`(Chapter II of the Patent Cooperation Treaty)
`(PCT Article 36 and Rule 70)
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`See Form PCT/IPEA/416
`Priority date (day/month/year)
`04 August 2016
`1. This report is the international preliminary examination report, established by this International Preliminary Examining Authority
`under Alticle 35 and transmitted to the applicant according to Article 36.
`This REPORT consists of a total of
`sheets, including this cover sheet.
`This report is also accompanied by ANNEXES, comprising:
`lirsant and tr) the International Bureau, a total ()fl sheets, as follows:
`sent to the a
`sheets of the description, claims and/or drawings which have been amended and/or sheets containing rectifications
`authorized by this Authority, unless those sheets were superseded or cancelled, and any accompanying letters (see
`Rules 46.5, 66.8, 70.16, 91.2, and Section 607 of the Administrative Instructions).
`El sheets containing rectifications, where the decision was made by this Authority not to take them into account because
`they were not authorized by or notified to this Authority at the time when this Authority began to draw up this report,
`and any accompanying letters (Rules 66.417119, 70.2(e), 70.16 and 91.2).
`CI superseded sheets and any accompanying letters, where this Authority either considers that the superseding sheets
`contain an amendment that goes beyond the disclosure in the international application as filed, or the superseding
`sheets were not accompanied by a letter indicating the basis for the amendments in the application as filed, as indicated
`in item 4 of Box No. I and the Supplemental Box (see Rule 70.16(b)).
`to the
`International Bureau only)
`a total of
`type and number of electronic carrier(s))
`containing a sequence listing, in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file, as indicated
`in the Supplemental Box Relating to Sequence Listing (see paragraph 3ter' of Annex C of the Administrative Instructions).
`b. El
`This report contains indications relating to the following items:
`Box No. I
`Basis of the report
`. II
`. III
`. IV
`. VI
`Nonrestablishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability
`Lack of unity of invention
`Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`Certain defects in the international application
`Certain obseiyations on the international application
`Date of submission of the demand
`Date of completion of this report
`07 November 2017
`04 July 2018
`Name and mailing address of the IPEA/EP
`Authorized officer
`European Patent Office
`D-80298 Munich
`Telephone No. +49 (0)89 2399-0
`Facsimile No. +49 (0)89 2399-4465
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (cover sheet) (January 2015)
`Estorgues, Marlene
`Telephone No. +49 (0)89 2399-1576
`International filing date (day/month/year)
`International application No.
`17 July 2017
`International Patent Classification (IPC) or both national classification and IPC
`A l'
`pp lean
`Knapp GmbH
`Box No. I
`Basis of the report
`L With regard to the language, this report is based on:
`the international application in the language in which it was filed.
`a translation of the international application into
`furnished for the purposes of:
`which is the language of a translation
`international search (Rules 12.3(a) and 23.1(b)).
`publication of the international application (Rule 12.4(a)).
`international preliminary examination (Rules 55 .2(a) and/or 55.3(a) and (b)).
`2. With regard to the elements of the international application, this report is based on (replacement sheets which have beenfurnished
`to the receiving Ofi‘ice in response to an invitation under Article 14 are referred to in this report as “originallyfiled” and are not
`annexed to this report):
`the international application as originally filed/furnished, or
`the description:
`pages See Supplemental Box for further details. as originally filed/furnished.
`received by this Authority on
`received by this Authority on
`the claims:
`Nos. See Supplemental Box for further details. as originally filed/furnished.
`as amended (together with any statement) under Article 19
`received by this Authority on
`the drawings:
`pages See Supplemental Box for further details. as originally filed/furnished.
`received by this Authority on
`received by this Authority on
`a sequence listing — see Supplemental Box Relating to Sequence Listing.
`3. CI The amendments have resulted in the cancellation of:
`the description, pages
`the claims, Nos.
`the drawings, sheets/figs
`the sequence listing (specify):
`* If item 4 applies, some or all ofthose sheets may be marked “superseded. ”
`4. El This report has been established as if (some of) the amendments annexed to this report and listed below had not been made,
`since either they are considered to go beyond the disclosure as filed, or they were not accompanied by a letter indicating the
`basis for the amendments in the application as filed, as indicated in the Supplemental Box (Rules 70.2(c) and (c—bis)):
`the description, pages
`the claims, Nos.
`the drawings, sheets/figs
`the sequence listing (specify):
`5. D This report has been established:
`taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake authorized by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91
`(Rules 66.1(d—bis) and 70.2(e)).
`El without taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake authorized by or notified to this Authority under
`Rule 91(Rules 66.4bis and 70.2(e)).
`6. With regard to top—up searches (Rules 66.1ter and 70.2(f)):
`A top—up search was carried out by this Authority on
`El Additional relevant documents have been discovered during the top—up search.
`El No top—up search was carried out by this Authority because it would serve no useful purpose.
`7. El Supplementary international search report(s) from Authority(ies)
`have been received and taken into account in establishing this report (Rule 45bis.8(b) and (c)).
`Form PCT/lPEA/409 (Box No. I) (January 2015)
`Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`1. Statement
`Novelty (N)
`Inventive step (IS)
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`See Supplemental BOX
`2. Citations and explanations (Rule 70.7)
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Box No. V) (January 2015)
`Box No. VII
`Certain defects in the international application
`The following defects in the form or contents of the international application have been noted:
`See Supplemental BOX
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Box No. VII) (January 2015)
`Supplemental Box
`In case the space in any of the preceding boxes is not sufficient.
`Continuation of:
`Description, pages
`1 — 12
`Claims, numbers
`Drawings, sheets
`[1] BOX V
`as originally filed
`filed With the letter of
`7 November 2017
`as originally filed
`Reasoned statement with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability; citations and
`explanations supporting such statement
`[1.1] Reference is made to the following documents:
`[US]) 2 December 1986 (1986-12—02)
`US 4 803 817 A (WHITE HAROLD J [CA] ET
`AL) 14 February 1989 (1989-02-14)
`[1.2] D1 is considered to be the prior art closest to the subject matter of claim 1,
`and discloses ( figures 2, 6, 12 and 14) :
`a ”device for detachably securing a pane ofglass ( column 1, lines 33-36: "glass sheet", column 3, lines
`4-7: "pane126") to a substructure ( column 3, lines 4- 7: "horizontal panel supporting member or
`furring5 "), comprising : a) a glazing strip ( column 5, lines 21 -24: "a horizontal spline 54 ") b) which
`is subdivided into a glazing piece ( column 4, lines 3-11: "outwardly extending support ledge 110") for
`setting the pane of glass in place ( "26"), on one of its peripheral sides , and c) a retaining piece ( column
`5, lines 50-57: "the end portion 215/55") , as well as d) an adhesive strip ( column 3, lines 7-1 I : "The
`bottom hanger 30") which, on an outerface, can be stuck to one side ( column 2, lines 64-68: "the
`interior surface 3 r ” ) of the pane of glass ( "26") ( column 2, lines 64-68: "adhesive layer 42 " ) , f)
`wherein the retaining piece ( "215") has a projection ( column 4, lines 1-3: "an upper extension 104")
`, fl behind which the adhesive strip ( "30") engages, when the pane of glass ( "26") has been secured, on
`the side facing away from said glazing piece ( "110")”.
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)
`Supplemental Box
`the retaining piece.
`- Fi ure 2 from D1 -
`Therefore, the subject matter of claim 1 differs from this known device in that :
`g) the device comprises at least one opening that passes through both the glazing piece and the retaining
`piece, for a securing means allowing detachable fastening of the glazing strip to the substructure, with the
`retaining piece being mounted on said substructure.
`Consequently, the subject matter of claim 1 is novel (PCT Article 33(2)).
`[1.3] The problem addressed by the present invention can therefore be considered that of allowing fixation of
`the pane of glass and the glazing strip in a simple manner.
`[1.4] The solution to this problem, as proposed in claim 1 of the present application, involves an inventive step
`(PCT Article 33(3)) for the following reasons:
`the distinguishing feature g) appears to be neither known nor obvious from the available prior art.
`Indeed, D1 (figure 12) discloses an opening that passes through the adhesive strip ("252/253") and the
`retaining piece ("204") but no glazing piece and no opening that passes through both the glazing piece and
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)
`Supplemental Box
`- Figyre 12 from D1 -
`Furthermore, D3 discloses an opening that passes through the retaining piece ("the pressure plates 54")
`(figure 6) but no glazing piece.
`Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)