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`US. Patent and Trademark Office; L'.S DEPARTMENT OFCOMMERCE
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`Docket Number (Optionai)
`PETlTlQN FGR EXTENSlON {31: TlltiiE UNDER 3'? CFR1.136(a)
`"Herenonn‘n... coneoenns AND THEER use
`Art Unit 1 629
`: Examiner Ti) Be Agsigned
`. T1112; is a request under the provrsions of 3.7 CFR 1.135(a) to extend the pone-d for fiiing a reply in the above-identnred appluzahon.
`The requested extension and i'ee are as foiiows (check time period desired and enterthe appropriate fee heiow):
`I One month (37 CFR 1.17(a)-(1)')
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`1 am the
`D applicant.
`attorney or agent of record. Registration number 411306
`|:| attorney or agent acting under 37 CFR 1.34. Registration number
`[Timothy J. Shea, 31”.!
`Timothy J. Shea, Jr.
`Typed or printed name
`November 1, 2019
`(202) 371—2600
`Teiephone Number
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