`Patent Application No. 16/463,253
`Confirmation No, 5905
`Attorney Docket No. 289363 (Client Reference No. Pl l l l MUSQO}
`Pursuant to 37 CPR l9? and l..98, the documents listed on the accompanying Form PTO—M49,
`Substitute Form P'l‘Onl449, and/or USPTO Form Slit/()8 (hereinafter, individually or collectively
`referred to as “Forrn”) are submitted for consideration by the Examiner in the examination of the
`above-identified patent application.
`The full consideration of the documents in their entirety by the Examiner is respectfully
`requested and encouraged. Also, it is respectfully requested that the documents he entered into
`the record of the present application and that the Examiner initial the appropriate area on the
`accompanying Form, thereby indicating the Examiner’s consideration of each of the documents.
`The submission of the documents listed on the Form is for the purpose of providing a complete
`record and is not a concession that the documents listed thereon are prior art to the invention
`claimed in the patent application. The right is expressly reserved to estahlish an invention date
`earlier than the ahoiiemidentified tiling date in order to remove any document submitted herewith
`as prior art should it he deemed appropriate to do so.
`Further, the submission of the documents is not to be taken as a concession that any reference
`represents art that is relevant or analogous to the claimed invention Accordingly, the right to
`argue that any document is not properly within the scope of prior art relevant to an examination
`of the claims in the ahoyeuidentified application is also expressly reserved.
`The information Disclosure Statement is heing filed:
`(a) within three months of the filing date
`within any one of the following time periods:
`of a national application other than a continued prosecution application under
`37 CFR l.53(d); (h) Within three months of the date of entry of the national stage as set
`forth in 37 CFR l.49l of an international application; (c) before the mailing date of a first
`{liliee Action on the merits; or (d) before the mailing of a first Office Action after the
`filing of a request for continued examination under 37 CPR Ll l4.
`Note: This submission includes the Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) (see
`“Statement under 37 CPR l.764(d)” below), such that no reduction in patent term
`adjustment is warranted by the filing of this information Disclosure Statement.
`after (a), (h), (c) or (d) above, but hefore the mailing date of a final action under
`37 CFR l.ll3, a Notice of Allowance under 37 CFR LB“ 1 l, or an action that otherwise
`closes prosecution in the application, and includes one of:
`Page i of 4
`Appiication No. 16/463,253
`information Diseiosnre Statement
`E the Statement under 37' CFR i.97(e) (see “Statement under 37 CFR i.97(e)”
`Note: This submission inehtdes the Statement under 37 CPR. l.704(d) (see
`“Statement under 37 CPR. 1.704(d)” heiow), sneh that no reduction in patent term
`adjustment is warranted by the fiiing of this information Disclosure Statement.
`m or
`the fee set forth in 37 CPR i,l7(p) (see “Fees” heiow).
`on or after the mailing date of a final action under 37 CPR 1.113 or a Notice of
`Aiiowance under 37 CFR l. .3i i, or an aotion that otherwise eioses prosecution in the
`application, and on or before payment of the issue fee, and includes the Statement under
`37 CFR l..9’7(e) (see “Statement under 37 CPR i.97(e)” below), and the fee set forth in
`37 CFR l..i7(n) (see “Fees” below).
`Note: This submission includes the Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) (see
`“Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d)” heiow)g such that no reduction in patent term
`adjustment is warranted by the filing of this information Diseiosure Statement.
`Statement tinder '37 CFR 1,9?(e)
`The undersigned hereby states that each item of information contained in the
`information Diseiosnre Statement was first oited in any communication from a foreign
`patent oftiee in a counterpart foreign patent application not more than three months prior
`to the tiling of the information Disclosure Statement.
`The undersigned hereby states that no item of information contained in the Information
`Disclosure Statement was cited in. a eommonieation from a foreign patent office in a
`counterpart foreign patent application, and, to the knowledge of the undersigned after
`making reasonable inquiry, no item of information contained in the information
`Diseiosnre Statement was known. to any individual designated in 37 CPR i.56{e} more
`than three months prior to the fiiing of the information Diseiosnre Statement.
`Statement under 37 CFR l.?tltt(d)
`The undersigned hereby states that each item of information contained in the
`information Diseiosure Statement was first cited in any communication from a patent
`office in a counterpart foreign or internationai application or from the Qffiee and that this
`communication was not received by an},i individuai designated in 37 CFR l.56(e) more
`than thirty days prior to the filing of the information Disclosure Statement.
`Page 2 ot‘4
`Application No. 16/463,253
`information Disclosure Statement
`Citation to (Ether Patent Applications
`The following US: patent applications are hereby brought to the attention. of the
`'l‘he US. patent applications claim subject matter that may he considered by
`the Examiner to he similar to the subject matter claimed in the ahove~identitied patent
`application. Accordingly, these US. patent applications and/or the prosecution
`pertaining thereto may include information considered to be material to the prosecution
`of the alcove—identified patent application. Since the Examiner has electronic access to
`the prosecution histories of these US. patent applications; copies of prosecution materials
`therefrom are not provided herewith, but will he promptly provided if the Examiner so
`desires and requests same.
`srarus {check one)
`“ Never‘issued:
`Copies of the Documents
`Copies of anyi US. patents and published, patent applications that are listed on the
`accompanying Form are not enclosed herewith. Copies of any other documents
`identified, on the accompanying Form are enclosed herewith.
`For each document not in the English language, at least one of the following is provided:
`(a) an English translation. in whole or in part or (b) a concise statement of relevance in the
`form of, for example’ an English language counterpart, an Englislulanguage abstract? or
`an Englishnlanguage version of the search report or action by a foreign patent office in a
`counterpart foreign application indicating the degree of relevance found by the foreign
`The documents listed on the accompanying Form were previously identified in the parent
`application(s) of the present application, and copies of the documents were fumished at
`that time. Accordingly, additional copies of the documents are not submitted herewith,
`so as not to burden the tile with duplicate copies of documents. The Examiner is
`respectfully requested to carefully review the documents in accordance with the
`requirements set out in the Manual of l’atent Examining Procedure.
`in accordance with
`37 CFR l.98(d)3 the details of the parent application(s) relied upon for an earlier filing
`date under 35 USC 120 in which copies of the documents were previously titrnished are
`set out below:
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`Application No. 16/463,253
`lufomation Disolosure Statement
`Fee Calculation
`No fee is owed by the applieent(s).
`IDS Fee (37 CFR l.l7(p))
`Applicant(s} assetfis) smell entity status. Therefore. the fee shown above is
`reduced by 50%a and the resulting fee is shown below.
`Appllcentts) certifies/certify micro entity status. Therefore, the fee shown above
`is reduced by 75%, and the resulting fee is shown below. Note: Form
`l’TO/SBlSA or B must either be enclosed or have been submitted previously
`Total Fee Due
`Fee Payment
`Charge the indicated Total Fee Due to Deposit Account No. lanZlo,
`Charge any additional fees owed in commotion with this communication to
`Deposit Account No. 124216.
`Credit any retund to Account No, 124216.
`glerklloy, Reg. No
`313.,» {l .
`3 l2—616—570l)
`flute: August 21, 2019
`Elege 4 of 4