`Unis-3r 293's: Papemcm Ea
`PTOf‘AEAr‘Oi» {ea-1&3
`(:23. 55158 5315:3333:
`Aimmv‘aci for- 1555 {Waugh HE'S?
`{5.6. Pats-n? 331-2; Trasemaflx- 0:? US DEF‘A: MEN? OF CGMMERSE
`Lian Fat 0? 3' $395. an; sag-mans are reguiied m mmnd in a wzdiecréau of informatiqn mums-s . fiispi‘ays a 313,353: GMB caret'mi numzzer.
`AWLMZATmN mm swam“ {3? am 1336;;
`Tim 19f
` 5 As. the hei‘aw mam-ad émefiior, E harem: deflate that
` Wis. dadarafisr}
`Unfied States appiicafion m- Pm“ internaimnai apnficahon number P973183?" ?f{}5.8«+ {ZN
`msfi an {3888123321333 :28; 2G": 15’
`V \meW'
` : Th“: Biitwfi-fiifiafifififl 3335333an was made or smfimfimd in bamada by ma
` i b-eiiem that E am {hes «aréginai inventar or an wiginaéjoim imsssntar <33“ 3: rimmed invention 533 the apgafiaatian.
`i hereby aamawledgea-mat any witfiufi Mae sfaiemant made in this. daciaméian is punmmbia under 1.8 LLSC. mm
` ‘
`23y finacr‘imprjismmem m" not mare than five {5} years: a: iméim
`is direafied i0:
`”files. mashed apgiicatiang-m‘
`Petitmerfappiitam is awash-ed in avoid: sum-mafia»; gamma: infamaiian; m éacumants flied m a pagan: appia‘caticm that may
`mnt‘ributem'isdehtity theft. Femanai infomatic‘m-Szifih as swat security numbers, hank acmum num‘zgeara orcredimard numbers
`‘ {anther than a check. 93‘ «edit Gard autharizatim farm PTQQQSS submitte ‘ for paymeni DWQOSEBS} is never require-‘2: by the USPTO‘
`1m mapmrt‘ a aatitisnor an appficaficn. 5fthi'srtype of panama: infm'matjion is mum in deems-mtg subméited ‘19:) me QSPTQ,
`ggafiiienersispfificams shouid mafia: redactingsueh persmaé infarmatia‘n‘fmm the: dacumenis heme-submitting {ham :9 the
`UEPTD. Patitimerxappiicaniis advised that the reams} via-pawn: appiicaiicm is avafiam'am {ma pubiicafier publication uf the
`. application {Lanigssa apnwgubiécafim request’ in campiianm-wim 37833 1.2.? figs} is mafia in the. a‘ppiiication} a; issuance. m“ a
`patent. Fu‘rthemme, She reams: fmjm‘an abandanad appfimfinn may #:3333- be avafiiabje in the misfit; if fire appiicaticn i‘s
`mferéncefi 5:3: a auhfishad appiicafian or an issued flatant {see 3? cm 1.3.4}, Checks‘and credit card auiharizafien farms
`2' PTOAZGES submifieci far payment pumases are net retained in the agpficaiian fins: anti therefm‘s are net puhiici'y swam.
`Date (Opfian‘afi) N5
`f Nate“ An .appiicstion data-:sheet {PTQJSBIrI-si Dr mammal“). indgdén‘g naming that antiér‘a. warms entity, mu": sceomgsany {his farm: 0! mus: have
`‘ been. previcusfy med. me an add‘fiimai Pmmwm mm fer 9am afiditiona‘i Emu-enter:
` EFTO‘EQ pmcéss‘van sppikxaticn. Cb .
`'0?) es rr‘e‘qufirad to. 3mm or main .5: tenets: by 536mm:
`.3? (:58 Hi and. 1.14; T2133 gamma :3 sstén‘iaied’ to“!
`can Vow-‘9‘ Sr:¢§L-i<iir:g'gaii
`preparihg; and sums
`ihe mmpieteaf'
`firm to me HSPTQ‘. Tim
`5} vary amending upon 3%.» ind. N L ,3, 93
`Me: was, fem: .
`qr sugges ma fcr r-edum’ng mis burdx‘: .. shpum‘ be 5m: to the mite? iszfoarmsiim a get, 035':
`canmwm w the amswt cf tuna you requ
`Pawnt mid "E‘mflvsmat‘k Qfiim U33 Dapafim ‘L at mamame‘ F' 0: BSK"‘<¢§E€G, fiiéxam. 9:. VA 323% 34453 as NUT SEND FEES GE? CilMF‘LETED FORMS To
`THES Aflfifififia 362433 T0: Qfifi‘i'm§$§§flfief fer-r 3331mm. PK). Box 1:351}, Afiexandréa. VA 5123133459;
`imam nwfl’ news» in Gammafirfg :ffie farm, car: rgaacmmag-sg: am 3:!!er am» 2.


`Pfivany A6”: Statement
`‘fhe Frivacy Act? Of1§?d mi.» 93-53%} requirsas {hat yam {3E giver: awaits ififmmaténn én cmra'acfion
`wifiz your submissiun afthaafitached farm raiated to a patem: apmicaiim or patem. Ammééngéy:
`wrsuant-tw the requiremefiis 6f the AS, giease {3S advis‘afi that: {1.) {£332 genera! sum-(mtg far me
`mfiecfianof this infsrmafion is 35 USS 3(b}{'-3); {23' furnishing :3? tbs: informatéen ssiicixted is miun‘tary;
`and (3) the printipaf pummefm-wtfiah me é‘nformafisn {as usad by the US. Satan»? and; Trau‘emayk
`Office $5 is psr‘mess mam examine your subméssmn reéatéd in a cement sppfisafiian or patent. w 3mm do
`as: furnish that: refinasted infermaiim, tha US. Pawn? and Tradamerk 01:56:93 may mi be able to
`mistress anfiior examine your submissian, which {flag Masai: in teminafien {2f pr‘eagedihgs or
`Wanda-amen: a? {he App~i§scati3n m expiraifian of {ha patent.
`The 'énzformafimn previded by yen in this formws‘ii’ be Subgec't tin-thee faimwing famine uses:
`1. Tm: infarmatisn an this form WEE? be heater} confidenfiaiéy it: the; Amen: aii‘crwgd under ths’:
`Frwdnm oflnfmmafim AG: {5 USS. 5512} am $212 Privaay Act {5 USS 552a}, Recxjm‘s fmm
`Ms sysi-am of reams may he disciéos‘sd‘io the Degerémant a? iii-$33138 t0 datermme. whrsiher
`disaicésure sf thesis (mantis is raquiredbythe .Fz‘eeaom m infarmzaiinnAei.
`2. A {Emmi fmm this system a? :‘Msrds may bevdisamseci‘ as a mamas use, in the marge of
`g’zreaentizng widening tea cam-t, magistraig, 3r administrafiwskibunai. énciuflmg discimsurfi to
`amusimg camsei m the; marge af saifiemam neg‘miafims,
`A ramminthis swim a? remrds may he: désniaaed. as a mutme use, it: a Mamba cf
`Congress submifiirig a reausst inmfi-zingan §Ad§viiduah f0 Wham the ream? 'perfiains, When this
`individual; has raques‘ém assiséanseirfiam‘ the Member with respect it: the-sumac: matter 23*? meg
`A. A ream} in this system of {guards may be {iimioseda sis a reutineusa, m a gantracmr 0:? the
`Agenay having aged far the infnrmatian in ordar in perfmm a cfintract Recipiem’s a?
`infarmafian Shani-bra requiredte com-p.352 with ma. requirements ref ma PrNaay Asst :3? ”1W4. an»:
`amendea, pursuianfi m S USS 552m;
`53. A ream reiataa in an Emeraatimai Agpficafionfiied undarthe: Patant {imperatian Treaty Er:
`this. system {If racarus may {3% disciesefi, as a mutina uses. ‘to the intarna’sima! Burma «:3? the
`Wadi? intaéfiacmaz' Ampmy Organizafim; pgsrsuam m the Pawn: Coageratim T‘reaéy.
`Asmara? in this: system sf remms may be diwcsaai, as a teatime use) to another iadarai‘
`agency far Surpasses or? watiafiai. Secunéty refiew {35 USS. 181.} am! far rauiew pursuant tn
`the Atznmifc': Efigr'gyAc: {42 USO 313(3)).
`7. A record, fram this syaiam cz-f racerds‘ may be:- disciowS as a muting use, in the Afimiaiatrzfior,
`Genera! Services. or hézsmsr dasigflaei, during an §nspEctifln a? records emanated by GSA as
`gar: m‘ that agenw‘s res‘gansibiéiiy it: remmmafié imprcwemema in records management
`grizcfims and pmggravms, underamhmiy {#44 USC. 29:34 83162986. Such dissizcissura shaii
`be made in accnrfiamg; wfih the GSA reguiaficm gmaming‘ §napectien 9,? records far :hia
`purpme; and-any ather'reievam {11 ea. SSA my Semmame) directim. Such disaiusure: mail m3:
`be asst: is make tistermina-iims anew indivszuais.
`o. A racers} Sam thisaystem of racardS‘may he di-Sciaséd_ 33' a rouii‘ne use, in 133% pubfic after
`Sifter pummafim cf£he smmfifim pursuant £9. 35 USS. 123m} m" issuance of a pater?!
`{Jars-143mm 35 was. 151'. {Turthan '3 meme! may be disciaeecfi, subjectm'thss'iimitaiians sf 3‘?
`SH? 3.144 as a matinee 1:35., in
`{5: public £1“ the mom} was met} in an appimt’im which
`begging abandnneé'm‘ in wfimh the firmefidmgs weremmifiated and which appiisatmn is
`referenced by eitheaiw a pumished appficafim, an apmicafiofi agar: ta public'inspeatim or an
`Sam-ad patent.
`A record fiam this. aysfiem 01f macaw may be :dimesed, as a roui§:1e't2se, in a 'Federal,. Stays,
`m Essa! §aw grzfercemen: manager: if the USPTQ‘ bawmes awara ma viaiati‘on far putarziéai
`uiekaticm a? law a: regufaié'on.


`PTO/A‘NOT (06-12)
`Appvizvedf6:1:53in.rough 11/30/2020. OMB .
`US;.Pateniar.d Trad“
`1: This deciarahen
`' wfliqualse sta
`“W8 [an-Wm .
`in ih'egapgiiéréfiidhl
`.' able:.§ifit§er;mag-unsp10.951,
`contribute to iden 1
`’mhe'rthan a that
`r to summit a petition
`ubizshed plantation or an iss
`s PTO—2038 submitted


`iieT PiinciyAct of 3974(PL 93-579} requires that‘you begiveij Qer‘c'airi information in connection
`QrmationsqlipitedisvinnTai‘y; j
`iSgt...PatentandTrad'n'niark '
`jT_process and/orexammey
`- abandonment cfthe. Qppiic‘a: T. n er eypration ofThe patént.
`The mfermatieh omwded by you in This form win be 3LbjecftoThe foiiowmgrout‘iiie Lises'
`if . The information onThis form 3311i; be treatedconfidentieilv Tg theextent QiiQwad underihe
`A reeorderm‘This eySTem
`‘presentir‘g evidence Tea court
`. oppojein‘g0qunsei inthe course ofseiiienie ‘
`. 3, A rebord in This. system. ere‘ch'
`uai has requested «seietanee er TheMemQ wiiii respect to the subTQLT mafler of The -
`4: Arecord inibis‘53sTem q?" iecerdgmaybe disciacsed as aroufine use'LQa contractorthhe
`Q the Patent Cooaeration Treaty
`Toanather fedsiai ‘
`my bediadosed
`s a‘rQuTin'e L
`~.or 'eViewpur3uc3i~t .tQ
`the Atoms Pnergy Act(42 U S 2 8(Q))
`'7', A record from thissvste'ri Qi‘ record3 may be discioeed Q33 outing Lise,toThe Admirisrm:
`Gerd's condui‘tedby GSAQs
`' retardsmahagement
`Qiid 290.8 SULh-discicieure shaii
`' fthev recordWa‘fliedinan app.
`begamé.abandaned TQrin whichithep 5
`figs: were Lerm'natedand33m
`referencedby Q‘iiheir QT published appficati
`"-Qr ioc‘ai {aw anoicemem agency, if tiie. TJTSPTO becomes awa'rQ{ifTa Violation QrTpaternal
`Violation of iawer. reguiation


`PTDIAWM {518-12}
`Apmve-j isr 1:53xfiscmgh1@132::3) 331.133.3312 .933;
`Us. Pater! aha Trauismarfs 0m: U
`IMarsha Fasamsk Rw‘mfim 9c:- m‘9553:: perznnat are require:613 13:: w$33313 to :3 «6mm :3?
`“1:350:11 mi.
`. pi‘ays‘a sEié-d 0MB cart:
`Title uf
`inflation 1
`1 A?» the: micw'namw imEnIL-ar,
`i Mamba: daflare‘? That:
`This: fieczarstian
`:s. Emmet! is:
`333 :1
`30:1. ‘0?PET imam-2135033} 3333:3693 mmbe: PCT’ £829?IQfiSTZEW
`Ufiitafi Sttakes 3331:

`4 ”1
`. 93““
`gm. m 3363mm: 28, 28. r
`T33 aim.Ei‘dantii‘-§sd 3253!:Eatior: was maria 31’ E133"0:32:33 ta he mafia E51313.
`T hsfiave that i am the: 3:393:13: Wants: at an angina: joint-invents: 3f Eda-1:333 invent”«2:1. in The 5131553333.
`. ihewbv aflmoasfisdgathis: any 1m:'Tfui iaise- EtatEmEm made is: this: dEcia‘rafien: is p:::§as?:ab’!e under :3 {5.8.8. 13:51:
`2 by Ema3‘; :mprismmsm of not mean. than 3‘qu {1S} yam, 33:31:31.3.
`Signaium ‘
`NOE-I- I918 éP“§'IC8i':03: @888 3:13:31: (Pm-17538!4 0.1 Equwaieh2} incEnding mama:3my 5mm irivemivesenim 313%.: sac-30:33:13.1 Ms mm: m‘ mus»? hays
`bser: 3:3313usiyfi:ed.use an acid:timak FWQQWAI’QT {mm f0:gash awhmag inverw
`gems: E): the punk Am: is-m 1:19. {31554
`3.3mm»: 1:: Ta“ .mmuxe In
`1" ‘
`:3 m my; Amnfiiaied apphcaficr‘:
`commema 1:511 M: ammm 34“
`E‘Ie Gh1ef111fcrmai1cr:gfi‘mr 11)3:
`farm mum; Sufigei‘héfiS
`83131182313 :raa‘emmk‘csfi
`uEpafiraflomvmtcs 9.33:»:
`211322331... 513.93 N0? SENS: w m HEM“21‘s.: 2383.313
`THSSAQUQESES. Ema TOE CammisséiORE! :3: Eatems. PA). am: 12:53,Aiéfamm,3;: 3231134459.
`[My"Ex: Amstenc‘ain sompefisg m1 m: 03:: .«acsmnmgm smisflstfsswn 2.
`'1 Petifignsr333:ca11t:swimmer: :3 31.31:! submfifidgEa15:13.3?3mmme: an 1:: Encumem flied in a patent appfic’fié‘w :33 may
`matucute to :den‘.£131: E13311}. Parsen3; infarmat‘mn Suzi}: Es semis: sew;1::umbes‘rs ham 3:323:33? numb3:13 3: ssEdit'1mm numbers
`{9313:than a ma1:4 or ciedi‘: card authorszafion €031.13 P?(3—2636 sybmifitEd bar {Jaymem 33:33:533': :S fiewEr:equiwesd by the U5PTC‘:
`:3 333.3333 353% ”3:1 car an a
`i‘f' ti .11 ME3:3smegma informanm53 :33:was?:3. (333.3meEmma 3:) WE USP-1C3
`WWMBI€889“in 5 shat:
`10:35:88.1 rea‘acti:fig 5mm 35:31:32“3} ififormafim Tram:hE dacumants b3ffire sumxifimg than:
`{RP3V119“*33“e"3¥35£Iv€5“* 13 WW3318 that ma Fifi-WM 83‘ a 3:315:11 Ephraimis EVEiabfia it: The pubiic 23:9,: pubiisaiion cf mE
`agpimatl’on {uaiEEEa mmpubuwnm reque‘st in camp'har.318 with 3? CFR 1-”...:3113) ismadE in the appwmufl a: issuance.-ma
`patent Fui‘t‘namm'e, .‘hs reams {mman mam-3333:: 333$acme: may 3253 be 31.15:Bahia t3 the Eubi-c“:: the as{3:331:33
`fe‘emnwd7“ a 315313121138 appxicafim 0: 3353543138 33332:: {SEE3? EFF:‘ .133. (sham and 3.536%! card 2:33:13z‘Ei—‘atian farms
`FT$2£138 Submitted?~:3r 3331:1353: 2813:3533 $.83:13: rat'aisedm the appiImhm{5:21Exam! fig::EfiEFareare net pubiitfiy a‘ffl'ia


`Privacy AcT STaTemenT
`The Privacy Act of ”(3'34 (PL 33623} mquiras (515(25on b8 given certain Thfah’nafioh:r‘x mahechgh
`((5111 your sumess‘ish (3T (ha ashamed harm (highs(T (a (a patent ahoiTLa‘mr: m pathhi. Amrdirzgiy,
`pursuant ((3 (ha (Cthamerhs(h the Act mama he ((6ersad ThaT: {T} (he (gs-(Tera authmity («The
`(washer: (If This;TnTsma'mh is 35w" ‘ 8CT. 2(b}{2; {2:- fTTm'TsTTThg afthe Thfohhatihh schTiedTs (summary:
`and {3:2 Tm principsi humusa Tm which (he Thfahmtieh Ts. used hythe US. Patehiaha Traciemark
`Office(s Th amass shares“ examine year submissim (eTaTed To a patent appiiisaTons(paTenT. If you do
`nut furnish (he (equema TnfbrmaTTan the U.53. Patent (m6 TT‘acTemark {Three (may mm ((5: avian?
`hmcesa andfar examine ycur submiss‘i(m ((2th may ((35anm Termihahm 0f pwsehdihgs GT”
`abawshmehi (TT The ahpiicatihh m exstATTnh of The patent
`The Thfamatiah pram-Thad (Ty sigh in (his'fsrm ((12! be subjeai (a The ThTTthg routine uses:
`T. The Tnfhrmatéon on This Tam wilt (19(1me cnhhdehtiaiTh; T9 The extent aiiawed (may The
`Freedom QT lhformafiah Ac: {5 U Si: 5&2} am! The PrTvaL'y As: {E U 8L 5%.2a} Rewards Tram
`This (system of (ecards my be. ((3(chase(3 ((3 The Deparmam hf Jmtice T0 (Tate'trhéha ((«hhTher
`(Tfismnsufe afThe‘se (Emma T5 ((3%de by The Fresdam (TT‘;. far-mama Act.
`2. A rhcmd Tram This system of(a(was may be disciasad as a (amine. LIE-TS. Er: The saunas (TS
`presenting evifisshch To (a (hurt magistrgTe (2r afimimstrahhs ((TbUTTaL Tnciudih‘g déscinsurhs Tc:
`hpposzing (mT;z(T5eTT in The course U? SEtilemE‘fiT hegehaiiens.
`:T, A ('32quTh This (mam of (words may he Undefid as a muThe use, ((1 a Mamba (-3?
`Sangmss submitting a TemsesT TTWQT‘UTEIQ an TndTUTULTET Ta whhm (ha (heard? pertains whéh (he
`Tndividuafl hm; (mammal ((5553me {mm The Mamba with ((59% Tu The: subject mafia: (3? (ha
`4,. A (heard Tn This system (3T (13(th may hr: disciesed as (2 Tamas-Te (has: is;a (Shiramm UT The
`Agency haviha mead for (Tm (affirmation in (me: Th (TNTan 23 cahtract.51ecipit§fif$ (If
`Thfhrmahon shah be requhed Th(gammywt'h The Tequirerhems ()T (he Sham}; AUT (TT‘ (ETTA, ((2
`amended human: to 5 LT. S C 336m}.
`5'. A (acorn: (aTaTetT(C: an Thtarhahuhai AupT‘:cafTon (Tied underiha Pat‘eht Chaparhtion‘ Thai-(Ty in
`This system QT (386% may he (TESTjTowd as a (amine ((23 (a (T13 Thtemafiihhaé Bare-aw hfthe
`W’m‘id} .
`....(:(:T(T(al Preheat;Organizamn pumuhhi ((5 The Patent Caepemtién Treaty
`5. A recofdm‘ TTTTT; (Tisha
`QT rechrd's may be (TTsciosad. as (a (whim use Tc: (nether fedeTaT
`aghhsyTar humhsaa of TTSTTUha‘T SECU:it}: («Thaw T35 SC (T313 and fix Teview punsuant m
`The ATQmTc Energy Act (4.2 U SC. 2181(3)}.
`it A. (Scam (mm this sysihm (TT ((39an3 (my be ((1chch :33 3 (Trauma Use To TheAdmahists‘am
`(«Art (5? ThaT Agency5 mapmaihmw Teréwmmehh Thhrzme‘mechium ((snmas (nhnagmmhi
`phaatims (and pragramsundersump?»Try a? 44‘ U5L. 29TH am: 2928 Such dThciasum shah
`bemade in ascerdanca WT‘TT‘T The GSA (eguiiahehs gamma hginspachah (3T Mamas (a; This
`purpose: arid any (325her (eimam {.T(a. SSA Dr Commereze) (Time-The S‘Ucn disaiesure shaéT MT
`he uses} TU maké. (Tateéhnihafidns aims: TthVTdU‘aTs,
`8. A mean} Tmm this sysTem (TT mama‘s mayhe UTSCTGS’SU. asa (whine use, ((3 the (Tu-TA((2 after
`BTThsr pubiiaation of the aphh‘catihh (Tine-sham 35 USC TEETH} Gr.issuance (if (3 ((23th
`human: is 35 U$8 (51 (“when a mmm ((123; (A (Bahama. subject‘ Tc: The Tihh‘atidh's (TT ‘3?
`CST-“R T “£4. as a (amineuse To the (mt:half (he: (heard was ("Thad in ((3 appiicatihn which
`”(sesame abandaheé (z-r Th (which his hroceedihgs mire Teamihaieci (Thar: whish appiicatmhas
`aefamhcjed by either a pubfishefi aphiicatiahg(3n..¢3p(.-TTCaTTuh (men Ta humTC Thapaahgn (Tr gm
`issuer; paTem.
`('3 A (smash Tram (hi(3 aystam QT rewards may he disaicsed as;(a (amineash ((3 a Peder-a! State,
`()r laces: Taw enforhementagamy, if The USPTC} UBCUmeES (have (:T a (Taiwan (Tr pctehha!
`Woiafion 11f Tawar reguiafion.


`PTO/AlA/ot (Ga—‘12)
`Approved for use through 118312329. OMS 0851-0032
`LLEi. Patent, and Trademark Office: US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to resgond to a cc-iiectian of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`nEcLARAmN {3? CFR 1.63) FOR urrmv OR DESEGN APPLlCATtON UfithlG Art
`Tithe of
`f As the below named inventor. t hereby deciare that:
`This declaration
`is directed to:
`Tht,attachcd aphhbattonfir
`United Stakes application or PCT international application number
`PCTIEBZO 'l "Ii/058477
`filed on Elfcember 28, 2317
`The aboveaidentified application was made or authorized to he made: by me.
`i believe that i am the original inventor or an original ioiht inventor of a claimed invention in the application.
`l hereby acknowiedge that any willful false statement made in this declaration is punishabte under 18 U56. 1001
`by fine or imprisc-nmenl of not more than live (5) years. or both.
`Petitioneriappttcant is cautioned to avoid submitting personal information in documents filed in a patent application that may
`i contribute its identity theft. Persmal information suoh as social security numbers, bank account numbers, 0r credit card numbers
`(other than a check or credit card authorization form PTOQOSS submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTO
`to support a petition or an appiicatien.
`lf this type of personal information is included in documents submitted to the USSF‘TD,
`g petitionersiapplicants should SOP-Side!” redacting such personal information from the documents. before submitting them to the
`USPTO. Petitlansrlaphlicant is advised that the. record of a patent application is available to the mitotic after publication of the
`application (unless a non-publication request in compliance with 37 CFR 1.213(3) is made in the application) or issuance of a
`g patent. Furiherrriore, the record from an abandoned application may aiso be avaiiahle to the public it tilt? application is
`rei.renceci in a pubilshed appiication or an issued patent (see 37 CFR 1.14). Checks and credit card authorization .orms
`PTO~203ti sobmitteo‘ fer payment purposes are not retained in the application file and therefore are not publicly available.
`5 Note: An applicatlan data sheet (P l ulSB/M or equivalent), including naming the entire inventive entity, must accompany this form or must have
`been previously flied. Use an additional PTO/NM)”: form for eat-h additional inventor.
`This collectiun at lntmmatiun is required by 35 (3.5.0. l i5 am: 37’ CFR 1.33. The information is recruited to obtain orretain a ham-mt by the pubiic which ‘
`to hits (and
`by the USPTO to process) an appl' atiun. Corrfidentl
`'ty 1:- govemed by 35 U,S,C. 122 and 37 CFR ifl‘: and H4. This coiiecticn is estimated to tam 1 minute to
`complete, including gathartng, preparing, and submitting the completed applicaiitm tam: to tho USPTO. ‘iima will vary depsndlng upon the individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require in compiele this farm and/"or suggestions tor reducing this banish. should be sent to the Chief lnionnation Otticer US.
`Patent and Trademark Office, LLS. Department of Gommema. PO, Box l450, Alexandria. VA 22313-3453, DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORM-'3 .0
`Tllts ADDRESS. SEND To: Commlfisloner for Patents, PD. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1456.
`if yau need assrslanca in compielmg the form, call t~tlon~PTC~9193 and select option 2‘.


`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of rare (Fain soars) requires that you be given certain information in connection
`with your submission of the attached form rotated to a patent appiioation or patent. Aoooro’ingiy,
`pursuant to the requirements of the Act, piease be advised that: (1) the generai authority for the
`coiieotion of this information is 35 USS. 2(b)(2); (2) furnishing of the information sciioited is voiuntary;
`and (3') the principai purpose for which the information is used by the us, Patent and Trademark
`Gffice is to process and/or examine your submission rotated to a patent apoiioation or patent. if you do
`not furnish the requested information, the US. Patent and Trademark Office may not be ahie to
`process andior examine your submission, which may resutt in termination of proceedings or
`abandonment of the apciication or expiration of the patent
`i .
`The information orovioed by you in this form wiii be subieet to the foiiowin routine uses:
`it The information on this form wiii be treated oonfidentiaiiy to the extent aiiowed under the
`Freedom ct information Act (5 USS. 552) and the Privacy Act (5 U.E~3.C 552a). Records trot .
`this system of records may be disclosed to the Department of Josh :e to determine whether
`disciosure of these records is required by the Freedom of information Act.
`2. A record from this system of records may be disciosed, as a routine use, in the course of
`presenting evidence to a court, magi‘trate, or adrnirtstrative tribunai, inoiudin~ disoiosures to
`opposing oounsei in the course of settiarncnt negotiations
`3, A record in tins system oi records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Member of
`Congress submitting a request invoiving an individuai, to whom the record pertains, when the
`individuai has requested assistance from the Member with respect to the subject matter of the
`A record in this system or' records may be disclosed; as a routine use, to a contractor of the
`Agency having need for the information in order to perform a contract. Recipients of
`information shat! be required to oomph; with the requirements of the Privacy Act or'1974, as
`amended, pursuant to 5 U51). 552ar’m).
`5. A record related to an internationai Apciication fried under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in
`this system of records may be disciosed, as a routine use, to the internationai Bureau of the
`Wortd inteiieotuat Property Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`6. A record in this system of records may be discioseo‘, as a routine use, to another federai
`agency for purposes of Nationai Security review (35 USO 181) and tor review pursuant to
`the Atomic Energy Act (42 USS. 218M).
`7. A record from this system of records may be disoiosed, as a routine use, to the Administrator,
`Generai Services, or his/her designee, during an inspection of records mnduoted by GSA as
`part of that agency‘s responsi'r:’ ‘ty to recommend improvements in records management
`practices and programs, under authority of 44 [18.0. 296:4 and 2905. Such disciosure shaii
`he made in accordance with the GSA reguiations governing inspection oi records for this
`purpose, and any other reie‘vant (11.,9 GSA or Crammer 2e) directive. Such disciosure shalt not
`he used to make determinations about individuais.
`A record from this system of records may be disciosed, as a routine use, to the putatio after
`either pubiication ofthe appiioetion pursuant to 35 {3.8.3. 122(b) or issuance of a patent
`pursuant t 1 3.5 U St). 151. Further, a record may be discioseo‘, subject to the iimitations of 37
`CFR 13:4, as a routine use, to the oubiio it the record was fiied in an aopiication which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which apotioation is
`referenced by either a oubiishoo‘ aopiioation, an apoiioation open to ouhiio inspection or an
`issued patent,
`A record from this system of records may be disoiosed, as a routine use, to a Federai, State
`or iooai Saw enforcement agency, if the USPTO becomes aware of a vioiation or potential
`viotaiion of iaw or reguiaiion


`PT‘CJIAiNm (9&12)
`Apprmad far use iiircugh iiiZéG/Ziizfii
`(Dir-i3 ass-i-cssz
`as Patent am? Trademark (fifties; {3.3 DEPARTMENT {3F COMMERQE
`Under the Pepi-mark Redutiifln Act a? 1995, no persons are required ti) respand ii) a wiiwiian a? iiifaimaticn uniess :i diapiays a vaiici (3MB minim! number‘
`APPLECAWGN BATE fii'iEE“? (3'? QFR ’E.?$}
`«««\~ -~
`inventim \u‘u‘unxnnnfi
`As the hainw named inversion i hereby 68:23am that:
`This daciaratisn
`is directed is:
`The attached appiicatmn‘ £3?
`ifi United Siaies appiicaiisn or PC"? iniernaiianai agpiicaiian number; P81738231 ?;{3584??
`flied an
`flecsmber 28, 2:31 '1"
`i The abovesideniified appiisatiori was made i)!” authnrized to be made by me.
`i beiieve ihai i am the ariginai invsntor cr an uriginai 39in: invenicr cf :2 maimed inversiinn in the aygiicaiioni
`i hereby aaknowisdge thai any wiiifui faise statement made in ihis decisreaiicn is punishabie under 18 1.5.353. 1601
`by fins er impriseiiment of not more ihan five {5) yiaars‘ fir bath
`Peiiiiaiiarlappiicani is cautioned t0 amid submiiiing persanai iniarmatiori in descuments iiieci in a paieni appiisaiiar: iimi may
`contribute; to identity theft. Panama! infon'naiinn such as scciai security numbers: bank assauni numbsrsi or credit card numbers
`{either iiian a check Gr credit card auiharizaiion farm PTQ~2333 submiiieci far payment surpasses) is never required by the U39?0
`is supper: as psiiiicn tar an apgsiication.
`if this type of psrsonai infarmatimn is inciudecfi ii'i dccumenis submii‘ied 1‘9th USF-‘TO,
`‘peiiiienersiappiicanis shsuici consifier redaciing such personai infzii'rnaiicn from the: dcwments bra-aims: submifiing them ”:0 the
`‘ USi-‘TG. Petitiaanerr’apgiicceant is advised that the regard 0‘? a pa‘isni appiicatian is avaiiabie in the pubiic after pubiicaiirsn a? ths
`appiinatim (unis-:53 a nonnpubiication request in campiiance wiih 3?‘ (Sf-R 121343} is made in the appiicaiinn) 0r issuance of a
`patent. Fuithermars. the rem-rd from an ahantioneri appiicaiien may aisn bs avaiiabie ’50 the pubiic ii the appiicaiion is
`referenced in ea pubiished apgiicaiisn a! an issued patsni (sea 37 CFR 15M) Checks and credit card autimrizeatim farms
`PTO~2£338 submiiied far payment pumnsss are not retained in the application flies and therefsre are mi: pubiieiy availabie.
` Data (Cptionsi) :___ ,\'»
`§\ Piste: An appiicaiien daia sheet (PTQlSBi 14 or muivaieni}, inciuding naming ins aniirs inventive entiiy. must amompany this ‘f’Ji‘iRi m must have
`been pi'aviousiy flied. Lisa- ari additional P'i'DiAiAifli farm Ear each afifiiaic-nai inventor.
` This .-. , . 1 of ir-farm-zfiion is required by 35 use. 115 am: :37 (EFF? 1&3. The hfnrmaxicn if: mquiz'sd if: obtain {2‘ retain a benefit by the pubiii: which is to fiie {2nd
`by the: USPTD :0 precass) an appimiiani Confide ‘31in is gavem-zd by 35 UWELC, 1222 and 3? CFR 1.11 and 114. This mliccém is estiziiatad :0 take 1 minuit-z— in
`complete. induding gathering: prepamg, isms suhmifiing the compistefi appiicaiisr: farm is 9:3 USF‘TG. ‘i'ime will vary dspanding upon the individual case, Any
`minimum: an the amount of time yuu require in campieie iiiis farm andlcr suggaaii-rzns far reducing this burdan; sham-id as sen! in the Chief infamaiiafi Gfiica—r, LLS.
`Pam: and Tracemark (Dffim, U S Deparirneni cf Commerca, PI). BOX 1450. Aiezandria. VA 22131 $1459, C30 NOT SEND FEES OR CGMF‘LETEE FORMS TC:
`Tins AEEEERESS. saw “its: flommissione? is? Pafienm, Pi)“ Em: 1-359. Aiexandria, VA 223134659.
`if we: riser? 8531233614193 ifi scrapie-ting the flaw, sail i—eoaspi'mfsis and 59,559: option 2‘


`Privacy Act hintemeni
`The Privacy not of tern: Wt... 936??) requires that you he given certain infonneiion in sonneetion
`with your submission of the attaches form reisteci in a patent notification or patient. Accordingiy,
`oursuent to the requirements of the first. pisses he advised that: {i} the generai authority for the
`coiiection ot’this information is 35 LL30 2ih){2); {2} furnishing of the information soiirsitect is voiuntery;
`anti (3) the princinni purpose for which the infonneiion is used by the us. Patent and Trademark
`Office is to process shatter examine your submission reisteri to e oeteni spoiisetion or patent. it you {to
`not furnish the reqnesieri information, the 1.1.8. Patent and Trademark Critics may not he ehie to
`orooess entiier examine your submission, which may resoit in termination of proceedings or
`abandonment of the sneiimtinn or expiration of the patent.
`The into-“martian provided by you in this term wiii he subject to the foiiowing routine uses:
`The information on this icon witi he treated confidentieiiy to the extent eiioweti ureter the
`Freedom of information Act {5 USE, 552} and the Privacy Act (5 USE.) 552a}. Records from
`this system of records may he tiisoiosect to the Densrtrnent of Justice to determine whether
`disoiosure at these records is required by the Freedom of information Act.
`A remro‘ from this system of records may he tiisoinsed. as a routine use, in the course of
`presenting evidence to a court, magistrate, or administrative tribune!“ inoiuding disciesures to
`opposing counsel in the course of seitiernent negotiations.
`A record in this system of resume may he disoioseo, as e routine use, in s Member of
`Congress submitting a request inuniiring en intiiuiduei, to whom the recurs pertains, when the
`initiations! has requested assistance from the Member with respect to the subject matter of the
`A tenors in this system or records may he oiseioseti, as a routine use. to s sentreetor of the
`Agsnoy having need for the information in ureter to perform a contract. Recipients of
`interrnetion shall he required to oomph-r with the requirements of the Privacy Ant oi i974, es
`amended. nursnent to 5 USES. 552eirn}.
`A record minted in an internationei Anniioetiort tired under the Patent Connerttiien Treaty in
`this system of records may he disoiosed; as a routine use, to the internationai Bureau of the
`Wortti inteiieotuei Property Qrgenizetinn, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`A record in this system of records may he riiscioseci, as a routine use. to another tederei
`agency for ourseses of National Seouriiy review (35 1'81} and for review pursuant to
`the Atomic Energy Act (42. USS. 218M}.
`A resent from this system of records may he discieseci, as a routine use, in the Administrator.
`Gertersi Services, or hisrher designee. during an inspection of records conducted by GSA as
`part of that agency’s responsihiiihr to recommend improvements in rscorcis management
`practices and programs, under authority or M LL39. 2396s anti zoos. Such disotosure strait
`he made in accordance with the GSA regulations governing irispeetinn of records for this
`purpose, and any other reievent ( tie, GSA or Sernrneree) directive. Such disotosure sheti not
`he uses to maize determinations about indiviouais.
`A record from this system of records rnegr he oisciosed, es a routine use. to the puhiir: sitter
`either nuhiiontien of the anniioetion pursuant to 35 use 122(h} or issuance of a patent
`pursuant to 35 U31“; i551. Further. a record rney he oiseioseo, suhiect to the iiniitetihns of 3?
`CFR 1.14, as a routine use, to the nuhiio if the record was iiied in an enpiieatien which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which angiioetion is
`referenced by either a puhiishsti eopiicetien, en eppiioetion open to white inspection or an
`issued patient.
`A record from this system or records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State
`or ioeei isw entereerneni seen-:31, it the USPTO heroines aware of a uioietion or potentini
`violation or isw or reguisiiurt.

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