`(43) lfififlfifia
`201853)? 1 E|(01.03.2018)
`WO 2018/038192 A1
`(51) lflfififirfiifi:
`C07D 401/12 (2006.01) AOIP 3/00 (2006.01)
`A01N 43/54 (2006.01)
`(21) lllfifljlfififiFe :
`(22) llfitHHHEI :
`(25) Efimfiawafin'-
`(26) lIfi/AEEODEEE :
`(30) @ifi¥—5’ :
`filfifi 2016-165426
`SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, zw_
`(84) 1%;5EI(2€2R0372:L\BE U, firmfiéfiwrfifit§
`agfifirfig): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS,
`MW) MZ: NA) RW> SD) SL» ST) 52» TZ) UG) ZM»
`ZW), 1 — 5 9 7 (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), El — El “2 A’ (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ,
`DE. DK, EE,ES,F1, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU,1E, is, IT,
`LT, LU, Lv, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`it % it:
`(I: i HE
`(71) HERA:
`:fifi/fifié ifi ;
`[JP/JP]; F1048260 fii'ifiBFF'SEIZfiJII: _ lffiéafifififg (7%,fig%21%(3))
`TE 2 7§1F5Tokyo (JP).
`(72) fiéflfi'fifiifi @fi‘l(SATO,Yuki); $665855 1%
`Efifi‘ififiE—EETE 2%15'5 HAUL
`il‘fiiififi‘i‘im Hyogo (JP).
`9+ (SAMEJIMA, Mutsumi et
`(74) REA: Elia E Bi,
`al.),' $5300017 7: [9:2 H? 7: [51:2 FE 4|: IX % EH ET
`EéEUJ4¥§$$§§fifi Osaka (JP).
`(81) tfifilfifiwamfiflb}. étafififiwmifl§
`EEZP‘EI’EE) : AE, AG, AL, AM, A0, AT, AU, AZ,
`BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, Bw, BY, BZ, CA, CH,
`CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH,
`KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY,
`MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ,
`NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT,
`QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL,
`(54) fiflfi 0312mm 3 — 1:“ U 9‘»? $9 7 I :JL9‘ l: |~“ 1:: r7 5 y)b4té¢%&zfi%®fifiié3
`F {3,
`Emma—i 13F?
`,, ,4”
`3w Mm”
`(57) Abstract: The present invention provides a compound repre-
`sented by formula (1). This compound has an exceptional control
`effect on plant diseases and is useful as an active ingredient of a
`plant disease control agent.
`( 1 )1?A: m) (Lem Eda-w
`(57) EH0: mama c1, 4:
`L EwlsAiWi rewritcmflawcwawméfi
`L mmfigfififlfififlwfi’wmfi t L (“H—Hard?) z»
`WO 2018/038192
`w m %
`3 — E") ‘9‘)[21’4‘97 IZJLyt PEI '7 59)b4bfi¢%&0‘%®}5fiifi
`Zliflifi‘FtHfiEiat‘ ElZISl¢§E£FtHJEE2 016—16 5 4 2 6% (2 01 6E8
`E 2 6 Eltljlfifi) BECK /\° 'J fiffi’giwififi‘fiifiaiififlfiéififiié#JODTVFD
`E? W
`imam $E¢flfi§éflfifi$¢éfcwiciibwibémbfiafifiéi’vcaaw $
`#%¥Xm1 The Pesticide Manual
`— 16th
`edit ion GHDPC¥D ISBhl
`Zkfifififiti $E¢flfi§tcflb’CiEi/Lfcflfillfi’fiwjjEE?%)4b/E\i¢7/Jéfiiflj?’<
`WO 2018/038192
`37321911 2KfififitiLlTOthBU’C‘ébéo
`m K E N
`@«fi-fi W3
`m Q-§%
`Tfifih§4bé¢fl (Li—R 213%Efi4béfltfltfia?) o
`[1] tlfiaflfifiwflséméfifij‘%>$IE¢ZWP§%BHI3%§U (LXT‘ Zififlflflfi
`Bfififltfifia?) o
`$279” 5 C 2: t: J: éx 7fIEWfi§0DBEB$75$£O
`$%EHLC$ U ‘ $E¢%fi%7&f$fi|3%3‘%> C 9: 75“?“3? Ego
`Zififlflfifillfifimat‘ SEE“ Zififlfl4bé¢flt\
`IEHZHEMR fififisififiix 1411/3:
`Zfi/XLiafifiifi'ffifiU%iéiE/be L‘wgtli U Ifififlx fifiififlx fifififl¥®
`fiéfiflfifififlbfifléififimb’c‘ 7J<$IJ§U\
`fififikfifldfilfim 7|:I77“)l/§U\ *fifil K5
`47D77“)l/§U\ $L§U\
`7J<T$34Zifim i$§U\ <Aflk¥§m I?‘/“—Jl/§U‘ 740
`III jJ 7°‘lle/§U%LC§%§U’HZ L’Cfifiméo Z 7n Bwfiéfifltd‘ifififlmlfiéWfi‘Ei
`Jzt’GiET‘fiO. 1~9 9%\ tl¥ib<ti0. 2~9 0%2‘E‘S7I’Léo
`IMSTEMSt LfCLzL WUZLZE‘ *fii’fifi (W716i t2") yOb—\ fifii‘
`fififi’é‘i'kfifimfii‘ 7/“*j'37|/—‘ /\“‘/|~d'/f Ix fifi'fEEli) ‘ QJL/Jifi
`‘ %®Pfl®£fi$&fif£¢% (Mimi t'flT/f Ix Eifiéfifii Efififiéfifii
`WE?73)L°/'7L\\ 7J<$IJ>'J73) $®W¥fi3§3§éL\Li¥fi4fi¢%7b“$tf5h%>o
`WO 2018/038192
`Mfifi7‘?1b%) ‘ : I~ UJVJSE (7t Ix: Ix U )1" 4 V7591»: Ix 'J)lx%) ‘
`I—7_')l/¥E (94V7°|:| l:°)l/I—7_-)lx%)
`\ 7: Fifi (§x%)v$1vA75
`I<x 93(591/712 #75 8%) \ EiUXJL$fiF> Fifi
`fifiifi'rfiUtL/‘ccan {fiuzcsfi‘WI/dHI/EfififiIx-flvii 7)l/=\‘—)l/7\)l//T\‘/
`fifiifi‘ 7)l/1\=)l/7U —)l/X)l//T\‘/E§fi\ TJIAHI/TU —JI/I—7—-JI/¥E&U~‘%
`%®1fl®§%fiflfifififlflfiflt L’Cti‘ mint“ Elfifim fififilfiu‘
`11'3') 70 'J Jl/Efiifi)
`\ P A P (fifi'fi') VEéE/I’ V7°IZI l:°)l/)
`\ B H
`[WM] KfiwmémtfiéLf%mé:t#?§éj4waifififi%fimtL
`’CLEL Nimbus (fifiI—ifii‘g)
`\ Assist (fifiifi-fii‘g)‘ AU reo
`(§fi%g)‘Iharol(§fi%g)\3ilwet L—77(§fi
`‘ BreakTh ru (fi‘fifiifii‘g)
`‘ Sundancel |
`‘ Induce (fifififig) ‘ Penet rato r
`‘ A
`QriDeX(§fifi%)\Lutensol A8(§fifi%)\NP—
`WO 2018/038192
`Emu | gat o r NP7 (fifiifiifii‘g)
`\ Emu I ad (am-31%) ‘ T
`R I TON X 45 (figfiififig)
`\ AGRAL 90 (fififii‘g) \ AG-
`ROT I N (fifiiPfi-fig)
`\ ARPON (fi‘fiifiifii‘g)
`\ EnSp ray N (
`fifiifiéfig) ‘ BZ’O‘BANOL E (fifiifi'fii‘g) gbfécf‘l‘onzn
`$%Efi4bé¢%ti$%EHBEB%§UcE b’Cfi’ifiFfii‘i’Léo 7K§§EHBHB$§U75§EEH§$TL
`$73—3fc‘: L’Cti‘
`fiftifitlflfliémtfivbfi f5UZti¥$fifl¥E¥®$fi¢%fi-‘NODME\ igflifig
`0fil§W®2fiifiiflA®M$£ $E¥$fi§$y®$§¥fi®flfl§fi$tfBi’téo
`Zlifiaflwfifilzfijifftl367%)Zigfififi4béwwflfliti‘ Miflj‘éfifiwwfiifi
`\ Bfiflfiflé‘???)é$EWfi§®$§¥E’€J%$$§F§x %%u 31%?“ Mififififi‘ @5275
`331 MEEiZ—fifi‘ figfifiéfigtliaffiffiifiébY fiEWQEELCMflTéig—é
`Etii‘EWEfiiE‘j‘éitfitcflflj‘ébE—éti‘ ZSfiEHfi/ETWLEL 1 O O OmZW)
`7‘:"J‘ 53%1 ~5 O O Q’C’JVJéo
`7J<$EI§U‘ 7 III 77‘JL§U%61E%7J<’G?<E¥R b’CfiW‘E?7¢> I: t LEA: U 9&1
`$E3‘%)o ZOJin—é‘ $fiflfi4b’émwfifiti‘ fifi'O. OOOB~2§§%’C‘
`379%)0 *fifiu‘ ¥E§U%63E%%¥R?%Zttfi<%0)EEEQLLEE3‘%>O
`Zififlfiflfiéwmk 'JIHL
`7J<EE\ E$\ fifi-gwfififltlififiéEWfiEw
`jififlfl'fbéfffiltli U [5755?]??5 C <‘:75“T“iE éfiEWfigc‘: L163; Wflitifi'flfi
`\ ffiEH§®$E¢flfiJ§t:EE§E?éfi%7b“$thh\ EWE’ytctiWUiczfik LL
`Fmfiwfiécffionéo figmpfll'i‘ %®fi%€§l§ifll?fil§®$€éfi
`(Magnaporthe grisea) \ C‘EEEd‘EJ—fi (Cochliobolus miya
`‘ HEJFE (Rhizoctonia solani) \
`fifigfififi (Gibberella fujikuro
`fimfififififi (Sclerophthora macrospora)
`; flbéfwicfi‘hlfi (Blum
`eriagraminis) ‘ fib‘U‘fi
`(Fusarium graminearum‘ Fusarium avenaceum‘
`usarium culmorum\ Microdochium nivale) \ $30335" (Puccinia striiform
`is) \ E'SUTFE (Puccinia graminis) \ fiéfifi (Puccinia recondita) \
`WO 2018/038192
`EIE'EJEJE (Microdochium nivale‘ Microdochium majus)
`\ E%/J\¥fi*&
`fi (Typhula incarnata\ Typhula ishikariensis) \ ¥EE$EJE (Ustilago tr
`itici) ‘ fgiCI’SEiEJE (Tilletia caries\ Tilletia controversa) \ HE
`fifi (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) ‘
`[XVIIEJ‘FE (Stagonospora nod
`‘ EBHFE (Pyrenophora tritici—repentis) ‘
`'J 97 #:7ELCJ:
`55.511?qu (Rhizoctonia solani) ‘ 111:3le (Gaeumannomyces graminis)
`:Z'Z'AEOD5E‘AZ3E (Blumeria graminis) \
`fib‘U‘J‘fi" (Fusarium grami
`nearum\ Fusarium avenaceum\ Fusarium culmorum\ Microdochium nivale)
`\ $5055 (Puccinia striiformis) \ E’SU‘JE (Puccinia graminis) \
`“504% (Puccinia hordei) \
`IJVSU‘CJ'E (Puccinia hordei) \ EEiEJE (Ust
`ilago nuda)
`\ Efiéfi
`(Rhynchosporium secalis) \
`(Pyrenophora t
`eres) \ Effie-"4%: (Cochliobolus sativus) ‘ SEEJE (Pyrenophora graminea
`)\ 5A5'J7'J—71/T3‘y HE (Ramularia collo-cygni) ‘
`U 7‘0 |\:7
`IE*LCJ:7°>EYL$ETLWE (Rhizoctonia solani)
`|\'7:EE|:|°/0)'$’O“¥E (Puc
`cinia sorghi) ‘ EE’SUJE (Puccinia polysora) ‘ Tj‘fifi (Setosphaer
`ia turcica) ‘ EE'E'SUWE (Physopella zeae) ‘ Z‘EEHE (Cochliobol
`us heterostrophus) \
`FT'E%3FE (Colletotrichum graminicola) \ O’D—U—
`713-3“; HE (Cercospora zeae-maydis) ‘ EBEJE (Kabatiella zeae) \ 7
`711177I'J7'J—77x/T3‘y HE (Phaeosphaeria maydis)
`\ 7—347“:
`—7_-“4’7¥E (Stenocarpella maydis\ Stenocarpella macrospora) ‘ X |\—
`0III‘y LIFE (Fusarium graminearum\ Fusarium verticilioides\ Colletotri
`chum graminicola) \ EfEIf—E (Ustilago maydis)
`'7’90))Tfi%fr§ (Colletot
`richum gossypii) \ Elb‘ZMFE (Ramularia areola) \ Efiififi (Alternaria m
`acrospora\ Alternaria gossypii) ‘ ThielaviopsileETtCJ:%>Black root
`otfif'rfi (Thielaviopsis basicola)
`:3—lfi—OJ'SUTFE (Hemileia vastatrix
`‘ U—szfi‘y NEE (Cercospora coffeicola) ; T9?®*Wfi (Sclerot
`inia sclerotiorum) \ ESE—FE (Alternaria brassicae) \
`JFEEJ'FE (Phoma li
`; "j' h'fiElfOD'SZMf-E (Puccinia melanocephela\ Puccinia kuehnii
`WO 2018/038192
`;l:7'7')03'$’0“¥'fi§'_ (Puccinia helianthi) ‘
`IQtJ'fiE (Plasmopara halste
`:7JV=\=‘V§EODE§JE (Diaporthe citri) \ %57b‘3‘f—E (Elsinoe fawce
`tti) ‘ EEE‘EW‘EE (Penicillium digitatum\ Penicillium italicum) ‘
`fi (Phytophthora parasiticax Phytophthora citrophthora)
`:U 73%: (Monilinia mali) ‘ EBAFE (Valsa ceratosperma) ‘ 533/»3
`3% (Podosphaera leucotricha) ‘
`fi£,,53%%—fa§“ (Alternaria alternata apple
`pathotype) \ E3435“ (Venturia inaequalis) \
`)j—Q%¥"F§ (Glomerella cingu
`lata) \ @fiififi (Diplocarpon mali) \ fififi (Botryosphaeria berengeria
`\ Efi (Phytophtora cactorum)
`;T°/®EE3§§ (Venturia nashicola
`\ Venturia pirina) \ E56335“ (Alternaria alternata Japanese pear patho
`type) \
`(Gymnosporangium haraeanum)
`;‘E‘E0)WE3% (Monilinia
`fructicola) \ E3433 (Cladosporium carpophilum)
`\ 71f7°~>1F§flfcfi
`(Phomopsis sp.)
`; 7‘K'70DEt5fi (Elsinoe ampelina) ‘ Hfifigfi
`erella cingulata) ‘ 5E/ul3‘ffi
`(Uncinula necator) ‘ $0435 (Phakopsor
`a ampelopsidis) \ 7‘5‘y7El‘y HTS (Guignardia bidwellii) ‘ N‘c‘flFfi
`lasmopara viticola)
`(Gloeosporium kaki) ‘ 3%fiffifi
`ospora kaki\ Mycosphaerella nawae)
`'7 U iEODE—Q%3‘F§ (Colletotrichum l
`\ 5E/VCJFE (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) ‘ O%>$Efi¥?§
`a bryoniae) \
`(Corynespora cassiicola) \ O§§U3FE (Fusarium ox
`‘ Ntffifi
`(Pseudoperonospora cubensis) \
`E335— (Phytophthora s
`p.) \ Ell—Li‘Efi
`(Pythium SP.)
`; F7 F®$fifiwf§ (Alternaria solani) \
`(Cladosporium fulvum)
`j‘j‘b‘ffiyfi (Pseudocercospora fuligen
`\ E335“ (Phytophthora infestans) \ 523/»ZJFE (Leveillula taurica)
`;TX®$E_;$S£J"P§ (Phomopsis vexans)
`‘ 5 (EA/:fi (Erysiphe Cichoracearu
`:77‘57'5F4fi3ié03Efiifi (Alternaria japonica) ‘ EIEEJFE (Cercospor
`ella brassicae) ‘ Eli/31TH? (Plasmodiophora brassicae) ‘ N‘c‘flfifi
`ospora parasitica)
`;?~5F°03'§UTFE (Puccinia allii)
`Cercospora kikuchii) \ Et5fi (Elsinoe glycines) \ Efifffi
`WO 2018/038192
`e phaseolorum var. sojae) \ “304% (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)\ @Efifific
`3% (Corynespora cassiicola) \ Fifi—4%: (Colletotrichum glycines\ Collet
`otrichum truncatum) ‘ fifiéfi (Rhizoctonia solani) \ Effiifi (Septoria
`glycines) ‘ HEEJFE (Cercospora sojina) ‘ Hydra: (Sclerotinia scleroti
`‘ fighlfifi (Microsphaera diffusa) ‘ EVE??? (Phytophthora soja
`‘ N‘c‘flfifi (Peronospora manshurica) ‘
`(Fusarium virguliform
`:47’7270344—WTFE (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) \ SYN—i
`(Uromyces a
`ppendiculatus) \
`fifiififi (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) \ Fi%¥"?§ (Colletot
`richum lindemuthianum)
`; 5‘y73t’4’03%$§3:3fi§ (Cercospora personata) \
`Eififi (Cercospora arachidicola) \ Efififi (Sclerotium rolfsii) ;I‘/
`K'70D5E‘AZJ'BE (Erysiphe pisi)
`;§vfi‘4f®§¥§2fi (Alternaria sol
`ani) ‘
`$92565 (Phytophthora infestans) \
`fitéfiéfiflfi (Phytophthora eryth
`roseptica) ‘ %4fi%575\3?§ (Spongospora subterranean f. Sp. subterrane
`‘ $§§Hfifi (Verticillium albo—atrum‘ Verticillium dahliae‘ Verti
`cillium nigrescens)
`; 431ZI°0J5 c‘i‘AZfiE (Sphaerotheca humuli)
`0:333:65??? (Exobasidium reticulatum) ‘ Eli??? (Elsinoe leucospila) ‘
`Efiififi (Pestalotiopsis sp.) \ 32%??5 (Colletotrichum theae-sinensis)
`;&/\‘ZI®55E¥F§" (Alternaria longipes) \
`E—E%¥FE (Colletotrichum tabac
`\ N‘c‘fl'fi“ (Peronospora tabacina) \
`315E??? (Phytophthora nicotianae)
`;7_-‘/‘U"I’OD$EEE3EE (Cercospora beticola) \ EJ35135— (Thanatephorus cucu
`meris) \ ACEFEJFE (Thanatephorus cucumeris) ‘ %$Effi§ (Aphanomyces cochl
`ioides) \ “304% (Uromyces betae)
`;/\‘5OD%E¥F§ (Diplocarpon rosae)
`\ 5 EAL—13% (Sphaerotheca pannosa)
`; $7®¥Efiifi (Septoria chrysant
`‘ EI'SU‘JFE (Puccinia horiana)
`;97?~=\£0)E|fi$%$$3?§ (Bo
`trytis cinerea‘ Botrytis byssoidea‘ Botrytis squamosa)‘ Wéfififlfi
`otrytis allii) ‘
`IJ\*W¢$F%E5UEE (Botrytis squamosa)
`WTE (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)
`:9‘4flyfifiifi (Alternaria brassici
`;°//\‘0)/9‘5—7\/T'§\y HE" (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa)
`\ >/\‘0)7“5
`WO 2018/038192
`Ivy/{y ffiifigzfifi—D‘N‘yffi (Rhizoctonia solani)
`ODi/jjf\jjfifi (Mycosphaerella fijiensis\ Mycosphaerella musicola) o
`AspergillusE\ PenicilliumE\ FusariumE\ GibberellaE\ Tricoderma
`E3“ ThielaviopsisE\ Rhizopusfisj‘ Mucorfi“ CorticiumEj‘ Phomafi“ Rhizo
`4*OJ'EESX‘L$E¥:H1*¥% (Burkholderia plantarii)
`; 4:1'7'JODWELEI'EE (P
`hytophthora capsici) ‘ EEKI$E$§ (Pythium ultimum) 33A:ZF3E#§$EEE$§ (P
`seudomonas syringae pv.
`; 7';<09%5fi$fifi (Ralstonia solana
`; 73741‘70375‘VJ153'FE (Xanthomonas citiri)
`fifi (Erwinia carotovora) égo
`[mm] UTE§EWfiflfifiWEfibT‘$fifi€$UEWWEfifi?%#‘$
`[WW] Ef‘flfifléfiio
`[0018] §§fi§WU
`flfm {ififi
`w V
`a»; {if
`is Q
`. W” Hfifi
`$3337 -
`E “i }
`mgéa dw/I/yz. 6gtfi¢fi§k 39t®3fiéé¢mcbfli\ ESE’G1 15%
`WO 2018/038192
`7J<’C“35‘fi3% LA ifiE‘F’GEfifi L730 1%‘5TL7‘:§§3§%~> 'J in 7“»? I37 I\ 75 7
`4’ —1CN LA 21K%Efi1bé¢%é 3 4 2 m g @720
`5 (ppm):
`7. 90—7.
`(1H, m),
`7. 33—7. 24
`(2H, m),
`(0. 4H, br),
`7. 09
`(0. 6H, br),
`7. 01—
`6.88 (2H, m),
`5. 75
`(0. 4H, br),
`4. 99—
`4. 84
`(2H, m),
`4. 16
`7. 0
`3.19—3.00 (2H, m),
`2. 42
`H, br),
`1. 27
`= 7.0 Hz).
`ESI—MS (pos i)
`:522 [M+H] +
`‘élz @Efififim LCEEEJZ’S 117:0) t IE 0%1¢’6fi0 fciflfifigéfiio
`fifim1 $17UWEEfiE<Phytophthora capsic
`5 m g E9X 3;)l/7\)l//1'\=\=°/ |\“ 1 O O ,u L’GifiFRLfl‘m
`@Efifi(Phytophthora capsici)®fii¥%§®9
`7°I/— |\0D%"71Jlx0) 6 O O n mwflfifilfigéffiUEL‘ 4:1'7'JWEEJEOD
`$151372: bfco %O)EE=§F§7&=6<‘:1C\
`Fifi1 J Efiavféfijfléfiflj L/Tctl
`5‘ Zlififlfimémwi‘fijfliQ O%L>LJ:’C°%O7‘CO
`Fifi1 J
`’35J7]=100>< (X—Y) /X
`Y : MEEIZ®+UD$§F§
`WO 2018/038192
`fififlZ EfififiE(Pythium ultimum)nfi?é%%fl
`(Py t h i um u |
`i mum) @%%3§H§E§U‘V7N‘Y7ifiifl
`*éigfifi’éfifcafia 94 9—7lx— |\(D%'71)l/(D 6 O O n mwfliifi‘fifiré
`ifiU/FELA Efi$$fi*®$=§r§tbfco %®$§F§E$tcc\ Fin Emv
`afims EfififiE(Pythium ultimum)nfl?é%%fi
`o $<E¥R3T§1MLE§4’9—7°lx—I\ (9671») tcfiiibfcw7‘5‘ EEK—ME
`fiE(Pythium ultimum)®i%%fifiéfi®v7&v0%
`fiéfifilfiéfifcwfix '94 '9—7°|/— l~03%'71)I/0)6 O O n mwflfifi‘fifg
`ESRUELA Efi$fifi*®$§f§t bfco %0)fl:§f§*éfic‘:t:\ FifiH EH?
`figfi1§u4 Z'Z'Aiii—ifiéfii (Rhynchospo r
`i um seca |
`z’fi‘Rififl MLE’94’9—7w— |\ (9 6'71») tcfiiiL/fcdfia ipf‘otrLL‘Kb
`fijh¥§fiéfi* (Rhynchospo r
`i um secal is) @3193?
`EEE bfcyvjj‘xr JEEfifiJrHWZISiEEim (P D Biétfm) E 1 5 O ”my: who :
`®7°|/— LE 7 EIF'ai
`1 8°Cfiififibfjfih¥éiifiéfiEiE‘FIEigfifcwg
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`L/T:<‘:C5\ Zififimbéww’iflfifltiQ O%L>LJ:T°37)O7‘:0
`WO 2018/038192
`1 1
`2K%Efi4béfl=mi‘ $E¢flfi§tcfibfflfifififlfiéfiu $E¢Mfi§flfifl$fifl®fi
`’33355253‘2: b’C/EFH’C‘WJ%>O
`WO 2018/038192
`it (1 )
`‘Ga—VS h%>4béu\¢%o
`Efsfiiklfi 1 LCEEEJiODméTWEfiE? é$|§¢flfi§flfil3$§flo
`Eféiklfi 1 tcéagfifiwfiérwwfié‘fii’EEWRLHIEWEfiiE‘?éiifit:
`ME?!” 6 Z t t: J: 7°» EWfifiODBfiBfifififo
`$E¢flfi§éflfifl駢ét®®\ EEEKIE1 LCEEEJZOJ’fb‘SWOMEHi
`International application No.
`C07D401/l2(2006.01)i, A01N43/54(2006.01)i, A01P3/00(2006.01)i
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and [PC
`Minimum documentation scarchcd (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`C07i3401/12, A01N43/54, A01P3/00
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`’ 996—70’ 7
`994—70’ 7
`Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Kokai Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`CApl us /R*'.G STRY/MARPAT (ST\T)
`Jitsuyo Shinan Toroku Koho
`Toroku Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`(Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.),
`JP 2001—316375 A,
`13 November 9001
`entire text; particularly, claims; compound
`JS 6410484 W
`claims; compoand no.5—50
`& EP 1095935 A;
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`D See patent family annex.
`SpeCial categories 0f Cited (1001111191133
`document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`he of particular relevance
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the international filing
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`SpeCIal reason (as SpeCIfied)
`document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than the
`priority date claimed
`step when the document is taken alone
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person Skllle‘j 1n the art
`document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion ofthe international search
`28 September 2017 (28 . 09. 17)
`Date of mailing ofthe international search report
`10 October 2017 (10 . 10 . 17)
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/
`Japan Patent Office
`37473 , Kasumigaseki , Chiyodaeku,
`Tok 0 100—8915 Jaoan
`Form PCT/[SA/210 (second sheet) (January 2015)
`Authorized officer
`International application No.
`Citation of document, with indication, Where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`WO 2002/098228 A1
`12 December 2002 (12.12.2002),
`entire text; particularly,
`& 1? ’397958 A1
`(Sumitomo Chemical Co.,
`claims; compound no.1—1O
`iP ’736052 A2
`JS 2006/0234865 A1
`& BR 117036 A
`& US 2004/Ol38063 Al
`& CA 2447845 A
`& CA 2622794 A
`WO 2002/098227 A1
`12 December 2002 (12.12.2002),
`entire text; particularly,
`(Sumitomo Chemical Co.,
`& US 2004/0152597 A1
`& 3R 117032 A
`(Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.),
`JP 2002—155061 A.
`28 May 2002 (28.05.2002),
`tire text; particularly,
`' compound 7—8
`-4 A'
`preparation example
`compound 7-8
`& AU 1676001 A
`CA 2334399 A
`CN 1316426 A
`AR 27938 A
`"R ‘67955 A
`ZA 200100906 A
`"R ’67957 A
`AR 78875 A
`(Bayer AG.
`JP 10—500116 A.
`06 January 1998 (06.01.199
`tire text
`1995/031440 A1
`759908 A1
`2525395 A
`1148852 A
`5981436 A
`19500118 A
`& CA 2190504 A
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (January 2
`example 5;
`-8 8’
`00318 A
`-0—2001—0083158 A
`& CN .636981 A
`67954 A
`& CA 2646796 A
`& “L ’67956 A
`& "L ’67958 A
`& CA 2334399 A1
`$99103 Eifféé:E1706:kt! (:SFfiéfFéiéd/fl/El
`(1 PC) )
`InLCL C07D401/12(2006.01)1, A01N43/54(2006 01)1, A01P3/00(2006.01)1
` 7&5’11073/‘1‘?
`1“‘%f11 CDiZHx/J\N§1 14‘
`‘2}1E1 ( I F’CE)
`Int.C1. C07D401/12, A01N43/54, A01P3/00
`. 4411; ”N11
`14112 ”AW
`JOE/$1 A20 AMYSFfifiEfii T6k§1fil1 %U>E§Ji T6TETU>4$
`JP 2001-316375 A (1137;:112EIEEEEE1E 2001.11.13,
`& US 6410484 B1, c1a1ms, Compound No. 5—50
`& EP 1095935 A1
`(M ‘/
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`tHEkEWréwmwx EEO)? 11:14.:
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`_XJ ¢i1fal§11£1€)&)7)j(¥ T&)O“C1 EVEZXEUDJ7VT§EEH
`L@Iw&@1%#i1&oT ETEéEAfiK
`1m $1
`fig *
`"4¥% 03—3581—a1101 WE:

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