`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`18 October 2007 (18.10.2007)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/118214 A2
`Agents: WOODCOCK WASHBURN LLPet al.; Cira
`Centre, 12th Floor, 2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Penn-
`sylvania 19104-2891 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
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`(51) International Patent Classification:
`C07K 16/22 (2006.01)
`A6LK 39/395 (2006.01)
`GOIN 33/53 (2006.01)
`A6IP 35/00 (2006.01)
`C1I2N 15/13 (2006.01)
`A61K 51/10 (2006.01)
`CI2N 5/10 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`6 April 2007 (06.04.2007)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`7 April 2006 (07.04.2006)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): THE
`SERVICES [US/US]; 6011 Executive Blvd., Suite 325,
`Rockville, Maryland 20852-3804 (US).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(for US only): DIMITROV,
`(75) Inventors/Applicants
`Dimiter S. [US/US]; 1741 Northridge Lane, Frederick,
`Maryland 21702 (US). ZHU, Zhongyu [CN/US]; 2501
`Carrington Way, Frederick, Maryland 21702 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations” appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`O + o
`Antibody Concentration
`~~ IGFlK4-m606
`IGF ll-m708.2
`-+ IGFlem708
`(57) Abstract: Antibody compositions and methodsfor treatmentof neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject are provided. Meth-
`ods of diagnosing cancer in a mammalian subject are also provided.


`WO 2007/118214
`This application claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/790,512,
`filed April 7, 2006, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`[0002] The invention generally relates to an antibody composition and a methodfor
`treatment of neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject. An isolated human monoclonal
`antibody binds to insulin-like growth factor | or to both insulin-like growth factor | and insulin-
`like growth factor II. The invention further relates to methods of diagnosing cancer in a
`mammalian subject.
`[0003] Cancer therapies are based on the theory that cells with accelerated rates of
`division andproliferation are predisposed to the development of cancer. Recently, a numberof
`epidemiologic studies have shown consistently that high circulating levels of a potent mitogen,
`insulin-like growth factor (GF)-I, are associated with increased risk for several commoncancers,
`including those of the breast, prostate, lung, and colorectum. The level of IGF-binding protcin
`(IGFBP)-3, a major IGF-I-binding protein in serum that, in most situations, suppresses the
`mitogenic action of IGF-I, is inversely associated with the risk of these cancers.


`WO 2007/118214
`Functionally, IGF-I not only stimulates cell proliferation but also inhibits
`apoptosis. The combination of these mitogenic and antiapoptotic effects can have an impact on
`tumor growth. Besides their direct effect on cancer-related cellular activities, members of the IGF
`family also interact with a variety of molecules that are involved in cancer development and
`progression, including the sex steroid hormones, products of tumor suppressor genes, and other
`growth factors. Furthermore, the expression and production of IGF-I, a peptide hormonethatis
`involved in regulating human growth and development, are influenced by nutrition and physical
`activity. Experiments to understand the molecular structure and physiologic function of
`members of the IGF family provide insights into the role ofmitogenic growth factors in
`carcinogenesis. Yu and Rohan, /. Natl. Cancer Inst. 92: 1472-1489, 2000.
`IGFs stimulate the proliferation of cultured humanbreast cancer cells. This
`stimulation is mediated through the receptor, insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGFR-1),
`which is a memberof the receptor tyrosine kinase family. Whenactivated byits ligands (IGF-I
`or IGF-II, IGFR1 phosphorylates tyrosine residues on two major substrates, IRS-1 and Shc,
`which subsequently signal through the Ras/Raf and phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase/AKT
`pathways. IGFR1 plays a crucial role in transformation. Cells derived from IGFR1 knockout
`mice are resistant to transformation by various viral and cellular oncogenes, including SV40
`large T antigen and activated ras, whereasfibroblast cells from wild-type mice can be readily
`transformed by these oncogenes.
`[0006] There is increasing epidemiological evidence to link elevated plasma IGF-I level
`with prostate, breast, and colon cancer risk. Breast cancer tissues from patients exhibit higher
`IGFR1 expression than adjacent normal tissue, suggesting a link between IGFR1 and breast
`epithelial cell transformation. It has becn reported that the transformation capacity oftumorcclls
`is attenuated when IGFR1 is inhibited using an antisensestrategy, neutralizing antibody (anti-IR3
`or anti-IGF-I) or dominant negative truncation of the receptor. Hailey, J. et al, Molecular Cancer
`Therapeutics 1: 1349-1353, 2002; Maloney E.K., et al, Cancer Res. 63: 5073-5083, 2003;
`Burtrum D., et al, Cancer Res., 63: 8912-8921, 2003; Luetal., J. Biol. Chem. 279: 2856-2865,
`2004; Miyamotoet al., Clin. Cancer Res. 11: 3494-3502, 2005; Goya et al., Cancer Research
`64: 6252-6258, 2004. A needexists in the art for improved multi-target therapies to treat
`neoplastic disease and metastatic cancers.
`[0007] The present invention generally relates to antibody compositions and methods
`for treatment of neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject. The present invention further relates
`to methods of diagnosing neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject. The antibody compositions


`WO 2007/118214
`are isolated monoclonal antibodies that bind to insulin-like growth factor I. Another set of
`antibody compositions are monoclonal antibodies that bind to insulin-like growth factor I and are
`cross-reactive to and bind to insulin-like growth factor II. The isolated monoclonal antibodies
`are, for example, human, non-humanprimate, rabbit, rat or mouse antibodies. Theisolated
`human monoclonal antibody compositionsthat bind to insulin-like growth factorI are, for
`example, m705 and m706. The isolated human monoclonal antibody compositions that bind to
`both insulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like growth factor Hl are m708 and m708.2.
`Monoclonal antibodies m705, m706, m708, and m708.2 do not bind to human insulin. m705 has
`a Vy chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO: | and a Vy; chain amino acid sequence
`comprising SEQ ID NO: 2. m706 has a Vy chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO:
`3 and a V, chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO: 4. m708 has a Vy chain amino
`acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO: 5 and a V_, chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ
`ID NO: 6. m708.2 has a Vy chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO: 7 and a Vr.
`chain amino acid sequence comprising SEQ ID NO: 8.
`[0008] An isolated monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human insulin-like
`growth factor I and human insulin-like growth factor IT comprising an amino acid sequencein its
`heavy chain variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 7 or an amino acid sequence whichis at
`least 90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 7.
`[0009] An isolated monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human insulin-like
`growth factor I and humaninsulin-like growth factor II comprising an amino acid sequenceinits
`light chain variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 8 or an amino acid sequence whichis at
`least 90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 8.
`[0010] Anisolated monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human insulin-like
`growth factor | and humaninsulin-like growth factor Il comprising amino acid sequencesin their
`heavy chain variable regionsor light chain variable regions as set forth in SEQ ID NOs: 7 and 8,
`respectively, or amino acid sequences whichareat least 90% homologous, respectively. A
`pharmaceutical composition is provided comprising one or more of the antibodies of the present
`invention and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
`Ina further aspect, the antibody provides at least one CDR sequenceincluding,
`but not limited to, Vr: QS IS S (SEQ ID NO: 9), Vi: AAS (SEQ ID NO: 10), Wr: QQSYS
`(SEQ ID NO: 13), or Vu; ARGPRGYSYNFED/Y (SEQ ID NO: 14). In a further aspect,
`the antibody includes, but is not limited to, an IgG), an [gGp, an IgGs, an IgGy, an IgM, an IgAj,
`an IgA», a secretory IgA, an IgD, or an IgE antibody. The antibody can be an IgGik or IgG ir


`WO 2007/118214
`isotype. the antibody is an IgG4x or IgG4A isotype. The antibody can be an IgG, an IgGo, an
`IgGs, an IgG4, an IgM, an IgA, an IgAo, a secretory IgA, an IgD, or an IgE antibody. The
`antibody can be an IgGik or IgG)A isotype. The antibody can be an IgG4xk or IgG4A isotype. In a
`detailed aspect the antibody is human, non-humanprimate, rabbit, rodent, rat, or mouse, or a
`In another aspect, the isolated monoclonalantibody of the present invention has
`one or more of the following characteristics: (1) inhibits IGF-1 receptor phosphorylation in an in
`vitro MCF-7 breast cancer cell assay at an antibody concentration about 4 nM orgreater; (11)
`inhibits IGF-I binding or IGF-II binding to IGF-1 receptor; or (111) inhibits cell migration in a cell
`migration assay.
`In another aspect, the isolated monoclonalantibody of the present invention has
`a dissociation equilibrium constant (Kp) of approximately 10° M or less, when determined by
`surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I or
`humaninsulin-like growth factor II as an analyte and the antibody as a ligand.
`[0014] An isolated monoclonal antibody is provided in a further aspect whichis
`capable of binding human insulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like growth factor IT with a
`bindingaffinity of about 10° M"or greater. An isolated monoclonal antibody is provided in a
`further aspect which is capable of binding humaninsulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like
`growth factor II with a binding affinity of about 10° M"or greater. In a detailed aspect, the
`isolated monoclonal antibody is an intact antibody, an intact IgG, antibody, an intact IgG»
`antibody, an intact IgG; antibody, an intact IgG, antibody, an intact IgM antibody, an intact IgA,
`antibody, an intact IgA» antibody, an intact secretory IgA antibody, an intact IgD antibody, or an
`intact IgE antibody, wherein the antibody is glycosylated in a eukaryotic cell. In a further aspect,
`the isolated monoclonal antibody is an antibody fragment or a single chain antibody. The
`antibody can be a monoclonal antibody. The antibody can be a F(ab’)», Fab, Fv, or Fd fragment.
`The antibody can be antigen-specific.
`Ina further aspect, the isolated monoclonal antibody of the present invention is
`a binding-domain immunoglobulin fusion protein comprising (i) a variable heavy chain amino
`acid sequenceas set forth in SEQ ID NO: 7 or a variable heavy chain sequence whichisat least
`90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 7, fused to a variable light chain amino acid sequenceasset
`forth in SEQ ID NO: 8 or a variable light chain sequence whichis at least 90% homologousto
`SEQ ID NO: 8 via a linker peptide, that is fused to an inmunoglobulin hinge region polypeptide,
`(i) an immunoglobulin heavy chain CH2 constant region fused to the hinge region, and(iii) an
`immunoglobulin heavy chain CH3 constant region fused to the CH2 constant region. The


`WO 2007/118214
`antibody can bind to a predetermined antigen with an equilibrium association constant (Ka), for
`example,of at least 10° M', of at least 10’ M"', or of at least 10'° M"'.
`[0016] Anisolated human monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human
`insulin-like growth factor I and humaninsulin-like growth factor II. In one aspect, the antibody
`comprises at least one CDR sequence of: Vt: QS IS S (SEQ ID NO: 9), Vi: A A S (SEQ ID
`[0017] An isolated human monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human
`insulin-like growth factor I comprising an amino acid sequence in its human heavy chain
`variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1 or an amino acid sequence whichis at least 90%
`homologous to SEQ ID NO: 1. An isolated human monoclonal antibody is provided which binds
`to humaninsulin-like growth factor I comprising an amino acid sequence in its human light
`chain variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 2 or an amino acid sequence whichis at least
`90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 2. An isolated human monoclonal antibody which binds to
`humaninsulin-like growth factor | comprising an amino acid sequencein its human heavy chain
`variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 3 or an amino acid sequence whichis at least 90%
`homologous to SEQ ID NO: 3. An isolated human monoclonal antibody is provided which binds
`to human insulin-like growth factor I comprising an amino acid sequence in its humanlight
`chain variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 4 or an amino acid sequence whichisat least
`90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 4. An isolated human monoclonal antibody is provided which
`binds to human insulin-like growth factor I and human insulin-like growth factor II comprising
`an amino acid sequence in its human heavy chain variable region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 5 or
`an amino acid sequence whichis at least 90% homologous to SEQ ID NO: 5. An isolated human
`monoclonal antibody is provided which binds to human insulin-like growth factor | and human
`insulin-like growth factor II comprising an amino acid sequence in its human light chain variable
`region as set forth in SEQ ID NO: 6 or an amino acid sequence whichis at least 90%
`homologous to SEQ ID NO: 6. A pharmaceutical composition is provided comprising one or
`moreof the antibodies of the present invention and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
`[0018] An isolated nucleic acid is provided encoding the heavy chain immunoglobulin
`variable domain sequenceorthe light chain immunoglobulin variable domain sequence of the
`protein/antibody of the present invention. A pharmaceutical composition is provided comprising
`the nucleic acid and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. A recombinantcell is provided that
`contains one or more nucleic acids that encode the immunoglobulin variable domain sequences
`of the antibody of the present invention. A host cell that contains a first nucleic acid sequence


`WO 2007/118214
`encoding a polypeptide comprising a HC variable domain of an antibody and a second nucleic
`acid sequence encoding a polypeptide comprising a LC variable domain ofthe antibody, wherein
`the antibody is a protein of the present invention. A method of preparing an antibody capable of
`binding insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor II, the method comprising expressing
`the nucleic acid of the present invention in a host cell under conditions to provide for expression
`of the nucleic acid, followed by recovery of the antibody.
`[0019] An isolated recombinant anti-IGF-I and anti-IGF-L antibody or antigen-binding
`fragment thereof, the antibody is provided comprising a human constant region wherein the
`antibody or antigen binding fragment (1) competitively inhibits binding of m708.2 antibody
`(ATCC Accession No. _) to human IGF-I and human IGF-II, and (11) bindsto a neutralizing
`epitope of human IGF-I and human IGF-II in vivo with an affinity of at least 1 X 10° liter/mole,
`or with an affinity of at least 1 X 10” liter/mole, measured as an associate constant (Ka) as
`determined by surface plasmon resonance. The antibody or antigen-binding fragment can
`comprise a human constant region and a human variable region. The antibody or antigen-
`binding fragment can comprise at least one human light chain and at least one human heavy
`In a further aspect, the light chain comprisesall antigen-binding regions ofthe light chain
`of m708.2 (ATCC Accession No. __). The heavy chain can compriseall antigen-binding
`regions of the heavy chain of m708.2 (ATCC Accession No. _)._ The light chain can
`compriseall antigen-binding regions of the light chain of m708.2 (ATCC Accession No. _)
`and wherein the heavy chain comprisesall antigen-binding regions of the heavy chain of m708.2
`(ATCC Accession No. __).
`[0020] An isolated recombinant anti-IGF-I and anti-IGF-II antibody or antigen-binding
`fragment thereof is provided, the antibody comprising a human constant region wherein the
`antibody or antigen binding fragment (1) comprises the antigen binding region of m708.2
`antibody (ATCC Accession No. __), and (11) binds to a neutralizing epitope of human IGF-I
`and human IGF-II in vivo with an affinity of at least 1 X 10° liter/mole, or with an affinity ofat
`least 1 X 10° liter/mole, measured as an associate constant (Ka) as determined by surface
`plasmon resonance. An isolated recombinantanti-IGF-I and anti-IGF-II antibody or antigen-
`binding fragment thereof is provided, the antibody comprising a human IgG1 constant region
`wherein the antibody or antigen binding fragment (i) competitively inhibits binding of m708.2
`antibody (ATCC Accession No. _) to human IGF-I and human IGF-II, and (ii) binds to a
`neutralizing epitope of human IGF-I and human IGF-II in vivo with an affinity of at least 1 X 10°
`liter/mole, or with an affinity of at least 1 X 10° liter/mole, measured as an associate constant
`(Ka) as determined by surface plasmon resonance. Anisolated recombinant anti-IGF-I and anti-


`WO 2007/118214
`IGF-II antibody or antigen-binding fragment thereof is provided, the antibody comprising a
`human IgG1 constant region wherein the antibody or antigen binding fragment (1) comprises the
`antigen binding region of m708.2 antibody (ATCC Accession No. __), and (ii) binds to a
`neutralizing epitope of human IGF-I and human IGF-II in vivo with an affinity of at least 1 X 10°
`liter/mole, or with an affinity of at least 1 X 10° liter/mole, measured as an associate constant
`(Ka) as determined by surface plasmon resonance.
`[0021] A method of detecting human insulin growth factor | and insulin growth factor
`II in a sample is provided comprising: (a) providing a sample; (b) contacting the sample of(a)
`with a human monoclonal antibody m708 or m708.2 which specifically binds a polypeptide
`comprising human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor II under conditions which
`permit binding of the polypeptide ligand to humaninsulin growth factor I and insulin growth
`factor IT; and (c) detecting binding of the antibody m708 or m708.2 with humaninsulin growth
`factor I and insulin growth factor II in the sample, wherein detection of binding indicates the
`presence of human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor II in the sample; thereby
`detecting human insulin growth factor | and insulin growth factor I in the sample.
`[0022] A method of detecting human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor
`II in a sample is provided comprising: (a) providing a sample; (b) contacting the sample of(a)
`with a human monoclonal antibody m708 or m708.2 whichspecifically binds a polypeptide
`comprising human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor II under conditions which
`permit binding of the polypeptide ligand to human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth
`factor II; and (c) detecting binding of the antibody m708 or m708.2 with human insulin growth
`factor I and insulin growth factor II in the sample, wherein detection of binding indicates the
`presence of human insulin growth factor I and insulin growth factor II in the sample; thereby
`detecting human insulin growth factor | and insulin growth factor I in the sample.
`[0023] A method of detecting human insulin growth factor I in a sample is provided
`comprising: (a) providing a sample; (b) contacting the sample of (a) with a human monoclonal
`antibody m705 or m706 whichspecifically binds a polypeptide comprising human insulin
`growth factor I under conditions which permit binding of the polypeptide ligand to human
`insulin growth factor I; and (c) detecting binding of the antibody m705 or m706 with human
`insulin growth factor I in the sample, wherein detection of binding indicates the presence of
`human insulin growth factor I in the sample; thereby detecting human insulin growth factor I in
`the sample.
`[0024] A method of preparing an antibody capable of binding insulin growth factorI
`and insulin growthfactor II, the method comprising expressing the nucleic acid of the present


`WO 2007/118214
`invention in a host cell under conditions to provide for expression of the nucleic acid, followed
`by recovery of the antibody.
`[0025] A method ofidentifying a polypeptide ligand specific for human insulin growth
`factor I and insulin growth factor II is provided comprising: (a) providing a phage library
`comprising phage expressing candidate humaninsulin growth factor I and insulin growth factorI
`binding polypeptides; (b) contacting the phage library with human insulin growth factor I and
`insulin growth factor LI protein; and (c) detecting binding of the humaninsulin growthfactor |
`and insulin growth factor IT protein to phage; thereby identifying a polypeptide ligand specific
`for humaninsulin growth factor I and insulin growth factorII.
`[0026] A methodfor treating a neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject is provided
`comprising administering to the mammalsubject a pharmaceutical composition comprising an
`antibody with an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, SEQ ID NO: 2, SEQ ID NO: 3, SEQ
`ID NO: 4, SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, or SEQ ID NO: 8, which specifically
`binds to an insulin-like growth factor I in an amount effective to reduce or eliminate the
`neoplastic disease in the mammalian subject. In one aspect, the antibody specifically binds to
`insulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like growth factor II.
`In a further aspect, the antibody
`comprises an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, or SEQ ID
`NO: 8. The antibody can be linked to a cytotoxic agent. The cytotoxic agent can be a cytotoxic
`drug or a radioactive isotope. In a detailed aspect, the neoplastic disease is a solid tumor,
`hematological malignancy, leukemia, colorectal cancer, benign or malignant breast cancer,
`uterine cancer, uterine leiomyomas, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, polycystic ovary
`syndrome, endometrial polyps, prostate cancer, prostatic hypertrophy, pituitary cancer,
`adenomyosis, adenocarcinomas, meningioma, melanoma, bone cancer, multiple myeloma, CNS
`cancer, glioma, or astroblastoma. In a further detailed aspect, the neoplastic disease is tumorcell
`metastasis in the mammalian subject. The neoplastic disease can be breast cancer metastasis in
`the mammalian subject.
`[0027] A method of diagnosing cancer in a mammalian subject suspected of having
`neoplastic disease or suspected of being at risk for neoplastic disease is provided comprising,
`obtaining a test sample from bloodor tissue of the subject, the test sample comprising a cell
`population, providing an antibody comprising an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, SEQ
`ID NO: 2, SEQ ID NO: 3, SEQ ID NO: 4, SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, or
`SEQ ID NO: 8 to detect the presence or absence of an IGF-I marker on the cells within the cell
`population, analyzing the cell population detected by the IGF-I markerto identify and


`WO 2007/118214
`characterize the cells, the presence of IGF-I marker on orin the cells indicative of neoplastic
`diseaseor risk of neoplastic disease in the mammalian subject.
`The method of diagnosing cancer further comprises providing an antibody
`comprising an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7 or SEQ ID
`NO: 8 to detect the presence or absence of an IGF-II marker and the IGF-I marker on or in the
`cells within the cell population, and analyzing the ccll population detected by the IGF-I marker
`and the IGF-I markerto identify and characterize the cells, the presence of the IGF-I marker and
`the IGF-II marker on orin the cells indicative of neoplastic disease or risk of neoplastic disease
`in the mammalian subject.
`In the diagnostic method, the presence of IGF-I marker or IGF-II marker on or
`in the cells in the specimen indicates the presence of metastatic cancer in the mammalian subject.
`In the diagnostic method, the presence of IGF-I marker or IGF-II marker on or in the cells in the
`specimen indicates the presence of early stage cancer in the mammalian subject. In the
`diagnostic method, the absence of IGF-I marker and IGF-II marker onorin the cells in the
`specimenindicates presence of a disease free state or a non-measurable disease state in the
`mammalian subject.
`In a further aspect of the diagnostic method, the presence or absence of
`IGF-I marker or IGF-II marker on or in the cells in the specimen monitors therapy management
`during cancer therapy or cancer recovery. In a further aspect, the method comprises an imaging
`moiety associated with the antibody. The imaging moiety can be imaged through magnetic
`resonance spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, or positron emission tomography (PET). The
`association can be a covalent bond or a non-covalent bond. The neoplastic disease includes, but
`is not limited to, solid tumor, hematological malignancy, leukemia, colorectal cancer, breast
`cancer, uterine cancer, uterine leiomyomas, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, polycystic ovary
`syndrome, endometrial polyps, prostate cancer, prostatic hypertrophy, pituitary cancer,
`adenomyosis, adenocarcinomas, meningioma, melanoma, bone cancer, multiple myeloma, CNS
`cancer, glioma,or astroblastoma.
`[0030] A method of screening a drug candidate compoundfor treatment of cancer in a
`mammalian subject comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of the drug
`candidate compoundto the subject suspected of having cancer, obtaining test samples from
`blood or tissue of the subject before and after treatment with the drug candidate compound,the
`test samples comprising a cell population suspected of containing tumorcells, providing an
`antibody comprising an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, SEQ ID NO: 2, SEQ ID NO: 3,
`SEQ ID NO: 4, SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, or SEQ ID NO: 8 to detect the
`presence or absence of an IGF-I marker on the cells in the test sample, analyzing the cell


`WO 2007/118214
`population detected by the IGF-I markerto identify the tumorcells in the test samples before
`treatment with the drug candidate compound comparedto after treatment with the drug candidate
`compound, wherein the presence of a decreased numberof the tumorcells in the specimen after
`treatment compared to a numberof the tumorcells in a specimen before treatment indicating
`effectiveness of the drug candidate compoundin treating the cancer in the mammalian subject.
`In another aspect, the mcthod of screening a drug candidate compound for
`treatment of cancer in a mammalian subject comprises providing an antibody comprising an
`amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, or SEQ ID NO: 8 to
`detect the presence or absence of an IGF-II marker and the IGF-I marker on the cells in the test
`samples, and analyzing the cell population detected by the IGF-I marker and IGF-II marker to
`identify the tumorcells in the test samples before treatment with the drug candidate compound
`comparedto after treatment with the drug candidate compound, wherein the presence of a
`decreased numberof the tumorcells in the specimen after treatment compared to a numberof the
`tumor cells in a specimen before treatment indicating effectiveness of the drug candidate
`compoundin treating the cancer in the mammalian subject. The cancer can be metastatic cancer
`or early stage cancer.
`Figure 1 shows human monoclonal antibodies selected against IGF-I that bind to
`IGF-I or IGF-I and IGF-II.
`Figure 2 shows an ELISAbinding assay of IgG 708.2 binding to IGF-I and IGF-
`Figure 3 showsthat IgG 708.2 inhibits phosphorylation of IGF-IR in MCF-7
`Figure 4 showsthe inhibition of IGF-I binding to soluble IGF-IR by human
`monoclonal antibodies selected against IGF-I.
`Figure 5 shows a dose-dependent inhibition of IGF-II and IGF-I-induced IGF-IR
`phosphorylation in MCF7cells by anti-IGF-II human antibody IgG1 m708.2.
`Figure 6 showsinhibition ofcell motility by IgG1 708.2.
`Figure 7 showsthe binding specificity of monoclonal antibodies m705, m706,
`and m708 to IGF-I and IGF-II by ELISAassay.
`Figure 8 shows binding competition of monoclonal antibodies m705, m706 and
`m708 to binding between IGF-I and IGF-1 receptor.
`Figure 9 shows binding of monoclonal antibody m708.2 IgG to IGF-II.


`WO 2007/118214
`[0041] The present invention is generally related to antibody compositions and methods
`for treatment of neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject. The present invention furtherrelates
`to methods of diagnosing neoplastic disease in a mammalian subject. The antibody compositions
`are isolated monoclonal antibodies that bind to insulin-like growth factor I. Another set of
`antibody compositions are monoclonal antibodics that bind to insulin-like growth factor I and arc
`cross-reactive to and bind to insulin-like growth factor Il. The isolated monoclonal antibodies
`are, for example, human, non-human primate, rabbit, rat or mouse antibodies. The isolated
`human monoclonal antibody compositions that bind to insulin-like growth factor I are, for
`example, m705 and m706. The isolated human monoclonal antibody compositions that bind to
`both insulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like growth factor II are m708 and m708.2.
`Monoclonal antibodies m705, m706, m708, and m708.2 do not bind to humaninsulin.
`The insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are mitogens that play a role in regulating
`cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. The effects of IGFs are mediated through the
`insulin-like growth factor receptor, IGF-1R. Insulin-like growth factor | (IGF-I) and insulin-like
`growth factor IT (IGF-II) mediate an effect through binding to type I insulin-like growth factor
`receptor (IGF-1R). IGF-1R is overexpressed by many tumors and mediates proliferation,
`motility and protection from apoptosis. Its major ligand which is overexpressed by tumorsis
`IGF-I. Inhibition of the IGF-IR-mediated signaling can occurat extracellular or intracellular
`targets. Extracellular IGFs bind to the IGF-IR and the activated tyrosine kinase leads to

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