`(1‘)) VV02121 1221221120122221 1“;0pc:1y
`1121c2'n221201'2221 1322223222.
`(43) 3221252'2232202231 Pubhcahun Date
`25 S22922>2121222r21114 (253.139.2014)
`WEPKEE P '3'?
`1.111} 112102'2232‘102231 Pnlfiicafinn Number
`‘WG 2111411521377 1’21.
`,fhr' 2:222:12
`Designated Status (huh-352'
`kind sznulflwul [Li‘I'U/t'C/EL'IN :722-2f/at212'q}: A15, 2‘21},
`A0, AT, AU. AZ, BA, BB. 131'}, 811 BN U11, 13W, BY.
`(.2‘\. 1''11 (31., (,"N.
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`UN 11R 1-111 11.111.-,EN,1'R,125;..11’,1§1'{, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, 1.1., Ni, LR, LS, LT, 1.1.1, LY. MA, MD, ME}.
`MG, MK, MN N V, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NC), NZ,
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`SC, SE), S
`(1. $122”, SL. SM, ST, SV, SY. T11, TJ, TM,
`'E'N. TR. 1'1, 1'2, UA. 1.11}, US,
`1.17.», VC, VN, ZA. ZM.
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`TM) 132.(1\1., A1, 131... 1.11.1. C11. LY. (.21. D13, Dix ,
`131' 113,121,1'R,1'313,€'3R,
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`MC, MK. MT. NL, NU, PL, PT, 11.0, 11.8. 8.13:. S1", SK, SM,
`TR), UAW (1:31", 1'3}, CE", CG, 1:1. CM, (1A, (3N, (3Q, OW.
`KM, 1W}... MR, N11, FIN, '11.), '1 ICE}.
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`1221.92'222212022221 P2220212 Clnszsificmiou:
`(2'035‘ 53312011600
`{£03}! 21/14 (30116.01)
`'Iutm'natinn221 Application Number:
`P(."1'I"US 2111 4/117262’503
`1221.62‘22311222231 Filing Date:
`13 March 2014 (13.03.2014)
`Filing Language:
`Publication 1.3122122 2253,22:
`Priority Dam:
`14 121222211 2013 (
`Appfimnts: THE BOARD (LI-I" ’E‘RUS'IE ES (1-19 THE
`[US/USE; 1.705 13}
`(3222121210 E\CEX,,1 P221.) X2120, C A 9/306-
`2106 (Us). UNIV'1CRSE’1‘Y COUR’E (3F I‘HE UNWIZR~
`81‘1")" 0'!" ST. ANDREWS [GB/1.313]; 9’35. Gates SI :31
`Andrews, Scotland KY 16 9A] (GB).
`Envenmrs: CIZMAR, Tomas; 15 1.22222521522 1552212,
`Fife, 802211222221 KYES 5'21.
`(GE-3). (1012311. Georges, 72.;
`"25 Gates 52.,
`15.351 P2210
`943032 (1.2513).
`LANKEETR. 11323361. SC; 1618‘vV'Iisgl'EE A\'2\..Sum2yv;21e. CA
`9:10:17 (US).
`Agents. 1.ODENEAMPER, Ruben at 221, .51) S (32'2-=11‘222-
`222'2 Ave222'.2 , Suite 301'), P2310 A122), (A 94306 (US).
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`W0 20,2 4/} 51877
`Holographic l‘iCEttl--i’t’lt’l’ttttl’CLl Display
`FIELD 0F ’l‘l-ilfi lNVENl‘lON
`This invention relates to projr—tction iiytttems suitable for providing images to the
`eye of at patient.
`BA CK (3R0 U N D
`(fitment itearl-~tiioi_tnted displays Stiller from at number ot’shorteomings wl'tieh limit
`their usefulness in the context ol’ low-vision restoration Photovoltaic or optogenetie
`approachee require irradiaitce levels on the retina on the order 0 l’ a few irtW/irtmg, while
`lit‘éitjllllOItBl head-mounted displays based on LCD or DMD teclmology provide
`illumination on the order of a few (“V/tiring, many orders ot'mngtiitiicle below what is
`required for sight rcstorzttion. Mill) and DMD toel‘mology are also inherently wasteful
`with the incident. light.
`Additionally, these display systems: require the use of multiple optical elements in
`order to properly focus art image on the: hack ol‘thc eye, which tends to make them bulky.
`These system; are not: inherently able to account for imperfections in the viewer's eye,
`which means additional eyowettr can he required in order to properly focus an image on
`the retina, for multiple wl'teti the riser suffers; from tiearelightetiitess or tist‘igmatisn‘t.
`lti'tirt'hermoroc the image i3 pi'oiectcd on it fixed plane on tl e back oi’the e e and is
`inherently flat (two-tiirticnttioitril} rather than the more natural fwdirnehsionttl shape ofreztl
`obj c: erg .
`Holographic ttrttltmiotitjs allow for projection o‘l three dirticnsional patterns, and
`can account for iitipert‘ections iii the viewer‘s cyc. They make use of the. light in very
`efficient: ways, allowing tor hi git irradiation: levels on the tart-get image plane despite
`limited source power. They also do not require any itiltlt’tllccllétl'y optics between the
`display and the eyo enabliitg simpler and more. compact layouts. l‘ilt'Jth‘VCl", conventimittl
`holtiigreiphic pt'ojcctiort reclmit‘giiei; also require Lt bulky optical System where iitnvimtet‘l
`dit‘lractiori orders are removed l'ly forming am i triage at am intermediate ii'neige plant:
`where an aperture is located.
`W0 leH/l 51877
`PCT/U $20} #026603
`Accordingly. it would he an advance in llie art to nrovidc irnprm-‘ed projection
`systems,“ for vision improvement.
`.‘3 UM M A RY
`W 0 provide a, head~moontocl display will based. on 1'ch principle (il‘Fouricr
`holography. ll allows for liigli,~effioi<:iioy, parallel delivery of information to lire retina or
`to a photo-sensitive implanl in the eye. It ofl‘b's a simpler optical, layout than traditional
`liquid oi’yatal display (LCD) or digital mioromirror device (DMD) display units. it
`addresses lho issues associated with no rmoonlrolled fraction of the light in holography
`know n as- lhi: zero order by the usa of converging or diverging illumination oi’llic spatial
`light rnoclulalor. It provides a framework for displaying visual inlorr izition on the haclr of
`a paricnr'a eye.
`WC. 'l A Shows a conventional llfl‘borior optical system.
`'li‘EG. ll); show incorporation or‘tlio oyo mm a Fourier oprical system.
`WC. 2A shows deforming of zero order light for a diverging i npul beam.
`FM}. 2}?) shows dolocusing of zero order light for a converging input beam.
`EEG. 2C shows .‘szimulianoous defoonaing of zero order light and focusing of first
`order light for a diverging input beam,
`PEG. 2?) Shows simullanoous dolomisi‘ng oi‘zom order light and Focusing oi" first
`order light for a converging input beam
`li’lsf}. 3A shows an image ol’defoeoserl zero order light;
`I“ i .9 . 38 shows a focused iiriage using first orrlcr lighl in lho presence ol‘zm
`rv {J‘s
`rm l‘ocusod zero order background.
`li‘l’i'is, «Mali show in viva cxporinionlal results}.
`W0 ZtlI-l/l 51377
`PCT/US$203 41/026603
`l‘).l3'l"j\li,l5D ,l‘).lSSCRlP'l‘lON
`in section A, general principles relating to vuriouo Cl]ll)()(l'll?fl€l)l3 of the inveitiort
`are described. in SCCilOD 8, an CXpCl‘ll’llCl'llIéll demonstration is described.
`This work provides it llCtlfilvl‘l‘lOUlllCd l’tolfigl'éipl‘iltl display unit with potential
`applications to photovoltaic retinal prostheeis. optogenetic retinal activation, or more
`generally near—to-eye and augmented real it y display systems.
`A spatial light: modulator (Shh/l) is placed in from oi’a person’s. eye. The eye ’5.
`tiatinul optics, including the cornea and the lens: creates a Fourier transform of the
`wuveitonl coming out ofthe SLM, thus projecting and Ruining art image on the retina.
`Polarized light is sent into the tlixplay unit using either a fiber which can he polarization»
`maintaining? or with a light source directly mounted to the side ot‘the display. The light
`source can either he a coherent, narrowlmnclwidth emitter such as it laser or an
`i neoheretit source (white light. colored or white l.,.l':?l.)'_}.
`SLMS operate typically in tetleei‘ion mode. The majority of the light can be
`controlled by the holographic modulation applied Via a conmutet interfacea but there is t‘.
`:t‘raction. ofthe signal 115 tally termed as “zero diffraction order” or “zero order”, that
`mauii‘est it‘sell’as :2 very bright spot in the image plane (retinal) regardless oi‘the
`holt'igi‘tiphic i'nodulation applicd. This can degrade thc imz’iging performance of the device
`and can also be potentially hazardous. in the n'iajority of Ell...lvl applications it is removed
`in the optical pathway by blocking it, using; for example it slit or an lI‘lS. This. however
`requireo additional optics and a much longci' optical path. "lo eliminate the intlucnee oi"
`the zero (liil't‘aetion order but retain eompaetneaa of the device. our geometty employs a
`IlOl’l-‘Collilllttitlfi laser beam (converging or diverging) to illuminate the SliMfi wl’iieh is
`further collii'nzttetl by the Slhl using appropriate phase mtxluliition. in this a'iritngcirieut
`the optical power of the zero-order sprczttls across extensive étl‘Cil of the retina thereby
`u‘v'oii‘ling ltflZEti‘thttS power eoi'n::entt:;ilion, and mowing :rniriimul clisturliziitecs to the iitniige
`Ll 0
`(liltil ii’yl
`WO 2914/151877
`l1'1 1110 1110301100 1.11":511101'1'1111’0115 01' 1111,5111 1131111110111, 1110 resulting 110111 transformation
`may 110141.110 110111 1111 1110111 111111101 1111115101111 11101113111131'11111111: 1111'11'l111:1t1'11111,‘.111 ‘110"w1v01'110
`1111111111011 111:1 1110 system {1111111101 an optimal 111111110 (.111 1111: 10111111. F111‘ 11p1‘1li011’1'ioi'1s
`1'0qui1‘i1‘1g 001.111 111111331111; 011111001110 w 01001111\' 1'01 actiw11.1011 01‘ l!§.’l11~5\11‘1111‘v’011111
`0111111111313, 1113101111 light 511111005 wi 11:1 11111010111 wav01011g1118 can be 00111113111011 111111 1110 5211110
`optical 111101 01011 1110 same 0111110111 1.121.111 111131110110 13101110 013101 11:1111g03. A
`53111011101111:41111011 11100111118111 is 111011113001 11.111101114101111 111 0110.11 li13;111 1101110“. and 1.110 8.1M
`.110 1111.11 1111.3 (11111713170111 11'0v0l1111gi‘lc1s 10011111111110 111l011112110ly 11131055 1110 1' 11111130 {1111110.
`'l'l1011<'_.{11151~‘111 111101110 111111 is. 01131110111 1111 11110111115111111101” 111111011 1.11311.10115 11 fraction
`0111113 0111.110 13011111131110 11113 5.11 M 1111 110211111 1111151111311 1:11:11 1111113115111, 11 111011110101111110101,
`11111113 001101211111 any 0111111211lcl1'1110111 01111111111101.1110 1'0110131 1111 111' 11 11110111111 01' 1111 111.1111
`11101110111 1111 11, 0111101'111'211'11101111 WEIVC 101111111 , 0111111'1i1'11111'011111 121I1v1‘1z311g1211s01110105351 11
`111111111 5111001111111. T11 1110:111111'20 1.110 01'1'1151000y01'1110 system. 11 polarizing 1'1132111'111111111'1131' 11'1113/
`110 113011111 1:01'1'1131'1111111111 wiil'1 11 1101111121111 011 in11min. 81.M 111111 a 131111110111111101112110
`(1111113111 1301.1110011 11101 111311111splittm 111111 11113 1.11M)
`"11113 01011110111133 10111111011 111 drive 1110 SLM 131111 13111101 1‘30 1111311111011 0'11 1l113 g0ggl0s
`01' 11111 111 1111 01110171111! 111111. 11051111011 10 be worn by 1111: 1188?. 1111' 01101111110 in 111311011131.
`A 111011110 co1111111tar/1101100111.11 {11111110 131111 1113 115011 10 1301111111110 1110 l111l11g1'1111'13
`11151.11 113/011 011 1110 SLM 01‘ 1‘1) 001'1111'11111101110 1111111 :1 server which 1100:; 1110 1111101; 11111
`011111111111111011111111110 c1111‘1puta.111111111 powm‘i:;111'-.01:1011,01'if remotely 1110:1011 i:11:1i11'11111.1i1111
`111.11; 113 1:10 11113111111311 in. 1110 11131011111111, 1111' 18121011110 1131' 11113210111101} {111111031313 F131 101:1111111
`111051110111: applications. 1:110 1111111110 11.0135 3. 01111113111 1111111111011 1111 1110' 111115.301; 111 image 111111111 111
`i 11 1"1'0111. 1311110 130118011. Si 1111111 13111005151111; 3111112011110 1311111313 111131111111th 111111111121111111 from
`1110 11130110., and 0111111111105 1.1. 10101-11111 11111011111111 {hat 11001.13 111 1.113 displayed 011 1110 ALM.
`231111110generally 101 1111 111110111011 1131111112 21111111131111111119.. 311111111 11111011131.11201611111100111111111108
`111?111l<.1g_:1'111'11 111211 00110311131113 10 1,110 11110111100011 which 11130111; 111 1:10 displayed. 1111111513." .5110.
`1011 11111.1 1110 81-1vl 111 1111011 1111111111111 1:111'11111111111011 1110111110 00111Id 3"1010 30101111
`11100011111111.11011 1'111113141'111‘110 0111'1'051‘111111111‘1g 10 1311310 11110111111111.111 (1.1013. 111105. 0110100, 1011.015
`1315111111) 111111 1311111111110 11113111 111:1111.11.11110'-}.'111 10011115111101 111 imigc. {1:111331111111110 by 501111011111111
`display 1'11" 1110'. 1111111111011. 111 01110110 10111100 1110 171111111.111111111111111 load. Using 1111131 531-1111, if is
`possible to 1iiisplz1y tin-:50 010171101115 30111101111311 y 11111101 1111111 1110 13010011111111 111111011 11110 1:11"
`1110 1113120111., 1311 111111 ilicy 131'1'01311'11'0ly 111317113111 111:. 11 single 111111510.
`W0 Mill/$1877
`The camera can he used to extract contextual in'tbi'mation relative to positioning
`o t‘ a person, for example, to help patients with low Vision navigate around obstacles. The
`image to be displayed can be broken into subf'mmes which are sequentially activated in
`order to increase. the. irradianee locally.
`The controller used to compute the holograms or the signal processing unit or
`another dedicated image processing computer can also adjust the power of the light
`source. This allows maintaining constant. brightness levels from frame to home, or
`adjusting the. scene brightness.
`When coherent light illumination is used, speekling can become a serious
`problem. Several meelwhisi'ns to deal with speckling can he used: (a) displaying
`sequrmtially cli tt‘nrent holograms corresponding; to the same image realization, (l3)
`changing the spectral characteristics of the light source over time, for example by
`modulating the wavelength or the emission beam mode. This can be done by mn'iping up
`the current which drives the li ght source, or using a light source specifically designed to
`have instability in its emission mode or wavelength
`Random light redistribution occurs when pixels are. transitioning from one state to
`another between the framesl Unlike the DMD-based image projection systems, where
`image from one frame smoothly transitions into the image of the next frame, in 812M
`projection systems the light spreads randomly during the pixels transition time, resulting
`in "l‘lashes’ ot‘ligl'ii'; in the image background. To overcome this problem, either the SLlVl
`is sym’slirrinizcxl with the light serum-3(5), so that the light is turned off when images are
`changing, or the frames are changed 'l‘requently enough so that the light. redislrilmtion
`appears as. a constant background, virtually invisible to the user, in order to minimize this
`prohlmn, the algorithm used to compute the hmograins can also be timed to minimize
`how much sequential holograms change from frame to :l‘ra me For example, instead of
`initializing the GS algorithm with a, rartrlom-mast-1 encoding of the. image, the GS
`algorithm could be initialized by the previously computed hologram i n order to three the
`next frame to he a l‘ii‘ilograin winch is more similar to the. previous one. This initialization
`method Cuttltl also offer benefits in terms. of the continuation speed, The algorithm could
`3 l)
`also coiripote several (lil‘leront holograms for each frame and Cl‘ioose the one which
`minimizes the change emnpared to the previous hologram.
`This amziroach trial-res it izitiissihle to:
`W0 Zth/l5387‘7
`PCT/USZM 21/026603
`l) Deliver ihl‘ori‘iialion to multiple retinal cells or pixels of the retinal ii'nplant in parallel,
`with hi gh efficiency. Unlike. display systems lmsed on more l‘ft-ldliltlmzll technologies such
`as LCD or DMD, no light incident on the display is lost. This vixnal inthi‘mation can he
`used to activate a photovoltaic retinal prosthesis, cella made sensitive. by iiigi'liigei’ietic
`manipulation, or more generally deliver contextual inforn'izitioh to a iow~viaioh patient, or
`to a normally-—sightect person.
`2) Provide very broad. flexibility in how the light is used. This approaclti makes; it possible
`to achieve much higher brightness of the image when compared "to LCD or DMD
`displays. By choosing an apitii‘opiiiate hologram the light incident on the SLM can be
`concentrated in a small area even as small as a (lii‘l‘metion limited spot, which makes it
`possible to reach very high .iri‘adiaiices despite a limited light source power.
`3) Not all the light incident on SLM can he effecttivel y controlled by the displayed
`hologram. The uncontrolled fraction of the light: (zero tlii‘l‘i'actioii order} can be
`distributed as an i:iut.~-oi“--toeus spot, either in front ot‘or behind the image plane.
`4-) Have a very simple optical, layout. Because only the optics ot‘the eye is used, there is
`no intet'mediai'y lens or other image ioi‘i’ning elements other than the l7l3€ll'll--Sf,)llTlCl‘ and
`the quarter~tvave plate for llllll’nll’laiion, which enables a cei'npaot display systerii,
`5) l’i'ojeet three dii'nensional ptlftCl‘l’lS on the retina it is posaihle to project the image
`either slightly in front ot‘the image plane, or behind it, to allow the viewer‘s eye
`acteni'minodnle and focus on the in'ingc, thereby providing a three dimensional perception
`ot‘the object.
`6) Correct tor the abeii’zitions Gillie viewer's eye and systemic tiiiCt'f’EtlitNiS oi“ the optical
`SytllClIL A phase mask coihpeosatihg for these aberrations; can he added to the hologram
`in order to account for ii'iipei'feetichs iii the system or in the imer's eye {near or hit»
`sigh tedheiia astigmatism for example).
`'7) Correct for i‘iiiii~'iii‘iifoi'ri'i illtll'llil’lal‘iotl of the filth/i when computing holograms, which
`allows for higher image quality,
`8) Reduce the influence (expediting by displaying frames sequent hilly at ii hi gh speed, or
`by i‘hoiilifying the apectini pt’t){‘}0l'tl05 oi" the light source (Wavelength, emimion lieum
`model ete}.
`“’0 201 #1518177
`PUT/USN l :l-/ll2ti(ill3
`9} Deal with the random light redistribution which occurs during tranaitiott ol‘the pixels
`between the frames by displaying sequences of holograiris last, or in sync with the pulsed
`light source. To minimize hix effect the hologram generation algoritl'im can also he
`tuned to minimize changes; in the SUV? state bet'wer-m successive hologram presentations.
`10') Reduce computational load when calculating; the hologram. by recombining several
`basic elements used to encode a trainer for example lines, dots, circles, letters. These
`elements can he moved across the field of’view by applying an adequate linear
`modulation and combined by sequential display ofthe element‘s. Use of a SLIM. with a
`fast refresh rate triakes it: possible to display the elcn‘ients faster than the eye will refresh
`the image, so that the image appears as a single element to the viewer,
`The reflective version of the head~rnourtt1ct’l unit includes a light: source a hear:ri.~
`splitter which can (but does not need to) he polarizing,” a quarter wave plate ifthe beam-h
`splitter is polarizing, a wallet light modulator which can be polariza‘tionuinsensitive, With
`it transmiaaive Sl'JM, the beam splitter is not. required and only a mi t‘ror. possibly diehroie
`or timed to specific \i/arveleiigths. is used to deflect the light on the SLMA The optics are
`prelerahly recorded on goggles. Electronics for driving, the ESL-M are also preferably
`mounted on the goggles or worn in a separate unit. The light aource can either be
`mounted and colliirtated directly on the side ol‘the beam—splitter, or can be put in a
`separate unit, and coupled into a. fiber, in this case, the fiber output. is directed into the
`beam splitter after partial collimation. "the light Source can. either be a col'ierettt ligl‘it
`source {laserlike with a narrow bandwidth). or an incoherent one {white light? LED).
`Whether the light sent into the beam splitter comes directly from the helm source,
`or was preliminarily coupled into a litter, the beam incident on the SLM is purposefully
`not perfectly colliinai‘cd. The beam can be either divergent or convergent. 'l‘l'ie triaixiirium
`amount: oi’tzli‘vet'gence z'illowed in the beam is related to the resolution ot‘the triage, and
`rnaxitnutrt phase chill on each pixel ozt‘thc Shh/l. The beam is collimatecl tit-let reflecting
`ot‘t‘tor transmitting through) the Elli/ll by displaying; a quadratic modulation on the SLM
`which acts; as; a Fresnel lens; (see figure '3'). Because the pixel pitch ofthe Slivl is finite,
`i.) U}
`large quadratic modulations will exhibit aliasing effects which should be avoided. "the
`largest modulation before such ettects appear i’ollo‘i Is the lbllowinv equation:
`f_ 0
`W0 2iii-1/151877
`‘15: (pp: “(i/3:5: m
`where $an is the ii’iaximum phasc shift oi’i‘he SLM par pixel, rim is the number 01" pixcis
`across the largest dimcnsii'm ofthc SLM and (p is the quadratic muduiation function) so
`(Mn) :2 an}? This. i-sads ii) a rimximum acceptabic value far (i- of
`D :3 (,5
`’12,.“ A
`..K-........... y
`K is the iihu’ninaiion WéiVCiCHgtii and w is the width fifths SLM across its iai‘gcst
`dimension. Consequently, the maximal acceptable beam divorgoz'icc on the SLM is:
`:2 {am
`A2 I
`r: ”ii-iii
`--------- as tam
`The spot radius on the retina. can he ZII'HH‘OL-‘(i 111:1.th by r /'8 where 69 is the
`incident beam i‘iivcrgcncc angie and/the focal icngth ofthe I'uiman eye. The miiiin‘ium
`beam (iIVCI'gCRCC LE? then such. iimi Tr}:- c; 1mm (/1) where imaxf‘vk) is the mnxuti'imtn
`pcrmissiblc ocuim‘ ii‘i‘zii‘iimicc for the was/”cimigih chosen and P; tho ii‘icidcnf light mwm’
`on the eye.
`WO 2014/151877
`ll1clayo111d1‘sc1ll11o1ll1o1'o 0111215. 15151111: 510111111111111131115; (01111121101110
`c011vcnt'ionz1l display system.
`i 311: SLM display uses. 110 i1'1tot'11tc1liz11'y optics l'fiCtWCCIl the SLM and the 13311.
`111al1'111g the layout simpler and potentially more compact, compared to hittdlfional LCD or
`lJlx/lD5l3215cd Systo .1111 which 1.151? 11 set 01 1111:112'o-l01111111g 161' 57111 01:1111111211 tl11: (llspl 1-151 11nd
`the eye.
`Pux'j'x'mcfull y dct'ocusing the 211110 order by projecting 11 11011~oolli111ato1l beam on
`the SlfiVl ltelpo to safely redistribute the uncontrolled .l’i'action ol‘ligh‘: incident. on 1111-:
`display system. (zero order). {1.5111011 11011- 1.1)ll11t1.111d be‘11111 incident101110 1111.81M 1111121111;
`that 11 5pcoult11 lCl‘lQCl'lOl'l (7810 01"1‘1'1‘1) 110111 the S.l.Nl 111cl11dii1gl*l11‘ state who11 it 15111111111
`off, is spread over 11 large. 111133. 011 the 113111111,
`.1'11tlztc1‘ tho 11 directed into 11 diffraction limited
`spot, which would cause safety concerns A quadratic '11101l'u.l1111'on l1; 11scd 1111 1111': SLM to
`01:1lli11111lc t:l11'. 11116111111101 the l1gl‘t1twl1icl1 C2111 be 1:111‘1111ll1‘1lby the. dis;:1l11‘ , thereby
`allowin 1 111121.11: (11.53.3115; 111 the desired 1111-1111:.
`The q1.1111l11-1tio n'lodulattm'l C1111 also be used to simulact tlm‘c 11111111151111121l imagc.3,
`by 1‘1'1‘01111119, the. :imugc 5.110th in from of or l1cl1lnd tthc 111111111. The 1'1101'l11‘1131110n 111315 115 21
`Fresnel lont‘. who‘1‘. power can be 11dettcd. When this power changes, the image plane in
`wl1icl1tl1o 1111111111 is created also changes. The 115121151 cyc then mods to adjusf its Focal
`length to owl-('1‘. the 1111:1110 51111-111), creating 11 p111'c11p'tio1'1 0111 3t) 1111111011, The SLM 01111 also
`be used to correct for systot'natil: 11bctt'1'atlo11z5j 111 tl11': 0111103 111111 1.11'11'1'111'8301'101'15 in the user‘s
`eye {1161111 {211‘ sightedncso, pt'oscn'oo 01111121111115, 611:).
`Another inherent advantagc ol’tlw syslcm over traditional Nil.) 01‘ DMD booed
`systorm 15: ’[ll.111 it 1151.5 1111‘1111-‘1'11' lll’filll wittl] 111111tl11l1'1gl1 1:111:11:11:. v 5111111011: «loos 1101111511114
`.-:111yol'1l11' 111111011loowcn likc the lHCD1'11 llMll systems 1011111111110 cxtcndcd battery life.
`Variatimw oftho given oxax'nplox. include. but 1111: 1101 limit-3d 11.1'1l1o Mllowing,
`l‘lic l11-3111:l--11'10111111311 111111 @1111 be built using cill'tm' 11 polarization sensitive or 11
`polarization-i11151:1'111i11\'=1‘SlM. ll11‘pl1111211t1011511151111 151‘5113111')l‘tl1131li.5:plz1y 11111111113511
`non-pol1:11'12111g l:11~:::1111--;5'1.1lltt1‘.1'11nd 11o 1111:1.1‘t1-:1'-'\.1»11\=c plate 11111511121311 tho l1o1111'1-11plilto1' 211111 13111:
`SLM. The1.111l211'11111.li1111~-11150115111110 vc15'1011 111111110171 1111111111;1111;: boom511l1tt'1‘1 11ml t'ltc
`21111111101101}(111111'1111'11'2‘15‘11 gala-11o bemoan the l111‘15111spltttet 21111lt1cl55ll‘1‘1.
`W0 Mill/RSI 877
`The light: source can either be mounted directly on the display unit (it could for
`exan’iple be a loner diode)‘ or can be kept minty from the unit, coupled into a fiber and the.
`fiber delivers: the light to the unit. The light can be partially collirnatcd either with :21
`single lens or using a pair oi‘cylindricnl lenses? as the distortions introduced by using
`these can be easily corrected on the SLM itsell’. If the light source is. kept off the. display
`unit, the fiber has to be polarization maintaining, or there has to be it polarizcr at the
`output oi’thc fiber in order to keep control over the polarization of the light inside the.
`display unit. With the second solution, a mobile computing unit predicts the polarization
`state ot'thc output when the fiber moves, and ticlj'ustc power accordingly
`The light source can either be coherent, with good spectral purity and, single mode
`emission (single mode laser dindefi other type oi'lascrh be coherent with purposcfiilly
`degraded spectral characteristics in terms of” l:izi:n<:l\.vidth (e,g.,, to reduce SpCCleL or be
`incoherent (colored infill white light).
`The mobile processing unit could either be any mobile computing, unit running an
`app dedicated to feeding the right display into the SLM by extracting meaningful
`information and computing holograms correspimding to it, or could he dedicated
`electronics optimized for the problem ot‘computing relevant: holograsnns etticicntly (ASKS.
`or .Fl’GA circuit: implementing a veroion cfthc GS algorithm, or another adapted
`algoritlnn for l'iologrum computation for example} In the coon-mt oft-i device destined to
`nosiat‘ people- with low ’vinioni relevant information could be contcnir extraction, detection
`and highlighting ol’an obstacle; extraction of text {single letters coulcl bc shat]. encd‘
`increased in size, text mitten in small :tbnts could be broken into several pieces of subtext
`displayed i'nagnificd), signaling of dangers such as cars, assistance with spatial
`tl’ctVl gutiorr, determinction ot‘ when it is safe to cross a street and when i 1 is not, assistance
`in locating specific objects, for example specific food items i ti 3 xt‘orei or directing;
`someone to their shoes or cltjitliing items, Such embodiment}; can make use ogt‘con'ii‘intcr
`vision methods for recognizing relevant t‘catnrcs, which can. then have corresponding
`holograms generated by commutation, Such computation can include lockup and/or
`translbrmation ol‘ prcrtiinputetl holtngraina for commonly encountered relevant features
`The mobile processing; unit could i ncludc a touch-based or Vi‘iiec-based interaction
`systci’n, which lets the user celcct what: type nlt‘viaual informutioo is most meanitnigliil to
`him. The user can change the settingsM For extinnzilc when walking in the strect the user
`i t)
`2‘v ‘¢‘!
`W0 2014/15 1877
`PCT/US$201 #0266113
`couid Choosc 1L1 11ig1‘111g11t dangcrs, and when going into 11 slow. CL1111L1 switch to finding 21
`1'L11Cvz1111 product. The 11111111111 pmcmsing11111101111 13C mudc modular, using; different
`sensors 10110.1'1'01111 Cliftbrcnt tasks (05111113121 fur (111113011011 L11" (1111;11:101C‘s L11'C01'11'0111'1'L'11'
`011211111310, UPS positioning combined with 02111113121 f111'pnsit101'11'11g. 1115C 0171111711) Chips for
`positioning 2‘1 1110d uCi 111 2'1 510 "12)
`Tim 1111;112-11 DIOCL851111; 111111 01111 have 2-111 i11itL.111L‘t CL'11111CL11'011 US$111 to 1101111111111111'211'C
`with 21 SCIVCF 111 011.1131 to immow its 1C1:011111'11311L111.11.0115
`1111 addition 10 the pICCCdino' Cx2u11ple, CXCmplax'y CI111)01:11'111C1:11:21 affine 11111011111111
`11'1C111dC the. 11111012111111.
`A method {"01 prav‘iding 2111 1'11121gC to an eye- L1f 21 112111C111,th1‘C the 11'1C‘t11L1d
`1110111111331) 113CC1V1111; an 1111:1111'1111211511; 2')c11~n1put1'n<.; 11. 1101011121111 c1111'CspL111111111g 101111:
`11111111 111111311; 3) encoding; 111C.111)1L1g1‘211111111 21 phasC-Lnnly 11112111211 113,111111.0(111121101($1.111);
`11411411111111111121111111C11‘SI.1\/1w1111211101.111C21111C11n'1suc111111211phase. 111111111121tC1111111111 130111
`111C 81.11115 1LCL1VCL1I by the CyC; W11C1'111a11outpm imauc LOI’H‘SpOIIdUIP 10 1'11C 11111111 111111111)
`1s 1111111Cd 111. 111C eye, and where. focusing 01'111C 1:11:11'1c211 beam 1'21 C0115 gun-1d 1111011111211: zero
`otdm 1113111 11011113110 SIM131:111111111'01111521 a 101: 11.11111 1111:111C 1111111111 1111211113.
`ThC eye can irufludc 2L {111L1101'L-1CC‘1111101('03., retina or 1‘C1’111211 1110511113515) (1151'1115CL1 111'
`1 phOiiOl’CCCpEOI‘ 1L1cat1011‘1111101‘C the output 11'1'121gC is 10 1113 11111111121, and 111C SUM can be
`disposed :11 211"‘L1L11'1'C1'C011111111C111L21110110’1 the: 1'1110101'LCCpm1 101.111011HC1L 11111
`101:1.11'011511CC 101.111L1 conjugutc 1L1L2111'o113 W1111113.11me 10 1111 013'1111:211 systC‘n‘. 1f11'11: electric-
`{EL-1L1 211 0110 of 111C 10112111111181s111C1L1L111'C1'1111113111111101 111C C‘iCL‘tt111C 11L Id 211111CL1111L11'
`1L1C11111111'111 111L. 111.11116211 5111111111
`1'01? L‘Xz1111plL, if-1111‘ 01mm11 832512011} 1s 11 511111.118 1cm; with
`11:11::.11 1C11<11111__.‘111:111Cs 111:1'11'311111LC‘5 0111.31.121.1111111 1125111111 111 111C 1011s 1111: 1L11111C1
`01111111111110 10(1111'101'113.
`111 111.15 111011111 1111: reflex/21111 opticaf 3315111111 1111'111311111111; 1701111111
`111.1111 111.1an 1L1Ltz111'0115 is 1111: 11131:. The SLM 01111 211511 11{?{11'Sf)0$€d away 1111111 1:11C 1501111111
`130111 ugmc location L11“ 1111: phothCCCptor 111C2111L111, 1111115 15 donC. £1111{)1'O}111'1111*C 111111.511
`111L1L11112111L11‘1 111111111111 to thC SLM 112111 CL1111pC1121211C‘ 111111111: ChangL‘. 1'11 SLM positmn.
`in 1111:;
`work. 21 1111111211 1111:15111C51'1;
`'11. 211111 1111:121--1.1C111211'1L1C\113L‘Lz11'111blCL1110‘4‘1111112 1111111 21nd
`1110111011111: 5111111112111011 L11'L11111C111 lilCl’VCS 1"Cspo11s1vc to the received 111.1111.
`W0 21113111151377
`PL“11817111 111261101
`P30103111)1y 11301111110111 110113:3 has :1 1001151333.; 31130113 11 3133: 13 11311111“m, 1111“,,“
`31111::11‘: 11.11111331311 11mm11101101131011 above.
`111011“.1130111221113.1001151133111311110 is1.1011330111013111110
`21111310 0111011311 00311011301100 03‘ divergence.
`113111301:31g11 00m03111033 101‘ 11 103‘
`111131113guis131ng convergence from divergence 021.13 1.30 01131110323311 without 111101311131; the
`3.110110 10511111011110 11101011011 focusing 11.111510 111311113, 11001313110 01" 1110 11115013110 37211310 131 the
`Th0 01111101 011110 SLM ‘11; 1111110121111 y 5311.35111-1111: 13 131 1110 1.0113 0111011 133111 21. 51111110

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