`international application No.
`C12N1/l3(2006. 01)i
`C12N9/10(2006.01)i, C12P7/04((i2006.01)
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and [PC
`C12N1/21(2006. 01)
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`Int.C1. C12N15/O9, C12N1/13, C12N1/21, C12N9/10, C12P7/04
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Published.examined.utility model applications of Japan
`Published unexamined utility model applications of Japan
`Registered.utility model specifications of Japan
`Published registered.utility model applications of Japan
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`(JDreamIII) UniProt/GeneSeq
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`11 September 2015,
`WO 2015/133305 Al
`[0015], [0042], [0052], comparative
`paragraphs [0003],
`example 2
`& US 2017/0044580 A1, paragraphs [0004],
`[0084]— [0085],
`[0109]—[0110], comparative
`example 2
`"Three Arabidopsis fatty
`DOMERGUE F. et al.,
`acyll~coenzyme A reductases, FARl, FAR4, and FARS,
`deposition", Plant Physiol., 2010, vol. 153, pp.
`table 11
`DOAN T. T. et al., "Functional expression of five
`Arabidopsis fatty acyl
`l—CoA reductase genes in
`Escherichia coli", J. Plant Physiol., 2009, vol. 166,
`pp. 787-796, fig.
`g Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`SPCCial 0310801133 or Cited documents:
`document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to be of particular relevance
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`filing date
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which15
`cited l0 BStabIISh the PUthflUOfl dd“? of another citation or other
`SPECMUBJSOU (as Spemfied)
`document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`D See patent family annex.
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the pr1nc1ple or theory underlying the invention
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document 15 taken alone
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document[5
`combined with one or more other such documents such combination
`being ohvrous to a person Skllled 1n the art
`document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`17 April 2018 (17.04.2018)
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`24 April 2018 (24.04.2018)
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/
`Japan Patent Office
`3—4-3, Kasumigaseki. Chiyoda’ku.
`Tok 0 100-8915, In an
`Form PCT/lSA/210 (second sheet) (January 2015)
`Authorized officer
`Tele hone No.
`dioxide to fatty alcohols and hydrocarbons in
`US 2013/0102040 A1 (RADAKOVITS, Randor) 25 April 2013,
`abstract, claims, SEQ ID NO: 8816 (Family: none)
`(BIOPETROLIA AB) 06 October 2016,
`WO 2016/159869 Al
`claims, page 3—4, 15-18 (Family: none)
`WO 2015/175809 Al
`Claims & US 2017/0211102 A1
`INC.) 19 November 2015,
`International application No.
`PCT/JP2018/0027 97
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`Fonn PCT/IS A/210 (continuation of second sheet) (January 2015)
`I fif—fifififiifiE—S
`(E 8 7% Kmfififilfifi 40‘ 41 %)
`3207:? 5
`PCT/JP2018/002797 (afifia
`.02 2017
`77E IWKé‘t
`ihfiffifififlflLtlwlpfi*fihéfifififi%%fl%(PCTm%)mfim CfiwflflAmfififéo
`’wELiU‘?%fi Efifiéhéo
`CODEVigJEE? " \
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` ”%d@fl\R?Vfi?$Xfl7$/@EWE§ATW5(%IW£%)G
`fi wfiAfl%MLKE®%fi%T60
`%NWKT$MTW6&5K iffimfl%M%%1E(PCTfiE%2)®fi¢:i
`Uififififi§wwmbto Ekm :mD%fi§fi%®%fiw #61HHWK:
`wiWfiEme§R%KI¢5 ka%é
`@&¢éo§fi mflkfifibtkfibfibéo
`fl $Efi%%®fifi%fl%i<§LTW6®T\§%%§%%fififibkn
`b.fi £fikk$K®iéhé®Ktwo
`. 4mg??? PCT/JP2018/002797
`~5§tfl£§fifi§fifi<éflk§< 7 1/21‘9" P‘XLiT i / fié‘éfifilflifia L'C ELTUJEEEJiflffi/fifi
`jEfiHfiécjs W Z) Ififljfifiwwfififlfilflfl‘éfififli
`iv“ WEE-HST. 25%de2 1~ 7 74 IWFZEK‘.
`W fl%fixm4%~977%wfifi
`[Elfifijfifik & M; P c TfiEIJlBUB. 1(a) (Cg/5% Efifilfifim‘:w:myz&%mént\ Wig/$125?“ 1‘
`7 7‘ 4 Azfiéitwfifllfllfi
`$1 ,édjfifi E16454: \ fl fiffifiw 7”: wccaflfifisb é hfcfiafiufi
`§1€1E%C/S’L257‘3P 2 b 7 7 4 zvfiéz‘c ( P c ’ffREUIMDB. 1(a))
`fiRfiZfim‘i/r 2< ~97 7 xr/Wféifi (P C TififlUlb’VDS. 1(b);§’<U< P C TEWWEUEWIBv‘Z‘v)
`35 B («L fiifiofifliomfiflifiutfiflflfimfi Lb‘iff‘étj $5 311‘ EE-fiwfifliflfiluifififiwg L Lléflifi é flfc'ffifiifii‘
`Hilfififlfitlio‘h‘ E) Fifi”??? k {filflf‘ifo 6 Ex XtiHjL‘EEWHCSf/S 07‘ 6 E} ,HUJEEO) Fafifimfififi ’a’fi‘tfli’ctfib ‘ EU) {Eifliéwfiflj
`+§3£PCT/15A/210 (%1«°~—ya>5<~ii% (1))
`WWMWWW PCT/JP2018/002797
`111LC1. C12N15/09 (2006. 01)1, C12N1/l3 (2006. 01) i, C12N1/21 (2006. 01) i, C12N9/10 (2006. 01) i, C12P7/04 (2006. 01) i
`B. WWWfiotfiW
`InLCL C12N15/09, c.2N1/13, C12N1/21, 012N9/10, c12P7/04
`._ a N N)
`E! Wr‘fififig‘:
`El 7!; “fiiflfi W1}
`03H ll MN) 00
`N O
`JSTPlus/JMEDPlus/JST7580 (JDreamIII), UniProt/GeneSeq
`C. hEfiL'f/‘ékifi0250:5erch
`WO 2015/133305 A1
`(2EEZWWEEéWWt) 2015.09.11, EWWWC0003],
`& us 2017/0044580 A1, EW¥W[0004],
`[01091—[0110], WWW 2
`DOMERGUE F. et a1., Three Arabidopsis fatty acyl-coenzyme A
`reductases, FARI, FAR4, and FARE, generate primary fatty
`alcohols associated with suberin deposition, Plant Physiol.,
`2010, Vol. 153, pp. 1539-1554,
`i? II
`FOJ Difiéliéfifir {SE 5' 1T”r CSRWéfiCffi}?
`WWWWE an“? WOWJ’EWUDEZWEODEWk ffiétflfifi
`WK Wfiwkéimfhof W3Zimkmmlu
`twimkw WWWKaofa WTWWWAWL
`[WM/{WV {\7 7 i U ~3CWR
`035% («e-Ff?
`WWWW 03~3581—1101 WW 3448
`ififljlgfiéfi—gl PCT/JP2018/002797
`DOAN'T.T. et a]., Functional expression of five Arahidopsis fatty
`acyl-COALreductase genes in Escherichia coli, J. Plant Physiol.,
`2009, Vol.166, pp.787-796,
`EE 4
`TAN X. at al. , Photosynthesis driven conversion of carbon dioxide
`to fatty alcohols and hydrocarbons in cyanobacteria, Metab.
`Eng , 2011, Vol.13, pp.169—176,
`Efl 4
`US 2013/0102040 A1
`(RADAKOVITS, Randor) 2013.04.25,
`§§%§, $§
`WO 2016/159869 A1 (BIOPETROLIA AB) 2016.10.06, %%%¥fi%fi%0>$fiafi,
`2% 3~4,E§,
`fig 15—18 E3
`(CALYSTA, 1N0.) 2015.11.19, $fiéifififi€0>fifiui
`wo 2015/175809 A1
`& US 2017/0211102 A1

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