`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 June 2012 (14.06.2012)
`International Patent Classification:
`GOIB 11/24 (2006.01)
`A6IC 13/00 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`PCT/DK201 1/050461
`International Filing Date:
`5 December 2011 (05.12.2011)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2012/076013 Al
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
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`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`PA 2010 01104 6 December 2010 (06.12.2010)
`6 December2010 (06.12.2010)
`Applicant (for ali designated States except US): 3SHAPE
`A/S [DK/DK]; Holmens Kanal 7, 4, DK-1060 Copenhagen
`K (DK).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HOLLENBECK,
`Karl Josef [DE/DK]; Ribegade 12,, DK-2100 Copen-
`hagen @ (DK). OJELUND, Henrik |SE/DK|; Kulsvier-
`parken 55, DK-2500 Kgs. Lyngby (DK). FISCHER, Dav-
`id [DK/DK]; Radyrleddct 16, DK-3660 Stcnlgse (DK).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
`patent (Rule 4.17/(ii))
`Agent: MUNZER, Mare; Guardian IP Consulting I/S,
`Diplomvej, Building 381, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby (DK).
`ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: Disclosed is a system comprising a handheld device (100) and
`at Icast one display (101), where the handheld device (100) is adapted for
`performing at least one action in a physical 3D environment. The actions in-
`clude measuring, modifying, manipulating, recording,
`touching, sensing,
`scanning, moving, transforming, cutting, welding, chemically treating, clean-
`ing. The display (101) is adapted for visually representing the physical 3D
`environment, and where the handheld device (100) is adapted for remotely
`controlling the view with which the 3D environment is represented on the
`display (101).
`s SS
`Fig. 2a)


`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))


`WO 2012/076013
`System with 3D user interface integration
`Field of the invention
`This invention generally relates to a method and a system comprising a
`handheld device and at least one display.
`Background of the invention
`3D visualization is important in many fields of industry and medicine, where
`3D information is becoming more and more predominant.
`Displaying and inspecting 3D information is
`inherently difficult. To fully
`understand a 3D object or entire environment on a screen, the user should
`generally be able to rotate the object or scene,
`such that many or
`preferentially all surfaces are displayed. This is true even for 3D displays,
`e.g. stereoscopic or holographic, where from a given viewing position and
`with a given viewing angle,
`the user will only see some surfaces of an
`arbitrary 3D environment. Often, the user will also want to zoom into details
`or zoom out for an overview.
`Various userinteraction devices are in use for software that displays 3D data;
`these devices are: 3D mice, space balls, and touch screens. The operation of
`these current interaction devices requires physically touching them.
`Physically touching a user-interaction device can be a disadvantage in
`medical applications due to risks of cross-contamination between patients or
`between patient
`and operator,


`WO 2012/076013
`Several non-touch user interfaces for 3D data viewing in medical applications
`have been describedin the literature. Vogt et al (2004) describe a touchless
`interactive system for in-situ visualization of 3D medical imaging data. The
`user interface is based on tracking of reflective markers, where a camera is
`mounted on the physician’s head. Graetzel et al (2004) describe a touchless
`system that interprets hand gestures as mouse actions. It is based on stereo
`vision and intended for use in minimally invasive surgery.
`It remains a problem to improve systems that require user interfaces for view
`control, which for example can be usedfor clinical purposes.
`Disclosed is a system comprising a handheld device and at least one display,
`where the handheld device is adapted for performing at least one action in a
`physical 3D environment, where the at
`least one display is adapted for
`visually representing the physical 3D environment, and where the handheld
`device is adapted for remotely controlling the view with which said 3D
`environmentis represented on the display.
`The system may be adapted for switching between performing the at least
`one action in the physical 3D environment, and remotely controlling the view
`with which the 3D environment is represented on the display.
`The system disclosed here performs the integration of 3D user interface
`functionality with any other handheld device with other operating functionality,
`such that the operator ideally only touchesthis latter device that is intended
`to be touched. A particular example of such a handheld device is one that
`records some 3D geometry, for example a handheld 3D scanner.


`WO 2012/076013
`The handheld device is a multi-purpose device, such as a dual-purpose or
`two-purpose device,
`i.e. a device both for performing actions in the physical
`3D environment, such as measuring and manipulating, and for remotely
`controlling the view of the 3D environment on the display.
`Geometrically, a view is determined by the virtual observer’s/camera’s
`position and orientation relative to the 3D environment or
`its visual
`representation. If the display is two-dimensional, the view is also determined
`by the type of projection. A view may also be determined by a magnification
`The virtual observer's and the 3D environment’s position and orientation are
`always relative to each other.
`In terms of user experience in software
`systems with 3D input devices, the user may feel that for example, he/she is
`moving the 3D environment while remaining stationary himself/herself, but
`there is always an equivalent movement of the virtual observer/camera that
`gives the same results on the display. Often, descriptions of 3D software
`systems use the expression “pan” to indicate an apparent
`movement of the 3D environment, “rotate” to indicate a rotational movement
`of the 3D environment, and “zoom” to indicate a change in magnification
`a view can represent a 3D environment by means of
`photographs or as some kind of virtual representation such as a computer
`graphic, or similar. A computer graphic can be rendered for example with
`texture and/or shading and/or virtual
`light sources and/or light models for
`properties. A computer graphic
`also be
`representation of the 3D environment, for example a mesh, an outline, or an
`otherwise simplified representation. All or parts of the 3D environment can
`also be rendered with some degree of transparency. A view may represent
`the 3D environmentin total or only parts thereof.


`WO 2012/076013
`All of the touch-less prior art systems are 3D user interface devices only.
`many prior art applications, the operator using such user interface device will
`also hold and work with another device that really is the central device in the
`overall application, e.g. a medical instrument.
`is thus an advantage of the present system that the 3D user-interface
`functionality is integrated in the central device, which is used for performing
`some kind of action.
`some embodiments
`the handheld device is adapted for
`controlling the magnification with which the 3D environment is represented
`on the display.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted for changing the
`rendering of the 3D environment on the display.
`In some embodiments the view is defined as viewing angle and/or viewing
`In some embodiments the at least one action comprises one or more of the
`actions of:
`- measuring,
`- recording,
`- scanning,
`- manipulating,
`- modifying.
`In some embodiments the 3D environment comprises one or more 3D


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted to be held in one hand
`by an operator.
`some embodiments
`the display is adapted to represent
`the 3D
`environment from multiple views.
`some embodiments
`the display is adapted to represent
`the 3D
`environmentfrom different viewing angles and/or viewing positions.
`In some embodiments the view of the 3D environment in the at least one
`display is at least partly determined by the motion of the operators hand
`holding said device.
`In some embodiments the magnification represented in the at
`least one
`display is at least partly determined by the motion of the operators hand
`holding said device.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted to record the 3D
`geometry of the 3D environment.
`Thus the handheld device may be an intraoral dental scanner, which records
`the 3D geometry of a patient’s teeth. Tne operator may move the scanner
`along the teeth of the patient for capturing the 3D geometry of the relevant
`teeth, e.g. all teeth. The scanner may comprise motion sensors for taking the
`movement of the scanner into account while creating the 3D model of the
`The 3D model of the teeth may be shown on a display, and the display may
`for example be a PC screen and/or the like.


`WO 2012/076013
`The user interface functionality may comprise incorporating motion sensors
`in the scanner to provide that the user can determine the view on the screen
`by moving the scanner. Pointing the scanner down can provide that the
`scanned teeth are shown given a downward viewing angle. Holding the
`scanner in a horizontal position can provide that the viewing angle is likewise
`In some embodiments the handheld device comprises at
`least one user-
`interface element. A user-interface element is an element which the user may
`manipulate in order to activate a function on the user interface of the
`software. Typically the use interface is graphically presented on the display of
`the system.
`The handheld device may furthermore be provided with an actuator, which
`switches the handheld device between performing the at least one action and
`remotely controlling the view. By providing such a manual switching function
`that enables the operator to switch between performing the at
`least one
`action and remotely controlling the view, the operator may easily control what
`is performed.
`Such an actuator can for example be in the form of a button, switch or
`In other embodiments it could be a touch sensitive surface or
`In another embodiment the actuator could be a motion sensor provided in the
`handheld device that function as the actuator when it registers a specific type
`of movement,
`for example if
`the operator shakes the handheld device.
`Examples of such motion sensors will be described herein with respect to the
`user-interface element, however, the person skilled in the art will based on
`the disclosure herein understand that such motion sensors may also be used
`as actuators as discussed.


`WO 2012/076013
`For example, the handheld device can in one embodiment be an intra-oral
`3D scanner used by a dentist. The scanner is set to be performing the action
`of scanning a dental area when the actuator is in one position. When the
`actuator is switched into a second position the handheld is set to control the
`view with which the 3D environment is represented on the display. This could
`for example be that when the dentist have scanned a part of or the complete
`desired area of an dental arch he can activate the actuator which then allows
`the dentist to remotely control
`the view of the 3D representation of the
`scanned area on the display by using the handheld device.
`For example,
`the actuator could be a button. When the button is pressed
`quickly the handheld device is prepared for scanning,
`is set for
`performing at least one action, the scanning procedure,
`in the physical 3D
`environment. The scanning is stopped when the button is pressed quickly a
`second time.
`While the scanning is performed a virtual 3D representation is visually built
`on the display.
`The user can now press and hold the button. This will put the handheld in a
`controller mode, where the handheld device is adapted for
`controlling the view with which the 3D environment, such as scannedteeth, is
`represented on the display. While holding the button pressed the system will
`use signals from a motion sensor in the handheld device to determine how to
`present the view of the virtual 3D environment. Thus,
`if the user turns or
`otherwise moves the hand that holds the handheld device the view of the
`virtual 3D environment on the display will change accordingly.
`Thus, the dentist may use the same handheld device for both scanning an
`area and subsequently verifying that the scan has been executed correctly


`WO 2012/076013
`without having to move away from the patient or
`touching any other
`equipment than already presentin his hands.
`In one embodiment the user-interface element is the same as the actuator, or
`where several user-interface elements are present at least one also functions
`as an actuator.
`The system may be equipped with a button as an additional element
`providing the user-interface functionality.
`In an example the handheld device is a handheld intraoral scanner, and the
`display is a computer screen. The operator or user may be a dentist, an
`assistant and/or the like. The operation functionality of the device may be to
`record some intraoral 3D geometry, and the user interface functionality may
`be to rotate, pan, and zoom the scanned data on the computer screen.
`In some embodiments the at least one user-interface element is at least one
`motion sensor.
`Thus the integration of the user interface functionality in the device may be
`provided by motion sensors, which can be accelerometers inside the
`scanner, whose readings determine the orientation of the display on the
`screen of the 3D model of the teeth acquired by the scanner. Additional
`functionality, e.g. to start/stop scanning, may be provided by a button. The
`button may be located where the operator’s or user’s index finger can reachit
`Prior art intraoral scanners use a touch screen, a trackball, or a mouse to
`determine the view in the display. These prior art user interface devices can
`be inconvenient, awkward and difficult
`to use, and they can be labor-
`intensive, and thus costly to sterilize or disinfect. An intraoral scanner should
`always be disinfected between scanning different patients, because the


`WO 2012/076013
`scanner is in and may come in contact with the mouth or other parts of the
`patient being scanned.
`The operator or user, e.g. dentist, may use one hand or both hands to hold
`the intraoral scanner while scanning, and the scanner may be light enough
`and comfortable to be held with just one hand for a longer time while
`The device can also be held with one or two hands, while using the device as
`remote control for e.g. changing the view in the display. It is an advantage of
`the touchless user
`interface functionality that
`in clinical situations,
`operator can maintain both hands clean, disinfected, or even sterile.
`An advantage of the system is that it allows an iterative process of working in
`a 3D environment without releasing the handheld device during said process.
`For the above intraoral scanning system example, the operator, e.g. dentist,
`can record some teeth surface geometry with a handheld device that is an
`intraoral scanner,
`inspect coverage of the surface recording by using that
`same handheld device to move, e.g.
`the recorded surface on the
`a computer screen, detect possible gaps or holes in the
`coverage of the scanned teeth, and then for example arrange the scanner in
`the region where the gaps were located and continue recording teeth surface
`geometry there. Over this entire iterative cycle, which can be repeated more
`than once, such as as manytimes as required for obtaining a desired scan
`coverage of the teeth, the dentist does not have to lay the handheld intraoral
`scanner out of his or her hands.
`In some embodiments,
`the 3D user interface functionality is exploited in a
`separate location than the operation functionality. For the above intraoral
`scanning system example, the scanning operation is performed in the oral
`cavity of the patient, while the user interface functionality is more flexibly


`WO 2012/076013
`exploited when the scanner
`is outside the patient's mouth. The key
`characteristic and advantage of the system, again,
`is that the dentist can
`the dual and integrated functionality,
`is operation and user
`interface, of the scanner without laying it out of his or her hands.
`The aboveintraoral scanning system is an example of an embodiment. Other
`examples for operation functionality or performing actions could bedrilling,
`welding, grinding, cutting,
`soldering, photographing,
`filming, measuring,
`executing some surgical procedureetc..
`The display of the system can be a 2D computer screen, a 3D display that
`projects stereoscopic image pairs, a volumetric display creating a 3D effect,
`such as a swept-volume display, a static volume display, a parallax barrier
`display, a holographic display etc.. Even with a 3D display, the operator has
`only one viewing position and viewing angle relative to the 3D environmentat
`a time. The operator can move his/her head to assume another viewing
`position and/or viewing angle physically, but generally,
`it may be more
`to use the handheld device with its built-in user
`functionality, e.g.
`the remote controlling,
`to change the viewing position
`and/or viewing angle representedin the display.
`In some embodiments the system comprises multiple displays, or one or
`more displays that are divided into regions. For example, several sub-
`windows on a PC screen can represent different views of
`the 3D
`environment. The handheld device can be used to change the viewin all of
`them, or only some of them.
`In some embodiments the user interface functionality comprises the use of


`WO 2012/076013
`Gestures made by e.g. the operator can be used to change, shift or toggle
`between sub-windows, and the user-interface functionality can be limited to
`an active sub-window or one of several displays.
`In some embodiments the gestures are adapted to be detected by the at
`least one motion sensor. Gestures can alternatively and/or additionally be
`detected by range sensors or other sensors that record body motion.
`The operator does not have to constantly watch the at least one display of
`the system.
`In many applications, the operator will shift between viewing and
`possible manipulating the display and performing another operation with the
`handheld device. Thus it is an advantage that the operator does not have to
`touch other user interface devices. However,
`in some cases it may not be
`possible for the operator to fully avoid touching other devices, and in these
`cases it
`is an advantage that fewer touches are required compared to a
`system where a handheld device does not provide any user interface
`functionality at all.
`In some embodiments the at least one display is arranged separate from the
`handheld device.
`In some embodiments the at least one display is defined as a first display,
`and wherethe system further comprises a second display.
`In some embodiments the second display is arranged on the handheld
`In some embodiments the second display is arranged on the handheld
`device in a position such that the display is adapted to be viewed by the
`operator, while the operator is operating the handheld device.


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiments the second display indicates where the handheld
`device is positioned relative to the 3D environment.
`In some embodiments the first display and/or the second display provides
`instructions for the operator.
`The display(s) can be arranged in multiple ways. For example, they can be
`mounted on a wall, placed on some sort of stand or a cart, placed on a rack
`or desk, or other.
`In some embodiments at least one display is mounted on the deviceitself. It
`can be advantageous to have a display on the device itself because with
`such an arrangement,
`the operator's eyes need not focus alternatingly
`betweendifferent distances.
`In some cases, the operating functionality may
`require a close look at the device and the vicinity of the 3D environmentit
`operates in, and this may be at a distance at most as far away as the
`operators hand. Especially in crowded environments such as dentist’s
`clinics, surgical operation theatres, or industrial workplaces, it may be difficult
`to place an external display closely to the device.
`In some embodiments visual information is provided to the operator on one
`or more means other than the first display.
`In some embodiments audible information to the operator is provided to the
`Thus in some embodiments,
`the system provides additional
`information to
`the operator.
`In some embodiments, the system includes other visual clues
`shown on means other than the display(s), such as LEDs on the device.
`some embodiments, the system provides audible information to the operator,
`for example by different sounds and/or by speech.


`WO 2012/076013
`Said information provided to the operator can comprise instructions for use,
`warnings, and the like.
`The information can aid with improving the action performance or operation
`functionality of the device, for example by indicating how well an action or
`operation is being performed, and/or instructions to the operator aimed at
`improving the ease of the action or operation and/or the quality of the action
`or operation’s results. For example, a LED can change in color and/or
`flashing frequency.
`In a scanner, the information can relate to how well the
`scanned 3D environment is in focus and/or to scan quality and/or to scan
`coverage. The information can comprise instructions on how bestto position
`the scanner such as to attain good scan quality and/or scan coverage. The
`instructions can be used for planning and/or performing bracket placement.
`The instructions can be in the form of a messenger system to the operator.
`In some embodiments, some 3D user interface functionality is provided by at
`least one motion sensor built into the device. Examples of motion sensors
`are accelerometers, gyros, and magnetometers and/or the like. These
`sensors can sense rotations,
`lateral motion, and/or combinations thereof.
`Other motion sensors use infrared sensing. For example, at
`least one
`infrared sensor can be mounted on the device and at
`least one infrared
`emitter can be mountedin the surroundings of the device. Conversely, the at
`least one emitter can be mounted on the device, and the at least one sensors
`in the surroundings. Yet another possibility is to use infrared reflector(s) on
`the device and both sensor(s) and emitter(s) on the surroundings, or again
`conversely. Thus motion can be sensedbya variety of principles.
`Through proper signal processing, some sensors can recognize additional
`operator actions; for example gestures such as taps, waving, or shaking of
`the handheld device. Thus, these gestures can also be exploited in the 3D
`user interface functionality.


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiments the handheld device comprises at least two motion
`sensors providing sensor fusion. Sensor fusion can be used to achieve a
`better motion signal
`from for example raw gyro, accelerometer, and/or
`magnetometer data. Sensor fusion can be implemented in ICs such as the
`InvenSense MPU 3000.
`In some embodiments the handheld device comprises at
`least one user-
`interface element other than the at least one motion sensor.
`In some embodiments the at
`least one other user-interface element
`is a
`touch-sensitive element.
`In some embodiments the at
`least one other user-interface element
`is a
`In some embodiments the at
`least one other user-interface element
`is a
`In some embodiments, user
`interface functionality is provided through
`additional elements on the device. Thus these additional elements can for
`example be buttons, scroll wheels, touch-sensitive fields, proximity sensors
`and/or the like.
`The additional user interface elements can be exploited or utilized in a
`workflow suitable for the field of application of the device. The workflow may
`be implemented in some user software application that may also control the
`display and thus the view represented thereon. A given interface element can
`supply multiple user inputs to the software. For example, a button can
`provide both a single click and a double click. For example, a double click
`can mean to advanceto a subsequent step in a workflow. For the example of


`WO 2012/076013
`intraoral scanning, three steps within the workflow can be to scan the lower
`mouth, the upper mouth, and the bite. A touch-sensitive field can provide
`strokes in multiple directions each with a different effect, etc. Providing
`multiple user inputs from a user interface elements is advantageous because
`the numberof user interface elements on the device can be reduced relative
`to a situation where each user interface element only provides one user
`The motion sensors can also be exploited in a workflow. For example, lifting
`the device, which can be sensed by an accelerometer, can represent some
`type of user input, for example to start some action.
`In a device that is a
`scanner, it may start scanning. Conversely, placing the device back in some
`sort of holder, which can be sensed by an accelerometer as no acceleration
`occur over some period of time, can stop said action.
`If the action performed by the device is some kind of recording, for example
`scanning, for example 3D scanning, the results of the recording can also be
`exploited as user inputs, possibly along with user inputs from other user
`interface elements. For example, with a 3D scanner with a limited depth of
`it may be possible to detect whether any objects within the 3D
`environments are present in the volume corresponding to this depth of field
`by detecting whether any 3D points are recorded. User inputs can depend on
`such detected presence. For example, a button click on an intraoral scanner
`can provide a different user input depending on whether the scanner is in the
`mouth, where teeth are detectable, or significantly away from and outside the
`mouth. Also the effect of motion sensor signals can be interpreted differently
`for either situation. For example,
`the scanner may only change the view
`represented on the display when it is outside the mouth.


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted to change a viewing
`angle with which the 3D environment is represented on the at least one
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted to change a
`magnification factor with which the 3D environment is represented on the at
`least one display.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is adapted to change a viewing
`position with which the 3D environment is represented on the at least one
`In some embodiments the view of the 3D environment comprises a viewing
`angle, a magnification factor, and/or a viewing position.
`In some embodiments the view of the 3D environment comprises rendering
`of texture and/or shading.
`In some embodiments the at least one display is divided into multiple regions,
`each showing the 3D environmentwith a different view.
`Thus in some embodiments the user
`interface functionality comprises
`changing the view with which the 3D environment is displayed. Changesin
`view can comprise changesin viewing angle, viewing position, magnification
`and/or the like. A change in viewing angle can naturally be effected by
`rotating the device. Rotation is naturally sensed by the aid of gyros and/or
`relative to gravity sensed by an accelerometer. Zooming,
`I.e. a change in
`magnification, can for example be achieved by pushing the handheld device
`forward and backward, respectively. A translational change of the viewing
`position, i.e., panning, can for example be achieved by pushing the handheld
`device up/down and/or sideways.


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiments the user interface functionality comprises selecting or
`choosing items on a display or any other functionality provided by graphical
`user interfaces in computers Known in the art. The operator may perform the
`selection. The Lava C.O.S scanner marketed by 3M ESPE has additional
`buttons on the handheld device, but it is not possible to manipulate the view
`by these. Their only purposeis to allow navigation through a menu system,
`and to start/stop scanning.
`In some embodiments the user interface functionality comprises manipulating
`the 3D environment displayed on the screen. For example, the operator may
`effect deformations or change the position or orientation of objects in the 3D
`environment. Thus,
`in some embodiments the user interface functionality
`comprises virtual user interface functionality, which can be that the 3D data
`are manipulated, but
`the physical 3D environment
`in which the device
`operates may not be manipulated.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is an intraoral scanner and/or an
`in-the-ear scanner. If the scanner comprisesa tip, this tip may be exchanged
`whereby the scanner can become suitable for scanning in the mouth or in the
`ear. Since the ear is a smaller cavity than the mouth, thetip for fitting into an
`ear may be smaller thanatip for fitting in the mouth.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is a surgical instrument.
`In some
`embodiments, the surgical instrument comprises at least one motion sensor,
`which is built-in in the instrument.
`In some embodiments the handheld device is a mechanical tool.
`In some
`the tool has at
`least one motion sensor built
`In other
`embodiments, other user-interface elements are built in as well, for example
`buttons, scroll wheels, touch-sensitive fields, or proximity sensors.


`WO 2012/076013
`In some embodiment the 3D geometry of the 3D environment is known a-
`priori or a 3D representation of the environment is Known a priori,
`i.e. before
`the actions (s) are performed. For example in surgery, a CT scan may have
`been taken before the surgical procedure. The handheld device in this
`example could be a surgi

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