`02/26/201 9
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.2
`EPAS ID: PAT5392414
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`2001 MARKET ST., SUITE 2800
`This document serves as an Oath/Declaration (37 CFR 1.63).
`Total Attachments: 2
`Attemey Docket No. 1 0830~89US
`Ref. No.2 578705
`(Utility Patent Application)
`A3 a belew~named inventor/assignor of a certain new and usefiil invenfian entitled:
`l. hereby declare that:
`This Declaration is directed to the patent application attached liereie or the United States application
`or PCT internatienal application number PCT/W201 77/030248 filed on figgggggggfiggfl
`and 011
`February 25, 2019 as U S Patent Application Ne 16/328,972.
`{be abO‘V’eddfiflElIled application was made 01' authorized :0 be made by me
`i believe that i am the original inventor 01' an original 313th inven‘mr of a claimed invention in the
`I hereby acknowledge that any willful false statement made in this lJ‘eelaratibn is immisbabie
`under l3 LESS 1001 by fine or imprisenment 0f ml; more than five (5) years, 0? both.
`Nate m invenmr: 37 GER. § 1.63 (1:) states: “A person may not execute an 03th or eleclaratien
`for an application. unless that person have reviewed and understands the commits offlie applicaticns
`including the claims, and is aware of the duty to diselase lo the Office all infemation known to
`the person to be material to patentability as defined in § 156.”
`W W
`HEREAS, l. (“ASSlGNOR”) desire/am obligated to assign to the below—named ASSIGNEE
`the invention identified above;
`laganese Corporation)
`274, Shinkawa Enehome, Cliuawku, Tekya 1048260 Japan
`is desirous of acquiring the entire right, title and interest in and to the invention throughout the
`United States, and all right, title and interest in, to and under any and all Letters Patent of the
`United States;
`lemma—n ;.
`FDR. GDOD and VALUABLE CONSEERATEON, the fail receipt and suffieieney of which are
`hereby aeknewiedged, ASSiGNOMS), intending to be legally bound? «in hereby:
`AUTE—iDRI‘ZE said ASSIGWE, 01* its representatives to insert above the filing date and
`eppiieatien number nfthe application when these are known;
`SELL, ASSIGN, TRANSFER. and CONVEY t0 ASSIGNEE the whole and entire right, title and
`interest for the United States and its pessessions and territories. in and to the inventien which is
`diseioeetfi in the ahevedden’zifled patent applieatien, and, in and to any and eii patent applications
`reiated therein including, but net hmited to, eii provisionais, nonuprevisionais, divisienels,
`eentinuetiens: e0ntinnations~in~part, substitutes, reexaminatiens? reissues and all other
`appiicatinng the patent which have been er shalt be tit-ed in the United States en the invention; all
`original, reissued and reexamined patents and extensions thereof which have been at shall he
`issued in the United States on the inventien to the felt end of the term or terms for which the
`patent(s) may be granted, as fatty and entirely as the same weuid have been held by the
`undersigned ASS‘EGNOWS) had this Assignment nnt been made; and speeifieaiiy ineiuding aii
`rights of priority created. by the above patent application under any treaty, eenvention or iaw
`relating thereto;
`AUTHORIZE and REQUEST the issuing autherity to issue any and an United States patents
`granted on the inventien t0 AS SEGNEE;
`ZtRRANT and REPRESENT that no assignment, grant, anmtgage, iieense or ether agreement
`effecting the tights and prepeny herein conveyed has been at will he made t0 others by
`ASSIGNORth): and that the fail right to eenvey the same as herein expressed is possessed by
`AGREE and UNDER’R‘AKE, when requested and at the expense efASSIGNEE-n to carry out in
`geed faith the intent and purpose of this Assignment, ASSIGNOMS) wiii execute 31! men»
`previsionais, divisionais, eontinuatiens, eentinuatiens-in-pan, substitutes, reexaminatiens,
`reissues, and eli other patent applications on the invention; execute ail lawful eethe, declarations,
`assignments, pee/erg et‘ attemey and ether papers; communicate tn ASSIGNEE ail facts known
`to ASSIGNORtS) reia‘ting tn the invention and the history thereof; and genereiiy (in everything
`possibie which ASSIGNEE shah consider deeirahie for vesting title tn the invention in
`ASSIGNEE, and for securing, maintaining and enforcing proper patent protection fer the
`invention; 3}} without further cempensetion to ASSIGNOR(S);
`TO BE SEEING on the heirs, aseigns, representatives and successors efASSIGNORcfS) and
`extending in the successors, assigns, and nominees: et’ASSiGNEEa
`First/sole inventer/Assignnr:
`Typed Legal Name:
`Shinya YAMADA
`{00444642gvi ;

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