`Patent Number
`'App.'icatifin or
`—:13391397‘45 A. Phetep Teehneiegies inc
`-‘-—,20101135621 — Brotherind Lid
`Aug. 6 2:114
`Aprii 15. 2010
`include name caftrie author (in CAPiTAL LETTERS). iitie ofihe ariicie (when appropriaie), tiiie ofthe
`item (book, magazine, journai, seriai, symposium, eateiog, etc), date, page(s), volume-issue number
`Transieiien "
`MSW 'me ”'49NB’PTO
`ENFQRMATEQN eieeeeeene
`Pateni Appiicaiion No
`Application or
`Patent Number
`Date of
`Fiiing Date if
`(s), pubiisner, city and/or country where pubiished.
`* Erma reference is nm in Erigiisn,ii1en at ie" 1 one of the fniiowing is provided: (a) an Engiisn transierien in whole or in part or (b)- a concise statement of
`r'eievanee in the form of, for example, an Engiish language counterpart, an Erigiiehuianguage abstract, or an Engiish-ianguage version oftne search report
`or action by a foreign patent office in a eeunterpert foreign appiieeiien indicating the degree of reievance found by the foreign office