`Patent Appiicafion Na. 16/463,253
`Cm}firmaih'm N1). SENS
`Afiamcy Dual-cat NU. 2893533 (Chant Refinance No. 3? 3, 3.
`'1. 1041330%}
`Farm-(1mm 3'7 {339? If)? 3316 3.98, the (i-imumen'is iistm’é 0111 {h 4. acca‘x'npanymg Form EYE?€i§~~144§£
`Substimm Fem} PTO-~E449, £111d/ii‘kl' USP’EU Form SEE/{38 Gamaimzfian individually m wiieciivciy
`referred to 22's “‘Fi’x‘rxf’) are submitted for mmidsrai‘ian by file: Examiner in that fixamizmi‘iim ofihe
`abovMdenfifisd pawn: appiieatian.
`The in}? (:onaidm‘amm ofthe documents in their entirety by the Examium‘ is raspecifiziiy
`requmtefi ami snamgwagvxd. Afism it is resgmc‘i‘fisfly magnesia): that fix: demmwni‘s be emtm‘ed ink)
`the, record (31” the prawn}: appiication and {bag UK: Exmnimr initial the appmpzfiiatg arm an {Tim
`21cm.m'1pa:1ying Form, thereby indicating that Exannincr’s: atax§si<immimi offiach fifths documents.
`"37m su‘mniSSion of the dowms—tms iisied an the) Nam: is for the: mimosa: {3f pmviding a mmpicm
`mmré and is not a mncemiml that the docummsfis Eistaci fi'ifli‘fiOI}. are prim art to that invmi‘icm
`ciaiz'md in fi’ifif pate-m apgfiication. The 1'51 gm i5 expresgiy reserved {a csgtabiisu an inwmion date
`eariisr than, the a’bwve-—ids:ntifi£td filing {33m in. wide}? m mmuve any document Submittefl hemwiih
`m: prior art simuld ii; 5:: 6053111636; 21;‘}§}r{3préatc to (if) m.
`'ifi‘uri’i‘m‘, ih: subs-3.5913031offing fiscumems is; 319$ is} 13:: taken as a, mmegsien that any mferenca
`mpmsmts an: that is Itfls‘Wz’afl or aimiogeus t0 the. claim-mad irwemiwn. Accm’dingiy, the vi g1}: to
`argue that any ducumfmi is .1103: progeriy within 1113 :2 Scope: GI" prim mi reisvani to: 2m examimztéqm
`{sf {he ciaims in. 131:3 abqwewidmtifiad appiicaiiou is aim exprefisiy rammed.
`The iiiafinfxnaiicm Diac'msme Sia‘iemant is being flied:
` wmm any one: ()3? mt: faiéawing time: {afzi‘iodgt {1} Within threat: n-z:.:nfias {3f tbs filing {321m
`91‘ a natigma}. agjpiiizaiii‘m ether éihan a confirmed pmsecutiun applicatimz iiifldfii‘
`37 CFR 1.5%d); (b) \R/ifi'lifl {brag nmmhs Of His: {321m 0f witty {If the. Imi'irmai stage. as set
`{mil} in ‘37 CFR .1 .491 of 2:111 intai‘naiimxai azppiziatatim; (at) befort: ms mafiing date {:37 a first
`{Isfi‘zm Action an the merits; or (a?) bcfbre the maifing of a {i r51. Cfi‘fice Amiga aftm' (ht:
`fi'iing Of a FEJiigiLfJSii far minimized {sxaminz-gi‘imn nudist 3’7 (ff-‘42, $4.14.
` Nate: T3112; smbmission inciudss the Sta-136mm}: {inelifif '37 CPR 1.704116%) (Sec:
`“Statenzmfl under '37 {339R 1.’?{}4{d)” bc'iew), sun}; that m; 1":{iu{ttia13 in pan-1m: em}
`afij‘ilsiiiililiflfi is unwanted by the fiiing 01" this; Infmmatigm niaciomim Stateimmt,
`zz‘i‘i‘er (a), (3-3), (:2) m (d) gimme, but befme the mafling (Eats Of a fimi amima under
`37 {IFR 2.113, a, Notice 9f Alia‘mrzmat: unflifi‘ 37 CFR 1,3} m an 2:91:30}: 1423': aéhcrwisc
`clams prosmuitimi in £31m appfiw’tim, and :imiudes {me 01‘:
`I L
`Pei: gs: E m“ 4
`Amfiication N11. 5537463,:1253
`5115115111151131’15531:513311.113. 31111511111911:
`55113 55135135116115 1.1111511? 3‘7 (757R. 5.937(3) {sec “55111513111611: 3? C5751. 5.9%1:)”
`”5515:: 31153111535501).5111551115113 1.511. Siam1116512: 111115111" I?5 {357R .5. 7831511} {sax
`“Simem:115 11111531.: 7 C555 .5 7554515)” beimfl, 5:111:51 55111.1. 111) 11115131 15011 511 1311511111: 513.1111
`z115§1.'1$111111>111 is V'311'111'111315‘11y 1511‘ 1‘15'511g135 1511‘s 511511111131151115.3551:5011me Staicmw:
`the fee $13.5 1701151 1'11. 37 (3575? 5.5.7531) (see “5713133" 531350115}.
`1111 131' 1151511 5511-: 11121555113 152155: 1.11“ 51. 53.11115 1113151111 111115131 37 {3.57571 5.55.3 115' a N05513:: 135
`Alhawanm: 1111115131" 37 53.5755. 5.315 .5, 01' 3.1.1 1111151111 “151211; othwwise 0.50.363 131713s1~>1111151m 51:1 55111
`5.1111151132155011. 111.115.1111 11161117011311115711111111 115" 151a issue 5131: and 51105111151351 1:511: 351153111111111.1111561
`I57557R 5 5357512) {3131: “E1.111511111-3115 1111151313“? {35757 5 97751:)“ 51175011'), 11.11.15 5511:. 52:12 8135' 513111.51 1'11.
`3752.757R 5 57151115131113 57111111‘5111513‘1v).
`255115 submissim. 51111351115113 1.51113 Statmnsm 111115111 3? {35757. 5. ”04(6) {sax
`3 I“!
`‘Y “ ‘
`“Statement 111115131" .3, 51.5015. 5.704(1'5)” 5312511112}, 5111151 15131121111 1'131511915011'111 111151111: 1a3111.1
`adjusmmm is 11121131111315. by 15111 555511;; 13.1.1" 151511 5.1155111111115131. 53581250811171? 81215611216111.
`“1511591111111. 1511115151“ 3'71f357R 5 9701‘.)
`”57.5112 undersigned hereby states that 11:11:51 51.13111 05‘ 5115111'11'12115011 91111135111315 in the
`5.1155111112115011 53531211331111: 85111011113111 was 551151 13511315 5111 any 9011111111115991151111 171111211 :1 1701135 €511
`1321111115 115571013 511 21 601111513 13351.15 171117355113 111111311511.111155531115011 1111511111151. than 5515111: 11111111511131.1191?
`51') 55.11: 555511;; 05151113. 51152111131111.1111. D150551s1111. Statemem.
`"5.7511: 11 11151111151111.1115 hereby 551111111 151115110 5113111 1'1'5'5115'111'1111115011 «1111115111315 5111 15112 5.1151311151151111}.
`53531155351111: Statement was 1351131511: 11 1:111:11111111'1513111.51m. 51.11111 :1 11111-311111 1151113111 (15556.11 511 11
`(30111111111131? 551111551111 102111361515 3:995513355011, 21111.5,
`'10 55113 511111112 5.1:dge 0.555.113 111115111V2<n1c315fi51ei
`1'11a511511g 1'15'1131'111215'151: 511555-555?) 1111 5.56111 1215‘ 1115'131'111111151311(31311135111165 5'11 1511: 51157131111111.5011
`'53551151'33111'1: 85351111113111 was 51110171711 1'11 any 51.115517115111175 {lttségnatcd 5:11 37 {357R 5.5176(0) 111111.111
`1151.11.11 1.511131:1'11a'51'1t51s1 1355111 513 1511-) {555113; 055.516: 51.151111111155011.53531151331116: 85215611111111.
`55153513111111.1115111'1151—31'371’75‘73 5 ’75555515}
`5.511:1.1 11151.11151311115 5111111513,) 31351311 55151:. 11:11:51 1111111 (11‘. 11150111111111111 1:11.1111151'1131'5'111 5511‘.
`5.115111111315111153531151351111: 5.552116111113115sz13 55131 1:111-:15'1.11 1x111V5 1311.11111'1111151311'111'11'1 5511111 31 1311113111
`135551311 51.1 3. 1.1111111513113311: 5511851311 111' 11:1581’1121-15011215 21.:11115'112215519111 0.1 51111111 5511: {555112.13 and 5511-15 1.535s
`60111111111111‘1111111was 1.1111. 1131135170151y any indiwfiu.15 15Vu‘ngicd 51137 (.‘"“'52. 5.511(1) 11101“
`5512111 5511:15V' 153.3,I'11Vg'31'1'1'31 511 5511: 515111;; 13.151511 511.5011'11111'11011 551111.511V1111, S511111111111'11.
`57113;: 2 {151/55
`Applim33333333No 16/463,253331'3703‘3'333333033.ifiscfiosum Statemcm
`(13333333333 :33 {Ether Pateht Aphhmfihm
`37333: 'faiimvhig U S. {0233.63.33 3393313933 33333135; are E"3133:3331 hmught to 3333? 23330315033 {31" the
`Examiner. The "U S patent 3393303310333 shim suhiem:332333333 that may be considemd by
`that Examiner to 33::. 3333333333 3.33 the subject 3333333333 033333333331333 the above333333333333d 3333-33333
`aphiicafihh. Accenfii33g’iy, 3.1333323: US 532313333: 23333333033303.35; and/(33' the 33.303332033333333
`pm'taining 313233373230 may 3313233333133 31'331'33'3'333383333 ccmiderefi to he. 3333330373333 3:0 331333 33303333333303;
`{3373.333 a3h0ve~idemificd 3323333333. 33::3pi3‘c:3fim3 Sims the 5312313311363“ has ciectmnim a 20255 '30
`the. prosamnion historic-s {If theseU. 3333:2333: 33933133333031 033351333; of prosecution 3333313333335;
`fixemfi'mn are 33.33. pmvidad hem 33223333 333.13: wiil “3'33: pmhmfiy prm‘isfim} fifths. 35113333333333 so
`3133;531:335 and. K333313335; 5313333“3.
`EaTfi.‘”33”(3.329313% 0:33.23
`Never igwpcs
`{:flpififi 3'23" that fihmmmnm
` {33:3331,3335 (33 any 818. 333333233115; 3333:} pubiisémd patem applicath'ms 33323.? are 353533333 0133.336:
`ficcgmpmwizw“arm are 330: analosed imrewii'h Copies of. any Other dcmumm'is
`identified 333.3 the 33553033333313.3333: 333313.33 2m: enciesgd hemwith.
`3403 333.633 (3333333333613: 3.333. 33.3 3332 1.3393343 Sanguagh. 233: 33:3st {3.313. 01‘ 3:236 {335103313333, 3s previdadz
`(a) an .3533giish 3233.33.55.23133333m “huh. 0.3 in p.333 03' (h) 33 333311331'Sh s’z’mficmmh‘. 3231' m‘mvance in the
`37333133 (33“, for 6x33333316, 3333 English ignguage counterpart, an Eng'iishniahguage abstract, 03'
`£333 Eingéis’h-—3m3guagc V323'sh333 of 53.36;: Shard; i‘G}.)0£'E 333' action by a fm'sigh patent 0333336 333 3.3
`{fouhterpafi 3133333 333 apphcatiam indicating the (£3:ng 333?".‘6393733303 370333333 by the {weigh
`333"}! (:3.
`The {1333333333633i'8 3353630: {333 the ac<m3333pz<33ying 1-“333333 were previausiy identified 333 ‘3'13‘3f3fi'1‘f8331
`anphuauuub) of 3133:. «332333133: 3339330333303. and (50933cs oi thi: documenix Were 333333333933 3?
`313233. 333.323). Acmrdingiy, 23ii<iiti<3nai mpic‘s«20.? 3.13:. do333333353335; am: not33333333333333 hcrewfih.
`330 as 3.383 :0 burden the. his Wiih 33333333323333: (20133333 <3f<i<3c33r33333333 {he Examim:3” 3'3
`.3'3zspmztfi3iiy requested to gtamfiaiiy nvicm3323:: (11333333333633333 in accoxdamm with é'hc
`(33.3: m the N12333:.3z3i
`:31“ Pa:33‘: I?xa333333'3jhg .3:30963333333.
`.233 accordance: wifi'3
`.337 (3‘33; 1.398%), :he 6. 33333.33 03‘ 3.3m parent: aphhcatiom’s} '3<—> had. 3.1333333 far 2333 (—3333th {fling
`332333 33333333.' ’35 USC 113.3} in w’i-n‘chmpies 01‘ 3‘03: {309313.33.3333 we3336:3033333? 13333353333333. are
`3:3: {313: heihwz
`(...M....WM.M...“.;m.mm;;;;;;;;;_;;_;;_.;..{.;..‘........; WNW...
`533.133333 wegs“.r.»492’.-.
`”337m? DAN
`“Hum...“V...._m..“““n<~“<~\~“‘.~..“<<“<.<._ «vauvvuu“Hum“...................“..;;<;;<.u¥»»~»~““~‘..<<“““~<““<<» _;._;;.;“..“........«.3« w...
`............. ....
`P3g<33 0f~'~
`Applicatim: N0. 16/463,125 3
`information flisclosm‘c Statement
`Fee (Iaimlmiqm
`N0 fee is owed by tha applicant(s).
`IDS Fee (37 CPR 1.17353
`Apphcanfis) assmfi's‘) smali entity status. Themfme, the £66 ShOWfl above is
`reduced by 50%, and the msuiting fee is shown below.
`Applicanfis) mamas/certify micro entity status. Therefom, the fae shown above
`is raduced by 75%, and the resulting fix: is shown belaw, Note:
`PTO/SB} 5A or '8 must either be endoscfi or have been submitted pmviousiy
`Tami Fee flue
`Fee Payment
`Charge the indicsated 170m! Fae Bus to Deposit Amount No. 12*} 23 6.
`Chargs any additimmi fees owad in connection with this communication to
`Deposit Accmmt No. 124216.
`Cradit any refund to Account No. 12512163.
`«k w“
`..~“ o‘
`\ goo
`\‘ \~
`5‘“ ‘
`\ \ .1‘
`Mark Joy, Reg. N5“: MW;
`3 1 2»616»5700
`Date: February 28, 2020
`Fags 4 (3f 4

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