`Extract and isolate cell free polymicleotides
`from badily fluid
`i fag double stranded polynucicotides with duplex
`tags (“Watson”strand tag distinguishable from
`“Crick” strand tag)
`Generate. sequence reads for tagged
`polynucleotide strands
`Reduce and/or track redundancy of reads to
`correspond to original strands
`Mapreads to selected locus or loci in genome
`Group reads into “Pairs” and “Singicts’”’:
`-Pairs are reads from complementary strands of
`original double stranded polynucleotides
`-- Singlets are reads for which there is no
`sequence read from the complementary strand of|\
`the original double stranded molecule
`Determine quantitative measure of Pairs and
`Singlets mapping to each selected locus (also
`optionally read depth of paired and unpaired
`Estimate number of Unseen polynucicotides in
`original population mapping to each locus
`Estimate number of Total polynucleotides in
`original population mapping to each locus
`Estimate Copy Member Variation at cach locus
`Fig. I
`\ 44
`2290 Total
`1440 pairs
`720 singlets 90 unseen
`sued QOOOL
`sjaibuls o9O, Ueesun 0gZ
`Fig, 2
`Locus A
`I i|
` a,Lewimy'iLnvowmya:aarrrasxmzxmznnnrrrx'momg!gdiopfa6naaaa:eaeeeenerenelseen a¢5ca:necanCEO atas6xmz
`te ww
`om ua
`12 wo
`1 or Gt OF
`-seeneeremmmmmenertaelb3nva, booObnqd—bnvd REREAD xg2xmzerence Correction1Lnyowmy1aMewgif¥anicSUAIEEE.oaanneanhaggLanCc—A——-B-----Aeeeenneeeeenesane
`fost ped Bagel
` aVvcsennaenancJanc3°55!epg“aepg'JeteeBCe.—1itwaeiitii€p8€Ppq€peGeFY_&Pe_955
`Fig. 6
`wet Og,
`ee? OR BRR.
`gs. BE
`Provide cell free polynucleotides from bedily
`fluid of (a) a test sarnple and (b)} a control
`Tag polynucleotides. Tag includes a source
`identifier (test or contro) and, optionally, a
`further identifier (optionally with duplex tags).
`Polynucicotides can be uniquely or non-uniquely
`Pool tagged test and taggedcontrol
`polynucleotides at desired ratio (usually greater
`amount oftest)
`Generate sequence reads from pooled test and
`control polynucleatides
`Reduce and/or track redundancy of reads to
`correspond to original molecules
`7 806
`Quantify original molecules from each of test
`and control mapping te one or more genetic loci.
`(Can include normalizing against a reference
`a function of test:control comparison
`Estimate copy number variation at each locus as
`‘ig. 8
`< §0 nucleotides
`. a
`Fig. 9A
`Fig. 9B
`Primer hybridization site
`< 16 nucleotides
`Fig. 9C SFr
`— ‘SS
`Sample identification motif
`Sample identification motif f
`Sequencer motit
`Sequenecr motit