Trials@uspto. gov
`Date: August 26, 2024
`Patent Owner.
`Patent RE49,114E
`AVELYNM.ROSS, Administrative Patent Judges.
`ROSS, Administrative Patent Judge.
`DenyingInstitution of/nter Partes Review
`35 US.C. $ 314,37 CER. § 42.4


`Patent RE49,114E
`NJOY, LLC and NJOY Holdings, Inc. (collectively, “Petitioner’’)
`filed a Petition (Paper2, “Pet.”) requesting an interpartes review of claims
`1, 5-7, 29-30, 36, 43, 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93 of U.S. Patent No.
`RE49,114 E(Ex. 1001, “the ’114 patent’). JUUL Labs,Inc. (“Patent
`Owner’) filed a Preliminary Response to the Petition. Paper 6 (“Prelim.
`Resp.”). On July 11, 2024, Patent Ownerfiled a request disclaiming claims
`1, 5S—7, 29-30, and 36. Ex. 3001. Accordingly, we limit our discussion to
`the remaining claims 43, 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93.
`Wehave authority to determine whetherto institute an interpartes
`review. 35 U.S.C. § 314 (2018); 37 C.F.R. § 42.4(a). The standard for
`instituting an inferpartes review isset forth in 35 U.S.C. § 314(a), which
`providesthat an interpartes review may notbe instituted “unless the
`Director determines. .. there is a reasonable likelihood that the petitioner
`would prevail with respectto at least [one] ofthe claims challenged in the
`For the reasonsset forth below, upon considering the Petition,
`Preliminary Response, and evidence ofrecord, we determinethat Petitioner
`has not established a reasonable likelihood ofprevailing with respectto at
`least one challenged claim. Accordingly, we do notinstitute an interpartes
`Real Parties-in-Interest
`Petitioner identifies NJOY, LLC, NJOY Holdings, Inc. Altria Group,
`Inc., AltriaGroup Distribution Company, Altria Client Services LLC, and
`Shenzhen Smoore Technology Limitedas real parties-in-interest. Pet. 1.
`Patent Owneridentifies 1tselfas the real party-in-interest. Paper 5, 2.


`Patent RE49,114E
`The parties identify Certain Vaporizer Devices, Cartridges Used
`Therewith, and Components Thereof, 337-TA-1368 (ITC) and JUUL Labs,
`Inc. v. NJOY, LLC etal. , 23-cv-01204 (D. Ariz.) as related proceedings. Pet.
`1; Paper 5, 2.
`Patent Ownerfurther identifies IPR2024-00223 (U.S. Patent No.
`10,709, 173), IPR2024-00231 (U.S. Patent No. 10,130,123), IPR2024-00267
`(U.S. Patent No. 11,134,722 B2), IPR2024-00268 (U.S. Patent No.
`11,606,981), and IPR2024-00536 (U.S. Patent No. 11,606,981), as related
`matters. Paper5, 2.
`The ’114patent
`The ’114 patent, titled “Electronic Cigarette with Liquid Reservoir,
`issued on June 28, 2022, asa reissue ofU.S. Patent No. 9,596,887, issued
`March 21, 2017. Ex. 1001, code (45), (64). The ’114 patent describes “an
`electronic cigarette with an internal liquid reservoir.” /d. at 1:15—17.
`Figure|is illustrative ofthe electronic cigarette, and is reproduced


`Patent RE49,114E
`Figure | is a perspective view ofan electronic cigarette. Ex. 1001,
`Figure 1 showselectronic cigarette 2 that includes an elongated end
`10 with tip end6, a cartridge 12 with mouthpiece end 4, air inlet vents 16 for
`allowingairflow into the cartridge 12, and a window 13 showingliquid level
`15 inthe cartridge 12.
`/d. at 4:13-29.
`Figure 7 is illustrative and reproduced below, and showsa side view
`diagram ofliquid reservoir cartridge 12.


`Patent RE49,114E
`o Beee
`mew AS
`Haan ad
`Figure 7 is side sectional view ofaliquid reservoir cartridge. /d. at 3:1-3.
`The cartridge includes outer housing 12 with tip end4 and aerosol
`port 5 formed therethrough,air inlet vents 16, atomizer assembly 28, and
`atomizing chamber 38 coupled to achimney 36.
`/d. at 6:3—-18. Figure 7
`shows “annular space 43 between the chimney 36 and the interior ofthe
`housing 12 [which] defines the liquid reservoir 43.” /d. at 6:19-20. Figure


`Patent RE49,114E
`7 showsthat“there is athinner annular cavity 39 formed between the
`exterior ofthe atomizing chamber38 and interior ofthe cartridge housing
`12.” 7d. at 6:21—23. Figure 7 showsthat “fluid 44 1s stored in the fluid
`reservoir 43,” which can flow “into the annular cavity 39 to saturate the
`wick 37.” Id. at 6:23—25; see also id. at 6:40—43 (“As the liquid in the wick
`37 is depleted by the atomizer 32, capillary action draws additionalliquid
`from the liquid reservoir 43, through the cavity 39 and to the atomizer 32”).
`Illustrative Claim
`Petitioner challenges claims 43, 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93 of
`the ’114 patent. Independent claim 431s illustrative ofthe claimed subject
`matter andis reproduced below!.
`Claim 43.
`[A] A cartridge comprising:
`[B] a cartridge housing;
`[C] a mouthpiece end comprising an aerosoloutlet;
`[D]D] an atomizing chamberdisposed within the cartridge housing
`proximate a lower endof the cartridge housing opposite
`the mouthpiece end,
`[E] the atomizing chamber comprising an atomizer outlet and an
`atomizing chamberairinlet;
`[F] the atomizing chamber further comprising a first wick
`aperture and a secondwickaperture;
`[G] a liquid reservoir at least partially defined by an interior of
`the cartridge housing and an exterior of the atomizing
`[H] the liquid reservoir configured to contain an atomization
`' For convenience, we adoptPetitioner’s annotated claim format.


`Patent RE49,114E
`[I] a chimney forming at least part of an aerosol outlet path
`sealably passing through the reservoir between the
`atomizer outlet and the aerosol outlet;
`[J] an atomizer disposed within the atomizing chamber,
`[K] the atomizer comprising a resistive heating element; and
`[L] a wick in contact with the atomization liquid in the liquid
`reservoir through the first wick aperture and the second
`wick aperture,
`[M] the wick disposed between the liquid reservoir and the
`Ex. 1001, 11:27—11:49.
`The Asserted Unpatentability Challenges
`Petitioner asserts that claims 43, 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93
`would have been unpatentable based on the following grounds:
`43, 44, 76,77, 81, 86,
`Cho, Nielsen?
`Pet. 7. Petitioner also relies on declaration testimony ofJoseph C.
`McAlexanderII (Ex. 1003). Patent Ownerrelies on declaration testimony
`of Dr. John Collins (Ex. 2001).
`Principles ofLaw
`In an interpartes review,“the petitioner has the burden from the onset
`to show with particularity why the patent it challenges 1s unpatentable.”
`7 Cho, WO 2011/065754 A2, published June 3, 2011 (Ex. 1005, “Cho”).
`> Nielsen et al., U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2009/0283 103 A1, published
`Nov. 19, 2009 (Ex. 1006, “Nielsen”’).


`Patent RE49,114E
`Harmonic Inc. v. Avid Tech., Inc., 815 F.3d 1356, 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2016)
`(citing 35 U.S.C. § 312(a)(3) (2012) (requiring interpartes review petitions
`to identify “with particularity .
`. the evidence that supports the groundsfor
`the challenge to each claim’’)). This burden ofpersuasion nevershifts to the
`patent owner. See Dynamic Drinkware, LLC v. Nat’l Graphics, Inc. , 800
`F.3d 1375, 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (discussing the burden ofproofin inter
`partes review).
`To anticipate, a reference must “showall ofthe limitations ofthe
`claims arranged or combined in the same wayasrecited in the claims.” Net
`MoneyIN, Inc. v. VeriSign, Inc., 545 F.3d 1359, 1370 (Fed. Cir. 2008);
`accordIn re Bond, 910 F.2d 831, 832 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
`Weanalyze the challenges presentedin the Petition in accordance
`with the above-stated principles.
`Level ofOrdinary Skill in the Art
`Wereview the grounds ofunpatentability in view ofthe
`understanding ofa person of ordinary skill in the art at the time ofthe
`invention. Graham, 383 U.S. at 17.
`Petitioner contendsthat a person of ordinary skill in theart “would
`haveat least aB.S. degree in Mechanical En gineering, Electrical
`Engineering, Industrial Design, Product Design, or similar field, with at least
`two years of industry experience in one ofthese fields, and such POSA
`would have been familiar with electrically powered vaporizingarticles, their
`components, or the underlying technologies.” Pet. 7.
`Patent Ownerarguesthat a person of ordinary skill in the art “at the
`time of the ’114 patent would have had a B.S. in mechanical engineering,
`electrical engineering, or an equivalent degree, and either at least two


`Patent RE49,114E
`years of experience designing electro-mechanical consumerproducts or
`an advanced degree in mechanical engineering,electrical engineering, or
`an equivalentfield.” Prelim. Resp. 2 (citing Ex. 2001 99} 19). Patent Owner
`submits that “the arguments in this Response apply regardless ofwhich
`standard is adopted,” and that “Patent Owner’s expert, Dr. John Collins, was
`a POSITAat the time ofthe’ 114 patent under either[Petitioner’s or Patent
`Owner’s] definition.” /d. (citing Ex. 2001
`In light ofthe record before us, and for purposes ofthis Decision, we
`adopt Petitioner’s proposal regarding the level of ordinary skill in the art.
`Based on ourreview of the ’114 patent andthe prior art ofrecord, we
`determine that the definition offered by Petitioner comports with the
`qualifications a person would have needed to understand the ’114 patentand
`the priorart.
`Claim Construction
`Weconstrue claim terms accordingto the standard set forth in Phillips
`v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312-17 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc);
`37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b) (2019). Under Phillips, we give claim terms“their
`ordinary and customary meaning.” Phillips, 415 F.3dat 1312. “[T]he
`ordinary and customary meaning of aclaim term is the meaningthat the
`term would haveto a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the
`time ofthe invention.” /d. at 1313. “Importantly, the person of ordinary
`skill in the art is deemed to read the claim term notonly in the context ofthe
`particular claim in which the disputed term appears, but in the context ofthe
`entire patent, including the specification.” /d.
`Petitioner asserts “Petitioners are unaware of any prior construction
`determination related to the ’114 patent.” Pet. 7-8. However, Petitioner


`Patent RE49,114E
`identifies constructions for four terms proposedby theparties in the related
`ITC litigation. /d. at 8. Petitioner also asserts “in the analysis ofthe prior
`art in this Petition, the asserted prior art anticipates or renders obvious the
`challenged claims under both Patent Owner’s andPetitioners’
`interpretations.” /d.
`Patent Ownerasserts that “[w]ith the exception ofthe preamble of
`claim I, in this preliminary stage, it is not necessary for the Board to resolve
`the construction of any terms.” Prelim. Resp. 3. The preamble of claim 44
`recites an “electronic cigarette.” /d. at 11:50. Patent Owner argues that term
`“electronic cigarette” 1s limiting becauseit is an essential structure that 1s
`necessary to give meaning to the claims. Prelim. Resp. 3—4 (citing Ex. 1001,
`1:19—24, 28-39, 2:46-3:25, 4:15; Ex. 2001 938-44). Patent Owner
`arguesthat “electronic cigarette”is essential for the invention of a nicotine
`delivery system replacementthat delivers nicotine by atomizing liquid
`instead ofburning tobacco. /d. at 5 (citing Ex. 2001 4 43). Patent Owner
`submits that the invention ofthe ?114 patent 1s not a vaporizerfor health
`supplementsand that the invention of Chois for vaporizing a substance that
`is beneficial to the human body. /d. at 5—6 (citing Ex. 1005 4 1).
`For purposesofthis Decision, we need not expressly construe any
`claim terms, including “electronic cigarette.” See Vivid Techs., Inc. vy. Am.
`Sci. & Eng’g, Inc., 200 F.3d 795, 803 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (holding that “only
`those terms need be construed that are in controversy, and only to the extent
`necessary to resolve the controversy”); see also Nidec Motor Corp.v.


`Patent RE49,114E
`Zhongshan Broad Ocean Motor Co., 868 F.3d 1013, 1017 (Fed. Cir. 2017)
`(citing Vivid Techs. in the context of an interpartes review).
`Challenges based on Cho
`Petitioner alleges that Cho anticipates claims 43, 44, 76, 77, 81, 86,
`89, and 93 of the ’114 patent. Pet. 11-64. Petitioner further alleges that the
`combination of Cho and Nielsen would have rendered obvious claim 80 of
`the ’114 patent. Pet. 64-70. Petitioner relies on the testimony ofMr.
`McAlexanderto support its arguments. See id.
`1. Overview ofCho (Ex. 1005)
`Choistitled “Device for Vaporisation and Inhalation, a Composition
`for Vaporisation and Inhalation Used Therewith, and a Method for
`Vaporizing the Composition for Vaporisation and Inhalation.” Ex. 1005,
`code (54). Cho’s Figure 7 is reproduced below, showing such a device.
`Sepa n
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`Figure 7 is a perspective view showing a vaporisation unit of an inhalation
`nozzle side of the device for vaporisation andinhalation. /d. 424.


`Patent RE49,114E
`Figure 7 illustrates vaporization unit 1200 with storage container
`1201, atomization chamber1203, liquid introduction valve 1205, inhalation
`port 1211, and inhalation contact 1213. Ex. 1005 4 73-78. In Figure 7, “an
`inhalation contact 1213 for inhaling the mixed composition through body
`contact 1s provided in the vaporisation unit 1200 on the inhalation nozzle
`side having acylindrical structure.” /d. 4/73. In storage container 1201, “a
`predetermined filling space is secured so that the mixed composition can be
`filled in a liquid state and an atomization container 1203 for vaporizing the
`mixed composition by direct or indirect heating through a predetermined
`heating memberafter inducing the mixed composition ofthe storage
`container 1201 using capillarity.” Jd.
`Figure 11 1s reproduced below.
`Figure 11 1s a cross-sectional view of an assembled vaporisation unit 1200.
`Ex. 1005 {[§ 28, 89. Cho describes that unit 1200 “hasa hollowstructure,”
`and that Figure 11 shows“cylindrical air inhalation tube 1313”in its center,


`Patent RE49,114E
`where“air inhalation tube 1313 communicates with an inhalation nozzle
`1501 of the inhalation contact 1213.” /d. at § 89. Cho describesthat storage
`container 1201 has a loading portion 1503, which is loaded with the mixed
`composition through the liquid introduction valve 1205.
`/d. Cho explains
`that the “mixed composition comesinto contact with one end ofthe inductor
`1315 pressed-in andinstalled through the inductorinsertion hole 1311, and
`the inductor 1315 adsorbs the mixed composition by capillarity and is heated
`by the heating member 1319.” Jd.
`Analysis ofClaim 43
`Petitioner contends that Cho disclosesacartridge and a mouthpiece
`end comprising an aerosol outlet. Pet. 46 (citing Pet. 11-13; Ex. 1003
`{| 49-52; Ex. 1005 99 1, 9, 53-57, 73, 77, 81, 89, Figs. 7 and 11). Petitioner
`argues that Cho discloses an atomizing chamberdisposed within the
`cartridge housing proximatealower end ofthe cartridge housing opposite
`the mouthpiece end andthat the atomizing chamber comprises an atomizer
`outlet andan atomizing chamberair inlet. /d. at 46—48 (citing Pet 22-24;
`Ex. 1003 ff 68-71, 129-132; Ex. 1005 § 73, 78, 82-83, 89, Figs. 9 and 11).
`The atomizing chamberfurther comprisesa first wick aperture and a second
`wick aperture. /d. at 48 (citing Pet. 22—24; Ex. 1001, 6:28-31, 6:51—54,
`6:57-65, 7:38, 7:58-61; Ex. 1003 99 72-74; Ex. 1005 4§ 83, 88, Figs. 8 and
`11; Ex. 1014.002).
`Petitioner contends that Cho disclosesa liquid reservoir defined by an
`interior ofthe cartridge housing and an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber
`and that the liquid reservoir is configured to contain an atomization liquid.
`Pet. 48-52 (citing Ex. 1003 49 135-142; Ex. 1005 49 74, 76, 81, 84, 89, Fig.
`11). Petitionerasserts that Cho discloses a chimney formingat least part of


`Patent RE49,114E
`an aerosol outlet path sealably passing through the reservoir between the
`atomizer outlet and the aerosol outlet. /d. at 52—53 (citing Pet. 15—17;
`Ex. 1003 {| 58-62; Ex. 1005 9] 73, 81, 83, 89, Fig. 11). Petitioner contends
`that Cho discloses an atomizer disposed within the atomizing chamber and
`that the atomizer comprising a resistive heating element. /d. at 53 (citing
`Pet. 15—17, 36-37; Ex. 1001, 6:27—28; Ex. 1003 49 93-104, 143-146;
`Ex. 1005 {ff 39, 73, 77, 81-83, Fig. 11). Petitioner argues that Chodiscloses
`a wick in contact with the atomization liquid in the liquidreservoir through
`the first wick aperture and the second wick aperture so that the wick1s
`disposed betweenthe liquid reservoir and the atomizer.
`/d. at 53-54 (citing
`Pet. 28-32; Ex. 1003 {| 83-90; Ex. 1005 79 83, 88-90, Fig. 11; Ex. 1014,
`Patent Ownerarguesthat Cho doesnotdisclose a “liquid reservoir
`[that] 1s partially defined by the exterior of an atomizing chamber”(Prelim.
`Resp.8 (citing Ex. 2001 4 47)), that the Petitioner’s “integrated
`embodiment” mixes and matches embodimentsin a ground presented as
`anticipatory (id. at 9), and that the “integrated embodiment”is not enabled
`(id.). Because we agree with Patent Ownerthat Petitioner hasfailed to
`establish that Cho describesa “liquid reservoir[that] is partially defined by
`the exterior of an atomizing chamber”—andthisissue is dispositive—we
`address only this issue below.


`Patent RE49,114E
`whether Chodiscloses a liquid reservoir at leastpartially
`defined by an exterior ofthe atomizing chamberin eitherthe
`“separated embodiment”or the “integrated embodiment’
`Petitioner contends that Cho disclosesa liquid reservoir defined by an
`interior ofthe cartridge housing and an exterior ofthe atomization chamber.
`Pet. 48-50 (citing Ex. 1003 49 135-138; Ex. 1005 49 74, 81, 89, Fig. 11).
`Petitioner’s annotated version of Cho’s Figure 11 is depicted below,1.e., the
`“separated embodiment.”
` es
`aé Z oe
`Id. at 30 (“Annotated Fig. 11” or “Ann. Fig. 11”). Annotated Figure 11
`showsstorage container (or housing) (brown), connected to atomization
`4 Patent Ownerutilizes the terms “separated embodiment”and “integrated
`embodiment” to describe Petitioner’s alternative embodiments. See Prelim.
`Resp. 12. For consistency andconvenience, we similarly adopt these terms.


`Patent RE49,114E
`container 1203 (light green), with hollow air inhalation tube 1313 located in
`the center of storage container 1201. Ex. 1005 § 89. Atomization container
`1203 includes heating member 1319 (red) coiled around inductor 1315 or
`wick (peach) where the ends of inductor 1315 pass through holesin fixing
`plate (orange), and into loading portion 1503 (1.e., the liquid reservoir)
`Petitioner asserts that
`Chodiscloses liquid loading portion 1503 (liquid reservoir)is
`defined as the space inside the storage container 1201 but outside
`air inhalation tube 1313 (chimney). EX1005, 4 [89] (“the storage
`container 1201 hasa loading portion 1503 as the remaining space
`except for the air inhalation tube 1313, and the loading portion
`1503 is loaded with the mixed composition through theliquid
`introduction valve 12035’’).
`Id. at 49.
`Petitioner alternatively asserts that “Cho further discloses an
`embodiment whereby the storage container 1201 and atomization container
`1203 are integrated into a single structure.” /d. (citingEx. 1005 4 74).
`Petitioner creates an integrated embodiment version of Cho Figure 11,
`reproduced below.


`Patent RE49,114E
`Id. (‘Integrated Figure 11”or “Integrated Fig. 11”). Integrated Figure 11 is
`a cross-sectional view of an assembled vaporization unit 1200 as an
`“integrated embodiment’as proposed by Petitioner. Integrated Figure 11
`depicts the exterior of storage container 1201 and atomization container
`1203 as an integrated structure (tan), loading portion(1.e., liquid reservoir)
`1503 (blue), cylindrical air inhalation tube 1313 (light blue), heating
`member1319 (red), and the interior ofthe atomization container(pink).
`Petitioner explainsthat “[1]n this integrated embodiment, the exterior ofthe
`atomizing chamberfurther defines liquid loading portion 1503 because the
`exterior ofthe atomizing chamberis integrated with the air inhalation tube
`1313 (chimney).” /d. (citing Ex. 1005 4 81).


`Patent RE49,114E
`Patent Ownerasserts that claim 43 requires that the liquid reservoiris
`“defined by an interior ofthe cartridge housing and an exterior ofthe
`atomizing chamber,” but “Cho’s alleged liquid reservoir is defined entirely
`by the interior of its storage container 1201.” Prelim. Resp. 8. Patent
`Ownercontends “[n]othing about Cho’s disclosure [in Figures 8 and 10 and
`paragraph 89] indicates that the liquid reservoiris partially defined by the
`exterior of an atomizing chamber.” /d. (citing Ex. 2001 447).
`With respect to the “integrated embodiment,” Patent Ownerfurther
`asserts that Cho’s single sentence that “the atomization container andthe
`storage container are molded into a mutually integrated structure... . the
`shape ofthe atomization containeritselfbecomes unnecessary” (Ex. 1005
`{| 74) does not disclose that that the claimedliquid reservoirthat is “defined
`by... an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber.” Prelim. Resp.9 (citing
`Ex. 2001 §] 48-49). Patent Ownerasserts that Petitioner’s Cho doesnot
`depict any figures showingthis integrated structure and that Petitioner’ s
`representation of Cho’s Figure 11 was fabricated in an attempt to imagine
`whatthe integrated structure might look like.
`/d. at 10 (citing Ex. 2001
`44] 50-51). Patent Ownerarguesthat Petitioner’s edited Figure 11
`nonetheless does not showthatthe liquid reservoir 1503 is defined by an
`exterior ofthe atomizing chamberas required by theclaim. /d. at 11—13
`(citing Ex. 2001 4] 52-53).
`Weare persuadedthat Petitioner has not shownthat Cho describes a
`“liquid reservoir [that] 1s partially defined by the exterior of an atomizing
`chamber”in either ofthe “separated embodiment”or the “integrated
`embodiment.” Pet. 48-50. With respect to the “separated embodiment,”
`Petitioner identifies the inside of storage container 1201 as the “interior of


`Patent RE49,114E
`the cartridge housing”and the outsideofair inhalation tube 1313 as the
`“exterior ofthe atomizing chamber.” /d. But Annotated Figure 11 does not
`show air inhalation tube 1313 as part of atomizing chamber1203.
`Therefore, the liquid reservoir, 1.e., loading portion 1205, is not “at least
`partially defined by... an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber.”
`Petitioner’s “integrated embodiment”fares no better. Citing Cho
`paragraph 81, Petitioner states that in the “integrated embodiment, the
`exterior ofthe atomizing chamberfurther defines liquid loading portion
`1503 becausethe exterior ofthe atomizing chamberis integrated with the air
`inhalation tube 1313 (chimney).” Pet. 49. Cho, however, explains that
`“[t]he storage container 1201 has a hollow structure in which an air
`inhalation tube 1313 is buried in the center, and the air inhalation tube 1313
`has an integrated communication structure therearound (Ex. 1005 4 81)” and
`does not describe the atomization containeras integrated with the inhalation
`tube or chimney. Neither Petitioner nor its declarant, Mr. McAlexander,
`explain why the inhalation tube 1313 is part of atomization container 1203
`or direct our attention to any portion of Cho that describes why the
`inhalation tube 1313 as being integrated into atomizing chamber 1203. That
`inhalation tube 1313 releases vapor and is in fluid communication with
`atomization container 1203, does not mean thatit is integrated into
`atomization container 1203 such that liquid reservoir 1503 1s “at least
`partially defined by... . an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber,” as claimed.
`Petitioner bears the burden of showing whyit believes the challenged claims
`are unpatentable and we declinetofill in the gaps and supply the missing
`analysis ourselves. Cf. SmithKline Beecham Corp. v. Apotex Corp. ,439


`Patent RE49,114E
`F.3d 1312, 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2006)(explaining thatjudges shouldnot haveto
`hunt for arguments and evidencein thebriefs).
`Therefore, Petitioner has not shown a reasonablelikelihood that Cho
`describes“a liquid reservoir at least partially defined by an interior ofthe
`cartridge housing and an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber’in either ofthe
`“separated embodiment”or the “integrated embodiment.” Forat least this
`reason, and based on the currentrecord, Petitioner has failed to establish that
`claim 43 is anticipated by Cho.
`Remaining Claims 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93
`Petitioner asserts that claims 44, 76, 77, 81, 86, 89, and 93 are
`anticipated by Cho. Pet. 35—46, 54-64. In addition, Petitioner alleges that
`the combination of Cho and Nielsen would have rendered obviousclaim 80
`of the ’114 patent. Pet. 64-70. Each of claims 44, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89,
`and 93 requires a “liquid reservoir at least partially defined by an interior of
`the cartridge housing andan exterior ofthe atomizing chamber,”either by
`virtue of dependence (claims 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 89, and 93) or independent
`recitation (claim 44). Ex. 1001, 11:50—12:9, 19:1—19:63. Because Petitioner
`hasfailed to show a reasonable likelihood that Cho teachesa “liquid
`reservoir at least partially defined by an interior ofthe cartridge housing and
`an exterior ofthe atomizing chamber,” we declineto institute on the
`remaining claims.
`For the foregoing reasons, we determinethat Petitioner has
`demonstrated a reasonable likelihood that it would prevail with respectto at
`least one ofthe claims challenged in the Petition. Accordingly, we do not
`institute an interpartes review ofthe ’114 patent.


`Patent RE49,114E
`It is ORDEREDthatthe Petition is denied as to all challenged claims
`of the 114 patent and notrialis instituted.


`Patent RE49,114E
`Anish Desai
`Elizabeth Weiswasser
`Adrian Percer
`Anne Cappella
`William Ansley
`Christopher Pepe
`Matthew Sieger
`James Glass
`John McKee
`Quincy Lu

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