`Aoprdved for use teeugh QF35/2071OME 0653-335
`1S. Patenband Trademark OfRaes (2.5. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Saperwork Reduction Act of 1895, no person is required torespond. ta 2 eotiedtion of Infarmation unlesst diiniay: 3 valid OMB contal qumbar
`i hereby revoke ail previous powers of attorney given inthe application identitied in the attached
`statement under37CFR 3.73{c}.
`i hereby appoint:
`Practitioners associated with Customer Number;
`a Practtioner(é) aamed below{if more than ten patent practitioners ave to be namied, then a custamier number must be used):
`i x
`As attorneyis} or agentis) to represent the undarsigned before the United States: Patent.and Trademark Office {USPTO} in connection with
`anycand aif parent applications assigned only ta the undersigned according to the USPTOassignment records oF assignment documents
`| attachedtothis form in-accordanee with 37 CFR S.73(c}.
`| Please change the correspondence address for the application identified in the attached statement
`| under37 CFR 3.73{c) ta:
`The address associated with. Custamer Number: 406963
`i State
`i Zip
`i Small
`Assignee name and address: ja.scstes
`TOT) Fra e
`Teper, Veraus 75708 AUS
`A copy ofthis form, together with a statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c} (Form PTOSAIA/96 or eqaivatent) is required to be
`filed In.cach application in which this farmis used. The statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c} may be completed by one ofthe
`| practitioners appointed In this form, and mustidentifytheapplication in whichthis Power of Attorney is to be Bled,
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Recard
`The Individualwhosasignatureang titleissupplied belowis authorized to-act on behalf of theassignes,
`iad oh
`Qy ~ & ZO)
`i ff
`ng ey
`NameBryah Richardson ~~ ~_|
`Telephone 983-201-8209
`This collection of informations required by 3% CRHN1.33, 1.42, and 1.34. The informations required to-obtain. or metain.a benedit by the public, whieh is to update
`{and ty tie USPTO to process} the file ofa patent or reexamination proceeding. Contidenuality is gover ned by 35 W.8.C, 122 and 3? CER TL and 1.34, This
`collection is ostimeted te take 1B ninutes to complete: including gathering, pregaring, and submitting the completed saplicetion farm tothe USPTO. Time wil vary
`sopanding upan the individual case. Any communis on the arriount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions
`for reducing Uns burdenshould
`be sent tothe Chitet information OMeer, U5. Patent and Trademark Offer, U.S. Department of Commrice, 10. Box 1450, Alecandrig, VA 22323-1456, DG NOT
`SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TG THIS AGORESS. SEND TO! Cernmissioner for Patents, BO. Box 1480, Askararia, MA 22329-1450,
`if you Reed aisithyad th completing theform, call S-SNLPTORI99 and select ention. 2
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