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`“‘Apniieent herewith submitstothe United States DeSignetediEiected CNee (DOIEQiUS) the feiiewmg items andether
`This is a HRS? submission of items neneerning e tiiing under 35 USS 3'31 and 3? (it—"R 1.493.
`E} This is e SECGNQ or $UBSEQ£§ENT submission of items cementing e tiiing under 35 USS 37’1 end 37 CFR 1.491
`[:1 This is an express request to begin netienei exeminetien procedures (35 USC 371th).
`[3 The US has been eteeted (PCT Artiste St) in e Chapter it Etemenct tiied during the intetnetienei phase.
`$14 A copy et the internetienei Aneiicetien es tiiect (35 USS 371(c)(2))
`E} is attached herete (required enty it net cemmuniceted hy the tnternetienei Bureau)
`514% has been communicated by the tnternetienei Bureeu
`is net required as the eppiicetien was tiied in the United States Receiving Ottiee {ROMS}
`E} An Engtish iengnege trensietien of the tntetnetienei Appiieetien es tiied (35 USS 371(c)(2};
`is attechee herete.
`if] hes previousiy been submitted under 35 U.S.C. t54td)t4).
`[:3 Amendments tn the eieime et the internetienei Appiieetien under PCT Artieie 19 (35 USC 371(c)(3))
`E} are attached herete (required eniy it net eemmuniceted hy the tntetnetienei Bureau).
`[3 have been communicated by the tnternetienei Bureau
`[:i have not been made; hewever the time iimit ter making such amendments hee N0"? expired
`[3 have net been matte end wiii net he matte.
`8. C] An Engiish ienguege trenstetion of the amendments to the eieims tinder PCT Artiste 19 (35 USC 3?‘i(c)(3))
`tnventer deeieretion(s) (35 USS 371(c)(4))
`it): E} An Engiieh tanguage trensietien of the annexes to the internetienei Pretiminaty Examination Renen under PCT
`Artiste 35 (35 USC 371(c)(5))
`’i‘i. Nucieetide end/er Amine Acid Sequence Suhmissien
`e. E] Cementer Reedehie Fenn (SR?)
`12. X An information Diseiesure Statement under 3? CFR 1.9? end 138
`Form PTOn‘iztxtt)
`>14 Ceeies of References (except for ties. eetents end apeiieetiens)
`A FiRST eteiiminety amendment
`ti A SEGONQ erSUb‘xKQUENTpttiiii‘ninxsyementtment“
`US Natienei Phase Trensmittai
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`U.S APPLICATEON NO (1,1kz1cw11 see 37' CFR.1 5)
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`Power 01151111311111);
`Appticetien Data Sheet Under 37’ CFR 1.176
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`213. l fixéifiinaflon Fee (3? CFR 14112111))
`if Entemaflenei preiimmery exeminetien 119131.111 prepared by USPTO and 3111 ciaims satisfy
`12110111510115 of PCT ArticEe 33(1)(4) .......................................................................
`21 I Search Fee
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`1:} Addétionat fee 191‘ epptirzation and 1:11311111’111511‘1~ ted111 paper over 155 sheets (exciuding
`3' sequence tistttng or computer pregrem iisting flied111 an etectremc medium) The fee13 $4211 1111
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`3 13 Qne~menth extensien of tfime tee 013112.05
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`113:1 Petitiee fer e111 11111111111111 1:11 time (11112111111119 the period meted ebeve if checked) es '
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`Pteeee eheggge136mm1611112011111 No :12121531191111g39111}.111111111:eet1tie1jtee _____
`11112111. 1:251:E111 Lessee-
`US 11111101181 Phase Trensmfitet
`Page 2 C11c 3
`US. APPUCATEON NO‘ (if known. 553-3 37 CFR 15)
`: c.
`{:1 N0 fee iS beiieved is be due.
`Piease charge BepmitAccauni Na. 124215 the £01135er inaicated abeve.
`The Ccmmissioner is hereby autharized ta charge any additianai €933 which may be required 0r credit any
`overpayment ta Depfisit Amount Ne. 124215.
`NGTE: Where an appmmiate time Eémit under 3? CFR “3.494 m" 1.4% has net been mm, a gamma tea revive (3'?
`5 CFR 1.13fla) 0;“ (hi) misfit ha flied anti granted ta resmre {ha aypiiaaticn m pemfing statam.
`i May 22,2919
`Custemer N0. 23483
`Mark Jay, Reg. No. 35,562
`US Naiianai Phase Transmitiai
`Rage 3 Q? 3

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