`P1 éfizbflfifl
`A system, which comprises a device (6) and an infotainment system
`(4) of a motor vehioie, wherein the infotainment system (4) has a computing
`unit (8), on which a first operating system (to) is instaiied and can be
`executed, the infotainment system (4) has at ieast one generic interface (36),
`the device (6) has a computing unit (21), on which a second operating
`system (20) is instaited and can be executed, communication with the
`internet (14) can be carried out by means of the second operating system
`(20), the device (6) has at ieast one generic interface (38, 38a, 38b, 38c), via
`which appiications designed for the second operating system (20) can he
`provided by means ofthe infotainment system (4), and the system (2) has at
`ieast one antenna (68) as a generic radio interface, which is designed as a
`component of the infotainment system (4),
`characterized in that the device (6) and the infotainment system (4) exchange
`data (19, tea, 19b, 19o, ted, tee, tot, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e, 34f) with
`the internet (t4) oniy by means of the at ieast one antenna (68) of the
`infotainment system (4).
`The system according to oiaim t, which has at ieast one input
`apparatus ttt’ia, 10b), such as a keypad and/or a tooch~sensitive dispiay
`fieid, which is designed as a component of the infotainment system (4),
`wherein the device (6) and the infotainment system (4) can be operated oniy
`by means of the at ieast one input apparatus (10a, 10b) of the infotainment
`system (4).
`The system according to ciaim t or 2! which has at ieast one output
`apparatus {12a 12b), more particuiariy a ioudspeaker, an optionaiiy touch—
`sensitive dispiay tieid, and/or a rotary pushbotton, which is designed as a
`component of the infotainment system (4), wherein information or content of
`P1 sszseee
`the device (6) and of the infotainment system {4) can be output oniy by
`means of the at ieast one output apparatus (t2a, 12b) of the infotainment
`system (4).
`The system according to any one of ciaims t to 3, in which system the
`device (6) has at ieast one eiectromechanicai generic interface (38, 38a, 38h,
`38c) and the infotainment system (4) has at ieast one eiectrcmechanicai
`generic interface (36), wherein the device (a) and the infotainment system (4)
`can he physicaiiy connected to each other by means of the
`eiectromechanicai generic interfaces (38, 38a, 38b, 38c) for exchanging data
`(19, his, fifth, tac, 19d, tee, 19f, 34, 34a, 34h, 34c, 34d, 34e, 34f).
`The system according to any one of ciaims t to 4, in which system the
`device (6) has at ieast one generic interface designed as an antenna and the
`infotainment system {4) has at ieast one generic interface designed as an
`antenna, wherein the device (6) and the infotainment system (4) can be
`connected to each ether by means of the generic interfaces designed as
`antennas for exchanging the data (19, 19a, 19b, 19c, 19d, 1%, Wt, 34, 34a,
`34b, 34c, 34d, 34e, 34f) by using eiectromagnetic waves.
`The system according to any one of the preceding ciaims, in which
`system the device (5) can be operated by means of the infotainment system
`The system according to any one of the preceding ciairns, in which
`system the device (6) is designed to exchange data (19, 19a, 19h, 19c, 19d,
`19e, 19f, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e, 34f) with the infotainment system (4)
`by means of the at ieast one generic interface (38, 38a, 38b, 38c).
`P1 aszsoeo
`The system according to any one of the preceding ciaims, in which
`system the device (6) is designed as a portabie, mobiie apparatus, which can
`aiso be connected to another infotainment appiiance independentiy of the
`infotainment system (4) by means of the at ieast one generic interface (38,
`38a, 38b, 38c) of said apparatus.
`A method for operating a device (6) and an infotainment system (4) of
`a motor vehicie, wherein the infotainment system (4) has a computing unit
`(8), on which a first operating system (16) is instaiied and executed, the
`device (6) has a computing unit (21), on which a second operating system
`(20) is instaiied and executed; radiousopported communication with the
`internet (14) is carried out by means of the second operating system (‘23), the
`device (6) has at ieast one generic interface (38, 38a, 38b, 38c) and the
`infotainment system (4) has at ieast one generic interface (36), via which
`appiicaticns designed for the second operating system (20) are provided by
`means of the infotainment system (4), and at ieast one antenna (68) is
`designed as a generic radio interface of the infotainment system (4),
`characterized in that the device (8) and the infotainment system (4) exchange
`data (19, 19a, 19h, 19c, 19d, tee, hit, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e, 34f) with
`the internet (14) oniy by means of the at ieast one antenna (68) of the
`infotainment system (4).
`The method according to ciaim 9, by means of which the infotainment
`system (4) of the motor vehioie is operated, wherein the device (6) is
`arranged in the motor vehioie and is connected to the infotainment system (4)
`by means ofthe generic interface (‘36, 38, 38a, 38b, 38c).
`The method according to ciaim to, wherein the radio—supported
`communication between the device (a) and the internet is carried out by
`means of at ieeet one generic radio interface of the infotainment system {4)
`end/er 0f the meter vehieie that is designed as the antenna (€38).
`The method according to any one of ctaims 9 to 11, wherein centroi
`data fer centreiting the device (6) and/or the infotainment system (it) and
`payioad data, such as audio data and/er video data, are exchanged as data
`(19, 19a, 19b, 19c, 19d, "tee, Wt, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34a, 34?) between
`the device (6) and the infotainment eyetem (4).