`'Seegers, Paul T
`p'o. Box 398
`Austin TX 78767-0398
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`7001 -04301
`international application No.
`Date of mailing
`(PCT Rule 44.1)
`12 March 2018 (12-03—2018)
`See paragraphs 1 and 4 below
`international filing date
`cla /month ear
`( y
`8 September 2017 (08-09-2017)
`The applicant may submit comments on an informal basis on the written opinion of the international Searching Authority
`to the International Bureau. These comments will be made available to the public after international publication. The
`International Bureau will send a copy of such comments to all designated Offices unless an international preliminary
`examination report has been or is to be established.
`Shortly after the expiration of 18 months from the priority date, the international application will be published by the
`International Bureau. If the applicant wishes to avoid or postpone publication, 8. notice of withdrawal of the international
`application, or of the priority claim, must reach the International Bureau before the completion of the technical preparations for
`international publication (Rules 90bis.1 and 90191153).
`Within 19 months from the priority date, but only in respect of some designated Offices, a demand for international preliminary
`examination must be filed if the applicant wishes to postpone the entry into the national phase until 30 months from the priority
`date (in some Offices even later); otherwise, the applicant must, within 20 months from the priority date, perform the
`prescribed acts for entry into the national phase before those designated Offices. In respect of other designated Offices, the
`time limit of 30 months (or later) will apply even if no demand is filed within 19 months. For details about the applicable time
`limits, Office by Office, see www.wipo.int/pct/en/texts/time_iimits.html and the POTAppiicant's Guide, National Chapters.
`Within 22 months from the priority date, the applicant may request that a supplementary international search be carried
`out by a different International Searching Authority that offers this service (Rule 45bis.1). The procedure for requesting
`supplementary international search is described in the PGTApp/icanf's Guide, International Phase, paragraphs 8006-8032.
`The applicant is hereby notified that the international search report and the written opinion of the international Searching
`Authority have been established and are transmitted herewith.
`Filing of amendments and statement under Article 19:
`The applicant is entitled, if he so wishes, to amend the claims of the International Application (see Rule 46):
`When? The time limit for filing such amendments is normally two months from the date of transmittal of the
`International Search Report.
`Directly to the International Bureau of WIPO, 34 chemin des Colombettes
`1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fascimile No.2 (41 —22) 338.82.70
`For more detailed instructions, see POTApp/icant's Guide, International Phase, paragraphs 9.004 - 9.011.
`2. E] The applicant is hereby notified that no international search report will be established and that the declaration under
`Article 17(2)(a) to that effect and the written opinion of the International Searching Authority are transmitted herewith.
`3. C] With regard to any protest against payment of (an) additional fee(s) under Rule 40.2, the applicant is notified that:
`D the protest together with the decision thereon has been transmitted to the international Bureau together with any
`applicant's request to fonuard the texts of both the protest and the decision thereon to the designated Offices.
`I: no decision has been made yet on the protest; the applicant will be notified as soon as adecision is made.
`4. Reminders
`Name and mailing address ofthe international Searching Authority
`_ European Patent Office, RB. 5818 Patentiaan 2
`NL-2280 HV Rijswijk
`‘ 0 Tel. (+31 -70) 340—2040
`__ Fax: (+31 ~70) 340-3016
`Authorized officer
`E F l'
`' H'D .
`e "‘39
`Tel: +31 (0)70 340-2548
`Form PCT/ISA/220 (July 2017)
`(PCT Article 18 and Rules 43 and 44)
`Applicants or agen 8 file reference
`see Form POT/lSA/220
`as well as, where applicable, item 5 below.
`International application No.
`International filing date (day/month/year)
`(Earliest) Priority Date (day/month/year)
`8 September 2017 (08-09-2017)
`23 September 2016 (23-09-2016)
`This international search report has been prepared by this International Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant
`according to Article 18. A copy is being transmitted to the international Bureau.
`This international search report consists of a total of
`It is also accompanied by a copy of each prior art document cited in this report.
`1. Basis of the report
`a. With regard to the language, the international search was carried out on the basis of:
`the international application in the language in which it was filed
`, which is the language
`atranslation of the international application into
`of a translation furnished for the purposes of international search (Rules 12.3(a) and 23.1 (b))
`b. El
`This international search report has been established taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake
`authorized by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43.6bis(a)).
`With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, see Box No. |.
`Certain claims were found unsearchable (See Box No. II)
`Unity of invention is lacking (see Box No Ill)
`4. With regard to the title,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant
`the text has been established by this Authority to read as follows:
`5. - With regard to the abstract,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant
`the text has been established, according to Rule 38.2, by this Authority as it appears in Box No. IV. The applicant
`may, within one month from the date of mailing ofthis international search report, submit comments to this Authority
`6. With regard to the drawings,
`the figure of the drawings to be published with the abstract is Figure No.
`as suggested by the applicant
`as selected by this Authority, because the applicant failed to suggest a figure
`as selected by this Authority, because this figure better characterizes the invention
`none of the figures is to be published with the abstract
`b. El
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (first sheet) (January 2015)
`International application No.
`Box No. I]
`Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)
`This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons:
`Claims Nos.:
`because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:
`Claims Nos:
`because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such
`an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:
`Claims Nos:
`because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a).
`lll Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)
`This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:
`see additional sheet
`As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable
`2. D As all searchable claims could be searched without effortjustifying an additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of
`additional fees.
`As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers
`only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos:
`No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is
`restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.:
`Remark on Protest
`The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the
`payment of a protest fee.
`The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest
`fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation.
`[a No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees.
`Form PCT/ISAl210 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (April 2005)
`International application No
`INV. H04J3/06
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`H04L H04J
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name'of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`EPO—Internal, WPI Data
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`DE 10 2014 214823 Al
`4 February 2016 (2016-02—04)
`paragraph [0001]
`— paragraph [0006]
`paragraph [0010]
`- paragraph [0019]
`paragraph [0025]
`- paragraph [0029]
`paragraph [0039]
`paragraph [0044]
`paragraph [0054]
`figure 1
`paragraph [0048]
`paragraph [0056]
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box 0.
`See patent family annex.
`" Special categories of cited documents :
`to be of particular relevance
`'A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`filing date
`"L' document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhioh is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason .(as specified)
`"0" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`"P' document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`"Y' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is .
`combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`'&' document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the inten-iational search
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`2 March 2018
`Name and mailing address of the ISA]
`European Patent Office, PB. 5818 Patentlaan 2
`NL — 2280 HV Rijswijk
`Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040
`Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016
`Form PCT/ISAl21O (Second sheet) (April 2005)
`Authorized officer
`Marongr u , M
`page 1 of 2
`International application No
`Relevant to claim No.
`EP 2 600 585 Al
`5 June 2013 (2013-06—05)
` EP 2 490 357 A2 (GEN ELECTRIC [US])
`22 August 2012 (2012-08-22)
`paragraph [0001]
`- paragraph [0002]
`paragraph [0004]
`paragraph [0023]
`US 2010/223399 A1 (KIM SEUNG-HWAN [KR] ET
`AL) 2 September 2010 (2010-09-02)
`paragraph [0005]
`paragraph [0008]
`paragraph [0026]
`paragraph [0036]
`paragraph [0057]
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`"DeIay attacks -
`Implication on NTP and PTP time
`ISPCS 2009.
`12 October 2009 (2009—10-12), pages 1-6,
`ISBN: 978—1—4244—4391—8
`section II A
`section III A, B
`paragraph [0003]
`paragraph [0035]
`figures 5,8
`- paragraph [0038]
`- paragraph [0025]
`DE 10 2014 217993 A1 (SIEMENS AG [05])
`10 March 2016 (2016-03-10)
`paragraph [0001]
`- paragraph [0003]
`paragraph [0020]
`— paragraph [0031]
`figures 1-4
`— paragraph [0027]
`— paragraph [0037]
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (April 2005)
`page 2 of 2
`international application No
`Patent family
`102347831 A
`2600585 Al
`2013136145 A1
`EP 2490357
`BR 102012003342 A2
`2767499 A1
`102647270 A
`105680973 A
`2490357 A2
`5941293 B2
`2012170076 A
`2012207183 Al
`Information on patent family members
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`DE 102014214823 A1
` US 2010223399
`2010206777 A
`20100098025 A
`Form PCT/ISA/21O (patent family annex) (April 2005)
`International Application No. PCT/ U52017/ 050817
`This Internationai Searching Authority found muitipie (groups of)
`inventions in this internationai application, as foiiows:
` 1. ciaims: 1-14, 21—25
`Synchronization of a ciock of first circuit with a ciock of
`a second circuit exchanging messages containing timestamps.
` 2. claims: 15—20
`Eiectronic controi circuit for controiiing operation of a
`vehicie, receiving secure time information from a secure
`IPC CLASSIFICATION: HO4J3/O6, 606F21/64, HO4L9/12, HO4L29/O6
`EXAMINER: Marongiu, M
`CPC: H04J3/0667, H04L9/06, H04L9/32, HO4L63/12, HO4L63/O485, L7 SIGNALLING
`Information on Search Strategy - Pilot phase (see 0.1 2015, A86)
`Is 5 ee may 0 ange unng
`e pl 0 or Improvmg
`App'mam" ”um er
`PCT/USZOl7/0508 17
`From the
`399 “m" PUMA/22°
`Date of mailing
`(PCT Rule 43bis.1)
`see form PCT/ISA1210 (second sheet)
`See paragraph 2 below
`Priority date (day/month/year)
`International filing date (day/inonth/year)
`Applicant's or agent‘s file reference
`see form PCT/ISA/220
`International application No.
`This opinion contains indications‘relating to the following items:
`International Patent Classification (IPC) or both national classification and IPC
`INV. HO4J3/06 G06F21/64 H04L9/12 H04L29/06
`Box No. |
`Box No. II
`Box No. Ill
`Box No. IV
`Box No. V
`Box No. VI
`Basis of the opinion
`Non-establishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability
`Lack of unity of invention
`Reasoned statement under Rule 43bis.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial
`applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`Box No. Vll
`Certain defects in the international application
`Box No. Vlll Certain observations on the international application
`If a demand for international preliminary examination is made, this opinion will usually be considered to be a
`written opinion of the International Preliminary Examining Authority ("IPEA") except that this does not apply where
`the applicant chooses an Authority other than this one to be the IPEA and the chosen IPEA has notifed the
`International Bureau under Rule 66.1 bis(b) that written opinions of this International Searching Authority
`will not be so considered.
`If this Opinion is, as provided above, considered to be a written opinion Of the IPEA, the applicant is invited to
`submit to the IPEA a written reply together, where appropriate, with amendments, before the expiration of 3 months
`from the date of mailing of Form PCT/ISA/22O or before the expiration of 22 months from the priority date,
`whichever expires later.
`For further options, see Form PCT/ISA/‘220.
`Name and mailing address of the ISA:
`Date of completion of
`Authorized Officer
`this opinion
`European Patent Office
`see form
`PB. 5818 Patentlaan 2
` Marongiu, M
`—— NL-2280 HV Rijswijk — Pays Bas
`Tel. +31 70 340 - 2040
`Telephone No. +31 70 340-0 "mumm-
`Fax: +31 70 840 - 3016
`Form PCT/ISA237 (Cover Sheet) (January 2015)
`international application No.
`Box No. I Basis of the opinion
`1. With regard to the language, this opinion has been established on the basis of:
`the international application in the language in which it was filed.
`a translation of the international application into , which is the language of a translation furnished for the
`purposes of international search (Rules 12.3(a) and 23.1 (b)).
`This opinion has been established taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake authorized
`by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43bis.1(a))
`With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, this
`opinion has been established on the basis of a sequence listing:
`a. El forming part of the international application as filed:
`in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file.
`El on paper or in the form of an image file.
`[I furnished together with the international application under PCT Rule 13ter.1(a) for the purposes of
`international search only in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file.
`0. El furnished subsequent to the international filing date for the purposes of international search only:
`in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file (Rule 13ter.1(a)).
`E] on paper or in the form of an image file (Rule 13ter.1(b) and Administrative Instructions, Section
`ln addition, in the case that more than one version or copy Of a sequence listing has been filed or furnished,
`the required statements that the information in the subsequent or additional copies is identical to that
`forming part of the application as filed or does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were
`5. Additional comments:
`Form PCT/ISA/ 237 (January 2015)
`International application No.
`Box No. IV Lack of unity of invention
`In response to the invitation (Form PCT/ISA/206) to pay additional fees, the applicant has, within the
`applicable time limit:
`paid additional fees
`paid additional fees under protest and, where applicable, the protest fee
`paid additional fees under protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid
`not paid additional fees
`2. E] This Authority found that the requirement of unity of invention is not complied with and chose not to invite
`the applicant to pay additional fees.
`3. This Authority considers that the requirement of unity of invention in accordance with Rule 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 is
`III complied with
`not complied with for the following reasons:
`see separate sheet
`4. Consequently, this report has been established in respect of the following parts of the international application:
`all parts.
`the parts relating to claims Nos.
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rule 43bis.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or
`industrial applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`1 . Statement
`Novelty (N)
`Yes: Claims
`2—7, 9-14, 17-20, 22—25
`1, 8,15, 16, 21
`Inventive step (IS)
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`Yes: Claims
`Yes: Claims
`2. Citations and explanations
`see separate sheet
`Form PCT/I SA/ 237 (January 2015)
`International application No.
`Box No. VlI Certain defects in the international application
`The following defects in the form or contents of the international application have been noted:
`see separate sheet
`Box No. VIII Certain observations on the international application
`The following observations on the clarity of the claims, description, and drawings or on the question whether the
`claims are fully supported by the description, are made:
`see separate sheet
`Form PCT/ISA/ 237 (January 2015)
`International application No.
`Re Item IV
`Lack of unity of invention
`This Authority considers that the application does not meet the requirements
`of unity of invention and that there are 2 inventions covered by the claims
`indicated as follows:
`Invention I:
`claims: 1-14, 21-25
`Synchronization of a clock of first circuit with a clock of a second circuit
`exchanging messages containing timestamps.
`Invention II:
`claims: 15-20
`Electronic control circuit for controlling operation of a vehicle, receiving secure
`time information from a secure circuit.
`The reasons for which the inventions are not so linked as to form a single
`general inventive concept, as required by Rule 13.1 PCT, are as follows:
`Each group of claims contains a number of technical feature defining its
`subject-matter. The features common to the two groups are:
`a circuit receiving a message (the "first circuit" in in the first invention and the ,
`"secure circuit" in the second invention) and a message validity check.
`These features are a priori well known to a person skilled in the art and do not
`represent any contribution over the prior art. Therefore they cannot be
`considered as "special technical features" as defined by Rule 13.2 PCT.
`The remaining technical features, being not obvious to a person skilled in the
`art and a priori considered as special features are not the same or
`corresponding, that is they have different technical effects and are related to
`different problems, said problems being as follows:
`how to synchronize two circuits with different clocks.
`Invention l:
`Invention ||: how to ensure secure communication traffic in a vehicle
`The above analysis shows that:
`i) neither the objective problem underlying the subject—matter of the two
`claimed inventions,
`ii) nor their solutions as defined by their special technical features,
`allows for the link of a common inventive concept to be established between
`said inventions.
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Separate Sheet) (Sheet 1) (EPO-April 2005)
`International application No.
`It is therefore considered that the international application does not comply
`with the requirements of unity of invention (Rules 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 PCT).
`Re Item V
`Reasoned statement with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial
`applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Reference is made to the following documents:
`DE 10 2014 214823 A1 (BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG [DE]) 4
`' February 2016 (2016-02-04)
`MARKUS ULLMANN ET AL: "Delay attacks - Implication on NTP and
`PTP time synchronization",
`October 2009 (2009-10—12), pages 1-6, XP031570888,
`ISBN: 978-1-4244-4391-8
`EP 2 600 585 A1 (HUAWEI TECH CO LTD [CN]) 5 .June 2013
`EP 2 490 357 A2 (GEN ELECTRIC [US]) 22 August 2012 (2012—08—22)
`Lack of novelty
`The present application does not meet the criteria of Article 33(2) PCT,
`because the subject-matter of independent claims 1
`, 8 and 21 are not new.
`The document D1 , regarded as being the closest prior art to the subject—
`matter of independent claim 1, discloses (the references in parentheses
`applying to this document):
`An apparatus, comprising:
`a first circuit having a first clock configured to maintain a local time value for a
`node coupled to a network, wherein the first circuit is configured to:
`send a first message to a second circuit, wherein the first message includes a
`first nonce, wherein the second circuit has a second clock that maintains a
`reference time value for the network (§[0010], §[0039], §[0044], §[0046]; Fig.
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Separate Sheet) (Sheet 2) (EPO-April 2005)
`International application No.
`receive a second message from the second circuit, wherein the second
`message includes a second nonce and is associated with a timestamp
`identifying the reference time value (§[OO10], §[0015], §[OO39], §[OO45]; Fig.
`compare the first nonce to the second nonce to determine whether the
`timestamp is valid §[0054], §[0056])§ and
`in response to determining that the timestamp is valid, use the timestamp to
`synchronize the first clock with the second clock (§[0002], §[OO25]).
`The subject-matter of independent claim 1 is therefore considered not new
`(Article 33(2) PCT).
`Document D1 also discloses: receiving a third message from the second
`circuit, wherein the third message includes information indicative of the first
`nonce and the second nonce; and based on the first nonce, the second
`nonce, and the information, determining whether the timestamp is valid
`(§[0048, §[OO54], §[0056]; Fig. 1).
`The subject-matter of independent claim 21 is therefore also considered not
`new (Article 33(2) PCT).
`The document D2, regarded as being the closest prior art to the subject-
`matter of independent claim 8, discloses (the references in parentheses
`applying to this document):
`An apparatus, comprising:
`a first clock circuit configured to maintain a first time value associated with a
`a synchronization circuit configured to:
`determine a propagation delay over the network for receiving synchronization
`information associated with a second clock circuit that maintains a second
`time value, wherein determining the propagation delay includes the
`synchronization circuit sending a first message over the network and
`receiving a second message over the network (Section III, A);
`determine an expected offset between the first time value and the second
`time value based on departure and arrival times of the first message and
`departure and arrival times of the second message (Section III, A, B);
`receive synchronization information specifying a timestamp of the second
`time value (Fig. 3).
`. D2 does not explicitly discloses that the comparison between offsets is used
`to determine whether the timestamp is valid but clearly asserts that the
`comparison between the offset Oprox and O is used to detect ”an attack to
`Form PCT/[SA/237 (Separate Sheet) (Sheet 3) (EPO-April 2005)
`International application No.
`manipulate the time synchronization of a client" and "maliciously caused
`delays and accelerations of Sync messages and Delay_Req messages
`(Section lll, A, B; Section IV).
`Considering that the validity of the messages is checked it is implicit that the
`validity of the timestamp included in the messages is also checked.
`The subject-matter of independent claim 8 is therefore considered not new
`(Article 33(2) PCT).
`Document D4, regarded as being the closest prior art to the subject-matter of
`independent claim 15, discloses (the references in parentheses applying to
`this document):
`An apparatus, comprising:
`an electronic control unit configured to control operation of a vehicle, wherein
`the ECU is configured to communicate traffic over a network in accordance
`with a master clock for the network (§[0001], avionics, §[0023], §[0024],
`electronic controllers); and
`a secure circuit configured to:
`receive a synchronization message specifying a time value associated with
`the master clock and an integrity check value for the synchronization
`message (§[0025]);
`determine whether the synchronization message is valid based on the
`integrity check value (§[0024], §[0025], integrity check); and
`in response to determining that the synchronization message is valid, provide
`time information associated with the time value to the ECU (§[OO25],
`timestamp information).
`The subject-matter of claim 15 is thereforenot new (Article 33(2) PCT).
`Dependent claims
`The additional features of dependent claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-20, 22-25 do not
`appear to add anything new (Article 33(2) PCT) or of inventive significance
`(Article 33(3) PCT), to the claims they depend on, as the additional features
`introduced by said dependent claims appear to be disclosed in, or directly
`derivable from, documents D1-D4, or refer only to minor implementing details
`falling within the general knowledge of a person skilled in the art of network
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Separate Sheet) (Sheet 4) (EPO—April 2005)
`International application No.
`PCT/USZO‘I 7/05081 7
`In particular dependent claims 2-5, 7, 9, 10, 16, 22, 23 merely refer to an
`exchange of messages for calculating propagation delay and offset to
`synchronize two circuits.
`All these features are very well known from the standard IEEE 1588,
`disclosing the Precision Time Protocol.
`The subject-matter of claims 6, 11-14, 17, 20, 24, 25 refers to possibility of
`including cryptographic checksum or nonce or integrity check value into the
`messages exchanged between the two circuits. These features are very well
`known in the field of secure synchronization and are already anticipated by
`D1 (§[0006], §[0011], §[OO17]) and D3 (§[0035]—[0038]).
`Claims 18 is anticipated by D1 (§[0054], §[0056]) and claim 19 by D2 (Section
`III, A, B; Section IV).
`e tem VII
`Certain defects in the international application
`Contrary to the requirements of Rule 5.1 (a)(ii) PCT, the relevant background
`art disclosed in D1, D2 and D4 is not mentioned in the description, nor are
`these documents identified therein.
`Independent claims are not in the two-part form in accordance with Rule
`6.3(b) PCT, which in the present case would be appropriate, with those
`features known in combination from the prior art being placed in the preamble
`(Rule 6.3(b)(i) PCT) and the remaining features being included in the
`characterising part (Rule 6.3(b)(ii) PCT).
`The features of the claims are not provided with reference signs placed in
`parentheses (Rule 6.2(b) PCT).
`Re Item VIII
`Certain observations on the international application
`Clarity objections
`The application does not meet the requirements of Article 6 PCT, because
`independent claim 8 is not clear.