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`Application Number 16672267
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`LARK,T.A.et al. "Analytical Validation of a Hybrid Capture Based Next-Generation Sequencing Clinical Assay for
`enomic Profiling of Cell-Free Circulating Tumor DNA,” J. Mol. Diagnostics (2018) 20(5)-686-702
`PAWELETZ,CP. et al. "Bias-corrected targeted next-generation sequencing for rapid, multiplexed detection of
`actionable alterations in cell-free DNA from advanced lung cancer patients” Clin Canc Res (2016) 22(4)-915-922
`PHALLEN, J. et al. "Direct detection of early-stage cancers using circulating tumor DNA" Sci Trans Med (2017) Vol. 9,
`issue 403, eaan?415D0I: 10.1126/scitransimed.aan2415
`SHIROGUCHI., et al. Digital RNA sequencing minimizes sequence-dependentbias and amplification noise with
`optimized single-molecule barcodes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Supplemental Information (8 pages)
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`Filing Date 2020-01-07
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`Application Number 16672267
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