`Document Description: Transmittai Letter
`PTO/$8121 {07-09}
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`US. Patent and Trademark Office;.U'.3 DEPARTMENT OFCOMMERCE
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`Lieensrng--reiated Papers
`Petition to Convert to a
`Provisional Appficagion
`Power of Attorney, Revocation
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`Tei‘minei Disciaimer
`Request for Refund
`CD: Number (Wt-19(5)
`{1 Landscape Tabie on CD
`Attei Aiiowanoe Communication to TC .
`Appeei Communication to Board
`of Appeats and interferences
`Appeei Communication to TC
`{Appeai Notice, Brief. Repiy Brief)
`Proprietary information
`Status Letter
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`Statement under 37 CFR 3.723(0)
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`under 37 CFR 1.52 0i‘1.53
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`Richard D. Cotter! it
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