`Approved ior:33 through (34/30/2017 OMB 065143032
`LiS. Paiantand Trademark Office; U.8 DEFARTMENI QF COMMERCE
`Under the Pupcsrwork deuciiun Aci of 1995, no persona era required to rewond in u coiivaciinn of information uniem it wnisains a vaiid 0MB contra: number.
`Attorney Dor‘ketNumber
`W “
`Appiimfian mm 3mm 3? fiFR’imWfiggmfiggg} “337563353KK
`' Tiiia of inveniian“L.“QUANTITATIVE RETiNALiMAGiNfiS
`ihegggxiicaiiozi data meet is par: of the provisionEsi 0r nonpravisionai application fm which ii is beingEubmiiied The ioilowing iorm mntaims me
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`Sammy firm? 3? SW? 5.2:
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`___3'_7_CFR.32 {Frauenfliers aimiy figpiicatim‘is‘»ihai fail underSamar};Ordermay mi be fiiad elec
`invanmr infmmafimw
`Legai Name
`Middia Name
`My Famiiy Name
`i Amaiinii
`Regsideswé infarmation {seiéct 0:33;} i3 US Resndmcy
`‘ Eountry of Rezmdeence‘
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`Addrws R
`1“ City
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`V wI Wierinqa
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`‘[GEE/REEReaidence ’
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`Active US Mrhtary Service
`‘iis‘iwsimg Acii‘iress 0finventor
`MLcm TNO IiP & Camiacfinr}
`Adfirém i
`Anna vEm Buerenplern “i~~
`any isa:a\;eBE;§S
`l N!
`“$3033.33 Sade i259% DA
`E'FS W8?) 2.2.361
`PTO/MAIN (11»15)
`Approx/rad for use iiimugii 94/30/2011 OMB 065141032
`UJS ruminants Tradamark Offlea; {LS DEPARTMENT Oiv COMMERCE
`MM. .MMM.M..M.MM... M....WWM...MMM.M M
`Under the Pepmwork Reduciinn Act of 39138.nu parsuns my: inquired in raapond in a caiiectlon oi infnrmraiicm unissa
`infa timid QME caniroiriumbmi.
`Niamey Diackegi Number
`....................dM MMMMMM.MMMM ....
`A§pima§ian Data Shaw; 3"? CFR "E36 WWW .....MWW...
`. ..- ‘
`Application Number
`.M..M.M..... .M.
`MM....MM..M. ...
`F‘zmiiy Name
`Active US MilitarySWiijliceMW
`Title of ii‘Nfintim‘i
`Maiiing Addmm a? invafimr‘
`MA§§€W§W .Wfiifi!BPHWiW WWW
`.. WWWiWst
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`Fur wither iniofmatian 836 37 CPR 333(3)
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`MMMMMMM...MM........ MM..MMMMM.MMMM.M..........M..M $maii $323333; $333133 flawed [:3
`Afiéi‘nw macket Nuiriicier 289366
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`ction if
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`WWinWtWeii-ectuai PmporiyAuthoriicyWarI.meWtWiWy
`AppiicafloWnW number of mi}previéWLWisWiyWWW WWFWiWiWiWiig};cWiWaWthsWiW‘i/WYWLMMUD)
`“filed appiicaiioii
`EFS We?) 2.35.32
`P'i’Ci/AiA/iili (1M5)
`[\pprovad ior use through 03/30/2017. 0MB 065143032
`US. Patent and dersmark Office; v.54. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`“‘“M‘“MM “QM“.
`Under rim Faperwcsrit Reduction Act (it 1995. mi persons are required to respmrid in a coilection a-f information unlaSs it contains a valid QMEi coniml numben
`{3,3 m}
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`Appiiczatimn Number
`_ 63/463,253.
`Puhiicatim iiii‘ezirmatim:
`“MWM““ \x‘
`" LiRéqfigsiwvéériy:3ubiififiifi‘éé‘iééiuired at iifiié‘ér'ii'équasi :3? cfiifi‘ii’é’i 9')
`mest trim tats Pubiim. i heretiy rfiquest that the attached application mi be published under
`35 113.6. 122(k)) and certify that the invention disclosed in the attached applicaiian has not and wiii not be the
`subjsci at an application flied in amther cmmtry, or under a muitilaterai international agreamant, thai requires
`* 4~w-~www~«“
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`puiaiicatian at eighteen mainth's after filing,
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`Rapremntatim iriftrrma’izirm:
`‘i (jw‘ia‘éiéiéli‘iiéiélé‘gnitlSix(Error-$5.1“.53‘
`Representative information should be provided for alt practitioners having a power (3f attornsy in the appiication. Providing i
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`if both sermons are completed the customer E
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`y. “W““WM~A«..;.L......tt““mm...~.‘.-.~.~-“\“.M............‘..“»“Wm«..““u~
`E Customer Number
`E 23486
`..-»‘\\-W~\v~x\ “~‘m ‘§‘
`meastit: Earmfitiiiiatimnai Siamese ,tirifarmatirm:
`Naiinnai Stage entry frames PCT appiicatim, Providing benefit ciaim irii‘m‘mation in the: #ppiiczaiimi Data Sheet constitutes
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`When referring to the Currant appiisatim, piaaae ieave the “Applicatimi Numbar” field blank.
`“anApgficgfionstatusgggdim MEWMW“ “Wt“ V
`w“*“ “«~.“W“* ,Mw ngfiafi Oi“ 371<C)D§{§M“
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`Ariplicaiion Number
`Prior Application Numbar
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`i “MW.-....M«..“
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`by seiaciingg the Add batten.
`tiersign Friarity iriiim‘iriatiriri:
`This secticm ailnwr; fer the applicant to ciaim priarity t9 8 foreign application. Previding this informaticm in the appiication data sheet
`constitutes the niaim far priority as raquireid by 35 USO. 119m) grid 87 CFR 1.55. Whrari priurity is ciaimsad t0 :3 fareign appiicatlon
`that is aligibie for retrieval unclear the priority dosamen‘t exchange pmgram (PBX)l the infarmatican wiil be used by the «fifties to
`automaticaiiy attempt retrieval gurwssnt its 37’ (ZFR 1.55(E)(1)and {2i Lindar thee PBX program. appiicant bears; the ultimate
`irsaspmrisibiilty far enguring that a copy of the foreigr; application is received by the Cities from the, participating; foreign intesileciual
`sg'zrtiidtsfiy office, or a certified capy of the foreign priority applicattun is iiiéid‘ within the time perirsd speaifieci in 37 CPR 1.55ig)(1),
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`533:1’3‘185131i 2.2.153
`PTO/AWN (‘1 1-15)
`Approvad for user through 04/30:;2017. OMB D681~O§332
`(LS. Patent and Ttademnrk Ofiiw; LLS. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Papmwmk Reducuon Act of 1995, no pawns am raqulrad to mspond to s: causation of informaiion :31le I: contalm :4 walk? OMB control numben
`“‘A&E8E§é§“ SQi§é€§i§§§i§§ 2mm
`Appflmaflmn Sam fihmfi 3? GFR ma “WWW
`Ap negation Number
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`“rifle or? Envenfion _ QUANTETATNE RETtNAHMAGING
`NW. N.
`-M-m..-ww--ww-w.- \W QM“..-
`As ass ooda‘ (if applicable)
`} Fiiing DatngYYYnaMMDD)
`Appiicafien Number
`WM.WEE..MWWW.M.......V...VT .
`.. m... -
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`'“KEEEESHQFES§T§SF€E§S§§ {55%Tvgfié‘fi‘kemted withi‘r‘iu‘ihis farm by ééié‘éfi‘BEYr‘ze
`Add buiion.
`Smtemant made? 3?“ @FR ‘Efifi m 138 far NA iFémi Smenmr m Mia) Tmmfiiim
`' "““m‘m‘éfifiiiiiééEWWW§3)? .
`contains, 0! contained at any time, a ciaém 2:3 8 claimed énvgniian that has an effective filing date an or after March
`[:J 18, 2013.
`NQTE: By pmviding this staiemssnt under 37 GFR 1.55 0r 1.7}; mm application, with a filing date on or after March
`..,1§z.?r.93§:f~m ”9 93‘5“???“ Wm" t“? fifiifflwmw to fi‘em?‘fl§mfi 0f 1*?‘efigfizmm
`n.» m.WW wu‘n .
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`EFS Wsfi ERA?
`PTOIAiA/M {1145)
`Appraved for use through Gimme-17. OMB “651»0032
`v.5. Patent and Trademark Office; v.5. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERDE
`....\h.l..»w.m“~“‘““ ~
`.‘h‘w.~.\“~ M,
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`Under this Paperwork Reduciien Act of 1095, no pertains» are required to reapomt to a coiiention of lnfnrmetlen unleas it contains 3 watts! 0MB central number.
`‘ “Attorney eaééi“i§i3§§€>§€“"E89363
`Appiieetieh mete Sheet 37 CFR we ~~----~»~»:»»»~:w---
`Application Number
`\\M\§~~ss~\-~\w\\\nl- ._»“‘“m“~wmat“......\..w.nm»ww..~“
`~---V~ww~w~wv~ n‘
`Titie {if inventieh
`“w““xt‘fl......«t._.~“~“~.mw~«§ ‘5‘.“.....‘~..~\meuuu~~“x_..“~»ww~.u..u......_...__..v...\“\w.~““«u«.M.......“\s~““~»-m~u“.u......A“.“..«w...w..~«“uuu-.«nun.»
`Autherizetieh er aetmiitii ei Aetherim‘tieh te hermit: heeeee:
`\ Wt‘g‘t
`M “ W2
`-Witt}?’i‘iiii‘ixhfiiéiiiiiiii“iii§ii§ Sheei‘ié'hismriy :gigiii‘iiii'iifiii‘iiiéWfiiiié‘iiEiiiceiieh..- app:raisii‘i‘iiég‘iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiriit’éiii‘“‘
`authority to permit :2: participating foreign intellectual property it?) office access tothe ineteht eppiicetienneenfiled {see
`heregreph A in subsection 1 beiow) and the Eurepean Patent Qfiiee (EPO) access to any seereh resuits tram the instant
`eppiicetiori (eee paragraph B in subsection 1 below;
`Shouid eppiieeht cheese not its previde an authorization identified in subsection 1 beiowi ail?piicai‘it‘tl‘gifiigfiitgfifi of the
`titetherizetien by checking the eerrespehdihg box A or B or bath in subsection 2 heiowi
`hiQTE This section at the Application Data Sheet is QNLY reviewed end proceseed with the @1113}: filing of an
`appiice‘iieh. After the iihitlei filing of an application, an Appiication Data Sheet cannot he used to previde er reecinci
`authorization for eceees by a foreign iP ofilee(s).,
`instead, Form PTG/SiB/SS or PTO/8Bl69 must he used as appropriate,
`‘ ~1~~W-~
`’i. Authorization in Permit Aeeeee by e Foreign inteiieetuai Property Qitieeie)
`‘ A. fiiimimtgeggitheatfizggimhggiifiitfl ~ Uhieee bcx A iii subsection 2 (opt~eui of autherizetient ie checked, the
`undersigned hereby grehmjthetifiEfiieetimfity ie provide the European Patent Office (EPO); the Japan Patent Office
`~ (J90), the Korean inieiiectuel Property Office (Kit-‘0), the State inteileetuei Property Office of the People‘s Republic of
`China (SIPO), the, World inieilectuei Property Organization (Wilma): and any other fereigh intellectuei property offiee
`participating with the USPTQ in a hilaierei er muttiieterei priority deeument exchange agreement li‘i which a foreign
`.ahpiiceiieh claiming priority to the instant patent eppiiceiion is filedkeccese t0: (tithe instant patent eppiicatiahestiied
`end its reieted bibliographic «data, (2) any fereigh or domestic eppiicetion to whieh priority er benefit is cieimed by the
`,insteht :eppiieetian and its reieieci bibiiegrephie date; end (3} the date at filing ef thie Authorization. See 37" CPR 1,1461)
`'10 it
`e. fietiteiigiieettiteifiei‘ii~.ticS;,itgteiteetiettteétitfg«i Unless hex Bin subsectien £2, (upbeat of authorization) ie checked,
`‘ the undersigned hereby_§,§:e§itegiitefifififfifigetherm'ie provide the iii-Pi) access to the hihiiegraphic date and search
`resuiis item the ineterti patent application when a: Eurepeeh patent appiieetieh claiming prierity to the instant patent
`application is flied. See 37 CFR 1.14(h)(2).
`The appiieent is reminded that the EPO'S Finite Mitt) EPC (European Patent Conventien) requires eppiieante to euhmit e
`cepy at search results from the instant eppiieetioh witheui delay in a European patent appiicetieh that claims priority to
`:the ineteni applicatien‘
`‘ttthwwu .u
`tat fiptutiiit at Autherizettehe to Permit Access by e Feieigh ihteiieetuei Preherty Citiieeiei
`At Appiieerii flQfihfiQI euthanize the USPTO to permit at participating iereign ii3 eftiee access to the instant
`{:3 application-eefiied if this: hex is checked, the USPTQ wiil net be providing a pertieipeting tereigh iP office with
`any doeumente anti infermaation identified in euheeciieh “iA above.
`8. Applicant Whig}: authorize the USPTO to transmit he the EPQ any search results; from the instant patent
`E) application. it this be): is checked, the USPTO wit! not be providing the EPQ with eearch reeuite tram the instant
`NQTE: Ghee the application has pubiiehed or is etherwise publish: eveiiebie, the USPTO may provide eccees hi the
`zappiicetieh in aseerdence with ‘37 CPR 1.14,
`EF5 Wet? 2.2.12
`PT DINA/34 (1*.w‘i5)
`Approved ior use thrnugh i)4/'930/2037. OMB 0553-0032
`U..S PMC3313333“! Tradamark Offiaa; U. 5 DEPARTMENT Oi- COMMERCE
`Underiha Paperwork, Ref-dunk“: A333 at 1995 no tie-wens 3338 required to respmnd to 8 cVoiisciian a! informaiiuh unlecs it contain.- 33 vaiid OMB mntroi number.
`Attorney DQCRQSt Numberit 289353
`{““WthafiGthdMW‘m“““N‘w‘ M
`Applmahnh $333333 Ei‘im’i :3? GAR 33$ nx-ppmmm Nummr
`- " i18,4332‘53”
`’ VVV.....V
`“We: 3:33 inventian
`Appiicani iiiimmaiimw
`Providing assigning-hi information in this section does; not substitute for campiiancze: with any requiiemem of partifi cf 3i336 37 of CFR
`'30 have an assignment recorded by 33:33 (Nice.
`if the Appiicani333339. inventor {3533-333: remaining jhiniinvériioror 3333333333133 ufiaiéi37 CPR ’345) 333.533.1303:
`not be Lompieteci
`333:3 infarmation it) be» pmvicicd in this section is the 33333333: and address of the iegai representative whn'353 3333: zippiieani under 37 CPR
`3.43; or the name and address oftha 85533333332: 33633031120 whom the inventor is 33333333; an obiigaiion to assign the invention or person
`wiry: otherwise SHOWS sufficihm proprietary interestin the: matte; who is the: appiicant 33313333 3? CFR 1,48 If the appiicamis an
`applicani undeer 3?“ CFR ‘i46 (aSSignee pension to whom the inventor is ohiigaied to emign 03 person who oihsiwiss. $330333 sufficient
`proprietary interest) together with one or mam joint inventors then 3hr: joint inventm Oi ihveriiors who axe aiso 333a AppiAant shouki be
`identifiedin this section
`f3 Assignees IO Legai Repmsentaiive under 35 U.SS ii? EC)Joint inventoa
`Q i532rsmito whom the inventoi is ohiigated to assign.
`i0 Pershh who shows sufficient 39303333038333 iiiiarest
`33‘ 32333533333331? is:3333: 33333383 represan‘igtive iridium:{in Authority 33:3 fiie iha patent ApQIVVAiim: the: inventiiris
`... .VVVVVV.V.'VVVVVV.VV~.-»VV._.i
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`V i
`“ 3303: check haw:
`if the Appiicant is an Org:
`Giganizaitlmi Name INadeflahdse 03933335333333 VUOi toeqap’isiunatuumatanschappeiuii onderzoai:iNO
`MaiSing Addmw infmmatian F3)?Apgiicam:
`Afifir§$§$ 1
`Anna van Buemnpiem 1
` meiivg’1N3.
`'5Grave 3
`Postal 33033.2 L...25335 AA"-
`Fax Number
`Phone Numbar
`- I-fil\\“\\m\w\\\§V‘V‘VVV‘V‘
`Addiiimxai Appiicani Data may be generated within 33338 form by seeiecting the: Add 3333333331,.
` i....................V...V..V....V..............-..V.......V....VVV..................V.....V......VV.VVVVVVVVVV.......V.........VMVVVVVVVVVVVV........V.VVV.
`Amigi‘iw inimmaéim imiuding NanwAppiimhi Amigma iiiiaimaiimm
`Wow:333333 3:89igihméniinfaiiimiimin this SeiCiiOi’i times 33:33 SUhSa’iRUifi:far wmpitasict. wiihany ramsii’émeni 03535533 ,
`3? (if GFR 33: 3323333. an asssignmehi mmrded by the Mine
`EFS Wat) 2.2.‘i32
`Appmvsd for use through 04/3m2o17. OMS 065141032
`us. Patent and Trademark Ofiim; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`anon Act of 11395. no persona :er rmuimd in respond to e wilemlon M Information ”New it contains 3 Wm! 0M8 comm! number.
`Unda‘r the Paperwork Rams
`.. ..u.....“....m.mw«..«.
`h» w~~~M\W-A“\w~~“.~--..mw-“~.\“‘u....-.-"w.“
`Appiicaflan Bate; Shaw: 3“? CFR 13$
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`.. ..........M.A
`Titla of Enventfion
`....ww.~....“ ““hu.V.....~WW..«\«..\..........\Ww...‘“““..........
`cake: Number ‘i 289363
`Amiga mass
`{3531firethimfiii‘if:£fi$i§5§éfififonfiafiéfifffifihfixgz viofigpiiii‘cféht éssigrsee 83$.
`{KEEEM to'iévéfimfififivéh {m patefitw
`appiication publication. An assigfiaemppiicam identified in fibe- "Applicant Ey‘afermafion" aastion win swear an the patent application
`pubiication as; an appfisant. For 2311 assigneenapplicam‘ mmptetes this section oniy if idsnfificaiion as an assignee is also desired an the
`pateni application pubficatien,M
`.....,. ..~mmm.«u.........7....v.....m.m.....«...4.......
`..;....Vmw~wu..u ........
`i Prefix
`Middle Name
`Family Name
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`wignee 0r NonnAppiicant Asssignee is an Qrgamzatiun check hare.
`....WW.»N.“.“...........w.‘~.~..-..~.~~.u.“ \
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`233% be Mgnw in accardance with 3'! CFR 1.143;}.
`Thia. Appiication Data Sheet mug; b8 signed by a pamnfi practitioner if one Dr mare of the applicants is a juriaflc
`Entity (8.9., carporatiun or msmiaiéan). H the: appiicasnt i$ twm or more joint inventors. this form must b6 sigma by a
`paient pragst‘gticnar, giigsifit‘invesfium Wm are the applicant, air afima‘r’mam 393%iéménima‘azmfiéfiants who have been g§van
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`1 Régistratian Number
`Lmst Name
`VfiFi‘rst Néfiie : Mark
`Additionm Signature may be generated within this iorm by selecting the Add button.
`‘ 203942-03
`EFS We!) 2.2.32
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`Appfiwed m- use through (34/30/2017. OMB 0551-0932
`LLS. Patani and Trademark Office; lLS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`11nd!” this Papcmvmk Hawaiian Act of 1896. m pamans are requts‘ed h:- raspund to a coilaction {if lnformatton uniascs it contains a valid {TIME} Gonimt numbar.
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`sham form to the USPTO. Time win van; depending upon the individuaigtxgésis. An cemmsntg on'thsa-east-tauntigxi‘ft
`“em-spasm this faimcancih‘ér suggestium for redusi'mg; (mg human, Mimic! b3 sanglgqmsé-{Jhizésf En’fémmfim- (“mama US. Patgnj‘mnd
`Tfifrsztiss’mark Ofiigs, US. fiagmrtment of Cmnmm‘icer, RC3. 23s>X-1450, Atémmciz‘m WK FEMS-Mffifig BQNQ‘}? {ERRED FEESVGR;
`GOM‘PLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND m: Cemmfis‘afimaér f6:"?53~2mi~3. ‘Rfi, :Stxixfi-Rfig}; Amxandria, VA 2231344350.
` M
`EFS W3?) £3912

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