`Approved for use through 81‘3": l2019. OMB 0651-0021
`US Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Pa-erwork Reduction Act or’ 1995, no nersons are re' uired to resond to a ooiiection of information untess it dis tia s a vaiid OMB controi number.
`intei‘natienai Appiication No.
`internationai Fiting Date
`i US. Appiication No. (if known, see 37 CFR 1.5)
`To Be Assigned
`Priority Date Ctaimed
`Title of invention
`August 22, 2017 (22.08.2017)
`August 29, 2016 (2908,2016)
`System Having an infotainment System
`First Named inventor
`e'om METTAG
`Appiicant herewith submits to the United States Designated/Eiected Qtfice (EEG/Eflitfi) the feiiowing items and other information.
`[:3 This is an express request to begin nationat examination procedures (35 US ('3. 371(0). NOTE: The express request under
`35 USO. 371d) wiii not he effective uniess the requirements under 35 USC. 371(c)(1). (2), and (4') for payment of the basic
`naticnai fee, copy c-fthe internationai Application and Engiish transiation thereof (it required}, and the oath er declaration of the
`inventer(s) have been received.
`A copy of the internationai Appiication (35 USC. 3271(c)(2)) is attached hereto (not required it the lnternationai Application was
`previousiy communicated by the internatichai Bureau or was filed in the United States Receiving Office (RC/US».
`An Engiish ianguage transiation otthe international Application (35 USE. 371(c)(2))
`is attached hereto.
`t), E has been previousty submitted under 35 U.S.C. 154(d)(4).
`An oath or deciaration of the inventer(s) (35 USC. 371(c)(4))
`is attached.
`{:3 was previousiy fiied in the internationai phase under PCT Ruie 4.t?(iv}
`items 5 to 8 heidw concern amendments made in the internationai phase,
`PCT Articie 1:? and 34 amendments
`5. fl Amendments to the ctaims under PCT Articie 19 are attached (not required if communicated by the internationai Bureau)
`(35 USC. 371(c)(3)),
`d. D Engiish transiation of the PCT Aiticie 19 amendment is attached (35 USC. 371(c)(3)).
`Engtish transiation of annexes (Articte 19 and/or 34 amendments oniy) of the lnternatidnai Preiiminary Examination Report is
`attached (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(5)).
`Canceiiation of amendments made in the internationai hase
`Ba. :3 Do not enterthe amendment made in the international phase under PCT Aiticie 19.
`Do not enter the amendment made in the international phase under PCT Articte 34.
`NOTE: A proper amendment made in English under Articie 19 or 34 Witt he entered in the US. nationai phase appticatien absent a ciear
`instruction from appiicant not to enter the aniendrnent(s).
`The toitowing items 9 to 1'! concern a documentts; or information inotuded.
`An information Disciosure Statement under 37 CFR t 97 and 1.98.
`A preiiminary amendment.
`An Appiication Data Sheet under 37' CFR1.7§.
`A substitute specification. NOTE: A substitute specification cannot inciude ciaims. See 37 CFR t . 25(h).
`A power of attorney andior change of address ietter.
`A computer—readahie form of the sequence iisting in accordance with PCT Ruie tErer.3 and 37 CFR 1821—1325 (not required it
`sequence iisting in text format was indicated on the PCT Request as part c-fthe internationai Appticatien and the sequence iisting
`was puhiisned as part ofthe international application).
`Assignment papers (coversheez‘ and documenrfs); Name of Assignee: AUG! AG
`37’ CFR 3.?3(c) Statement (ii/hen there is an Assigrieei.
`This coiiection of information is required by 37 OFF: 1 414 and 1491-1492. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the puhiic, which is to file
`(and by the USP'TO to process) an application. Contidehtiatity is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This coilection is estimated to take 15
`minutes to compiete, inciuding gathering, preparing, and s itmitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time wili vary depending upon the individual
`case. Any comments on the amount ottirne you require to
`'npiete this form and/or suggestions for reducinr' ‘his burden should he sent to the Chief information
`Otticer. US. Patent and Trademark Office. US. Department oi Commerce. PC. B0x1450,Alexandria. VA 22513-4450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
`FORMS TO THiS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Mai! Stop PCT, Commissioner for Patents, 9.0. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313—1450.

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