`(15)) World intellectual Pronerty Organization
`International Bureau
`(43} International Publication flate
`3 January 2008 (93.01.20G8)
`(10) International Publication Number
`‘WQ Ztltlgltltllllllfi A12
`International i’a‘te‘nt Classification:
`AZ3L 1/36” (2006.01)
`A23L was (2006,01)
`A236 U34 (2006.91)
`A 2'36 1/36 (2006.01)
`AZSG’ 1/463 (2006.01)
`AZBG 1/46 (2606.01)
`international Application Number;
`PC l? U SEND—JAY? 227 i,
`llacknttstown, NJ 07840 (US). SBAS'E’RY, Arum, V.
`[IN/US}; 353 Shadow Creek Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027
`li'ltzpanicit, Celia,
`lt'lANDRA, Raymond, Ru;
`{74} Agent;
`Harper & Scinto, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY
`101 lZ-S 801 (U >
`(22) international Hifijng Date;
`(153 FT I
`‘“ ,
`'“ mg “g“ag“
`(26) Publication Language:
`27 June, 2007 (27,05,20’ 7},
`"“g ‘5
`('81) Designated States (mien when-vita indicated, for every
`kind ofnatiarzal protection available): All, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, ALBA, 88,86, 13an SW, 3341
`(INCO, CRCU, CZ, DE, DK, Ell/LDC), DZ, EL, Ell, EG,
`.m ,,
`27 June 4006 (31.00.300o)
`(71) Applicant (for all! designalea‘ Slater except US}; BIL/3R5,
`ENCOMGRATED [US/US}; 6885 Elm Street, Mclean,
`VA 22101 (US)
`, WC..,
`, N,
`LR, lS LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, Ni, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL,
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`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): TOR/[133350, 3911-
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`BELLOBY, ‘Wiiliam, 3., 3r. lUSfUS}; 4 ll Cornell Court,
`I‘M” [‘W’
`(84) Designated States (uiIlESS tame/wise indicated, jbr every
`king of regional protection avaiiabie): ARlPO (B‘W. GH,
`[Continued on noxt page]
`(54) Title: AN lNDULG-liNl‘ liDlBLli COMPOSl’i'iON
`(57) Abstract: The present invention is directed to an indulgent odi—
`blo composition that provides an orally pleasurable eating experience
`similar to chocolate as the chocolate melts in the oral cavity compris—
`ing (a) a starch that when combined with water in a
`fight ratio of 5:95
`starch to water, has a viscosity at 22°C of about 0.03 l’a-s to about 2
`Pa— ii a Shoat rate of l0 sec-1: (b) a woman—containing component that
`will substantially hydrate in water and will not coagulate; (c) a sweet-
`ener that when substantially hydrated is at least 90% free of crystals in
`said edible compoxition; (Ll) a Fat-containing component that melts at.
`a temperature of about 45°C or loss; (o) a hydroeolloid gelling agent
`that facilit tes the formation of a gel matrix that will break down at
`a temperature" of about 45°C or loss; and (I) an edible surfactant that
`is food—grade and has a HUS value of about 0 to about 12, wherein
`the edible composition has a total moisture content from about l0% to
`about 50% moisture by weight of the composition.
`Example 1 Product
`Residual Styx
`Rostdua: Cha.
`Iltitiltttt lt
`/. .\
`\ /»
`x; n
`\ n
`,/ ooheswe O! n/laS‘a
`Lumpiness of Mass’
`. 1—.J/ .
`Roughness a: Mass
`Adnestve to palate
`Kozy Shack® Pudding (L‘ZE'iocola‘r
`Residuai stir/kg ’1
`/ \ tax.
`Rosadval {thalkrk
`«. /
`Lumpiness of ifléc§
`/ ’ Cohesave of Mass
`\\i ,,,,,,,,,i/’/
`Roughness of Mass
`Adnoswe to palate
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, "U, TM},
`Eumpmn (AT, BE, BG. CH, CY. CZ, DE, DK, EE. ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, HE, IS, H, L’1‘, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL,
`GA, GN. GQ, GW, ML. MR, NE, SN TD, TG).
`— withcm! intemaliumti search report and to (‘26 republished
`upon rec-gig)! of rhaz repar?
`For twa-[ener codex and other abbrevialiom, refer m the "Guid-
`anceNo/ex on. Coda; and/Xbbreviatimw” appealing a! the begin—
`ning ofeach reguiar issue of the PCT Gazetle.
`‘WO 2938/002995
`This application claims the benefit of US Provisionai Appiioation
`No. 66/817,038, filed June 27, 2006, which is inoorporatad by referenco herein.
`Fieid of the invention
`{(9801} Th: present invention reiates to an induigant ociihie composition that eats
`iike chocoiaia a1 a raduced caioric density and incmassd moisture commit as
`compared to chocoia’ie. More paitiouiariy, the edi‘bie composition breaks down,
`disperses, and spraads iike chocoia‘tc on {he tongua, providing the mouthfeai of
`Description of the: Reiawd Art
`{W392} Eating choooiato is a pioasurabie induigem expérience. The taste, texture.
`and even the smoii of ohoooiam cream amicipation and oxoim tho sonsss. In the
`mouth, the choc-mate mcits into a rich, smooth, oroamy mass fuii of oompiox
`[9093} Howaver, iiii: feeling of piaasure is accompanied by guilt. For many,
`chocoiato brings to mind oaiories and fat. Tho oaioric density of chocoia‘io is
`about 5.2 to aboui 5.8 iiiiocaiorios per gram. This moanS that smaii amounts of
`chocolate are high iii calories and fat.
`WO 2608/602995
`{6884} Various attempts to produce mainceiceioric chocolate compositions have
`resuhed in inferior products that faii to deiiver {he rich, smooth, creamy texture
`and compiex. flavor that consumers want.
`iiiiiiifi} US. Patent 6,773,744 (2004) describes the invention of a iowmfai
`enecoiate and, chocoiaie—iike product. However, the product defined in this
`invention is ciaimed to deliver a short, fudge-type texture. Though the inveniion
`describes a product mimicking a ehoeciate«iike eat and rich fet—iikc texture, the
`texturai attributes are iike those for fudge, and the product possesses a high ievei
`of sugar crystaiiization (gaining), which results in the short texture associated
`with fudge. The product and process described in {1.8. Patent 6,773,744 also
`reiaie to a fairiy iow water activity and iow moisture product. For exampie, the
`finished product described in US. Patent 5,773,744 posscsses a. water activity in
`a range from 0.0 to 0.4 and has a soiieis content ranging from 80% to 90% by
`{(3996} US. Patent 5,360,621 (W94) describes an invention for a iow—caiorie
`choeoiate containing fat, 21 sweetening mass, on emuisificr, e. dessieatcd defatteci
`cocoa, and/or a pniveruient miiky product. However, this invention relies on the
`use of sugar replacers (iowwcaioi‘ic saccharine polymers, mahitoi and iac’éitoi) to
`iovver the product‘s caioric count
`{iii} 7} US. i’aicnt 6,265,540 {2000) and US, Patem 6,159,526 (2000) detaii the
`manufacture and specifications for chocoiate compositions containing water.
`’i‘hcse patents reintc to a product that contains 3% to 40% by weight water in the
`finai composition by creating a ‘wateruin-oii emuision and then catchiiiy
`incorporating chocoiate into the emulsion so that the emulsion is not destabiiized.
`[9&98} US. Patent 5,965,i79 {1999) relates to a chocoiate treated to contain
`added water by emuisifying ./ dispersing a thickening or geiiing substance such as
`microcrystailine ceiiuiose in water using an extmder, and mixing and passing a
`chocoiate mass ihrough a nozzie so that the chocoiate mass extruoate is
`maintained at 0 - 28°C. The patent aiso describes the use of AViCEi..~® RCSEIi F
`brand ceiiuiose fiber in the aqueous gel introduced into the chocoiate.
`{9399} US. Paien‘i 5,425,957 (1995) describes a product and process for
`producing a sucroseufree (ie, containing sorbiioi, isoineh, iactitoi, maitito , and
`WO 2608/602995
`other sugar alcohols}, water~eontaining milk chocolate with a water content
`ranging from 2 — 16%.
`{Witt} US. Patent 5,120,566 (1992) describes a process for making a water—
`eontaining chocolate. This invention specifically discusses the incorporation. of
`water, liquid sugar, cream, milk, condensed milk, juices, honey, liquors, and
`mixes thereof into eonehed chocolate.
`will 1} US. Patent Publication Nos. USEOQé/Glll 164 and USEOOé/OlZi 175
`describe the manufacture doll in water snspenelons by forming a gel network
`with the starches and proteins in cocoa Solids to precinct: standard of identity
`chocolates having reduced calories, it has been found: however? that
`gelatinization of chocolate components during cooking may result in a viscous
`mass that is difficult to work and a product which results in a sour chocolate
`{Will} The nrior art teachings. have not succeeded in providing consumers with
`an indulgent edible product that delivers the pleasurable eating experience of
`chocolate melting in the mouth, but with less calories. Thus, there is a need for
`such a product that delivers indulgence without the guilt of having too many
`{$913} it is an object of the invention to provide an indulgent edible prnduct by
`forming a eornplex matrix or“ hydroeolloids, water, starch, protein, surfactant, and
`sweeteners to create a structure that specifically mimics the fat melt experience
`that occurs in the month when eating chocolate.
`{WM} 'i‘he present invention is directed to an indulgent edible composition that
`provides an orally pleasurable eating experience similar to that for chocolate as.
`the Chocolate melts in the oral. «cavityg but at a higher moisture content and a
`lnwer calorie density, comprising (a) about G25 wt.% to about 45 wt.% of a
`starch that when combined with water in a weight ratio of 5:95 starch to water
`and cooked for 10 minutes at lOO°C, has a viscosity at 22°C ofabout 0.03 to
`about 2 Pascal-seconds (Paws) at a shear rate of it) see"; {13) about 15 wt.% to
`about 27 Wt.% of a proteineontaining component that will substantially hydrate
`WO 2608/602995
`in water and wit! not eoagutate; to) about 2.5 wt.% to about 45 wt.% ofa
`sweetener that when substantially hydrated is at ieast 99% free of crystals in the
`edible composition; (d) about 8.5 wt.% to about 54 wt.% of a. fat~eontaining
`component that melts at a temperature ofebout 459C or less; (e) about (Lit) wt.%
`to about 4.03 wt.% ofa hydroooiioid geiiing agent that facilitates the formation of
`a get matrix that wit! hreak down at a temperature of about 45°C or iess; and (1)
`about {3.005 wt.% to about 1.35 MP/b ot’a surfactant that is foodvgrade and has 3
`EMS (hydrophiiic/iipophiiic balance) vaiue of from about 0 to about 12, and
`wherein the edibie composition, has a final moisture content from about 10% to
`about 5 % moisture, and more preferabiy 15% to about 50% moisture by weight
`of the composition
`{9915} The present invention is also directed to a method of preparing an
`induigent edible composition comprising the steps of (a) mixing a hydrocoiioid
`geiiing agent, a starch, a protein-containing component: and water at a
`temperature ofahout 50C to about 862°C; more pt‘eterabiy about 300C to about
`80%; theteby forming a premix; (b) heating the premix and cooking a: a
`temperature of about 60°C to about 1099C, thereby forming a. cooked mass; and
`(o) adding a surfactant and a tht~eontaining component to the cooked mass and
`mixing at iow shear and a temperature ofabout 50°C to about 85°C untii the fat-
`eontaining component is weii incorporated into the cooked mass, thereby forming
`the induigent edihie composition. In addition, a sweetener is added in at ieast one
`of steps (a), (b) or (e). in one embodiment the sweetener is added in step (a).
`mete} in an atternative embodiment, the method of preparing an indulgent
`edibie composition comprises the steps ot"(e} forming a slurry with excess water
`by shearing a fiherncontaining component into water in a weight ratio of greater
`than 10:1 water to fiber untii the fiber is dispersed into the water; (13) mixing a
`starch, a protein~containing component, and a hydtoooiioid getting agent with the
`slurry containing excess water at a temperature of about 5°C to about 80°C? more
`preferabiy about 300C to about 80°C, until the slurry, the starch, the protein—
`eontaining component, the sweetener, and the hydroeohoid gelling agent, are
`oniformiy distributed to form a mass; (o) heating and booking the mass at a
`temperature of about 600C to about 109%, thereby forming a cooked mass
`WO 2608/602995
`«-5 t.
`having a tetai seiids content ofabout 60% to about 75% by weight; and (d)
`mixing a fat-containing eempenent and a srrrtéetant with the eeoked mass,
`thereby forming the induigent edibie compesitien.
`in addition, a sweetener is
`added in at least One DfSteps (is), ('0) er (d). In one embodiment, the sweetener is
`added in step (b).
`{$617} Figure i is e graphicai representation 0521 texturai eheraeterizatien of the
`inventive preduct as compared to DOVE® Brand Miik Cheeeiate, and KOZY
`SHACK® Brand (Ibeceiate Fiavered Hidding.
`{00183 The term "clwwhre" is intended te refer to aii ehacrriate or ciwwiate~
`iike compositions with a fetubased component phase or fat-iiice composition. The
`term is intended, for exampie, to inciude Standardized and nemstarrdardized
`ehoeeiates, ie including ehoeeiates with campesitions eenferming to the US
`Standards Of identity (Sm) and compesitiens riot eenfei'ming to the US.
`Standarde Of identity, reepeetiveigyg irieiudirig dark cimcalaze, baking ciwealar‘e,
`miik ciwwiate, sweet clmcolaz‘e, semimsweet shareware, buttermiik clzacolat'e,
`skim-miik ciwcaiatey mixed dairy precinct chacalate, iew t‘at chucaiai‘e, white
`chrzceiaz‘e, aerated citeeoiates, compound matings, neaiwstanderdized eiiecoizrtes
`and checelate—iike compositions, uniess speeifieaiiy identified otherwise.
`[(39193 in the United States, criiecoiate is subject to a standard of identity
`estabiished by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under tire Federal
`Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Definitieris and standards for the various types of
`eheceiate are weii estabiisited in the US. N ristaridardized chocolates are these
`chocolates which have eernpositiens which faii outside the specified ranges 0f the
`standardized ebeeeiatesu
`{iiiiZ-(ii Cheeeiates aise irreiude these containing crumb seiids er seiids firiiy 0r
`partiaiiy made by a crumb process.
`WO 2608/602995
`{@6le Nonstandartiized chocolates result when, for example the nutritive
`carbohydrate sweetener is replaced partially or completely; or when the cocoa
`butter, cocoa butter alternative cocoa butter equivalent, eoeoa butter extender,
`cocoa butter replaeer, cocoa butter substitute or milktat are replaced partially or
`completely; or when components that have flavors that imitate milk, butter or
`chocolate are added or other additions or deletione in formula are made outeide
`the FDA standards of identify of chocolate or combinations thereof. Choeoiate—
`like compositions are those fat—based comeositione that can be used as: substitutes
`for chocolate in applications such as panning, molding, or enrobing; for example,
`{($22} The indulgent edible composition, ot'the present invention provides a
`pleasurabie eating experience by simulating the textural attributes of chocolate as
`the chocolate melts in the mouth and spreads across the tongue, Specifically, the
`edible composition is e gel matrix that has been formulated to provide a product
`with a firm texture which will break down and melt when placed in the oral
`cavity, thus mimickino chocolate as it melts. The indulgent eciible composition
`includes (a) a starch, (in) a proteiiimeontaining component, (C) e sweetener, (d) a
`tilt-containing component, (e) a. hydroeizilloitl geiiing agent, and (i) a surfactant.
`in aridition, the edible composition has a moisture content of about “We to about
`50%, more preferably about 15% to about 50%, by weight oftlie composition;
`Willi} An indulgent edible composition made with this invention was compared
`to DOVE® Brand Milk Chocolate and to KDZY SHACK® Brand Chocolate
`Flavored Pudding Snack through descriptive textural analysis, as performed by a
`trained panel ofnine members. The samples were evaluated one at a time
`(inonadie) using the Sensory Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Method and
`quantified on a 0 ~ 35 “world of food” intensity seale.1 Table 1 summarizes the
`reference points that were used for this study.
`1 The Sensory Spectrum Deeeriptive Analysis Method is described in detail in the
`following reference book: Sensory Evaluation "l‘eenniquesg 3rd Edition, Morten
`Meilgaard, 0.86., Gail. Vance Civilieg 8‘ S. & B. Thomas Carr, M. 8., CRC Press
`LLC, Boea Retort, FL, 1999.
`WO 2908/602995
`FCT/US2097/fl7227 i
`Table 1: Reference paints fer textural characterizatiun of fwd systems as used
`for descriptive analysis evaiuatien detaiieti 111 Figure 11
`Rate of Men
`Whiz ed cream H .
`”mm LanaOLaxew-sraneauner
`—— calm-mes
`Fresh carrots
`mm H dmanaGd v9 693% 0i‘
`{0024} Figure B skews a chart eempating the findings from this study, which
`eieariy indieate that the'nave-tive pzoduct simulatefi a chemists eating experience
`surprisingly we}! as compared :11 the KOZY SHACKQ?) Brand Cheeoiate Revered
`Pudding Snack. In particular, the inventive product’s attributes such as rate 13f
`mett perception, denseness 01" mass, cohesiveness of mass, adhesicm to psiate5 and
`firmness weze vezy Sit“tiiat t1} attzibutes described for DOVE-33> Brand Mi 1?:
`Choc0 hate enabimg the 1m/entive pmduct to definfer 2111 in:iuigent eatix1g
`experience simiiar t0 that 01" Chmcoiate. The results Show that the inventive
`precinct mimics the attributes of ehecelate, but is quite differexat frem pudding.
`{9925} Starch is an essentiai component ofthe edibie composition. The starch
`adds texture and busty 1'0 the ,empesition
`{($263 Suitable starches when cmnbined with water in a weight ratie 0f 5:95
`starch :0 water, respectively, and cooked for £0 minutes at around 100%“ wiii
`exhibit a viscosity at22°C of about 0 03 it) about 2 Pascai~sec0nds (Pa5) at a
`WO 2008/002995
`shear rate of 10 seei. The Viscosity measurements are based on measurements
`taken on 81 Fear Physiea MGR 500 Modular Compact Rbeometer easing a 5 em, 1““
`Come and Plate configuration.
`{002% Starehes such as, for example, modified tapioca starch, modified rice
`stereo, modified corn starch, potato starch, Specialty {starches}, and mixtures
`thereof may be ueed. Particularly preferred is a modified tapioca starch such as
`FREGBX HV®, FREGEX®, and 'l’EXTRA‘iD, which are available from National
`Starch and Chemical Company of Bridgewater, NJ, and other specialty starches
`such as PURETYCED brand, CLEARJEL’EQ, and the NOVA’l’lON® series {for
`example, NOVA’l‘lON® 3300 AND NOVATEONGE 3600), which are all
`available from National Starch and Chemical Company ofBritlgeweter. NJ.
`[00283 ideally, the starch is substantially hydrated during proeessing. The
`hydration process is dependent upon several factors, wliieh include time,
`temperamre, shear conditions, moisture content, presence ofatldltiyes or other
`dissolved components, and the type ot'stareb used,
`{0029} The amount of starch in the edible composition is from about 0.25 wt.%
`to about 4.5 wt.% based on the total weight of the edible composition.
`Preferably, from about 0.35 wt.% to about 4.5 wt.%, more preferably, from about
`0.45 wt.% to about 4.5 wt.%, even more preferably, from about 0.55 wt.% to
`about 3.15 wt.%, still even more preferably, from about 0.65 wt.% to about
`2.52 wt.%, and most preferably, from about 0.70 wt.% to about ӣ0 wt.% based
`on the total weight of the edible composition.
`[0030} On a dry weight basis, the amount of starch in the edible composition is
`from about 0.5 0 wt.% to about 5.0 wt.% based on the total dry weight oftbe
`edible composition. Preferably, from about 0.70 wt.% to about 5.0 M36, more
`preferably; from about 0.90 wt.% to about 5.0 wt.%, even more preferably, from
`about l.l0 wtflé: to about 3.5 wt.%, still even more preferably; from about 1.3
`wt.% to about 2.8 wt.%; and most preferably, from about L4 “1% to about 2.0
`wt.% based on the total dry weight oftbe edible composition,
`{0031} Another eseential component is a erotein—eontaining component, which
`serves to provide body, flavor and examinees to the composition. The protein
`also provides nutrients and can be used as a source of energy. Doe gram of
`WO 2608/602995
`protein provides about 4 kilooalories of energy. it is important that the protein~
`containing component must not coagulate during processing, which would
`interfere with the desired creamy texture. Moreover, the proteinnoontaining
`component must be capable of substantially hydrating in water. As used herein, a
`proteineontaining component will contain greater than 10%, preferably greater
`than 20%, anti more preferably greater than 30% protein on a dry weight basis,
`{(3032} A variety oftiairy and soy proteins may be useti in the edible
`£6033} Suitable proteinmontaining components include, for exam pie, nonfat dry
`milk powder, whole milk powder, rniiit protein concentrate, whey powder, whey
`protein, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, nut and nut powders
`{e.g., peanut, almond, walnut, pecans, hazelnut and cashew}, casein, sodium
`oaseinate, laotalbumin, egg and egg components (eg, albumin, whole egg. powder
`and egg concentrate), protein containing grain flours and their protein
`concentrates and protein isolates (e.g., wheat, millet and corn), soy bean powder
`and other protein containing vegetables, and their flours, protein concentrates and
`protein isolates, or mixtures thereof.
`{$934} The preferred protein source for the edible composition comprises dairy
`proteins, and most pre "erably, miik powder and milk protein concentrates.
`{@351 The amount of protein~eontaining component in the edible composition is
`from about 15.5 \Vl.9/13 to about 27 wt.% based on the total weight ot‘the edible
`oornposition. Preferably, from about 2.0 wt.% to about 27 wt.%; more
`preferably, from about 2.5 wt.% to about 27 wt,%; even more preterably, from
`about 3.0 wt.% to about 32.5 wt.%; still even more preferably, from about 3.25
`wt.% to about 18 wt.%; and most preferably, from about 3.35 wt,% to about 8,5
`wt.% based on the total weight ot‘tlie edible composition.
`{@636} On a dry weight basis, the amount ot'proteihueontaihing component in the
`edible composition is from about 3 wt.% to about '30 wt.% based on the total dry
`weight ot‘tiie edible composition. Preferably, from about 4 wt.% to about 30
`wt.%, more preferably, from about 5 wt.% to about 30 wt.%, even more
`preferably, from about 6 wt.% to about 23 wt.%, still even more preferably, from
`WO 2608/602995
`about 6,5 wt,% to about 20 “1%, and most preferably, from about 6.7 will?) to
`about l 5 wt.% based on rile total dry weight oldie edible composition.
`{@8377} A sweetener is also included in the edible composition, Importantly, the
`sweetener must be at least 90% free. oferystals when substantially hydrated iii the
`finiehed edible composition.
`{9938} Suitable sweeteners include, but are not limited to, sucrose, glucose,
`dextrose, maltose, dextrirz, invert sugar, fruetose, levulose, galaerose, lactose,
`eom syrup, corn syrup solids, saoeliariri, brown sugar, fruitjuiee, tugutose, honey,
`molasses; and mixtures thereof.
`{@393 Additionally, sugerless sweeteners may be used, For example, sugar
`alcohols such as sorbltol, mauoitol, xylitoi, eryrliritol, hydrogenated starch
`hydrolysales, multiiol, and mixlures thereof are suitable re:- use in the present
`{@3043} Sugar repleeers may also be used as the sweetener in the edible
`composition. High inlensity artificial sweeteners, such as, for example, sueraloee,
`asparlume, N—subslituted APM derivatives such as neoi’ame, selfie of eeesulfame,
`altitume, saccharin and its salts, oyclamie acid and its ealts, glyeyrrliizina‘re,
`dlhydroohaleones, ‘rliaumetln, monelliri, and mixtures thereof,
`{3341} Preferably, the sweetener used in the edible composition includes
`sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, maltose, dextriri, invert sugar, levuiose,
`galaetose, corn syrup, corn syrup Solids, sugar alcohols, sugar repleuers, brown
`sugar, fruit juice, tagalose, honey, molasses or mixtures thereof. Most preferably,
`the sweetener lies at least one of the following: sucrose, lactose, glucose end/or
`{(3942} The amount ofsweererler in the edible composition is from about 2.5
`well/o to about 45 wt.% based on the total weight ofihe edible oomposilion.
`Preferably, from aboul 5 wt.% to about 432 wifl/o, more preferably, from about
`7.5 iii/1.96:0 about 41.4 wag/:3, even more preferably, from about ll) wt.% to about
`396 wt,%, still even more preferably, from about 12.5 Wt.% to about 37.8 Wt.%,
`and most preferably, from about l 5 WEE/é; ”to about 36 wt.% lowed on the total
`weight Of‘llle edible composition.
`WO 2608/602995
`{964% On a dry weight basis, the amount of sweetener in the edible composition
`is from about 5 wt.% to about 50 Wt.% based on the total dry weight of the edible
`composition. Fret‘erably, from about lll wt.% to about 4-8 Mil/6, more preferably,
`from about l5 wt.% to about 4-6 we'd/£3, even more preferably, .l‘om about 20 wt.%
`to about 44 wt.%, still even more preferably, from about 25 wt.% to about 42
`wtc‘l/b, and roost preferably, from about 30 mtg/é; to about 40 wt,% based on the
`total dry weigltt of the edible composition.
`{@644} in one emboolment, corn syrup and/or corn syrup solids are included in
`the edible composition to inhibit the formation of sugar crystals. The inclusion or"
`these components is particularly preferred when sucrose is used as a sweetener in
`the edible composition.
`{@945} The edible composition also includes a fat-containing component, wbicb
`conveniently melts at a temperature near body temperature.
`'l‘l'lus, the fat will not
`interfere with the edible compositionls mimic of the textural attributes of
`chocolate, especially the melting characteristics oftlae chocolate The fat—
`coatainlng component is carefully Selected so that it melts at a temperature of
`about 45°C or less. Preferably, the fat-containing component melts at about 0°C
`to about 45°C. More preferably, the fat-containing component melts at about 5°C
`to about 460C. Even more preferably, the tat~containing component melts at
`about lOGC to about 33°C. Still more preferably, the fat—containing component
`melts at about l5°C to about 30°C. Most preferably, the fatncontalning
`component melts at about 200C to about 25°C. AS used herein, a fatncontalning
`component contains fat at levels greater than l2% by weight, preferably greater
`than 20% and more preferably greater than 25% by weight,
`{9646} When the fat~contalning component has no saturated fat or is l w in
`samrated fat, the fabcontainlng component melts at about 0°C to about 450C.
`More preferably, the tatmcontalning component melts at about 90C to about 40%:
`Even more preferably, the fancontainlng component melts at about 00C to about
`35°C. Still more preferably, the fatueontalnlng component melts at about 0°C to
`about 30°C. Still more preferably, the fatucontainlng component melts at about
`0°C to about 25%. Most preferably, the tat-containing component melts at about
`00C to about 20°C
`WO 2608/602995
`{$947} Several tatmeontainiog components that may be used in the edible
`composition are? for example, chocolate, cocoa outlet; chocolate crumb, cocoa
`butter alternative, cocoa butter eq uivalents eoeoa butter extender, cocoa butter
`i‘eplaeet, cocoa butter subgtltutea milk fat, cocoa solids, chocolate liquor,
`compound coating, olestra, vegetable oil, fractionated fats out pastels, butters and
`powders (egg, peanut, easbeug hazelnut and almond), anhydrous milk fat: butter,
`lard, fallow, egg yolks, coconut, palm oils and extracts: soy bean oil, avaeado oil
`and grain oils (e.g., rice, bran, boron and grape Seed) and mixtures tbereo‘fi
`[8048} The amount of the fat-containing component in the edible composition is
`from about 8.5 wt.% to about 54 wt.% based on the total weight of the edible
`competition. Preferably, from about 10 wt.% to about 54 wt.%; more preferably,
`from about l2.5 wt.% to about 54 wt.%; even more preferably, from, about l5
`wt.% to about 49.5 Wl.°/o; still more preferably, from about l6 waif/£1 to about 46.8
`wt.%; and most preferably, ttom about l7.5 Wt.% to about 4005 th/éi based on
`the total weight ot‘tiie edible composition.
`{9649} On a dry weight basis, the amount ottbe tat-«containing component in the
`edible composition is from about l7 wt.% to about oil wt.% based on the total (lry
`weight Oftlifb edible composition. Preferably, from about 2t) wt.% to about 60
`wt.%, more preferably; from about 25 wtfi/é to about 60 “~2'vt.,"/éla even more
`preferably, from about 30 wt.% to about 55 wt.%, still even more preferably?
`from about 32 Vvt.% to about 52 wt.%, and most preferably, from about 35 wt.%
`to about 4-5 wt.% based, on the total dry weight ot‘tlie edible composition.
`{90%} Another essential component is a liydtoeolloicl gelling agent that
`taeilltates the formation of a gel matrix The bydtoeolloiti gelling agent is a key
`contributor to obtaining the desired {at mimicking character of the edible
`composition. The gel matrix forms a structure that exhibits solid—like behavior.
`The hydroeollold gelling agent is selected so that the gel matrix. established by
`the ltytlroeolloltl gelling agent will break down at a temperature of about 45°C or
`{61351} Suitable bydroeollold gelling agents include? for example} lownmotlioxyl
`pectin? agar, cartegeenau, gum arable, gelatin, gellau, locust beau gum? guai‘ gum,
`pectin, xantban, maltodextrinfi gum gbatti, gum karaya, gum tragaoautb, dextrao,
`WO 2608/602995
`ironies: flour; aribinogaiacian, geiian gum, fiireeiiaran, aiginale, and Fractionated
`ooziions and mixtureg thereof. Preferred hydroeoiioici geiiing agents are iown
`methonyi pectin, depoiymerized agar, earageenan, geiaiin, and propylene glycol
`originate. The most preferred liydroooiioid geiiing agents are iow nietiioxyl pectin
`having a reiativeiy iow melt temperature and depoiy‘rnerized agar, both avaiiabie
`from Degussa {a division of Cnrgiii, Erie). These hydroeoiioids have melt
`profiles simiiar to geia’zinr which meiis at body temperature, but uniike the iong
`texture of geiatin, these hydrocoiioids provide a desirabie snort texture.
`[9952} The amount of the bydroeoiloid geiiing agent in ibe edibie composition i3
`from about 0.10 wt.% to about 4.01 wt.% based on the total i, eight oftbe edibie
`composition. Preferabiy, from about (3.15 wig/a to about 3.83 wt.%$ more
`preferabiy, from about 0.2 WEE/o to about 3.6 wt.%, even more preferabiy, from
`about 0.23 wifl/c to about 3.38 wt.%, stiii even more preferably, from about 0.25
`wt.% to about 3.15 will/2:, and most preferabiy, from about 0.50 wt.% to about
`3.25 wt.% based on the total weight ofthe ediibie composition.
`{3853} On a dry weight basis, “the amount of‘lhe bydroeolioid geiiing agent in the
`edible composition is from about (3.2 Wi.% to about 4.45 wt.% based on {be rota}
`dry weight of the edihie eompoaition. Preferabiy, from about 0.3 wt.% to about
`4.25 wt.%, more preferably, from about 0.4 wt.% to about 4 wtfi/m even more
`preferabiy, from about 0.45. wall/E; to about 3.75 MFA», still even more preferabiy,
`from about 0:3 “13/0350 about 3.5 M38, and most preferabiy, from about i “1%
`to about 25 wt.% based on, the rotai dry weight oftiie edibie composition.
`{(3954} The edible composition oi'tiae present inveniion also includes an edibie
`surfactant. The surfactant has a i—iLB (hydropniiie/iipophilie baianee) vaiue of
`about 0 to about 12,, preferabiy, a HLB vaiue of about 2 to about i2. More
`preferably, a HLB vaioe oi‘about 4 to about i2.
`{@955} Suitable edibie Surfactanis are, for example, iecirbin or other
`piiospiioiipiclsb polygiyeeroi poiyricinoleate {PGPRfi monoglyeerides,
`digiyeericles, sodium steoryi Iaeiyiate, citric acid esters of rnonogiyeerides and
`digiyeerides, i‘viYVATEXTM Brand Mighty Cream, aeeiyiat