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`Application Number 16038279
`Filing Date 2018-07-18
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`4. Literature Review: Robots in Medicine, HSIA, T.C.; MITTELSTADT,B., June, 1991, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 13-22, 10
`| 7804-A18-012Y-17 (ids14) AN DER PERRE,J. DE SCHUTTER,, 46th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, March, 2000, pp. 450, 1
`First Named Inventor|Bonutti
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
`A. Safe Robot System for Craniofacial Surgery, D. ENGEL, J. RACZKOWSKY, H. WORN, May 21-26, 2001,
`Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2020-2024, 5 pages
`4. Computer and Robotic Aided Surgery System for Accomplishing Osteotomies, J. L. MOCTEZUMA, F. GOSSE,H_J.
`SCHULTZ, First International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, September, 1994, pp.
`31-35, 6 pages
`4. Constraint-Based God-object Method for Haptic Display, C.B. ZILLES and J. K. SALISBURY, 1995 IEEE, pp.
`4. Novel Approach to ComputerAssisted Spine Surgery, LUTZ P. NOLTE, LUCIA J. ZAMORANO, ZHAOWEL JLANG,
`Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 2, Workshop [Part | & II] Session V1,
`September, 1994, pp. 323-328, 7 pages
`review of robotics in surgery, B. DAVIES, Proceedings cfthe Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of
`ngineering in Medicine, 2000, pp. 129-140, 13 pages
`4. Robotized SurgeonAssistant, T. WANG, M. FADDA, M. MARCACCI, S. MARTELLI, P. DARIO and A. VISANI, pp.
`352-868, 8 pages
`A. Steady-Hand Robotic System for Microsurgical Augmentation, RUSSELL TAYLOR, PAT JENSEN, LOUIS
`UGEN DEJUAN and LOUIS KAVOUSSI, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 1999, Vol. 18, pp.
`201-1210, 11 pages
`A. Stereotactic/Robotic System for Pedicle Screw Placement, JULIO J. SANTOS-MUNNE,MICHAEL A. PESHKIN,
`SRDJAN MIRKOVIC, S. DAVID STULBERG, THOMASC. KIENZLE III, 1995, Interactive Technology and the New
`Paradigm for Hardware, pp. 326-333, 8 pages
`4 Surgical Robot for Total Hip Replacement Surgery, Proceedingsof the 1992 IEEE, International Conference on
`obotics and Automation, May, 1992, pp. 606-611, 6 pages
`Accuracy Study on the Registration of the Tibia by Means of an Intramedullary Rod in Robot-Assisted Total Knee
`EFS Web 2.1.17


`Application Number 16038279
`Filing Date 2018-07-18
`Art Unit |
` Attorney Docket Number
`| 7804-A18-012Y-17 (ids14) POOO, pp. 98-107
`First Named Inventor|Bonutti
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
`Accuracy Validation in Image-Guided Orthopaedic Surgery, DAVID SIMON, R.V. O'TOOLE, MIKE BLACKWELL, F.
`ORGAN, ANTHONYM. DIGIOIA, AND TAKEO KANADE,Proceedings of the Second Intemational Symposium on
`edical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 1995, pp. 185-192, 8 pages
`ACROBOT- Using Robots and Surgeons Synergistically in Knee Surgery, BL DAVIES, KL FAN, RD HIBBERD,M.
`JAKOPEC and SJ HARRIS, Mechatronics in Medicine, July, 1997, pp. 173-178, 6 pages
`Active compliancein robotic surgery — the use of force control as a dynamic constraint, B.L. DAVIES, S. J. HARRIS,
`. J. LIN, R. BD. HIBBERD, R. MIGDLETON and J.C. COBB, Proceedingsofthe Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
`Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 1997 Vol. 211, pp. 285-292; 9 pages
`Active Stiffness Control of a Manipulator in Cartesian Coordinates, J. KENNETH SALLSBURY,IEEE, 1980, pp.
`N5-100, 7 pages
`An Image-directed Robotic System for Hip Replacement Surgery, RUSSELL H. TAYLOR, HOWARD A. PAUL, BRENT
`USITS, BILL WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM L. BARGAR, October, 1990, pp. 111-118, 7 pages
`An Integrated CAD-Robotics System for Total Knee Replacement Surgery, KIENZLE,T.C., Ill, 1993, IEEE, pp.
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`Autonomous Suturing using Minimally Invasive Surgerical Robots, HYOSIG KANG and JOHN T. WEN, Proceedings o
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`Biomechanics for Preoperative Planning and Surgical Simulations in Orthopaedics, ROBERT V. O’TOOLEIII,
`iol. Med., March, 1995, Vol. 25, No. 2 pp. 183-191, & pages
`linical Introduction of the Caspar System ProblemsandInitial Results, C.O.R. GRUENEIS, R.H. RICHTER,F.F.
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`omparative Tracking Error Analysis of Five Different Optical Tracking Systems, RKHADEM, C C YEH, M SADEGHI-
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`INFORMATION DISCLOSURE First Named Inventor|Bonutti
`Art Unit |
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
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` Attorney Docket Number
`| 7804-A18-012Y-17 (ids14) elated Research, December, 1992, pp. 57-66; 10 pages
`omparison of Relative Accuracy Between a Mechanical and an Optical Position Tracker for Image-Guided
`eurosurgery, ROHLING R, MUNGER P, HOLLERBACH JM, PETER T., J Image Guid Surg., 1995;1(1), pp. 30-34, 4
`omputer Assisted Knee Replacement, SCOTT L. DELP, PH.D., S$. DAVID STULBERG, MD, BRIAN DAVIES, PH.D.
`REDERIC PICARD, MD and FRANCOIS LEITNER,PH.D., Clinical Orthopaedics, September, 1998, Vol. 354, pp.
`19-56; 8 pages
`omputer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery Image Guided and Robotic Assistive Technologies, ANTHONY M. DIGIOIA,
`BRANISLAV JARAMAZ, and B. COLGAN, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, No. 354, September, 1998,
`bp. 8-16, 9 pages
`omputer Assisted Planning for Total Knee Arthroplasty, CVRMed-MRCAS'97, M. FADDA, D. BERTELLI, 8.
`AARTELLI, M. MARCACCI, P. DARIO, C. PAGGETTI, D. CARAMELLA, D. TRIPPI, 1997, pp. 619-628, 10 pages
`omputer Assisted Spine Surgery: a technique for accurate transpedicular screw fixation, $ LAVALLEE, Proceedings
`of the First International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 2, Workshop [Part I &
`|] Session VI, September, 1994, pp. 315-322, 9 pages
`omputer-assisted and robotics surgery, BRIAN DAVIES, Intemational Congress and Symposium Series 223, 1997,
`pp. 71-82; 12 pages
`omputer-Assisted Knee Arthroplasty at Rizzoli Institutes, M. FADDA, Proceedingsofthe First International
`Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, September, 1994, pp. 26-30, 6 pages
`oncepts and methods of registration for computer-integrated surgery, E. BAINVILLE, I. BRICAULT, P. CINQUIN,
`AND S. LAVALLEE, Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery (“CAQS”), L-P. Nolte and R. Ganz, Eds., pp. 15-34,
`ogrefe & Huber, Seattle, Wash, USA, 1999; 22 pages
`RIGOS A Compact Robot for Image-Guided Orthopedic Surgery, GUIDO BRANDT, ANDREAS ZIMOLONG, LIONAL
`UNTER RAU, December, 1999, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.
`P52-260, 9 pages
`Development of a Robotic Surgical Assistant, YRJO LOUHISALMI and Tatu Leinonen, 1994 IEEE, pp. 1043-1044, 2
`Development of a Surgical Robot for Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty, PAUL HA, BARGAR WL, MITTLESTADTB,
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`INFORMATION DISCLOSURE First Named Inventor|Bonutti
`Art Unit |
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Examiner Name
` Attorney Docket Number
`‘olume 1679, 1999, pp. 1116-1124; 9 pages
` | 7804-A18-012Y-17 (ids14)
`Digital surgery the future of medicine and human-robot symbiotic interaction, RONY A. ABOVITZ, Industrial Robot: An
`ntemational Journal, Vol. 28, Number 5, 2001, pp. 401-405, 5 pages
`asyGuide Neuro, ein neues System zur bildgefuhrten Planung, Simulation und Navigation in der Neurochirurgie, TH.
`SCHMIDT und W. HENTSCHEL, 1995, Biomedizinische Technik, Band 40, Erganzungsband 1, pp. 233-234; 2 pages
`in Robotersystem fur craniomaxillofaciale chirurgische Eingriffe, J. RACZKOWSKY, J. MUNCHENBERG,I.
`BERTOVIC, C. BURGHART,Informatik Forsch. Entw., 1999, pp. 24-35, 12 pages
`ndoBot: A Robotic Assistant in Minimally Invasive Surgeries, HYOSIG KANG and JOHN T. WEN, IEEE, 2001, pp.
`P032-2037, 6 pages
`xperiences with Robotic Systems for Knee Surgery, S. J. HARRIS, W. J. LIN, K.L. FAN, R. D. HIBBERD, J. COBB,
`R. MIDDLETON, B. L. DAVIES, CVRMed-MRCAS'97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 1205, 1997, pp.
`/5/-766, 10 pages
`orce Control for Robotic Surgery, $.C. HO, R.O. HIBBERD, J. COBB and B.L. DAVIES, ICAR, 1995, pp. 21-32, 12
`rameless Neuronavigation in Modern Neurosurgery, SPETZGER U, LABORDEG, GILSBACH JM, Minim. Invas,
`eurosurg., 1995, Vol. 38, pp. 163-166, 4 pages
`aptic information displays for computer-assisted surgery, A-E. QUAID and RONY A. ABOVITZ, Robotics and
`Automation, 2002 Proceedings ICRA '02. IEEE Intemational Conference on Robotics And Automation, 2092, Vol. 2,
`op. 2092-2097, 6 pages
`uman-Interactive Medical Robotics, RONY A. ABOVITZ, M.S., ComputerAssisted Orthopedic Surgery ((CAOS’),
`POOO, pp. 71-72, 2 pages
`mage-Guided Manipulator Compliant Surgical Planning Methodology for Robotic Skull-Base Surgery, WAN SING NG;
`ING YEONG TEO; YONG-CHONG LOH; TSENG TSAI YEO, Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, 2001 IEEE,
`bp. 26-29, 4 pages
`ntra-operative Application of a Robotic Knee Surgery System, S. J. HARRIS, M. JAKOPEC, J. COBB, B.L. DAVIES,
`edical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention — MICCAI’99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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`| 7804-A18-012Y-17 (ids14)
` ntraoperative Navigation Techniques Accuracy Tests and Clinical Report, S. HASSFELD, C. BURGHART,I.
`BERTOVIC, J. RACZKOWSKY, U. REMBOD, H. WORN and J. MULING, 1998, pp. 670-675, 6 pages
`issues in the Haptic Display of Tool Use, J. EDWARD COLGATE, MICHAEL C. STANLEY AND J. MICHAEL BROWN,
`ROS, 1995, 6 pages
`achining and Accuracy Studies for a Tibial Knee Implant Using a Force-Controlled Robot, Computer Aided Surgery,
`998, pp. 123-133, 11 pages
`Orto MAQUET and CASPAR: An Automated Cell for Prosthesis Surgery, September/October, 1999 Robotics World,
`bp. 30-31, 2 pages
`Premiers Pas Vers La Dissectomie et la Realisation de Protheses du Genou a L'Aide de Robots, M. FADDA, S.
`AARTELLI, P. DARIO, M. MARCACCI, S. ZAFFAGNINI, A. VISANI, Innov. Tech. Biol. Med., Vol. 13, No. 4, 1992, pp.
`394-409, 16 pages
`Primary and Revision Total Hip Replacement Using the Robodoc System, WILLIAM L. BARGAR, MD, ANDRE
`BAUER, MD and MARTIN BORNER,MD,Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1998, No. 354, pp. 82-91, 10
`Application Number 16038279
`Filing Date 2018-07-18
`First Named Inventor|Bonutti
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