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`Filing Date
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`16/672,267 - GRU: 1637
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`2012) 5, 887-900
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`Filing Date
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` | 42534-708.304
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`16/672,267 - GAU: 1637
`Application Number 16672267
`Filing Date 2019-11-01
`First Named Inventor|AmirAli TALASAZ
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`Art Unit |
`Examiner Name
` | 42534-708.304
` Attorney Docket Number
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`Application Number 16672267
`Filing Date 2019-11-01
`First Named Inventor|AmirAli TALASAZ
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Art Unit |
` Attorney Docket Number
` | 42534-708.304
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`16/672,267 ~ GAU: 1637
`Application Number 16672267
`Filing Date 2019-11-01
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
` Attorney Docket Number
`| 42534-708.304
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