`Reply to Office Action of October 20, 2021
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.305
`Upon entry of this amendment, claims 1, 5, 7, 9-13, 17, 19, and 31-41 will be pending
`and at issue in the present application. Claims 1, 5, 7, 9-10, 12-13, 17, 19, 31-39, and 41 are
`currently amended. Claims 20, 23, 24, 29-30 were previously withdrawn and currently amended.
`Support for the amendments can be found throughoutthe application as originally filed. No new
`matter is introduced. Reconsideration is respectfully requested.
`Claim Rejections — 35 USC § 103
`Claims 1, 5, 7, 9-13,17,19, and 31-41 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as allegedly
`unpatentable over Chenet al. (U.S. Pub. No. 2009/0246724) in view of Hostettler (U.S. Patent
`No. 4,791,156) and DeSimoneet al. (U.S. Patent No. 7,461,898) as evidenced by Plastics (non-
`patentliterature No. 107). Applicant disagrees and respectfully submits that the pending claims
`are patentably distinct over the cited references.
`As explained in the Office Action Response of October 28, 2019 (“10/28/2019
`Response’), the remarks for which are incorporated by reference in their entirety, there was no
`expectation of success in making the modifications proposed by the Office Action, and the
`recited features demonstrated unexpected results and commercial success. 10/28/2019 Response,
`15-24. Such unexpected results and commercial success are demonstrated at least by the
`Declaration of Chunhua Li under 37 C.F.R. §1.132 (‘Li Declaration’), filed October 28, 2019.
`With respect to unexpected results, the Li Declaration explains that “the fact that the over
`250 materials tested by my team did not provide results meeting the desired criteria, while the
`SmartTrack material having alternating polymer layers comprising co-polyester and
`thermoplastic polyurethane, as well as features of the instant claims was found to meet Align's
`criteria for a multilayer appliance, itself suggests that there was no predictability and there would
`have been no reasonable expectation of success in combining the teachings of Chen and
`DeSimone. If anything, a person of ordinary skill in the art would have expected failure in light
`of the above-described developmenthistory.” Li Declaration, 5.
`With respect to unexpected benefits and commercial success, the Li Declaration explains
`that “the Experimental Group (ST30) showed greater than 75% improvementin overall tooth
`movementpredictability over the Control Group.” /d., 7. Indeed, “[t]he effectiveness of
`Page 9 of 12
`Appl. No.: 16/382,918
`Reply to Office Action of October 20, 2021
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.305
`appliances made with multilayered materials combining alternating polymer layers comprising
`co-polyester and thermoplastic polyurethane, as well as the material properties as described by
`the current claims wassurprising, and a person of ordinary skill in the art would not have
`predicted the improved performance demonstrated.” /d., 8.
`Applicant respectfully submits that nothing in the record rebuts the lack of any
`expectation of success in making the proposed modifications, or the unexpected results and
`commercial success established by the Li Declaration. Rather, the Office Action states that “[i]t
`is maintained that Chen, DeSimone, and Hostettler, are all directed to orthodontic shell
`appliances. Thus it would have been obviousto one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of
`invention to utilize the materials taught by DeSimone to form Chen's hard layer.” Office Action,
`11. Applicant respectfully submits that such conclusion is not supported by the record, at least in
`part because of the analysis provided in the Li Declaration.
`The Office Action also remarked that the Li Declaration “fails to provide a nexusto the
`claimed invention(s)” because the affidavit refers to a system with “a hard polymerlayer
`between twosoft polymerlayers.” Office Action, 12-13. Applicant respectfully disagrees and
`submits that the Li Declaration describes the unexpected results and commercial success of
`alternating polymerlayers comprising co-polyester and thermoplastic polyurethane. Nonetheless,
`solely in the interest of advancing prosecution, the pending claims have been herein amended. As
`amended, independentclaim 1 recites in part “a first soft outer polymer layer ... a second soft
`outer polymer layer ... a hard inner polymerlayer ... wherein the hard inner polymerlayeris
`disposed between thefirst soft outer polymer layer and the second soft outer polymerlayer.”
`Independentclaims 13 and 33 as amendedrecite similar subject matter. Thus, any alleged lack of
`nexus between the pending claims and the unexpected results and commercial success
`demonstrated by the Li Declaration has been rendered moot. Accordingly, Applicants
`respectfully submits that independent claims 1, 13, and 33 are patentably distinct over Chen,
`DeSimone, Hostettler, and Plastics, whether considered alone or in any combination thereof, for
`at least the reasons above. See also 10/28/2019 Response, 15-24.
`Dependentclaims 5, 7, 9-12,17,19, 31-21, and 34-41each depend from one of
`independent claims 1, 13, or 33 and thus incorporate all the features recited therein. Forat least
`the reasons above, these dependent claims are also patentably distinct over Chen, DeSimone,
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`Appl. No.: 16/382,918
`Reply to Office Action of October 20, 2021
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.305
`Hostettler, and Plastics, whether considered alone or in any combination thereof. Accordingly,
`withdrawal of the corresponding rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is respectfully requested.
`Statements Regarding Claimed Priority
`The Office Action alleged that claims 1, 3-7, 9-13, 15-18, and 34-42 are not entitled to
`the claimedpriority. In particular, the Office Action alleged that independent claims 1, 13, and
`33 omit “(i) two distinguishable soft layers, (11) a distinguishable hard layer, and (iii) the
`arrangementof the hard layer being positioned between twosoft layers.” Office Action, 2.
`Applicant respectfully disagrees and submits that the claims as previously submitted find support
`and enablementin the priority documents. Nonetheless, solely in the interest of advancing
`prosecution, the pending claims have been herein amended. As amended, independentclaim 1
`recites in part “a first soft outer polymerlayer ... a second soft outer polymer layer ... a hard
`inner polymerlayer ... wherein the hard inner polymerlayeris disposed betweenthefirst soft
`outer polymer layer and the second soft outer polymer layer.” Independent claims 13 and 33 as
`amended recite similar subject matter. Further, the Office Action alleged that “the prior-filed
`applications for such specifically claimed combination.” Office Action, 3. Applicant respectfully
`disagrees and submits that the prior filed applications support the embodiments claimed. Support
`can be found in the parent applicationsasfiled at, for example, paragraphs [0027]-[0029] of U.S.
`Application No. 13/470,681 (now U.S. Patent No. 9,655,691). Accordingly, withdrawal of the
`corresponding statements to the claimedpriority is respectfully requested.
`Claim Rejections — 35 USC § 112
`Claims 1, 5, 7, 9-13, 17, 19, and 31-41 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112 as allegedly
`failing to comply with the written description requirement and as allegedly indefinite for failing
`to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter. In particular, the Office Action
`alleged that independent claims 1, 13, and 33 (and their corresponding dependentclaims)fail to
`recite omitted features and omitted structural cooperative relationships. Office Action, 5-8.
`Applicant respectfully disagrees. Nonetheless, solely in the interest of advancing prosecution, the
`pending claims have been herein amended. As amended, independentclaim 1 recites in part “a
`first soft outer polymerlayer ... a second soft outer polymerlayer ... a hard inner polymerlayer
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`Appl. No.: 16/382,918
`Reply to Office Action of October 20, 2021
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.305
`... wherein the hard inner polymerlayer is disposed between thefirst soft outer polymerlayer
`and the second soft outer polymerlayer.” Independent claims 13 and 33 as amendedrecite
`similar subject matter. Accordingly, withdrawal of the corresponding rejections under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 112 is respectfully requested.
`Alleged Double Patenting
`Claims 1, 5, 7, 9-13, 17, 19, and 31-41 were rejected on the ground of nonstatutory
`double patenting as allegedly being unpatentable over: claims 1-31 of U.S. Patent No. 9,655,691;
`claims 1-20 of U.S. Patent No. 9,655,693; and claims 1-14 of U.S. Patent No. 10,052,176. The
`rejection is acknowledged. Applicant respectfully requests that the rejections be held in abeyance
`until final resolution of the claims. At that time, Applicant mayfile a terminal disclaimer,if
`necessary, to resolve the alleged double patenting rejection.
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant believes all claims now pending in this Application
`are in condition for allowance. The issuance of a formal Notice of Allowance at an early date is
`respectfully requested.
`Further, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any additional fees or credit
`any overpayment in connection with this paper to Deposit Account No. 23-2415.
`If the Examiner believes a telephone conference would expedite prosecution of this
`application, please telephone the undersigned at 206-573-2274.
`Dated: January 20, 2022
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Yahn-Lin CHU/
`Yahn-Lin (Franklin) Chu
`Registration No. 75,946
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`Tel: 650-493-9300
`Fax 650-493-6811
`Page 12 of 12

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