`Dec Code: Oath
`13001111123111 13133311132139: Oath or (13315115111011 filed
`LLS P31em and Trademark mike;- LL.*2 BEFARTMENT 0F fiOMMfiRCE
`3.111155?the f’apysrwork Reducfiion AG! (11‘ 1995.119 persans 3161 raq‘uirad 1:1 respond {a .3 1301151311011 01‘ €11furmafimn 5.1111853 11 muffins a vaiir.‘ 11111-115; (infirm 111.1an
`{.37 {$12 1,531
`With 111111211
`51313111111123 A115: 11111121
`131111113 (sumhesr‘ge
`{3? 01:11 1.1 6(1)}
`MW? 0‘3““?
`1419.121 5, PCTIUS
`Friedi‘iich Knapp
`{31131311311132 31115811381”
`Amuse km Number
`Hing Date-
`A“ Umt
`Examiner Name
`As. a besiuw named 1111113111131, 1 hereby tieclare that:
`This {18012111111311 is directéd 10-:
`Tbs, afiachéd applicafim,
`(T1319 0.11.1151 jnvemifln}
`Unitad Shams Application Numbar er PDT {niematiénal agapiicaiiun number
`flied 011
`The: abaUe-idanflfiad ap‘piication wasmada (5r authorimfi 113 be made by me,
`1 beiiave mm the nrigifiaf 1111113111111 ar an afigisai 1:11:11 inventor 01a c¥aimed inveniim 11111113 apgficafion.
`I hereby acknowledge 11153121113! 11111111121 1315113 statement. mama in 1111's désciaraiian 3s punishable under 18 1118‘:
`' by fine or i‘mpfisonmem of not mam 111211111118 {5):}32115. 01139111.
`Direct 311
`3 3611‘85136112'81'16810:
`1 ame
`. Address-
`- 0113/
`8 an . res-s
`associated with
`111111115135 balew
`{13231381 of 2}
`$1115 wilacfim of infama‘licn'as rm‘u‘bsc‘ W'35 US6.1 15 and 3? OFF! 1 .63 The infomaiirm'usrequired to 0211811101 1913111 a benefit by the putdic whigh'as 1a 1115; (and 1:11;
`the 113111010 910-2113531111 33131168111111 Coniiéenfiallty Is. govarned by 35 US.G 1?2 and 37 OFF: ‘1.1 1 and 1. .14 1""1115 cafleciian1s estimated in take 21 min-mas: to
`1x11119199, irxciuding 1311111911114. preparing. and .submitilng {£111ccmplaleé apmicasion form tome USPTO ‘fima wfll vapydep enfi‘ng upnu ma inéwiaiuai case. Any
`cemms‘snls rm 1112: am aunt 511 11mg you requirsto mmgamMhis farm 1111:1111: suggesiims {~31 reducing this burden 311013.160e 51111110 ma(311191 infarmafiun' Gamer LL.'=.
`PHYEM and Trademark 131156-,U.S Dapznmautof Sommeme, P0. 80121450 Nexandria, VA 223131459.8{11111’3‘1‘ SEND FEES OR CDMPLETED FORMSTO THIS
`MERE38 $5940 T121180mmiasionezrfar P11151113, P0 Box. 145121 Mgwndflaflhfi 22313111501
`11 you mam .assisiansa'1n cot-11111311119 the term, can 1" »806~P113s91§$ and 38158113511169 2:,
` 2
`F’TGI’i-‘(UKI’O8 I” 11. f5)
`Asmmved I'm use mroI'IQh 1 113:3!2320. OMB 0651-0032
`J :3 Famm and Trademark Uffica: i}S DEPARTMEN"IOF COMMERCE
`under the Papam‘ork RcdmiianAm 01' 1998, “a paracns are requirad m mspand m a emiscfion (If i3fonnaflan uniass it contains a v3:I3 OMB c.3380! nun.be!
`.DEQLARA‘FTGN m- Uiiii‘iy or De3§gn Eaters: Appficafimn
`Pefifianmiappfican!I3 cauiisnaci II) maid swimitting persena! informationIn (333:1 mem‘s filed it: a patent amiaatisn Ihai may
`3 caniritmte to idaniity theft. Permnai informaticm such as social security numbeIs bank 3333mm numbers or credit card numbess
`, (03113: than a check 3r cram: 33rd autirmxization fur-III PTO—2:036 submitted Tm payment pumosas):3 never requireb by the USPTO
`’ ta 3m:-pm! a 3333031 or an application.
`If ibis type a? pmsanai information13 included in 3033mm; submitiad:0 the URPTO
`3 pafiimnnrqlappimmfia should mnsider redacting such par’smai inimmatiun from the dominant: before submitting them it: the
`- USPTG. PatitianerzappiicamIs advised that Ihe record at a patent apgsiicatianI3 avafiab‘ie to the pubiIc after yubiicafion 3f the
`appficatian 0313333 a nun-pub‘icaii3n names:in campiiance with 3? CFR 1 213(3}‘:3 mada‘In I33 applifiaiiun) 3r issuance I)? a
`patent Furthermore, 1363 {33313 {mm an abandoned appficaiion may 3633 be availabte {G the punks If the applicationIs referenced
`In a published applicatmn (Ii 33 issuad patent (see 37 CFR I 14} GhecRe; and credit card authorization forms
`PTO2638 submitted for payment paumases are m)? rammed in the appficatiun Tile and Therefore we not pubiiciy ava‘siabie
`: FetiiioneiiapniiciamIs adviSed that, dacumenjts which {mm It»; record 0‘? a pawn: apphcaiicm {such as The PTOISB’QI) are piaced
`. mm the an‘acy Aci Sysiam (If raeards DEPARTMENT 0F QCIMMERCE COMMERCE.-PAT—T?. System name: Patent$0pr33:im
`‘ FIfes Decumems notretainafiIn an application ii!3 {such as if}? PTO2038) am piaced mm the Pri‘vaay Asa system 0?
`. GOMMERCEJPAFTM 13353333 313313: DeposI’Mscounmand EIectmrII‘c F33ch Transfer Fratifes
`(5.3,, Given Name {first andms‘dfiie if any} and Famiiy Name (If Surname}
`FriedI‘icb Knapp
`5 V Inventor3 SIgIIatIIre
`‘ “'J
`Residence: City
`: Bad Kreuzésn
`53 mg ‘-
`Eiflhweici 4
`Bad Kreuzen
`SupplfimenIaishaeus) HUI-4W1 0, attached hereto
`1:] Addiaianm inuanmm are being named an Iha
`[Page 2 of 2}
`Frimsy AGE Siaiameni
`Tim.Privacy Act I}? “mm, (RL. 93»5?9} requires that you be given certain infarmatim in connection with
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`am midst}, pursuant it) 5 US$23. 55mm}.
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`Such disc-insure shaii be made in accordance with the GSA raguimions geveming inspection
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` \