(19) $$§ Canadian
`intellectual Property
`An Agency of
`industry Canada
`Office do {a Proprifi,
`0111 Canada
`Un organisme
`d'lndusstrie Canada
`("ll CA 2 284 2&9
`(13> Ai
`(410) 28.03.2001
`(<13) 28.03.2001
`A818 3110, H()4N 7/18
`(51) m. c; 6
`2 284293
`93 Lombard firesceni, ST. ALBERT, A1 (CA).
`An apparems and method are deecribed which
`provide a unique way of creating a
`very high
`resolution image of the retina inside an eye.
`In one
`aspect, the apparaiue uses a very resolution linear {ICE}
`array coupled wiln structured light projectors (or low
`power eye safe lasers) to illuminate the
`reiina to
`capture a very high resolution image segment of the
`in another aspect, a moving light pattern is
`used which is tracked by an
`observer whose eye is
`being scanned, and the image segments of the retina as
`the eye
`tracks the moving light pattern is integrated
`to form a very high resolution image
`segment of the
`in yet another aspect.
`the structured light
`projectors can he used to project
`a known paiien‘. on
`the retina to reconstruct a 151'.) man of
`the retinal
`surface integrating 3D informaiiori computed as the eye
`a moving
`innovative methods; are used to register the orienlalion
`of the eye being scanned with the very high resolution
`captured at
`any point of


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`(72-; mm, ANUP, CA
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`u 2;) (19') my) Berna-m tie-“A ppli 'zatimiz
`('31) (A!) 252843~Z£§9
`(2;), 1999/09f28
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`nhm} winch prmudc :1 mqu way of «imam-.5 :3 wry; {ugh 31:5(3hflu511 mugc M
`'3?) An zippsn‘nnm and xmxihud me. ('
`1hr: Minn imidc an m
`In one a“ purl, (he appeuaius Llano a very tcsohujou liuwr CCD array cougflcd with :siruolumd
`hg’m yu'oiarx':ic>_r:e (or km pmutr cu:
`k- {mum in illumimnc Lhc Mina to capture a wry high msmhuinn iumgc ugmcm
`01‘ the z'iztinn
`1n :2'x‘mtlm' (mp
`21 mmmg Si N minim is used winch IS tracked h):
`;m mbscx'vor “has“? cya: 3 {swing-1
`‘mmL and the im" ’>L- nugnumts (11‘ {he 11‘ ms {h the syn trunk, 1110 moving lighi pains-x11 is iumgr'ucd in than £1 wry
`hxgs) rcsoluiim) imn't
`ugmcu! of the whim {11 V43! nnulhcr eiszpmn, the setruuuxrax} light prujcctom m be mud m 'l'xrojcm
`:1 I-znuwn pnnem m {he mlinn if) mmnstrmfi a 3D map chin: TBUHM 5mm 6 imtsgrming 1H,) iufiimmuim‘t conwrncd
`cm [racks :1 mm:
`‘ iigiu, In yet aux-other as; _
`.. umwativc xx‘urilmdss amused sor-
`191* the (n‘imintiun «,ufihc eye
`scunncd with Hus mm high resululiml imzxgc Replncni cu}:>u.ércd u! :my pvim of iimc.
`indurshn; (3w min.
`img'Lnslw Cumin


`(TA 02284299 l9‘a‘9-‘U9*28
`{Name ofPamnt: Meihod ami apparatus for a high msg#12282”: aye scanner
`Assignoe: Telephotogemos inc.
`9'3 Lombard Crescgm
`St. mom, AB 78}; 3N1
`Phone: {780)«4 14v0623
`FAX: {780)«419~30§0
`fi I
`nventors: Amp Basin, St, Aibent, Canada
`Simian H. Moore, Edmonton, Canada
`An apparatus and method are dosoribod which provide a unique way oforeating a
`very high resolution image of the I‘mixia inside an eyo.
`In one impact, the. apparatus uses a very resolution linear C(31) army coupled with
`i structured light projoctoi's (or low powar oyo sat}: lasers) to illuminate the retina to
`gcap'ture a very high i'ewlmion image segment of the: retina.
`in anothor aspect, a moving light pattern is uscxi which is tracked by an observer
`whose aye is being scamwd, and the: image segmoms of’thc retina as the. eye tracks the
`moving light pattern is integrated to form a very high resolution image segment of the
`In yot another impact, the. structured fight projectors can be used to project a
`known pattern 011 the: retiria to roconstmot 2131‘) map offline retina? sniffing integrating
`3D infm‘mation computed as the eye tracks a moving iighi.
`In. yet another aspect, innovativo methods aré: mod to ragifimr the orientation of
`the ow: being scmned with the vow high msoimion imagt) sogmamt capmred at any point
`~ss~s-v~ssssss‘xs‘sm\\\ss~ss~\-~sx-s~ss~s~\\~\s~sxs\x5x“\\\\\‘m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\\\\\“\\\\\\\\\\\xx\\\\s«\~\n““---.-.A-Aq“..n-unnu—nn ..u.u................_..._...“nun“.................V...................._.........._..........................._....


`CA ”2284299 l9‘l‘.)>09-28
`Mmttaod amt annotating for a high retaliation eyo seams”
`Field ol‘ttan invmtion
`This in‘vuntion relates to a device for creating vary high resolution imagoxy of the retina
`insults at human eye. More specifically, tho invention rclatos to combining image segments,
`captured with a high resolution linear {It'll}, as the eye moves to track a moving light
`oat-team to create a very high resolution image of the. retina The: invention also relates to a
`manual and (it-Nico for mgistering the: image segments Obtaiilfitd as tho aye movos, to track
`the moving light pattern, with tho unionization oftlto eye.
`Background of the involution
`{Eu-trout novices for obtaining pioturtzs of the retina. suffer from lack ot‘good detail, thumb};
`making diagnosis of eye diseases difficult. This problem is especially rolovmit in tho
`context of ’l‘olollnaltli when: images may he acquitoti for rumoto diagnosis by a dootor;
`lack of high quality in the images captured moans that telodiagnosis is lmpossiblo
`This invention introduces: a now method and apparatus which makes it possihlo to obtain
`images of the: retina with quality surpassing what can be omen/on by a doctor with his or
`her naked eye.
`There. are. sovoml unique componnnts in the device described in this invention
`compared to devious downbeat heretofore. First, the method and apparatus for creating
`very high resolution retinal images is unique. Second, the method and device pt‘ovidos a
`means for integrating image segments over time to ornate a vet}! high resolution retinal
`image Third, the method and apparatus provides a moans for illuminating tho inside ot‘tlie
`eye using limited amozmt of lighting, thnreby not closing the iris while imaging. Forth, the
`triothocl and apparatus provides a means ofilluminating and winging a Wide: field of View
`inside the gyro.
`Summary of the intimation
`it is a primary object oftltis iswmtion to provide a new and impx'ovod waxy high resolution
`imaging mothod and apparatus For scanning tho retinal Stut‘ace of human eyes.
`it: is a further object of this invention to provide a method and uppatatun for noctu‘utoly
`registering tlm image segment captuuxl at an instant of tuna with the corresponding
`oxiuntatiou «of-the: oyo.
`According to the pz‘esont iuvuntion, am oyo summing system is developed continuing ot‘two
`or more stmfiturofi light (or low powor eyemsafio laser line) projectors; a high resolution
`linoar CC}? based sensor and associatot‘l electronic components; an optional area {3CD
`basal tonsm‘ and associated elmtx‘onio components; an optional partial reflector (or
`partially silvumd mirror} ; a device. to plaoo an eye for imaging; a moving light pattern; and
`a high speed standafds tinged bi-»dimctional communication (tux/ice for translating digital
`imagu data to a computoy or other storagé: device,
`“MMM.“MW....“w“...“wt“....‘...“u“..uu..“.w“~\~\u“\\\\\xuu“\“u\\\\\“\“\w.“““\w«».““““wM»~~~.w.“ah\\\\\m\\\‘\\\\------------------------------------------------- '


`{TA 02184299 199')- ()‘_)~ 25
`Further, according to the present inveniion, a bidirectional oommlmication system is
`providech for ma} time modifications of me parametm‘s of the inmging system) in order to
`control the: focussing of’thc light (laser) sources on the retina
`Briaf dwmfipfihn of flu: drawings
`The ibregoing amj othor objscts, foatums, banafits, and advaxataghs ofthe. invention will be
`(fiesmbed in the prefm‘ed embodiments ofihe 5315mm in conjunction with tho
`accompanying drawings, in which:
`F513;. 1 is a diagram of a prefetmd embodiment of 1:1»: prosmfi iswmxtion,
`153g. 2 is a diagram showing the: iocation of a hi~hnear CCU within the camera 6 in Fig. 1.
`Fig. 3 is a diagrmn showing the iocaiion of an optional partial reflector and the
`cowasponding area CCD within the camera 6 in Pig. 1.
`fig. 4 is a diagram showing the projection of a hanow imam of light (or tow power iasar}
`on the mime: from the lighting dovioos '7 in Fig. i.
`Fig. 5 is a diagram showing the configuration of a computer and cmmnunication whh the
`eye sommi 11g systom.
`Fig. {'3' is a. diagram showing another embodiment of the present. invention.
`Fig. ’7 is a block diagram relating ”the operation ofvarious hardware. momponems.
`Fig. 8 is a diagram showing the :imggrmion ofimago data (>on timo to cream a
`composite image of the retina.
`fiomifimfi doscrfipatmn of the prafm‘md mnbodhamm
`Refining now to figure 1, a «sum/6d surfaho l with an opening to allow an eye :0 $00k
`through is shown. A circular or elliptical or other appropiiamly shaped ring 3 holding, a
`number of lights 4- that can be controlied to create a moving Eight pattern is also shown; at
`moving pattern on an LC?) dissplay can bifl: used instead of a number oflighls in 4. An eye
`placed at ‘2 can be imaghd by a Gamma 6 with 163m; 5. Tho interim ofthe aye. can be.
`iiluminatod using two fight SGuI'CES (01’ km powor oyosafc iasars) 7.
`Roferring new to Figure 2, the inside of (mmom 6 is shown in greater detail. in one. form
`of operation ooh; one iii-linear sensor 8, mnsisting of 3 some!" Enos 9, 30, and 11
`cozmsponding to red, green, and blue, is used to capture a vertical strip of image ofpim of
`this says. in this form ofoperatiots 3116 rod sgxasor is tunesd to captum the orienmiion of‘the
`haw“.._~~\_~.MWM.‘“~_.»W»....“».w\w“..“h_.....“n..u.w““w.““““0~~~u..~~nu“s“““«“~\“gsx-wxx“x“““““~““»»~.“~““‘fi““ww.»“‘“wnn...” "an.“ .V .H. . .. V “n“.“nn‘nnw


`CA 0228415”)
`eye with inner-red sensing, while the retina is illuminated with blue and green lighting
`which can lire imaged by the blue and green sensors.
`Referring now to Figure 3, the. inside nfihe camera is shown in greater detail in another
`farm nfnperatleu in which a partial reflector (0r partially silvered nurror) 1'2. is used to
`reflect. part el‘tlre image to be Captured by an infrared C(31) 13.
`Referring now to Figure 4, the means ef’ illuminating the inside of’the eye using structured
`light (ur low newer laser) preieetors 7 is shown in greater detail. Rays 34 from the tug)
`prnjeeter and IayS 15 from the. bottom prefieemr in eenjrmetion overlap in illuminate a
`large vertical field of View on the retina 16. Only tlun vertical beams are projected inside
`the eyes, thereby the overall brightness perceived by the eye is low and does not cause the
`iris to close.
`Referring new to Figure 5, the syslem is eontmllm‘i by a. manputer 1'7 or similar electronic
`control device. The electronics in the camera {a 00erle the lighting device 1?: and
`synchronizes the image capture with movement oftlie light pattern in the lighting device 3.
`The communicutieu between the curnputer 17 and the tamera 6 is bidirectional; image
`segments inside the eye captured by the camera 6 are transferred to the eemputer 17
`whereas eperational emumands lsgued by the amplifier 1'? are translbrred in the camera, 6.3.
`Relerring new to Elmira fa, anniher possible implementation of the system for eye scanning
`is Shawn. In this; implementation several partially silvered mirrors or similar optical
`devices are used in mnjunctien with multiple lenses instead of'the arrangement in Figure
`1. ln the implementation in Figure 6,
`the eye under observatien 18 has a light pattern 19
`projected on the retina which is imaged by an area CCD camera 22‘ The other conrpenenlts
`et’llre system in Figure 6 include: a half silvered miner 20? a lens: 2} for the area CCD
`camera 22, another half silvered mirror 23 used to reflect part oftlae light in image a
`vertical segment uf the feline using a lens 2% and a linear (3CD 2.5, auuther half silver‘erl
`mirror 26 used t0 guifie a linear light source 28 with a lens 27' fer immersing tn prujuct a.
`linear beam on the retina, and a. muving light source 29 (which may be created by a pninl
`source (if light placed an a rotating unit) that when reflected by the hall‘silvererl miner
`surface 20 anpears as a. inuviug light patient similar in 3 in figure l.
`Referring now to Figure 7, a block diagram relating the operation el‘and interactions
`among various electrmue emupenente nftlu: sysrem is shown. ln this figure; A is 3 Linear
`CCU Demeter; B represents the Analng output nl‘tlre Linear CED Beleetm; {I is an
`Analug in Digital converter; 1) represents the Digital output: offs/D eonvertm‘ C; E is the
`Men—rely fur staring the digital Output of the Linear CCD Detector; F is the Linear C(31)
`neteetor Memery nutput, 314(1 .12) t0 Nl.i(11..n); (3 is the Timing unit for ecu as well as
`address: generator for Linear and area Detector Memories; H is an. Area CC?) deter-tar;
`l is the Analog output of Area liteteeter; l is the Area Beteclor’e Analog to Digital
`converter; K is the digital output {WA/D l; L is the Memory for sturing the Digital
`output of Area {1:313 Detector; M is Area (3CD Detector Memery output,
`lA(x,y} to


`(IA “2234299 l999~09~28
`'NA{x.,y)z; N is a Microoroocssor; G is tho mommy ofzihe Microprocessor; P is tho Memory
`Bother for CCDS, linear and moo; anti Q is the Mioroprooosmr Mommy Bus.
`Refining now to Fight: 8, the image of‘a vertical strip 30 on the. mom is obtainod as an
`intensity map 32. The integration oi‘tho location oftho strip with the intensity map
`producos an image strip 33 in the rotina. The image strips 31 ovor time am accumulatod to
`produszo an image: ofa region 33 of the retinal surface.
`in operation, an eye placed at location 2 tracks a continuously moving light pattern 4
`(containod inside. a circular or ellipiiml or other relevant shape 3, Thih light beams (or eye»
`safe low powor lasers) am projected on to tho retina 16 firom light {or laser) projootors 7.
`The rayo 14 and 15 from the light sources 7 in combination iiluminato a largo vorlical
`Sogmom of the retina 16. High resolution imago sogmonts are imaged by a camera 6 using
`a linoar CC!) 3 as the eye movoa to track. the. light pattern 4. These image segments are:
`imagrated over timo by registering the. orientation oftho eyo with tho image segment
`captured at an instant of limo. Rogisiering hmgo sogmems captured at an llifiivaifi offimo
`will} the orientation of an eye can he. achiovrxl in at least two different ways. hr one
`approach two linear SQBESOYS {say 9 and 10 reprosooting blur: and green) can be mod to
`oapturo image segments inside tho oyo by illuminating the ream only with light in the: blue:
`anti grow spec-mam, while 1i mpreseming red can be tuned to capture an infrared sogmom
`of the surface oftha 8319? thereby making i1: possible :0 register retinal image segments
`with ”rho corresponding orientation ofthe eye. In another approach, part of tho light;
`coming into the camera is. milmtml using a partial reflector (or oartialiy silvered mirror) 12
`to an infrared aroa {3CD sonsor Whig}: captures an outline of the outside surface oftho
`oyo, while the trinlioear sensor 8 can be concurrently usmi to capmrc a vertical strip of
`image inside the eye. Using the orientation of the eye as a roforeoco, vofiioal image
`sogmohts ofthc retina. can be intogratod over time: to aware it very high resolution image
`oi‘tho Mimi millage.
`in another modo ofopemtiorr, the rays 14 and 35 from the: light sources: 7 can he used to
`project a known pattern on the rotioa, such as dot pattoma, which can be imaged by the
`linear (SCI) 8 to obtain infomiation that can be mood to compute depth. lo ordor to
`(limioguish hotweezo the: light sources l4 and 15 the two sour‘cos can project light in
`different wavelengtlm, «3;, him: and green, and these patterns can be aligned with the
`corresponding (7CD hm: 9, 10 or 1 l morass-rating rod , green and blue sensors‘ Again,
`using {has oriemzatioii ofthe eye as a reforonce, vertical image segments oftho retina. can 336:
`integrated over time to cram: a very high resolution image oftho retinal surface.
`in oporalion, 3, szorriputor I? controio the moving light paitem 4‘ while imogo segments of
`the room: am u'zmgforreii to the compumr storage along, with an image (or image segment)
`recording rho oriomatim} ofthe eyo. In one form ofimplomen’tmion, the: commuter has; hi~
`directional communication ovor high~spcod Mandala hast-2d communication links with a
`mom‘irroication board in this. imaging device. The communication board iii the imaging
`device controls the oomoiion ol‘lho moving light paflmr 225 well as this Structured light (or


`CA 012234299 l999~*09»38
`laser) projectors 7 However, various other arr‘amgétmonts ofrhe communication system
`and protoooi are possible without changing tho essence of‘die ovorofi apparatus.
`'I'here are various ways to acitiiovo the. barrio setup in which a iiriear source of Eight is
`projected on rho hack: mini: whilo a patiorit follows a moving do: of flight. The projocted
`line is iocatod on the, sauna wriica] axis as a linear CCD which capturea a line image of that
`part of retina. illuminated by the Zinear iight source. Tho patient follows the dot of lighr
`which causes the. eye to scan Ecfi~right (yaw) up~down (pitch) whereby causing rho line
`projection to swoop a connected region in tho rotirra. The: so“: up also monitors rho iris and
`pupil with an arr->8: oarrrorai The area omnora or area (SCI) is: used to registor and record rho
`orientation ofrhe eye. The eye orirsmatioo arm have Yaw, Pitch as wofi as some rotation
`(Roii) degrees offroedom. Ariorher mothod of'achioving 1hr. basic setup in shown in
`Figure 6‘ in this setup, rho eye 18 tracks a moving light paliom croatod by the reflection of
`a moving point source ofiight 2.9 from a hair" siivorod mirror 20. Note that 29 may consist
`of a single light source mounted on a rotating piratfigirm, rather {hart a coiiocrion. of lights 3
`«awaiting a moving Eight pattern. The orioriratism offline. eye: is estimated by capturing; the
`image's ofthe iris and pupii using an infrared area CC!) 22 camera with a Ions 2} A linear
`segment of the retina on which a iino beam is projected, by a line some-s2: 28 {harassed using
`a lens 27 and reflected ofl‘ haif'siivered mirrors; 23 and 20, is imagod by Miriam-(3C1) 25
`camora with a lens 24 for focussing; this mangomom is more: compact than using}, two line
`light source projectors '7 in fire arrangement in Figure 1. Again? the: set up in figure 6 can
`be used to obtain 3D riots. on the retinal surface by using the line boom projector 28 to
`projector 21 right pattern, such as a dot pattern, on 31hr: retina.
`With referenco to Figure ”I, a method for intograting image segments over time is
`explained in greater domi} using a block diagram showing the various hardware.
`components and their inter~re1aticmships. For correot registration rho (3CD dmocwrs aro
`synohronimd in time. A150 for correct rogistraiion tho address on each detector, Linear
`and Area, write imo mommy locations; for the same address: so that each area scam
`correrrponds to it iinear scan. in this way the threw zmgios, elevation, azimuth and roll} can
`be calculator} by the microprooosrsor basod on tho error: sensor mapping oi‘the iritr Given
`the three: awgios calculated for sash merriory location the microprocessor their roaris the
`lirroar scam memory and builds the map of the: retina: from the linear scans which roprosonr
`smaii segments: of the image, In this way the Moroprocossor roads all oftiro arm: memory
`and computes. a compote: table. ofiooations for tho linoar mans to be “81136 in.
`Stop 1: Road area sonsor or memory iocau‘on 1 using 21”} intensity amp oforoa sensor for
`iocar‘ioo one as first roforonco.
`Step 2: Road area sensor 3r. irrmrwxy iowtion 2 using area data cakzolaio new eye iooa’tiorz
`by differential mapping to iocatioo ’1,
`”ibis calculation wiil yieid eye. pitch roii and, tilt. Store thesis riumbors in microprocessor
`memory or memory IA.


`CA 0228429?)
`Step 3: Ropes: snap 2 soquemiafly reading area dam and calculating and storing oyo
`positions through complete so: ofaroa nmmoxy iocafions from 1A to XA.
`Byr; positions Calcuhncd
`{:(goais Wfiu‘i);
`Stop 4;
`Read calculatsd eye positions in memory 1A. inon Pita}: R01} and ’l‘iit calculate fiifi
`straight line projsotion of this on a. serios of mommy ioca’cions may) to N(x,y) on a 2D
`mommy map corresponding to tho projection of a straight line and the goomemcai
`position oftho eye. This can be done because ofthe prior knowiedgo ofthe tine. projection
`relationship to the are-a sensor,
`Eyepositions;CalculatedWW! KCSECMSIG
`Line Pan-mums Calcuiate
`Mathematically NNpimhg‘oiLtiit) transfonns to NP(>;’,y’)
`won-3) givos the location ofiho Bins segment being imaged (30 in Figure 8).


`(155 02234299 E999~09- 28
`Write into memoxy at 133983”) ts) NP{K’,y’) the corrtcsponding tinsar 55mm“ memmy
`focation intensity readings 1L{1,.‘N), At each line. projectim) point calculated write the
`cmrespunding intensity vaiue from the linear sensor memory,
`Wm“, M‘
`«“x ‘\.
`\\ \
`Mathematicaliy ‘Nl’t’xfiy? transformszrs t0 M04131”)
`in other words, incatim of linear segment imaged 30 (Figure ’7) cmmbined with intensity
`map of iinsar C(31) 3:2 gives imaga mfg iismar scgmant an the retina 31.
`Step 5:
`Repeat step 4 for each eye. positism cakmiated thereby fining {ha compiete map Ufa raging:
`0f the retina. In other wards, linear imags scgmenta 31 (Figum 7) of the retina, captured
`as the eye moves to track a moving yattem, can be: integrated over time to prcniuw a high
`resolution image 33 ofthe retina.
`The. same set ofsteps can be remitted with a pattern Eight pmjected {:31 the: retina? histead
`Off: simpie vestica} beam ot‘l'ight, to compute and obtain a 3133:0125}: ot‘a mgion (at‘the
`We hareby compiete the map of the retina,
`in the. ibi‘egoing specifications, the inventism has been described with raspect m specific
`exemptmy embcdiments. I'imvavai‘, vmious mudiiications may be mach: thmeto without
`deviating from the broader gpirit and scope ofthe invention as set. forth in the appended
`1., A device: fin" generating vaiy high msolutimz retina! images, colnpri:§§133*””'
`an imagfitg dsvicc cuupied with one or more iincar light (tfijfiserf'bmiectors;
`a maxing light pattern;
`at Ems: one communication (Swim for biwdggmtififia mmmtmicafim betwem the said
`imaging {twice or the said '1 2156! ps‘gimtfi’r‘é‘: and a computer.
`2‘ Au atmngsmem gfxthé’fiimging device and tha laser pattern
`projectozfgacmfi’r'ding to claim 1 which in conjunction with a camputer, or equivalent.
`daxdeef’ofi‘er the fnfiowing fimctimaiity:


`(SA 02284299 l9‘?9~09~28
`Imation intensity seadings 11.4; N) At mach line projmtimt point caiculamd w:its3/
`corresponding immmity vaiue f1cm the linmr 3631501 memory,
` WWW”...
`Calcumcdlinc2-;0jecflg {\kCaimiati:
`MathematicallyNPOEJ’) 'traustbrmsrsm by?)
`/ .m
`. 0 {Figura ’7) combined with intensity
`In utizw‘ wards, location of linear segment imag
`map 01‘5an CC?) 32 givcs. image of a Einaar § gn‘ient an the retina 3 '1.
`Stay) 5
`Repeat step 4 to: 3.th eye pasition cal mated theraby {Ming {he compieie map of a mgien
`0f the retina. In othcr wards, [mam " age Segmsntts 31 (Figure 7) m‘ the ratinag captuzed
`as (in: eye waves to track a mmfg} ‘ pattern, cm: be integmmd over time to prnduae a high
`resolutian image '33 ofthe myixfi
`The same set ufstspmfie repeated with a pattern light pmjected on the mtixm, instmd
`We hemby CQWQ the. map 0?th retina
`in the fqréoing specificationss, the invcmiatm has been described with respect to specific
`axeygfmy embadfimenm [wiawsvex' vmiom axmdificmms may be made therein withsmt
`j? acme from the: broader spirit and scope: ofthe invantion as 541 {01th111 the. appended
`of a simple vertical h >
`wi’lighx, to compute ami obtain 3131‘.) map of 22 region of’the
`3mg... “Wm“ WM...
`What is ciaimmfi is:
`E. A device, for generating “very high resoiution minis} images, comprising:
`{m imaging davice. coupled with same or 0mm limzar Eight (or laser) projximors;
`a moving light pattem;
`at lwst (me <x>mmunicatiozn device to: deimctigmd commaninafion bctween the said
`imaging davicc. m the. said Raser grojecmrs and a computer .
`2. An arrangamem of the imaging device and the 12mm pattern
`pxujmtms awarding m Giana 'iwhich in conjunction with a computer, 01‘ equivaiem
`.iavicm) 051%: the fullowing fimstionaiiiy:
`high speed ciigiml commxmimtion of vary high rcsolutisn image: segxmxsts and
`«w»--~~~.~«~.v~~.~\~“~~~“~“~\..“»“““.“““““““““““.“..““...»............._“....““‘n“~~...“.“““..........._._..“_“.....................u.v....w .V w “v“. . ... . ... . .. . . . _. . .. . .. . . . .7


`CA 0228:3299 i9?!’*09~28
`comm-pending infiamd imago representing gye orientation to a digital storage devioo;
`ability to control the imaging; device) awarding Io ciaim I in ma! time;
`abiiiry of confirm the light pattern pt‘ojocims according to claim 1 in real time;
`ability to obtain both miml imaga and eye orientation on at} parts of 2m aye being
`scanned, thereby aliowing the integration of image segments ofihe retina to form
`a very high resoimion image: of the rotina
`A configuration of‘iighfing projectors, with two or more projectora, to filumimto a
`large vertical field ofvitzw of" £139. rating.
`A dassign ofthe fighting pmjoction, as thin vertical boams, inside. the oyo according "Lo
`daim! , whoroby very high resoiution image ofthe retina can bo acquired without the
`med to oxposo the eye to high intmzsily offiighting.
`A method and apparams :0 cream a. moving light pamam using a singio point source of
`fight, a 1mm:- sm'i’aoe, and 21 roiamabio phfibrm.
`A method and apparatus: for synchronizing the: capture ofoye orientation and
`xegistraiimz of this; infomxation with a. segment ofrotinai imago
`A mathod and apparatus :0 create a 31) map oftho Mina, 'ébflowing the acme in
`claim 1 repiacing the: linear light projectors; with pattern (such as dots) Eight projoctor
`to aiiow the computation of dapth on a retinal surfaca.
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`(A 02284299 l999~09fl28
`Figure. I
`Figure 2
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`CA 022853299 1999—0942:
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`Figame 4
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`Figure 5
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