Doc; Code: TRANLET
`Document Description: Transmittai Letter
`PTO/$8121 {07-09}
`Approved for use through": 'i,/'302020 OMB 0651—003":
`c:li"‘lF ,
`US. Patent and Trademark Office;.U'.3 DEPARTMENT OFCOMMERCE
`(to be used for aii correspondence after initial firing)
`Totai Number of Pages in This Submission
`(Check at! that appiy)
`Lieensrng--reiated Papers
`Petition to Convert to a
`Provisional Appficagion
`Power of Attorney, Revocation
`Change of Correspondence Address
`Tei‘minei Disciaimer
`Request for Refund
`CD: Number (Wt-19(5)
`{1 Landscape Tabie on CD
`Attei Aiiowanoe Communication to TC .
`Appeei Communication to Board
`of Appeats and interferences
`Appeei Communication to TC
`{Appeai Notice, Brief. Repiy Brief)
`Proprietary information
`Status Letter
`(Ether Enc:iosurz3(s) (pieese identify
`Statement under 37 CFR 3.723(0)
`The Office may charge at:y fee deficiency for any subm-is;sion made with this transmittai to
`Deposit/Account No. 19-0036.
`Fee Transniittat Form
`[:3 Fee Attached
`[:1 After Finai
`D Affidavits/deeiaration(s)
`Extension of Time Request
`Express Abandonment Request
`information Diseiosua‘e Statement
`Certified Copy of Priority
`Repiy to Missing Parts/
`incompiete Appiioatien
`Repiy to Missing Paits
`under 37 CFR 1.52 0i‘1.53
`Printed name
`Richard D. Cotter! it
`i hereby certify that this correspondence is being facsimiie transmitted to the USPTO or deposited with the United States Poster! Service with
`sufficient postage as first eiess meii in an enveiope addressed to: Commissioner for Patents. PO. Box 1450, Aiexenda‘ie, VA 22313-4450 on
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`This coiiectiLiri of iriiLiimatioii is required by 3" CFRt . J.The information is required to Obtain 0i ietain a henetit'9y the pubiic which is to tile (and by the USPTO to
`process an appiication. Confidentiality is governed by 35 US
`122 and 37 CFR 1.11 andt 14. This coiieetion is estimated to 2 hours to contpiete inciuding
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`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of rare (Rim. sis—are; requires that you he given certain information in connection
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`pursuant to the requirements of the Act, piease he advised that: (t) the generai authority for the
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`The information provided by you in this form witi be subject to the toitowing routine uses:
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`A record in this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use, to a Member of
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`he used to make determinations about individuais.
`A record from this system of records may he disoiosed, as a routine use, to the puhiic after
`either puhtioation ofthe appiication pursuant to 35 USS. 122th) or issuance of a patent
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`CFR t.t4, as a routine use, to the puhiic if the record was fiied in an apptication which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which apptication is
`referenced by either a pubiished appiication, an appiication open to puhtic inspection or an
`issued patent.
`A record from this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use, to a Federai, State,
`or iocai iaw enforcement agency, if the USPTO becomes aware of a vioiation or potentiai
`vioiation oi taw or regutation.

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