`Title of
`As i‘he below named invmtor, I hereby aware ihai:
`is directed to: D The Mashed applicatian, 01
`Uniiasi Staias appiimtian 01‘ PCT internatiunai appiIcation numberm
`Septembar 8. 2017
`maid an
`The wave-identified applicaiien was made or authmized to be made by me,
`1 3333113118 ihat‘ i am the miginai invenim or an srigin‘ai joint? inventor of a ciaimed invention in: the appiicatian.
`i hereby aakncmiediga that any wiiifui iaisa statesman: made in. this; fiedaraiion is punishania under 18 USS. 10131
`by fine or imprisonment 13f not. more than five {5) years, or both,
`PetitioneriappIiicaI-Ii is cautioned to avoid sIIItImiiiing: persmai infcrmatim In decuments flied in a patent appiication that may
`contribute Io idani‘iiy theft. Persunai infarmaiion such as snciai 535111in numbers. bank account numbers. or credit carfi numbers
`(other than a (thank Ier cmd‘ii card authorizafiion farm PTO-3038 submitted fur p-aymafli purpnses) is never required: by the USPTO
`it: 51:13pm 5: petiiieri 91‘ an appiicatiort.
`if this type (If parsonai iniaimaiion is 111(21qu in (insumerzis submitted to the: USPTQ.
`gpeiiiI‘oI‘Iersfappiicamts sheuid Izansider reflecting; such personal information fmm ihe dammenia befare submiifing imam {CI i111;
`§ USPTCI. Paiitionars’appiiaam is advified that the record of a patent appiicaiic-II is auaiiabie to the pubiic after pubiicaiicsn a? ihe
`fiappiicaiinn: {Lin-less a nampubiicai‘ion requesi in campiiance with 3'? CFR 1.213(3) is made: in the appiication} or issuance of 3
`9313111. FLIIiiJ-ermore. the} mwrd from an abandoned appiiaaiim} may aiso be avaiiabie {£11113 pubiic if the anpiiuation is
`referenced in a p‘ubiished apfiiicminn or an issuad patent (see 3? EFF? 1.14). Shades and credit card authorizaiiajn forms
`PTQ-Zflsa submitted for payment purpases are not. retained in the appiication fiie and theII-‘efm‘e are noi' pubiicéy avaiiahia.
`BiIriu N Shah
`Nuia: An: appiiaatmn dam sheet {PTDI‘SEI‘M or equivaienii. inciuding naming: the eating 1111531111113 aniéiy. must amnmpany Ibis farm I'Jr mus1 have:
`been previwsiy flied. Use 31': 3351191181 P‘E‘OI'AINM form far each acid Iticmai Imentar.
`This mitaction o” 'InformatIorI'»" IcquEI'ed 1113:1813. “112i and 3‘? CFR 1.63 The Infsrmaiicn1:3 r>:.{Imam 53.cbtaIrI m retai n a benefit by ihe pub‘ii: 1591‘-m1 ssim‘iks {aw‘
`E)‘ the: USMC: taprocessi an 8M
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`mime i‘JIIiIIIIirIg 1343mm; mega: {IaId submit:mg BIr3 canI;J19:13in angiicaiiIJI‘I iuIm k) the UISPTO TiIwe ran:1 I:
`ng Luis)?‘ the jar":viduai ca».
`mmmemg I311 ma amen:It 01‘ time 3105: mqu:m in m.IIIpi«III. 111:5 farm a‘Ic‘JQI suggasiIor‘Iris: {Musing tiI15 IIIII-£131: ahauid Is. . . 11;) ins. ("She? inimmafiaa 0:1
`Psier‘i an‘d Trad>3mam Office U 3 Hepanment mfficmmeme P. 0 Box MEG Aisx‘a:Iu‘ria VA mam-1453 DESI ”QT SEND FEES OR CGMPLETED EOEIMS TU
`THIS AEIORI: SS SENQ TO: Cummissianer far Paienis, P0 BOX 11150, Aiexandria VA 223131450
`fi’yrm rigged flay-9:133 I‘IJ cmnpieimg {I113 fawn. 3121!!
`'§~-€GO~PTO~;31§§ ands-95831 5mm; 2‘
`As the below named inventor. l hereby declare that:
`This declaration
`is directed to: D The attached application. or
`E] United States application or PCT international application number PCT/U32017/050817
`September 8. 2017
`filed on
` Title of
`The above-identified application was made or authorized to be made by me.
`I believe that i am the original inventor or an original joint inventor of a claimed invention in the application.
`I hereby acknowledge that any willful false statement made in this declaration is punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001
`by fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both.
`Petitioner/applicant is cautioned to avoid submitting personal information in documents filed in a patent application that may
`contribute to identity theft. Personal information such as social security numbers, bank account numbers, or credit card numbers
`(other than a check or credit card authorization form PTO-2038 submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTO
`to support a petition or an application.
`If this type of personal information is included in documents submitted to the USPTO.
`petitioners/applicants should consider redacting such personal information from the documents before submitting them to the
`USPTO. Petitioner/applicant is advised that the record of a patent application is available to the public after publication of the
`application (unless a non-publication request in compliance with 37 CFR 1.213(a) is made in the application) or issuance of a
`patent. Furthermore. the record from an abandoned application may also be available to the public if the application is
`referenced in a published application or an issued patent (see 37 CFR 1.14). Checks and credit card authorization forms
`PTO-2038 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the application file and therefore are not publicly available.
`Note: An apolil/un data sheet (PTO/SB/14 or equivalent). including naming the entire inventive entity. must accompany this form or must have
`been previo sly filed. Use an additional PTO/AlA/01 form for each additional inventor.
`This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 115 and 37 CFR 1.63. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to tile (and
`by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 1 minute to
`complete. including gathering, preparing. and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden. should be sent to the Chief lnfon'nation Officer, U.S.
`Patent and Trademark Office. US. Department of Commerce. P.0. Box 1450. Alexandria. VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO
`THIS ADDRESS. SEND To: Commissioner for Patents. PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`Ifyou need assistance in completing the loan, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`TDOT @4301
`; Tuventicn.
`3.3 m3 beicw name-3 imamm. Thereby 33:13:35 that:
`This 3383333333
`:3 (The-3133 To:
`The: attached apgh‘catim. er
`Unitada, ates 3 T‘E33333 3r PCT ime’f‘dtlm’iw aTTTThcaTTQTT number
`Septembe: 8 20??
`The abowe-ideéfiiifieti 3533338303 v‘38 mafia T)? auéfiorized T0 be T3338 m m3.
`i T3333: That T'TTTT The @3333! Mama Oran '.‘ginaTj-aiTTt inue-ninr 3f 23 32:32:33 13.ensign:n The applicaiim.
`T hereby aclzi‘zowf33:33 that any 3333335133 523135333: made in This dazearaiicn T3 punsshah under T8 UST" imTT
`b3,- Tina M TTT'spT's‘sosTrsTanT cf mi mare Them five {5} years. or both;
`Vote: Rn appfimfiun dais: she-T's: {PTOI’SBT‘TTT sr'eqaiwimig. inducing naming "i;orAirs; invanfiva33m;- TTTas:
`“333 gmvfinusly T' . «J. Use an 3333mm: FTQTSTTNGT farm for Teach magma
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`cartiribum TC: 5333:}th:TTeT‘T. Parsma) Enfmmatéans33:33 335033E :53:urity nurrhes's. {Tank amount numb-53:.,or 33:55: can; numbers
`{3333 than a shack m“ 3:333card authorizaiim fasm FEET-30038 33:)mi:TM fer payTTTecTTt 533333:5333T3 {saver required by The USPTQ
`To 3393-33 3 p<~:TéiTm m an {JCPTEF'TUOF TNThis {we cf persanm 33333333315316311333 in dacwmanis subTT‘TETTTTd T3 The» USPTO,
`i 331353333333pTTcatTTs SET-31.33 Conside: redacténg} such gamma: TTchTmTatTmrT {mm The dacumenistaefqre imbmitting them it) TN:
`USTJTC.) 931iTTTmTerTeTpgéicanT Ts 2534,5333 That The 1133333 (3 a 93:33: 33;)5533303 TS, 3333333 13 The: pu'TTTTc afier'pubficafimT QT'TTTTT
`appiicatiun Tan:6533 23 nmepvubiicaticn T3333$t in mmpiiancanTTTT 3? (“F-R 1-3.3{3} is made in The apgfiiaatim) 0r Ewan-3% 35‘ a
`natem Fuzihemmre. the race-rd {mm :53 3353330333 appiéaatiun may 8133!:3 avai’i‘abie to The puma if The 333333an is
`referenced in 3' :13in5:333 applicafign m“-23 issued 93:83! {sea 3? CFR‘T .141 Checks and eredit semi
`PT{TI-2038 subsumed fer payment {11333535.3 333 mi T‘eiained‘TTT T33 asppiEcaTam file 333 Therefore 3T3 NIT gummy 33333531333.
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`T18 or) Tm mus;
`\01 SET) FEES-:1
`THESIT-BUTTE“5 SEND TO: CammissionerTot T’atents. 9.9.8131: NET; Aiexandna. VA 29133-1358
`SFWTJ (Tag-:33 .
`59188 53 com-£33133 m-T Swrn T233: ”33:35"IS-513534 326' mist-T 3mm: 2.
`A??L§CAT§QN flATA SHEET (3'? Q??? $35)
`Titie iii
`As the beiow named inventor, i hereby deeiare that:
`This decimation
`is oirected to:
`The attached eppiicstion, or
`United States apptication or PCT internetionai apoiicetion number
`iiieo' on
`September 8, 2937
`The above-identified appiioaiion was made or authorized tooe made by me.
`i erieve that i am the originai inventor or an Oiiginai joint inventor of a. ciaimed invention in the appiicetion.
`i hereby acknowiedge that any wiiiiui faise statement made in this decimation is punishebie under 18 LLSL“. tam
`by fine or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both‘
`Petitioneriappticani is cautioned to avoid submitting personai information in documents flied in a patent epoiicaiion that may
`contribute to identity theft. Petsonsi information such as sociai security numbers. bank account numbers. or credit card numbers
`(other than a check or credit card authorization form PTO~2038 submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTO
`to support a petition or an appiication.
`if this type of personat information is inducted in documents submitted ic- me US$370,
`petitioneisieppiicants shouio' consider reoacting such personat information from the documents before submitting them to the
`USPTQ. Petitionerlappiicani is advised that the record of a patent epoiiceiion is avaiiabie to the pubiic after oubiication of the
`aopiicetion (untess a non—pubiicetion request in compiiance with 37 CFR i.2i3{e) is made in the eppiiceiion) or issuance of a
`patent. Furthermore, the record from an abandoned appiioaiion may eiso be avaiiaoie to the white if the eppiication is
`referenced in a pubiisheo‘ appiicaiion or an issued patent (see 37 CFR 1.14). Shocks and credit card authorization forms
`PTO-2038 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the eppiioaiion fits and therefore are not pubiiciy avaiiabiei
`inventor: _
`Mantis-iii, \gon Wiitieh
`Note: An application data sheet (PTO/"88114 or equivaient}. inciuding naming the entire inventive entity, must accompany this form or must have
`been previousiy flied. Use an additions; PTCI’AWM form for each sdctiiionai inventor.
`This coiieotion of information is required by 35 0.8.8. 115 and 37 CFR 1.83, The information is required io obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to me {and
`say the USPTO to process) an appiicationi Gonfideotistity is governed by 35 U51: 122 and 3? CFR it! and 1.14. This Deflection is estimated to takei minute to
`compieie. iiiciuding gathering, preparing. and submitting the compieted appiication form to the USPTO. Time witi vary depending upon the individual case. Any
`comments on the amounts? time you require to, compiete this form end/or suggestions introducing this burden. should be sent to the Chief information Officer. {3.8,
`Patent and Trademark Office. USS, Department of Commerce, 51,0. Box @150, Atexandria. VA 22313—1450. 90 Nm‘ SEND FEES 09. COMPLETED FORMS T0
`was ADDRESS. sEND TC}: flammissioner for Patents, 373.0, Box 1450, Aiexaniirie, VA 223134450,
`if you need assistance in compiet‘i‘ng the fam, cafl 1—500-PTO-9199 and seiect option 2.