`International application No
`INV. H04J3/06
`According to International Patent Classification (IPO) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`H04L H04J
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`EPO-Internal, WPI Data
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`DE 10 2014 214823 A1 (BAYERISCHE MOTOREN
`4 February 2016 (2016-02-04)
`paragraph [0001]
`- paragraph [0006]
`paragraph [0010]
`- paragraph [0019]
`paragraph [0025]
`- paragraph [0029]
`paragraph [0039]
`paragraph [0044]
`paragraph [0054]
`figure 1
`paragraph [0048]
`paragraph [0056]
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box 0.
`See patent family annex.
`* Special categories of cited documents :
`"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to be of particular relevance
`"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`filing date
`"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason (as specified)
`"0" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`"T" later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`"Y" document of particular relevance' the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`"&" document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`2 March 2018
`Name and mailing address of the ISA]
`European Patent Office, PB. 5818 Patentlaan 2
`NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk
`Form PCT/ISA/Zlo (second sheet) (April 2005)
`Authorized officer
`Marong1u, M
`page 1 of 2


`International application No
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`"Delay attacks —
`Implication on NTP and PTP time
`ISPCS 2009.
`12 October 2009 (2009-10-12), pages 1-6,
`ISBN: 978-1-4244-4391-8
`section II A
`section III A, B
`EP 2 600 585 A1
`5 June 2013 (2013-06-05)
`paragraph [0003]
`paragraph [0035]
`figures 5,8
`- paragraph [0038]
`EP 2 490 357 A2
`22 August 2012 (2012-08-22)
`paragraph [0001]
`- paragraph [0002]
`paragraph [0004]
`paragraph [0023]
`- paragraph [0025]
`DE 10 2014 217993 Al
`10 March 2016 (2016-03-10)
`paragraph [0001]
`- paragraph [0003]
`paragraph [0020]
`- paragraph [0031]
`figures 1-4
`US 2010/223399 A1
`AL) 2 September 2010 (2010-09-02)
`paragraph [0005]
`paragraph [0008]
`paragraph [0026]
`paragraph [0036]
`paragraph [0057]
`- paragraph [0027]
`- paragraph [0037]
`Form PCT/ISA/210(continuatIon of second sheet) (April 2005)
`page 2 of 2


`International application No.
`Box No. II
`Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)
`This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) forthe following reasons:
`Claims Nos.:
`because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:
`Claims Nos.:
`because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such
`an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:
`Claims Nos.:
`because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a).
`Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)
`This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:
`see additional sheet
`As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable
`As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying an additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of
`additional fees.
`As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers
`only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.:
`No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is
`restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.:
`Remark on Protest
`The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant‘s protest and, where applicable, the
`payment of a protest fee.
`The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant‘s protest but the applicable protest
`fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation.
`IE No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees.
`Form PCT/ISA/21O (continuation of first sheet (2)) (April 2005)


`International Application No. PCT/ U52017/ 050817
`This InternationaI Searching Authority found multiple (groups of)
`inventions in this internationai appIication, as foiiows:
`1. claims: 1-14, 21-25
`Synchronization of a cIock of first circuit with a ciock of
`a second circuit exchanging messages containing timestamps.
`2. cIaims: 15-20
`EIectronic controi circuit for controIIing operation of a
`vehicIe, receiving secure time information from a secure


`lntormation on patent family members
`Patent family
`International application No
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`DE 102014214823 A1
`A A
`EP 2490357
`US 2010223399
`BR 102012003342
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (April 2005)

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