16/422,810 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed May 24, 2019
Class 463
Art Group 3619
Patent No. 11,628,361
Case Type Utility - 463/031000
Status Patented Case
Parent 15/393,646 Patented
Parent 14/983,984 Patented
Parent PCT/JP2014/075673 -
Child 2014-080554
Child 2013-202721
Last Updated: 9 months ago
Date # Transaction
5/22/2023Electronic Review
5/19/2023Email Notification
5/18/2023Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count Office Actions Communications
5/18/2023Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant
5/18/2023Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count
4/21/2023Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count Office Actions Communications
4/21/2023Email Notification
4/21/2023Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant
4/18/2023Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
4/18/2023Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count
4/18/2023Recordation of Patent eGrant
4/18/2023Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
4/18/2023285.5PTA 36 Months
4/18/2023285Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
4/5/2023Email Notification
3/29/2023Issue Notification
3/29/2023Issue Notification Mailed
3/23/2023Electronic Review
3/23/2023Electronic Review
3/23/2023284Electronic Review
3/23/2023283Electronic Review
3/16/2023Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
3/16/2023Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
3/16/2023Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
3/16/2023List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
3/16/2023Email Notification
3/16/2023Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/16/2023281Email Notification
3/16/2023279Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/15/2023Dispatch to FDC
3/15/2023280Dispatch to FDC
3/13/2023Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/13/2023Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/13/2023277Corrected Notice of Allowability
3/13/2023276Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/23/2023Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/23/2023Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/21/2023Pubs Case Remand to TC
2/21/2023275Pubs Case Remand to TC
2/17/2023Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
2/17/2023Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
2/17/2023Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
2/17/2023List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
2/17/2023Electronic Review
2/17/2023Electronic Review
2/17/2023Email Notification
2/17/2023Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
2/17/2023274Electronic Review
2/17/2023273Electronic Review
2/17/2023270Email Notification
2/17/2023269Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
2/14/2023Corrected Notice of Allowability
2/14/2023267Corrected Notice of Allowability
2/13/2023Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
2/13/2023Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/13/2023Transmittal Letter
2/13/2023Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/13/2023266Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/12/2023Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/12/2023265Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/10/2023Pubs Case Remand to TC
2/10/2023264Pubs Case Remand to TC
2/9/2023Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
2/9/2023Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement
2/9/2023Transmittal Letter
2/9/2023Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
2/9/2023Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
2/9/2023Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/9/2023ePetition Grant Letter
2/9/2023Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/9/2023ePetition Request Form
2/9/2023Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/9/2023Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/9/2023Workflow - Request for RCE - Finish
2/9/2023Quick Path IDS Request
2/9/2023Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/9/2023PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
2/9/2023Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/9/2023Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
2/9/2023Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
2/9/2023Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
2/9/2023Petition Entered
2/9/2023271Workflow - Request for RCE - Finish
2/9/2023263Quick Path IDS Request
2/9/2023262Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/9/2023261PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
2/9/2023260Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/9/2023259Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
2/9/2023258Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
2/9/2023257Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
2/9/2023256Petition Entered
1/31/2023Dispatch to FDC
1/31/2023254Dispatch to FDC
1/4/2023Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
1/3/2023Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
1/3/2023Transmittal Letter
1/3/2023Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/3/2023Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/3/2023Issue Fee Payment Received
1/3/2023272Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/3/2023253Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/3/2023252Issue Fee Payment Received
11/15/2022Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
11/15/2022Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
11/15/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
11/15/2022Email Notification
11/15/2022Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
11/15/2022251Email Notification
11/15/2022250Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
11/8/2022Corrected Notice of Allowability
11/8/2022Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/8/2022248Corrected Notice of Allowability
11/8/2022247Information Disclosure Statement considered
11/7/2022Pubs Case Remand to TC
11/7/2022246Pubs Case Remand to TC
11/4/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
11/4/2022Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
11/4/2022Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
11/4/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
11/4/2022Transmittal Letter
11/4/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/4/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/4/2022245Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
11/4/2022244Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/21/2022Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
10/21/2022List of references cited by examiner Documents including citations
10/21/2022Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
10/21/2022Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
10/21/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
10/21/2022Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
10/21/2022Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
10/21/2022Electronic Review
10/21/2022Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
10/21/2022242Electronic Review
10/21/2022241Email Notification
10/21/2022240Mail Notice of Allowance


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
10/18/2022237Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
10/5/2022Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/5/2022234Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/3/2022Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
10/3/2022231Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
9/22/2022Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
9/22/2022Transmittal Letter
9/22/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
9/22/2022Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/22/2022ePetition Grant Letter
9/22/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
9/22/2022ePetition Request Form
9/22/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/22/2022Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
9/22/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/22/2022Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
9/22/2022Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
9/22/2022Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
9/22/2022Petition Entered
9/22/2022233Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/22/2022232Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
9/22/2022229Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/22/2022228Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
9/22/2022227Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
9/22/2022226Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue
9/22/2022225Petition Entered
9/21/2022Dispatch to FDC
9/21/2022Dispatch to FDC
9/21/2022224Dispatch to FDC
9/21/2022223Dispatch to FDC
7/14/2022Workflow - Drawings Finished
7/14/2022222Workflow - Drawings Finished
7/13/2022Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
7/12/2022Transmittal Letter
7/12/2022Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
7/12/2022Issue Fee Payment Verified
7/12/2022Issue Fee Payment Received
7/12/2022221Issue Fee Payment Verified
7/12/2022220Issue Fee Payment Received
5/25/2022Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
5/25/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
5/25/2022Email Notification
5/25/2022Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
5/25/2022219Email Notification
5/25/2022218Mailing Corrected Notice of Allowability
5/21/2022Corrected Notice of Allowability
5/21/2022Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/21/2022216Corrected Notice of Allowability
5/21/2022215Information Disclosure Statement considered
5/19/2022Pubs Case Remand to TC
5/19/2022214Pubs Case Remand to TC
5/18/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
5/18/2022Electronic Fee Payment
5/18/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
5/18/2022Transmittal Letter
5/18/2022Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
5/18/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/18/2022Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/18/2022213Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/18/2022212Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/19/2022Electronic Review
4/19/2022211Electronic Review
4/18/2022Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
4/18/2022Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
4/18/2022Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
4/18/2022Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
4/18/2022209Email Notification
4/18/2022200Mail Notice of Allowance
4/16/2022Email Notification
4/16/2022Email Notification
4/16/2022208Email Notification
4/16/2022207Email Notification
4/15/2022Petition Decision Office Actions Communications
4/15/2022Mail TC Petition Granted
4/15/2022Mail-Petition Decision - Granted in Part
4/15/2022206Mail TC Petition Granted
4/15/2022204Mail-Petition Decision - Granted in Part
4/14/2022Petition Decision - Granted in Part
4/14/2022TC Petition Granted


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
4/14/2022203Petition Decision - Granted in Part
4/14/2022201TC Petition Granted
4/14/2022196Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
2/14/2022Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/14/2022195Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/3/2022Petition for review by the Technology Center Special Program Examiner(SPRE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
2/3/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/3/2022Electronic Fee Payment
2/3/2022Transmittal Letter
2/3/2022Petition Entered
2/3/2022202Petition Entered
1/11/2022Email Notification
1/11/2022Email Notification
1/11/2022194Email Notification
1/11/2022193Email Notification
1/10/2022Petition Decision Office Actions Communications
1/10/2022Mail TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
1/10/2022Mail-Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/10/2022192Mail TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
1/10/2022190Mail-Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/8/2022Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/8/2022189Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/7/2022TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
1/7/2022187TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
12/7/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/7/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/7/2021Foreign Reference Documents including citations
12/7/2021Transmittal Letter
12/7/2021Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/7/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/7/2021186Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/7/2021185Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/6/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/6/2021184Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021183Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021182Information Disclosure Statement considered
12/2/2021181Information Disclosure Statement considered
7/28/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
7/28/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
7/28/2021Transmittal Letter
7/28/2021Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
7/28/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/28/2021172Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
7/28/2021169Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/13/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
7/13/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
7/13/2021Transmittal Letter
7/13/2021Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
7/13/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/13/2021171Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
7/13/2021168Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/26/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
4/26/2021Transmittal Letter
4/26/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
4/26/2021Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/26/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/26/2021170Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
4/26/2021167Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/4/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
3/4/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
3/4/2021Transmittal Letter
3/4/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/4/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/4/2021166Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/4/2021165Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/23/2021Email Notification
2/23/2021Mail-Petition Decision - Denied
2/23/2021162Email Notification
2/23/2021159Mail-Petition Decision - Denied
2/22/2021Petition Decision Office Actions Communications
2/22/2021Mail TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
2/22/2021Petition Decision - Denied
2/22/2021160Mail TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
2/22/2021158Petition Decision - Denied
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
2/20/2021Transmittal Letter
2/20/2021Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/20/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/20/2021164Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/20/2021156Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021155Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021154Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021153Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021152Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021151Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021150Information Disclosure Statement considered
2/20/2021149Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/18/2021TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
2/18/2021147TC Petition Denied / Dismissed
12/15/2020Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
12/15/2020144Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/14/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/14/2020Transmittal Letter
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/14/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/14/2020Transmittal Letter
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/14/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/14/2020Transmittal Letter
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/14/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/14/2020Transmittal Letter
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/14/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/14/2020Transmittal Letter
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020180Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020179Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020178Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020177Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020146Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/14/2020142Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020141Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020140Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020139Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/14/2020138Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/12/2020Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
12/12/2020Transmittal Letter
12/12/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/12/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
12/12/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/12/2020Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
12/12/2020Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/12/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/12/2020Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
12/12/2020145Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
12/12/2020143Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
12/12/2020137Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/12/2020136Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
10/8/2020Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count Office Actions Communications
10/8/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
10/8/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
10/8/2020Email Notification
10/8/2020Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant
10/8/2020135Email Notification
10/8/2020134Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant
10/4/2020Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count
10/4/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/4/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/4/2020133Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count
10/4/2020132Information Disclosure Statement considered
10/4/2020131Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/24/2020Pubs Case Remand to TC
9/24/2020130Pubs Case Remand to TC
9/23/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
9/23/2020Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
9/23/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/23/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/23/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/23/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
9/23/2020Transmittal Letter
9/23/2020PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
9/23/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/23/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/23/2020176PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
9/23/2020129Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/23/2020128Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/18/2020Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
9/18/2020Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
9/18/2020Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
9/18/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
9/18/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
9/18/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
9/18/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
9/18/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
9/18/2020Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
9/18/2020Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/18/2020Electronic Review
9/18/2020Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
9/18/2020125Electronic Review
9/18/2020124Email Notification
9/18/2020123Mail Notice of Allowance


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
9/16/2020118Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
9/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
9/15/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/15/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/15/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/15/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
9/15/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/15/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
9/15/2020Transmittal Letter
9/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/15/2020175Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/15/2020127Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/15/2020117Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
9/11/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020115Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020114Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020113Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020112Information Disclosure Statement considered
9/11/2020111Information Disclosure Statement considered
8/17/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
8/17/2020Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
8/17/2020Transmittal Letter
8/17/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
8/17/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/17/2020PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
8/17/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/17/2020174Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
8/17/2020173PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
8/17/2020110Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/31/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
7/31/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search Documents
7/31/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search Documents
7/31/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search Documents
7/31/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search Documents
7/31/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
7/31/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
7/31/2020Transmittal Letter
7/31/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/31/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/31/2020109Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/31/2020106Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/6/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
7/6/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
7/6/2020Transmittal Letter
7/6/2020Patent Term Adjustment Statement under 37 CFR 1.704(d) filed with an IDS
7/6/2020PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
7/6/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/6/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/6/2020108PTA statement filed under PTA1.704(d) with IDS
7/6/2020107Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/6/2020105Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/2/2020Date Forwarded to Examiner
7/2/2020104Date Forwarded to Examiner
6/26/2020Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final Rejection Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
6/26/2020Claims Application Documents
6/26/2020Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
6/26/2020Miscellaneous Incoming Letter Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
6/26/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
6/26/2020Transmittal Letter
6/26/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
6/26/2020Response after Non-Final Action
6/26/2020103Response after Non-Final Action
6/5/2020Petition for review by the Technology Center Special Program Examiner(SPRE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
6/5/2020Petition for review by the Technology Center Special Program Examiner(SPRE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
6/5/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
6/5/2020Transmittal Letter
6/5/2020Petition Entered
6/5/2020Petition Entered
6/5/2020188Petition Entered
6/5/2020157Petition Entered
5/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
5/15/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
5/15/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
5/15/2020Transmittal Letter
5/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/15/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/15/2020102Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/15/202099Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/7/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
4/7/2020Transmittal Letter
4/7/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
4/7/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
4/7/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/7/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/7/202098Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
4/7/202097Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
3/26/2020Non-Final Rejection Office Actions Communications
3/26/2020Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
3/26/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
3/26/2020Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
3/26/2020Electronic Review
3/26/2020Email Notification
3/26/2020Mail Non-Final Rejection
3/26/202096Electronic Review
3/26/202095Email Notification
3/26/202094Mail Non-Final Rejection
3/22/2020Non-Final Rejection
3/22/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/22/202091Non-Final Rejection
3/22/202090Information Disclosure Statement considered
3/5/2020Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
3/5/202088Disposal for a RCE / CPA / R129
2/28/2020Petition decision routed to the Technology Center to act on the decision or continue prosecution Office Actions Communications
2/28/2020Miscellaneous Internal Document In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/28/2020Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue - with assigned Patent NO.
2/28/2020Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue - with assigned Patent NO.
2/28/2020Withdrawal Patent Case from Issue
2/28/202086Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue - with assigned Patent NO.
2/28/202085Record Petition Decision of Granted to Withdraw from Issue - with assigned Patent NO.
2/28/202084Withdrawal Patent Case from Issue
2/25/2020Petition to Withdraw from Issue Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
2/25/2020Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
2/25/2020Foreign Reference Documents including citations
2/25/2020Transmittal Letter
2/25/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
2/25/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
2/25/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/25/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/25/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/25/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/25/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
2/25/2020Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
2/25/2020Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
2/25/2020Petition Entered
2/25/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/25/2020Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
2/25/202089Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
2/25/202087Electronic Information Disclosure Statement
2/25/202083Petition Entered
2/25/202082Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
2/25/202081Workflow - Request for RCE - Begin
2/13/2020Email Notification
2/13/202080Email Notification
2/12/2020Issue Notification
2/12/2020Issue Notification Mailed
2/12/202079Issue Notification Mailed
2/6/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
2/5/2020Dispatch to FDC
2/5/202076Dispatch to FDC
2/1/2020Email Notification
2/1/202075Email Notification
1/28/2020Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
1/28/202074Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
1/27/2020Petition decision routed to the Technology Center to act on the decision or continue prosecution Office Actions Communications
1/27/2020Mail-Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/27/202073Mail-Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/24/2020Response to Amendment under Rule 312 Office Actions Communications
1/24/2020Amendment After Final or under 37CFR 1.312, initialed by the examiner. In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
1/24/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
1/24/2020Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/24/2020Petition Entered
1/24/2020Email Notification
1/24/2020Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271)
1/24/202072Petition Decision - Dismissed
1/24/202071Petition Entered
1/24/202070Email Notification
1/24/202067Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271)
1/23/2020Printer Rush- No mailing
1/23/2020Printer Rush- No mailing
1/23/202069Printer Rush- No mailing
1/23/202068Printer Rush- No mailing
1/16/2020Response to Amendment under Rule 312
1/16/2020Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/16/202065Response to Amendment under Rule 312
1/16/202064Information Disclosure Statement considered
1/15/2020Pubs Case Remand to TC
1/15/202063Pubs Case Remand to TC
1/2/2020Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
1/2/2020Claims Application Documents
1/2/2020Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
1/2/2020Petition for review by the Technology Center Special Program Examiner(SPRE) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
1/2/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
1/2/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
1/2/2020Issue Fee Payment (PTO-85B) Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
1/2/2020Transmittal Letter
1/2/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results


Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)


Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)
1/2/2020Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/2/2020Issue Fee Payment Received
1/2/202061Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)
1/2/202059Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)
1/2/202058Issue Fee Payment Verified
1/2/202057Issue Fee Payment Received
12/18/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
12/18/2019Transmittal Letter
12/18/2019Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
12/18/2019Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
12/18/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/18/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/18/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/18/201962Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/18/201960Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
12/18/201956Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
10/2/2019Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) Office Actions Communications
10/2/2019Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
10/2/2019Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications
10/2/2019Bibliographic Data Sheet Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
10/2/2019Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
10/2/2019Electronic Review
10/2/2019Email Notification


Mail Notice of Allowance
10/2/201953Electronic Review
10/2/201952Email Notification
10/2/201951Mail Notice of Allowance


Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
9/30/201947Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
9/25/2019Terminal Disclaimer-Filed (Electronic)
9/25/2019Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/25/2019Terminal Disclaimer-Electronic-Approved
9/25/2019Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
9/25/2019Terminal Disclaimer Filed
9/25/201944Terminal Disclaimer Filed
9/24/2019Date Forwarded to Examiner
9/24/201940Date Forwarded to Examiner
9/19/2019Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final Rejection Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
9/19/2019Claims Application Documents
9/19/2019Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
9/19/2019Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
9/19/2019Transmittal Letter
9/19/2019Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
9/19/2019Response after Non-Final Action
9/19/201939Response after Non-Final Action
9/13/2019Email Notification
9/13/201938Email Notification
9/12/2019Notice of Publication
9/12/2019Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
9/12/2019PG-Pub Issue Notification
9/12/201937Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
9/12/201936PG-Pub Issue Notification
6/26/2019Non-Final Rejection First Office Action (substantive examination)
6/26/2019List of references cited by examiner Documents including citations
6/26/2019Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications
6/26/2019List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
6/26/2019List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations
6/26/2019Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
6/26/2019Electronic Review
6/26/2019Email Notification
6/26/2019Mail Non-Final Rejection
6/26/201935Electronic Review
6/26/201934Email Notification
6/26/201933Mail Non-Final Rejection
6/20/2019Non-Final Rejection
6/20/201932Non-Final Rejection
6/19/2019Information Disclosure Statement considered
6/19/2019Information Disclosure Statement considered
6/19/2019Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
6/19/201928Information Disclosure Statement considered
6/19/201927Information Disclosure Statement considered
6/19/201926Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
6/7/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
6/7/2019Transmittal Letter
6/7/2019Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
6/7/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/7/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/7/2019Email Notification
6/7/201925Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/7/201924Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
6/7/201923Email Notification
6/6/2019Track One request Granted
6/6/2019Mail Pet Dec Track 1 Grant
6/6/2019Track 1 Request Granted
6/6/2019Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
6/6/201922Mail Pet Dec Track 1 Grant
6/6/201920Track 1 Request Granted
6/6/201919Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
6/5/2019Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
6/5/2019Filing Receipt
6/5/2019Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
6/5/2019Pet Dec Track 1 Grant
6/5/2019Email Notification
6/5/2019Application Is Now Complete
6/5/2019Filing Receipt
6/5/201918Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special
6/5/201917Pet Dec Track 1 Grant
6/5/201915Email Notification
6/5/201911Application Is Now Complete
6/5/201910Filing Receipt
6/4/2019Application Dispatched from OIPE
6/4/2019FITF set to YES - revise initial setting
6/4/201914Application Dispatched from OIPE
6/4/201913FITF set to YES - revise initial setting
5/31/2019Cleared by OIPE CSR
5/25/2019IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
5/24/2019Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
5/24/2019Drawings-only black and white line drawings Application Documents
5/24/2019Power of Attorney Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants
5/24/2019Transmittal Letter
5/24/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08) Information Disclosure
5/24/2019Track One Request
5/24/2019Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results
5/24/2019Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications
5/24/2019Specification Application Documents
5/24/2019Claims Application Documents
5/24/2019Abstract Application Documents
5/24/2019Oath or Declaration Filed (Including Supplemental)
5/24/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/24/2019Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
5/24/2019PTO/SB/69-Authorize EPO Access to Search Results
5/24/2019Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign
5/24/2019Track 1 Request
5/24/2019Petition Entered
5/24/2019Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/24/2019Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change)
5/24/2019Initial Exam Team nn
5/24/2019121Oath or Declaration Filed (Including Supplemental)
5/24/201916Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/24/201912Patent Term Adjustment - Ready for Examination
5/24/20199PTO/SB/69-Authorize EPO Access to Search Results
5/24/20198Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign
5/24/20196Track 1 Request
5/24/20195Petition Entered
5/24/20193Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
5/24/20192Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change)
5/24/20191Initial Exam Team nn
5/24/20190.5Filing date