`Vendor A
`Vendor B
`Open Source
`Other Sources
`1 8O
`Fig. 1
`WO 2018/031703
`WO 2018/031703
` 380m?
`WO 2018/031703
`WO 2018/031703
`Qmfimlm Sam33:42=nmsmmdo3ij.53.038%.895035m__umE90.82.03Um
`WO 2018/031703
`WO 2018/031703
`WO 2018/031703
`Vendor System
`S i Lfigfulre
`l |
`I— ————————————————————————————
`Signature Validator 330
`l—___________._ ________________
`Central Signature Processor
`Signature &
`Database Matcher
`WO 2018/031703
`Generate signatures locally for
`I proprietary files at vendor site I
`& send to system
` Are
`Add to database, and
`provide validation for date/
`Alert vendor to issue
`detected, instruct to resolve
`transactions for signatures,
`and add to distributed
`Process open source
`content to generate
`with vendor
`Alert vendor to open source
`issue detected
`WO 2018/031703
`C3 C3
` ».5..1.....,.V““““\“““\‘
`Determine programming Sanguage cf the gamma fifie
`identify a Eist of kaywcsrds and key phrases assacia‘ted {WWI
`with the pragramming ianguage ““mmm,mmmmnmmm._m.__nnnnwmmmm,,4
`Remove text that times mat match a keyword or key
`phrase of the identified {Est
`Remavg {anguage—specific centre? characmrs from the
`saurce fiie
`5’1 0
`ERepEme Each keyword and key ECHFBSE‘ a?the saurce fiie
`' wi'h a carraspcndmg campag‘; bvie repraaentatifin ta
`Waofiufle am amazed??? sequence
`Hash ‘re encoded sequence to produce
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive Hardware Design
`Language (HDL) signatures
`from vendors and processed
`open source repositories
`Compare Signatures to
`signatures in database
`Enumerate third party code
`identified via matches for
`additional processing
`Fig. 6
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive Proprietary
`Signatures of Hardware
`Design Language (HDL) data
`from one or more vendors
`Compare Proprietary
`Signatures to Open Source
`Signatures in database
`Alert vendor to
`Alert vendor to
`potential leakage
`Fig. 7
`fix issue
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive Proprietary
`Signatures from one or more
`Compare Proprietary
`Signatures of First vendor to
`other vendors’ signatures
` No
`Alert Vendor with
`Contamination to 3
`fix Contamination
`Alert Vendor
`with Leakage to
`address issue
`Flag for other
`Fig. 8
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive Proprietary
`Signatures from Vendor A
`with associated licensing
`Compare Proprietary
`Signature of Vendor A to
`Vendors in database
`Trace usage, in database,
`including how and in what
`combination it is used
`Alert Vendor A, whose
`proprietary data is being
`misused if no license is found
` Icensed signature
`Make usage traces available
`to Vendor A
`Fig. 9
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive notice of ownership
`or license update for one or
`more signatures
`Notify verified originator and
`from verified
`request validation
`1 030
`, ................................................................................5
`Update signature(s) &
`metadata to reflect transfer/
`alteration of license
`retaining history
`Notify verified originator of
`Update chain of ownership
`1 090
`WO 2018/031703
`Receive signatures from a
`plurality of vendors
`Compare to existing
`signatures to determine
`uniqueness/code reuse
`Any conflicts?
`Flg _ 1 1
`Generate block chain for
`signature & add to database 3
`and distributed database
`Flag relationship between
`Flag licensing relationship &
`add additional licensing
` Within
` Licensed
`Flag as
`problem to
`source software?
`data predates?
`Flag prior signature
`WO 2018/031703
`Fig. 12