`DocumentDescription: Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B)
`Issue Fee Transmittal Form
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Atty. Docket No.
`Confirmation No.
`ApplicationType |Class-Subclass
`Utility under 35 USC 111(a
`Prev. Paid Fee
`Regular Undiscounted
`Issue Fee Due
`Publication Due
`Total Fee(s) Due
`1.Change of Correspondence Addressand/or Indication Of Fee Address (37 CFR 1.33 & 1.363)
`Current Correspondence Address:
`Current Indicated Fee Address:
`Guardant Health / WSGR
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto CA 94304
`Patents@quardanthealth cam
`Og Changeof correspondence address requested, system
`generated AIA/122-EFS form attached
`g Fee Address indication requested, system generated SB/47-EFS
`form attached
`2.Entity Status
`Changein Entity Status
`Applicant certifying micro entity status; system generated Micro Entity certification form attached. See 37 CFR 1.29.
`Note: Absenta valid certification of micro entity status, issue fee payment in the micro entity amountwill not be accepted at the risk of application abandonment.
`O If this box is checked, you will be prompted to choose a micro entity status on the gross incomebasis (37 CFR 1.29(a)) or the institution of higher education basis
`(37 CFR 1.29(d)), and make the applicable certification online.
`O Applicant asserting small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27.
`Note:If the application was previously under micro entity status, checking this boxwill be taken to be a notification of loss of entitlement to micro entity status.
`© Applicant changing to regular undiscountedfee status.
`Note: Checking this box will be taken to be a notification of loss of entitlement to small or micro entity status, as applicable.
`Doc Code:
`DocumentDescription: Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B)
`3.The Following Fee(s) Are Submitted:
`Issue Fee
`[_] Publication Fee
`[_] Advance Order - # of copies
`4.Firm and/or Attorney NamesTo Be Printed
`NOTE: If no name is listed, no name will be printed
`For printing on the patentfront page,list to be displayed as entered
`1. Timothy A. Hott
`g | authorize USPTO to apply mypreviously paid issue fee to the
`current fees due
`The Director is hereby authorized to apply my previously paid
`issue fee to the current fee due and to charge deficient fees to
`Deposit Account Number
`If in addition to the payment of the issue fee amount submitted
`with this form, there are any discrepancies in any amount(s) due,
`the Director is authorized to charge any deficiency, or credit any
`overpayment, to Deposit Account Number —__—
`U The issue fee must be submitted with this form. If payment of
`the issue fee does not accompanythis form, checking this box
`and providing a deposit account numberwill NOT be
`effective to satisfy full payment of the fee(s) due.
`5.Assignee Name(s) and Residence Data To Be Printed
`PLEASE NOTE:Unless an assigneeis identified below, no assignee data will appear on the patent.If an assigneeis identified below, the document has been filed for
`recordation as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11. Completion of this form is NOT a substitute forfiling an assignment.
`united states
`| certify, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.4(d)(4) that | am an attorney or agent registered to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office who has filed and has been granted
`powerof attorney in this application. | also certify that this Fee(s) Transmittal form is being transmitted to the USPTO via EFS-WEB onthe date indicated below.
`Registration Number| 67740
`/Timothy A. Hott/
`Timothy A Hott