular viral species which are present in the
`natural host population (in the case of viruses infecting humans, here termed ‘clinical
`isolates’) and comparing these to each other to select for the strain with the best properties
`for the intended purpose for which it is to be used (e. g. infection and killing of tumor cells)
`can be used to identify a virus with optimal properties for that purpose. A virus identified
`by this approach is likely to have more optimal properties for the intended purpose than a
`‘prototype’ or ‘laboratory’ virus strain or a clinical strain which has not been selected for
`the required property or properties from a broad group of viral strains. This is because the
`full biological complexity in the natural population, particularly with respect to the
`particular desirable property or properties, is unlikely to have been sampled through taking
`a narrow approach to screening for the desired property or properties, bearing in mind the
`degree of sequence variation present in natural virus populations. In particular, these may
`vary in sequence within an infected host (as is often the case with RNA or retroviral
`populations where so-called quasi-species are often present), between individual infected
`hosts, or between different geographically separated viral populations.
`Viruses of the invention have therefore been selected by sampling a range of viral
`strains present in the natural population of a particular viral species and testing these
`against each other for the desired property or properties (e.g. the ability to infect and kill
`tumor cells). The virus strain or strains with the best properties for the intended purpose
`are used for fiirther development
`Where the intended use is oncolytic viral therapy, taking such an approach provides
`an improved starting point for development of an oncolytic agent, which requires further
`manipulation of the advantageous virus strains. Such manipulation includes the deletion of
`viral genes to provide, for example, tumor selectivity, and/or the insertion of exogenous
`genes to improve oncolytic or immune potentiating properties further.
`The viruses of the invention therefore include novel clinical isolates of a viral
`species that have better anti-tumor effects than the other clinical isolates to which they
`were compared and through which comparison they were identified.
`In particular, the
`clinical isolates of the invention kill tumor cell lines in vitro more quickly and/or at a lower
`dose than these reference clinical isolates of the same virus type. Typically, a clinical
`isolate of the invention will have been identified through comparison of >5 clinical isolates
`of a viral species for the required property or properties, preferably through comparison of
`>10 clinical isolates of the viral species, and more preferably through comparison of >20
`clinical isolates of the viral species. A clinical isolate of the invention typically shows
`better tumor cell killing activity than 3/5, 6/10 or 11/20ths, preferably better than 4/5, 8/10
`or 17/20ths, more preferably better than 9/10 or 19/20ths of the viral strains tested.
`Typically, a clinical isolate of the invention can kill two or more tumor cell lines in
`vitro within 24 to 48 hours after infection at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.01 to
`0.001 or less.
`The clinical isolates of the invention may be modified to further enhance their anti-
`tumor effects. The genome of a clinical isolate of the invention may be modified to delete
`or alter expression of one or more viral genes, and/or the genome of the clinical isolate
`may be modified to express one or more heterologous genes, such as genes encoding a
`fusogenic protein and/or an immune stimulatory molecule or molecules.
`Oncolytic viruses of the invention provide improved treatment of cancer through
`improved direct oncolytic effects, viral replication and spread through tumors, which (i)
`increases the amount of tumor antigens, including neoanti gens, which are released for the
`induction of an anti-tumor immune response, and (ii) enhances the expression of the virus-
`encoded immune stimulatory molecule(s). Expression of immune stimulatory molecule(s)
`by the virus can further enhance and potenti ate the anti—tumor immune effect. Expression
`of fiisogenic protein(s) by the virus can further enhance viral spread through tumors.
`Anti-tumor efficacy of an oncolytic virus of the invention is achieved when the
`virus is used as a single agent and also when the virus is used in combination with other
`anti-cancer modalities, including chemotherapy, treatment with targeted agents, radiation,
`immune checkpoint blockade (i.e. administration of one or more antagonist of an immune
`co-inhibitory pathway) and/or immune potentiating drugs (egone or more agonists of an
`immune co-stimulatory pathway). The improved direct oncolytic effects (i.e. virus
`replication in, spread between, and direct killing of tumor cells) and improved systemic
`anti-tumor immune effects of the viruses of the invention improve on the combined
`benefits of oncolytic therapy and immune co-inhibitory pathway blockade and/or immune
`co-stimulatory pathway activation.
`Accordingly, the present invention provides an oncolytic virus which is, or is
`derived from, a clinical isolate which has been selected by comparing the abilities of a.
`panel of three or more clinical isolates of the same viral species to kill tumor cells of two
`or n'ioi'e tumor cell lines in Wire and selecting a clinical isolate which is capable ot‘killing
`cells of two or more tumor cell lines more rapidly and,"or at a lower dose in Wire than one
`or more ofthe other clinical isolates in the panel. The clinical isolate may be modified. A
`modified clinical isolate may have mutations, such as deletions in the viral genome and/or
`may express one or more l‘leterologeus genes.
`The virus may he a strain of any virus species which may be used for the oncolytic
`treatment of cancer, ii'iclutling strains a herpes virus, pox virus, adenovirus, retrovirus,
`rhabdovirus, paramyxovirus or reovirus. The virus is preferably a herpes simplex vi 111s
`(HSV), such as HSVl. The HSV typically does not express functional lCPEtl-S and/or
`functional lCP47 and/or expresses the USl l gene as an immediate early gene.
`The virus may comprise (i) a tusogenic protein—encoding gene; and/or (ii) an
`immune stimulatory molecule or an immune stimulatory rnolecule—ei‘ieoding gene. The
`Virus may encode more than one fusogenie protein and/or more than one ininiune
`stimulatory molecule The fusogenic protein is preferably the glycoprotein from gibbon
`ape leukemia virus (GALV) and has the R transniemhrane peptide mutated or removed
`(GAQLV—Rw) The immune stimulatory molecule is preferably GMECSF an d/or an agoni st
`ofan ii’nrnune co—stin’iulatory patl’iway in eluding GETRL, ltd—BBL 0&1?)le lCOSL or
`CD401; or a modified version in each case thereof.
`The invention also proyi des:
`a pharmaceutical composition comprising a Virus of the invention and a
`pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent;
`the Virus ofthe invention for use in a method of treating the human or animal hotly
`by therapy;
`the virus of the invention for use in a method of treating cancer, wherein the
`method optionally comprises administering, a further anti-cancer agent;
`a product of n'ianufacture comprising a Vitus of the iiwention in a steiile Vial,
`anipoule or syringe;
`a method of treating cancer; which comprises administering a therapeutically
`effective amount of a Virus or a pharmaceutical composition ot‘the invention to a
`patient in need thereol; wherein the method optionally comprises administering a
`further anti—eancer agent;
`use of a Viius of the invention in the manufacture of a medicament for use in a
`method of treating cancer, wherein the method option ally comprises administering
`a further anti—cancer agent;
`a method of treating cancer, which comprises administering a therapeutically
`effective amount of an oncolytic Virus, an inhibitor of the indoleamine 2,3-
`dioxygenase (IDO) pathway and a fuIther antagonist of an immune co-inhibitory
`pathway, or agonist of an immune co-stimulatory pathway to a patient in need
`thereof; and
`a method of selecting an oncolytic Virus, the method comprising:
`comparing the ahilities of a panel of three or more clinical isolates of the
`same viral strain to kill tumor cells or" two or more tumor cell lines in w’r‘ro;
`scoring the abilities of each of the panel of viruses to kill tumor cells;
`selecting a Virus which has one of the best scores;
`option ally modifying the virus to inactivate one or more viral genes; and/or
`optionally modit‘yin g the virus to express one or more immune stimulatory
`molecule encoding genes and/or one or more firsogenie protein-encoding
`The further anti-cancer agent may be an ai’itagonist of an inn'nnne co~inhibiteiy
`pathway or an agonist of an immune constimuiatory pathway
`Brief Description of the Figures
`Figure 1 depicts the structure of an exemplary virus of the invention that comprises
`a gene encoding GALV-R- and a gene encoding GM-CSF inserted into the ICP34.5 gene
`locus, and in which the ICP47 gene is deleted such that the US 11 gene is under the control
`of the ICP47 immediate early promoter.
`Figure 2 depicts the structure of an exemplary virus of the invention that comprises
`a gene encoding GALV-R-, a gene encoding GM-CSF and a gene encoding CD4OL.
`Brief Description of the Seguence Listing
`SEQ ID NO: 1 is the nucleotide sequence of mouse GM-CSF.
`SEQ ID NO: 2 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of mouse
`SEQ ID I\O: 3 is the nucleotide sequence of human GM-CSF.
`SEQ ID I\O: 4 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of human
`SEQ ID I\O: 9 is the amino acid sequence of GALV-R-.
`SEQ ID l\O: 10 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of a
`human/mouse hybrid membrane bound version of CD40L.
`SEQ ID l\O:11 is the amino acid sequence of a human/mouse hybrid membrane
`bound version of CD40L .
`SEQ ID l\O: 5 is the amino acid sequence of mouse GM-CSF.
`SEQ ID I\O: 6 is the amino acid sequence of human GM-CSF.
`SEQ ID I\O: 7 is the nucleotide sequence of GALV-R-.
`SEQ ID I\O: 8 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of GALV-
`SEQ ID NO: 12 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of a
`multimeric secreted version of human CD40L.
`SEQ ID NO:13 is the amino acid sequence ofa multimeric secreted version of
`human CD40L.
`SEQ ID 1\O: 14 is the nucleotide sequence of a codon optimized version of a
`multimeric secreted version of mouse CD4OL.
`SEQ ID 1\O:15 is the amino acid sequence ofa multimeric secreted version of
`mouse CD4OL.
`SEQ ID I\O: 16 is the nucleotide sequence of wild-type human CD40L.
`SEQ ID I\O: 17 is the amino acid sequence of Wild-type human CD40L.
`SEQ ID I\O:18 is the nucleotide sequence of wild-type mouse CD4OL.
`SEQ ID 1\O: 19 is the amino acid sequence of wild-type mouse CD4OL.
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`()rzcozf)..'zic Virus
`The virus of the invention is oncolytic. An oncolytic virus is a virus that infects
`and replicates in tumor cells, such that the tumor cells are killed. Therefore, the virus of
`the invention is replication competent. Preferably, the virus is selectively replication
`competent in tumor tissue. A virus is selectively replication competent in tumor tissue if it
`replicates more effectively in tumor tissue than in non-tumor tissue. The ability of a virus
`to replicate in different tissue types can be determined using standard techniques in the art.
`The virus of the invention may be any virus Which has these properties, including a
`herpes virus, pox virus, adenovirus, retrovirus, rhabdovirus, paramyxovirus or reovirus, or
`any species or strain Within these larger groups. Viruses of the invention may be Wild type
`(ie. unaltered from the parental Virus species), or witl'i gene disruptions or gene additions.
`Which of these is the case will depend on the virus species tn he used. Preferably the virus
`is a. species of herpes virus, m ore preferably a strain ot‘HSV, including strains ofHSV l
`and HSVQ, and is rnest preferably a strain 0f HSVi. The virus of the invention is based On
`a clinical iselate Ofthe virus species to be used. The clinical isolate is selected 011 the basis
`oi‘it having particular advantageous properties for the treatment of cancer. The virus of the
`invention has surprisingly good anti-tumor effects compared to other strains of the same
`virus isolated from other patients. The virus strains used for comparison to identify viruses
`of the invention may be isolated from a patient or an otherwise healthy (i.e. other than
`harboring the virus species to be tested) volunteer, preferably an otherwise healthy
`volunteer, HSVl strains used to identify a virus of the invention are typically isolated
`from cold sores ofindividuals harboring HSVl, typically by taking a swab using e.g.
`Virocult (Sigma) brand swab/container containing transport media followed by transport to
`the facility to be used for further testing.
`After isolation of viruses to be compared from individuals, stocks of the viruses are
`typically prepared, for example by growing the isolated viruses on BHK or vero cells.
`This is done following no more than 3 cycles of freeze thaw between taking the sample and
`it being grown on, for example, BHK or vero cells to prepare the virus stock for further
`use. Preferably the virus sample has undergone 2 or less than 2 cycles of freeze thaw prior
`to preparation of the stock for further use, more preferably one cycle of freeze thaw, most
`preferably no cycles of freeze thaw. Lysates from the cell lines infected with the viruses
`prepared in this way after isolation are compared, typically by testing for the ability of the
`virus to kill tumor cell lines in vitro. Alternatively, the viral stocks may be stored under
`suitable conditions, for example by freezing, prior to testing. Viruses of the invention have
`surprisingly good anti-tumor effects compared to other strains of the same virus isolated
`from other individuals, preferably when compared to those isolated from >5 individuals,
`more preferably >10 other individuals, most preferably >20 other individuals.
`The stocks of the clinical isolates identified as viruses of the invention (i.e. having
`surprisingly good properties for the killing of tumor cells as compared to other viral strains
`to which they were compared) may be stored under suitable conditions, before or after
`modification, and used to generate further stocks as appropriate.
`A clinical isolate is a strain of a virus species which has been isolated from its
`natural host. The clinical isolate has preferably been isolated for the purposes of testing
`and comparing the clinical isolate with other clinical isolates of that virus species for a
`desired property, in the case of viruses of the invention that being the ability to kill human
`tumor cells. Clinical isolates which may be used for comparison also include those from
`clinical samples present in clinical repositories, i.e. previously collected for clinical
`diagnostic or other purposes.
`in either case the clinical isolates used for comparison and
`identification of viruses of the invention will preferably have undergone minimal culture in
`vim; prior to being tested for the desired property, preferably having only undergone
`sufficient culture to enable generation of sufficient stocks for comparative testing purposes.
`As such, the viruses used for comparison to identify viruses of the invention may also
`include deposited strains, wherein the deposited strain has been isolated from a patient,
`preferably an HSVl strain isolated from the cold sore of a patient.
`The virus of the invention is an oncolytic virus which is, or is derived from, a
`clinical isolate which has heen selected lily comparing the abilities ofa panel of three or
`more clinical isolates of the same viral specl es to l<ill tumor cells of two or more tumor cell
`lines in WW0 and selecting a clinical isolate which is capable of killing cells of two or more
`tuntor cell lines more rapidly and/or at a lower Close in vitro than one or more of the other
`clinical isolates in the panel Thus, the virus is a. clinical isolate that kills two or more
`tumor cell lines more rapidly and/or at a lower dose in virm than one or more reference
`clinical isolates ot‘the same species of virus.
`'l‘ypically, the clinical isolate of the invention will kill two or more tumor cell lines
`within 72 hours, preferably within 48 hours, more prelerahly within 24 hours, of infection
`at multiplicities of infection (hi/ESE) of less than or equal to 0. l, preferably less than or
`equal to an iVlOl of Gill. Preferably the clinical isolate will kill a broad range of human
`tumor cell lines, such as 2, fl 4, S, 6, 7 or all ofthe following cell lines; HT29 (colorectal),
`MDA-MB-231 (breast), SK-MEL-28 (melanoma), Fadu (squamous cell carcinom