`Application Number PCT/US 17/46176
` Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`IPC(8): H04L 9/32 (2017.01);
`'PC’CPC c'assgggigzgg CPC: H04N 2201/3233, H04L 9/32, H04N 21/8358, H04N 1/32144,
`G 11 B 20/00086
`lPC(8): H04L 9/32 (2017.01);
`CPC: H04N 2201/3233, H04L 9/32, H04N 21/8358, H04N 1/32144,
`Documentation Searched
`G118 20/00086;
`USPC: 713/176, 717/120, 726/29;
`(keyword limited; terms below)
`proprietary, signature, fingerprint, without disclosure, segment, portion,
`validate authenticate, verify, global database, distributed, source code,
`object code, hardware design, description, scripting language,
`blockchain, public ledger, free, open, FOSS, leakage, public domain,
`Search Terms Used
`other vendor, another, seller, reseller, notify, register, resolve, resolution,
`conflict, identify, co-ownership, license, acquire, acquisition, priority,
`track, policy, alert, alarm, warn, proof, chain, ownership, file, standard
`1026, hash, provenance, seepage, software, data, already, previously,
`different, entity, Varpiola, Shinners, SYNOPSYS, etc.
`Date Conducted
`23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`PCT/USZO17IO461 76 09.1 1 .201 7
`Electronic Database Searched
`PatBase (http://www.patbase.com/)
`Files Searched Full-text: AU BE BR CA CH CN DE DK EP ES FI FR GB IN JP KR SE
`Bibliographic: (Europe) AT BA BE BG CH CS CY CZ DD DK EE ES FI
`SV TT (South America) AR BR CL CO EC PE UY (Australasia) AU NZ
`Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`Search Logic:
`1) IPC=H04L9l32 (61,432)
`2) CPC=(H04N2201/3233 or H04L9/32 or H04N21/8358 or HO4N1/32144 or G11820/00086) (12,690)
`3) UC=(713/176 or 717/120 or 726/29) (8,942)
`4) 1 or 2 or 3 (73,149)
`5) 4 and (proprietar* w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (36)
`6) 4 and (without w5 disclos*) (2,249)
`7) 4 and ((segment* or portion*) w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (1,320)
`8) 4 and ((validat* or authentic“ or verif*) w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (13,167)
`9) 4 and ((global* or distribut*) w5 database”) (1,863)
`10) 4 and (((source* or object*) w5 code*) or (hardware* w5 (design* or description*)) or (script* w5
`|anguage*)) (8,097)
`11) 4 and (blockchain* or (block* w1 chain*)) (883)
`12) 4 and (public* w5 Iedger*) and (distribut* w5 database*) (28)
`13) 4 and ((free* w5 open*) or FOSS*) (434)
`14) 4 and (leak* w5 proprietar*) and ((public* w5 domain*) or (free* w5 open*) or FOSS" or ((other* or
`another*) w5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*))) (0)
`15) 4 and (notif* w5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*)) and (proprietar* w5 register*) (0)
`16) 4 and ((resolv* or resolu*) w5 conflict*) and (conflict* w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (2)
`17) 4 and (identif* w5 (coowner* or licens" or acquir* or acquis* or priorit*)) (3,528)
`18) 4 and (track* w5 priorietar”) (O)
`19) 4 and ((policy or policies) w5 violat*) and ((alert* or alarm* or warn* or notif*) w5 (vendor* or seller* or
`reseller*)) (5)
`20) 4 and ((proof* or chain*) w5 ownership*) (224)
`PCT/USZO17IO461 76 09.1 1 .2017
`21) (proprietar* w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (216)
`22) 21 and (without w5 disclos*) (16)
`23) 21 and ((segment* or portion*) w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (26)
`24) 21 and ((validat* or authentic* or verif*) w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (68)
`25) 21 and ((global* or distribut*) w5 database*) (16)
`26) 21 and (((source* or object*) w5 code*) or (hardware* w5 (design* or description*)) or (script* w5
`language*)) (54)
`27) 21 and (blockchain* or (block* w1 chain*)) (2)
`28) 21 and (public* w5 ledger*) and (distribut* w5 database*) (0)
`29) 21 and ((free* w5 open") or FOSS*) (10)
`30) 21 and (leak* w5 proprietar*) and ((public* w5 domain*) or (free* w5 open") or FOSS* or ((other* or
`another*) w5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*))) (0)
`31) 21 and (notif* w5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*)) and (proprietar* w5 register*) (0)
`32) 21 and ((resolv* or reso|u*) w5 conflict*) and (conflict* w5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (0)
`33) 21 and (identif* w5 (coowner* or |icens* or acquir* or acquis* or priorit*)) (12)
`34) 21 and (track* w5 priorietar*) (O)
`35) 21 and ((policy or policies) w5 violat*) and ((alert* or alarm* or warn* or notif*) w5 (vendor* or seller* or
`reseller*)) (0)
`36) 21 and ((proof* or chain*) w5 ownership*) (0)
`37) PN=(U820160164884 or uszoo70294179 or US20070043956 or U820120011218 or
`U820150109639) (5)
`38) CTF 37 or CTB 37 (179)
`PCT/USZO1 7l046176 09.11.201 7
`Electronic Database Searched ProQuest Dialog (http://search.proquest.com/professional/)
`Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`Search Logic:
`NPL Searching:
`Files Searched NPL Databases: ABl/INFORM® Professional Standard, AGRICOLA,
`AGRIS, Allied & Complementary MedicineTM, Analytical Abstracts, British
`Library Inside Conferences, British Nursing Index, Business & Industry,
`Business Monitor International, Chemical Business Newsbase, Chemical
`Engineering & Biotechnology Abstracts, Current Contents® Search,
`Economist Intelligence Unit, Ei EnCompassLlT, Emerging Markets
`Direct, Energy Science and Technology, ESPICOM Pharmaceutical &
`Medical Device News, FDAnews, FLUIDEX (Fluid Engineering
`Abstracts), Gale Group Computer Database”, Gale Group Health
`Periodicals Database, Gale Group New Product Announcements /
`Plus®, Gale Group Newsletter DatabaseTM, Gale Group PharmaBiomed
`Business Journals, Gale Group PROMT®, Gale Group Trade & Industry
`DatabaseTM, GEOBASE?, HSELINE: Health and Safety, ICONDA-
`International Construction Database, lnspec®, Jane's Defense &
`Aerospace News, Lancet Titles, Material Safety Datasheets -OHSTM,
`MEDLINE®, New England Journal of Medicine, Paperbase,
`PAPERCHEM, PASCAL, PIRABASE, ProQuest Biological & Health
`Science Professional, ProQuest Environmental Science Professional,
`ProQuest Newsstand Professional, ProQuest Research, ProQuest
`Technology Research Professional, Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
`Substances (RTECS®), ToxFile®, Transport Research International
`Documentation, TULSATM (Petroleum Abstracts), UBM Computer Full
`Text, Weldasearch®
`S1) (proprietar* n/5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (5,756)
`82) S1 and (without n/5 disclos*) (12)
`S3) S1 and ((segment* or portion") n/5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (40)
`S4) S1 and ((validat* or authentic* or verif”) n/5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (375)
`85) S1 and ((global* or distribut*) n/5 database*) (16)
`S6) S1 and (((source* or object*) n/5 code*) or (hardware* n/5 (design* or description*)) or (script* n/5
`language*)) (88)
`S7) S1 and (blockchain* or (block* n/1 chain*)) (6)
`88) S1 and (public* n/5 Iedger”) and (distribut* n/5 database*) (0)
`89) S1 and ((free* n/5 open*) or FOSS*) (13)
`810) S1 and (leak* n15 proprietar*) and ((public* n/5 domain*) or (free* n/5 open*) or FOSS* or ((other* or
`another*) n/5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*))) (0)
`S11) 81 and (notif* n/5 (vendor* or seller* or reseller*)) and (proprietar* n/5 register“) (0)
`S12) 81 and ((resoIv* or resolu*) n/5 conflict*) and (conflict* n/5 (signature* or fingerprint*)) (1)
`813) S1 and (identif* n/5 (coowner* or Iicens* or acquir* or acquis* or priorit*)) (78)
`S14) 81 and (track* n/5 priorietar*) (0)
`S15) 81 and ((policy or policies) n/5 violat*) and ((alert* or alarm* or warn“ or notif*) n/5 (vendor* or seller* or
`reseller*)) (1)
`816) S1 and ((proof* or chain*) n/5 ownership*) (4)
`PCT/USZO17IO461 76 09.1 1 .201 7
`Files Searched Google Patents
`Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`Search Logic:
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor
`About 6,090 results (0.51 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor source code
`About 5,240 results (0.55 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor blockchain public ledger
`5 results (0.43 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor free open source code
`About 5,170 results (0.54 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor FOSS
`About 197 results (0.43 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor leakage
`About 986 results (0.51 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor notify registered
`About 4,270 results (0.53 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor resolve conflict
`About 1,890 results (0.52 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor track
`About 5,290 results (0.85 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor proof ownership
`About 3,050 results (0.48 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor Varpiola Shinners
`0 results (0.30 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor SYNOPSYS
`About 310 results (0.47 sec.)
`PCT/U8201 7l046176 09.11.201 7
`Electronic Database Searched Google
`Search Logic:
`Files Searched Google Web
`Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor
`About 1,600,000 results (0.85 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor source code
`About 235,000 results (0.96 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor blockchain public ledger
`About 12,500 results (0.81 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor free open source code
`About 5,620,000 results (1.10 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor FOSS
`About 30,200 results (0.61 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor leakage
`About 621,000 results (0.94 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor notify registered
`About 2,720,000 results (0.89 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor resolve conflict
`About 1,600,000 results (1.10 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor track
`About 1,240,000 results (0.78 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor proof ownership
`About 1,350,000 results (0.89 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor Varpiola Shinners
`2 results (0.76 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor SYNOPSYS
`About 25,700 results (0.48 sec.)
`PCT/U8201 7I046176 09.11.201 7
`Electronic Database Searched Google
`iles Searched Google Scholar
`Date Conducted 23 October 2017 (23.10.2017)
`Search Logic:
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor
`About 4,060 results (0.11 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor source code
`About 3,670 results (0.17 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor blockchain public ledger
`About 15 results (0.10 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor free open source code
`About 2,950 results (0.12 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor FOSS
`About 513 results (0.09 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor leakage
`About 1,130 results (0.36 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor notify registered
`About 1,660 results (0.12 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor resolve conflict
`About 2,120 results (0.14 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor track
`About 3,400 results (0.28 sec.)
`' proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor proof ownership
`About 2,790 results (0.11 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor Varpiola Shinners
`0 results (0.10 sec.)
`proprietary signature without disclosure segment validate global database vendor SYNOPSYS
`About 223 results (0.10 sec.)

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