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`Bihiiegrephie date: eateaeeeraa {A} m emanate—ea
`Bandwidthmadjuetahte fiatmtep eetieai fitter heated on DLP
`; Li YANG, ;WU Li, fiéBt-‘E‘Jfi,
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`- internatienai:
`- ceoperative:
`(3023229703; 90256393; GEESfi/Eé
`CN20131934542 20130130
`Giabai Dossier
`Prierity number CN20131€334542 20130139
`Alec pubiiehed
`cmoeeeeme {a}
`Abetract: 0f CN1Q3933?45 {A}
`The invention reiates to the tieid et epticai eemmunieatien devices and dieeieses a
`bandwidth-adjustabie fiat-top epticai fitter based on a DLP. The iz-andtrv'idth-adjtistabie
`fiatutop ppticai fitter based en the DLP comprises input and output unite, an eptieai
`grating, a tent; combination and the DLP. incident tight is diffracted threugh the eptieai
`grating after being incident train the input ends of the input and output units, dittraetien
`tight beams are incident to the ELF) after being coiiimated through the tens
`combinatidn, after diffraction through the DLP, part of Eight beams are returned tea the
`gutput ends at the input and eutpat units after paaeing tiirdtigh the tens igni'nisinatidh
`and the opticai grating again, and the remaining Eight beanie deviate from an eriginai
`opticai path and then are iest after being diffracted thredgh the ELF. Awarding to the
`Structure, as the optical grating and the 31.? are cembined, fiatwtop pass band and
`pandwidthadjaatahie tiitering i3 achieve-2i. bandwidth tuning precision is higher, the
`fitter array that rnuitigaie fitters share the same EL?) can he achieved, and the
`pandwidth-adjaetehie fiat-tap eptieai filter is eiinpie in structure and easy te obtain.
`http szf/weri dwide. esp acenet. com/publi cati enDetaii s/bibiie? HIIO&ND ===.3 &adj aceritietr ,
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