ates brevets (11)
`Patent; mt
`Patent Ofliee
`Offi: 2 :umpéen
`EP 2 08'? 3’98 A”?
`pubiished in acccrdance with Art. 153(4) EPC
`(413) Date at pLibiicetion:
`12.08.2009 Buiietin 2009/33
`51) EntCi.:
`Azei. 1/308 (mm;
`A251 1/05 (200m;
`Appiication number: GT737368K5
`Date or fiiing: 26,02u29fl7
`(86) EnternaEionai eppiieatien number:
`(87) internatienei pubiica‘iieri number;
`W0 20081041375 (10.04.2098 Qazette 200M153)
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`(30) Prinrity:
`(32.10.2005 JP 29G62?’0325
`('71) Appiieant: Shimizu Chemical Corporation
`Hiroshima 729-6321 (JP)
`(72) inventors:
`« SHiMiZU, Hideki
`Miriam-stat, Hiroshima 7290321 (JP;
`6 SHiMEZU, Hisao
`Miriam-stat, Hiroshima 7290321 (JP;
`(74) Representative: Vessiue 8: Partner
`Siebertetrafie 4
`81675 Miineheri (DE)
`it is intended te provide a dietary fiber composi—
`tion containing Arnerpnophaiiue konjac as an ingredient
`for an eeey-to-take funetionai feed, a contreiied-reiease
`drug er the EiKe; and it is; obtained by adding and mixing
`water it". Amerenopheiius kenjac with an average meter:—
`uiar weight of 50,000 or more purified using an aiconei
`frdm a matter in which starch is sepaieted and remeved
`from a tuber of Amerphephaiius koniat: piant and an in-
`ciusion agentwhich suppresses; a water-absorbing prep--
`erity 0f Amorpnepnaiius Kenjec. Further; it can eiee be
`obtained by adding and mixing water in one or mere
`members seiected from peiysaccnaride thickeners con-
`sisting eE’ Arnorphepriaiius kenjac, seed ceat of Piantago
`ovate (psyiiiurn), carrageenan. xeritnan gum, eurdian.
`pectin. gum Arabic, chitin, chitesan, guar gum, geiian
`gum; tare gum, tamarind gum, tragaeanth gun“: and put-
`iLiian and an inciusion agent which suppresses a water--
`absorbing property of the peiyseccheride thickeners.
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`Printed by J9me, 75001 PARIS (FR)


`EP 2 08? res Al
`Means for solving the problems
`This invention relates to a poiysaccharide thick—
`ener~containing dietary fiber composition having a func-
`tional property applied to an ingredient for toocls, medi—
`oines, cosmetics or the like.
`in general, a poiysaccharide thickener contains
`dietary fibers in large quantities, and various physiolog—
`ical functions provided in case where the dietary fibers
`are taken by a person have been also reported as shown
`in FiG. t.
`{0903} As described in Patent document 1, a method
`of obtaining an edible sponge- ke gel by adding gluco-
`mannan in the dietary fibers, and subjecting the mixture
`to heating tor gelation, followed by freezing and thawing
`has been known as well.
`Patent document 1: Ot‘iciai Gazette of Japanese
`Patent Laid—open No. 2004613058
`Problems to be solved by the invention
`{(3064} However, it is necessaryto ta he a large quantity
`of polysaccharide thickeners forfuifiiiiing the above tuno-
`tionai property by taking of the polysaccharide thickener.
`Ly the way, the poiysacoharide thickener, while being
`obtainable as is added in many types of foods, causes a
`change in physical properties with the ettect of viscosity
`or the like, so that it is ditticuit to add the polysaccharide
`thickener in large quantities.
`Further, gelation described in the above Patent
`document 1 has an irreversible property, and thus pro—
`vides a disadvantage that eiution of nourishing contents
`occurs in process of heating for gelation and/‘or ot solid—
`itying, or alternatively, at the time ot later peptization.
`Furthermore, torthe toods such as health foods in which
`the di :tarytibers are contained, most ct them, while being
`available as easyx-tox-take foods obtained bytorming raw
`materials as they are into the shape ct tablets, capsules
`orthe like, is extremety low in dietary fiber contents, and
`besides, has timitation in intake.
`To overcome the above problems, the present invention
`is primariiyi itended to provide awiolely applicable dietary
`tibercomposition that may be taken much enough totuitiii
`a functional property as compared with eXisting health
`foods, be provided in various shapes and/or be flavored.
`The present invention is secondly intended to
`provide a dietaryi‘iber composition that is also applicable
`to a controlled-release drug by causing gentle elution ot
`effective ingredients for medicines or the like.
`Firstiy, a dietaiytibercomposition ofthe present
`invention forachievingthe above objects is characte 'ized
`by being obtained by adding and mixing water in Amor-
`phophaiius koniac with an average molecular weight oi'
`50,000 or more puritied using an alcohoi from a matter
`in which starch is separated and removed lroin a tuber
`of Amorphophailus koriiac plant and an inclusion agent
`which suppresses a water—absorbing property of Amor-
`phophaiius koriiac.
`Secondly, it is characterized by being obtained
`by adding and mixing water in one or more members
`selected from poiysaccharide thickeners consisting of
`Amorphophaiius koniac, seed coat of Piantago ovata
`(psyilium), carrageenan, xanthan gum, curdian, pectin,
`gum Arabic, alginic acid, chitin, chitosan, guar gum, gei-
`ian gum, tara gum, tamarind gum, tragacanth gum and
`uiiuian and an inclusion agent which suppresses a wa-
`ter~absorbing property of the polysaccharide thickeners.
`'i'hirdiy, it is characterized in that the inclusion
`agent consists of at least one or more materiais selected
`from a group consisting of saccharides, edible oils, dairy
`products such as cow’s Tilk and sweetened condensed
`milk, honeys, soybean milks, cocoa powders and tomato
`pastes (juice and ketchup).
`is characterized in that
`polysaccharide thickener is contained in an amount oi l
`to 60 % by weight with respect to materials other than
`it is characterized in that the compo-
`sition is given drying in the manner of vacuum drying or
`freeze-drying under reduced pressure.
`Effectiveness ot the invention
`[0012} With the composition of the present invention
`as tomied as described the above, it becomes possibie
`to take the dietary fibers easily in the feeling of having
`snacked sweet stutts. Further, taking the dietary fibers
`mixed in the foods allows a recovery ot viscosity to be
`made within the 'iuman body, so that it may be expected
`that the physiological functions as of the polysaccharide
`thickener such as glucomannan will be provided. it atso
`becomes possible to be provided in various shapes
`and/or flavored when cooking and/or processing the
`foods. Furthermore, applications to cosmetics ort is like
`containing the controlled-release drug that provides the
`gentle elution of ettective ingredients for the medicines
`orthe like are also possible.
`is a diagram illustrating the relation 'oehNeen
`i-‘lG. i
`physiological tunotions of dietary fibers and diseas—


`EP 2 08? res A1
`FlG. 2 is adraph illustraating the results of a viscosity
`recovery test on a composition according to the
`present invention; and
`.'"l6 3 is a graph illustrating the results of an elution
`test on an i11gredie1t (vitamin 82) contained in the
`composition according to the present invention.
`[00:14] Accordingtothepresentinvention ar‘the result
`of various exarnir‘. ations done for achievement of the
`above objects, there has beenacontlrmation of remark—
`able efiectiven es
`to a poiysaocharidethickener. rnore
`specificaiiy, Amorphophallus konjac. The Amorphophal-
`lus koniac for use in the present invention is equally
`named glucornannan, which belongs to a storable
`polysaccharide contained in a tuber or’ Amorphophallus
`Koniac K. Koch, andis obtained by being extracted and
`purified from a matter that shares about 8 to 10“1:) in the
`[11m 53 While materials obtained by, after washing the
`tuberwith water, slicing ittor drying and separating starch
`orthe like are generally avaiiabie by the name ot devil’s
`tongue powder, the use of those further subjected to ou—
`rified using an alcohol up to a high purity of 85% or above
`is also possible. In this connection, the present invention
`could provide Arnorphophallus konjac with higher salety
`in the manner of raising the purity ol Arnorphophalius
`konjac to a higher degree through extraction with the al-
`[em 6} While the Amorphophallus koniac diiters in mo-
`lecular weight depending on growingodistricts, breeds
`and1types of Amorphophallus sonjac K. Koch, the use ot
`purifying technology enables the molecular weight of
`Amorphophallus koniac to be controlled.
`it is also well known that the Arnorphophallus
`Konjac undergoes degradations in original qualities
`and/ortunctional properties depending on the degree of
`purifying. The purified Arnorphophallus konjac has prov—
`en to have the physiological functions as relieving con-
`stipation, reducing cholesterol and controlling a blood
`sugarlevel, and examplesthereofincludethose available
`underthe trade names of ”PROPOL A", "RHEOLEX ES"
`and "AiviOF‘l-lOi_. t." (manufactured by Si—lIMlZU Cl-lEile-
`in the present invention, it is also allowable to
`use the Amorphophalius konjac in a sol state obtained
`by being dir -otly mashed or alternatively, the devil’s
`tongue powder in a state where it is dissolved in water
`(or in a swelling state).
`[00:19} According tothe present invention, asthe result
`of various examinations done for achievement of the
`above obiects, crying was given to a mixture of l to 50
`% by weight o1c one or more Arnorphophallus konjac and
`polysaccharide thickeners and to to .50 “/5 by weight of
`one or more saccharides shown in (a) described later.
`By the way, as drying conditions, drying may, be made in
`various manners.
`l) Pressure drying that provides drying under pres-
`sure higherthan atmospheric pressure (i013 l—lPa)
`This drying rnanner is also called Putting and Can—
`non, whe'ein three steps, heating pressurizing and
`jetting are taken tor drying.
`2‘ At-rnospheric drying that provides drying underthe
`same pressure as atmospheric pressure
`Hot air drying, drum drying, foam—mat drying, ultra-
`soni - drying, microwave drying and the like are in—
`3) Vacuurnddryi.1g that provides drying under pres—
`sure lower than atmospheric pressure
`Freeze-drying, vacuum drying and the like er in—
`4) Air-drying
`White the above manners 1) to 4‘) are especially
`adaptable to drying, it is preterable to take t1e vac-
`uum drying or freeze—drying under reduced pres-
`sure, considering the occurrence of deformations,
`inclusive oi restorations and degradations in quality.
`[0020} Whilethas details ofthe present invention are
`nown1ore specilically desoribed'w'ith.'te'enoe to Exam—
`it is to be understood that the perse -t invention is
`not limited to the Examples. it is
`.eed that the use ct
`poiysaccharide thickeners and inclusion agents as toi—
`or the following Examples.
`such as Amer--
`('(a) Polysaccharide thickenars
`phophallus konlac, seed coat1Plantago ovata
`(psyllium), carrageenan, xanthan gum, curdian, pec-
`tin, gurn Arabic, alginic acid, chitin, chitosan, guar
`gum, gellan gurn, tara gum, tamarind gurn, traga-
`canth gum and pullulan
`(to) lnclusion agents comprehensive of general sac-
`charides such as sugar, glucose, lactose, muss-ova-
`do, fructose, sugar alcohol, reducing sugar, maltose,
`oligosaccharide and thick malt syrup
`inclusion agents comprehensive of edible oils
`such as salad oii, seed oil and olive oil, dairy products
`such as cow’s milk and heat—treated condensed rniiK,
`honeys, soybean rniiks, cocoa powders and tomato
`pastes (juice and ketchup) {+1.or‘ 0% by weight)
`[0:121] While the following Examples include the use
`otthe composition in a dried state and that in a hydrated
`state, it is to be understood that1‘ 1e combos.snion in the
`dried state is excellentin handling propertysuch as'«seep-
`ing, and besides, good for being mixed with powdery food
`Example 1
`[W22] 5totO°abyweig otrpuritied Amorphophallus
`ko 1iac and 10 to :30?m byw:ight of one or more saccha-
`rides included in (b) described the above were used, into
`which water was added and u nitorrniy mixed, and the


`EP 2 08? res A1
`rni ture was then aiiowed to stand for 'EES to 18 hours at
`the measurement resuits.
`room temperature, then formed into a shape about 3 cm
`high, about 2 cm wide and about 5 cm iong, and then
`subjected to ore—freezing tor 20 hours at 30°C, ioiiowed
`by drying with the degree ot vacuum controiied so as to
`provide reduced pressure of 10 to 250 Pa. A definite-
`shaoed thermally~reversibie dietany fiber composition
`containing 2 to .7' % of water was obtained in this manner.
`[C3023] Aviscosity recovery test was made on the com—
`position of Exarnpie1 and as a consequence, a viscosity
`test was made, using water having a temperature of 36
`to 37°C close to a human body temperature and first and
`second iiquids based on Japanese Pharmacopoeia Dis—
`integration Test method, on the compositions obtained
`by being controiied so as to provide a certain concentra—
`tion. Consequentiy, a dietary fiber composition that is
`more rapid in appearance of viscosity as compared with
`a materiai
`although invoiving somewhat
`change in viscosity with the conditions, couid be ob—
`tained. Fifi. 2 is a graph iiiustrating the resuits of the
`viscosity recovery test on these compositions.
`Exampie 2
`5 to 10 % by weight of purified Amorphophaiius
`konjac and 10 to 30 “/5 by weight of one or more the same
`saccharides inciuded in (b) as those having been used
`in Example 1 were used, vitamin 82 was further added
`to them; into which waterwas added and unitormiy mixed,
`and the mixture was then ailowed to stand for 16 to 18
`hours at room temperature, then formed into a cyiindricai
`shape about 3.5 cm in radius and about 2 cm high, and
`then subjected to rare-freezing for 23 hours at J50" C,
`toiicwed by drying with the degree of vacuum controiled
`so as to provide reduced pressure ot 10 to 250 Pa. A
`definite—shaped thermatty—reversibie dietary fiber compo—
`sition containing 2 to 7 So waterwas obtained in this man—
`[0025] A vitamin 82 eiution test was made after the
`obtained certain~shaped thermaiiy—reversible dietary tib-
`er composition has been pr‘cessed to crushed. Compo—
`sitions indicated by (t) and (:2) in Fifi. 3 are respectively
`as foiiows.
`Thermaiiy--reversibi- dietary fiber composition
`n-crushed after purified
`(2‘: Thermaiiy-reversibie dietary fiber composition
`ushed into 7 (1.03 mm) to 28 (590 MW?) meshes
`after purified
`(Testing method)
`[0026} Test liquid, in which each 3 g or’ the above ther—
`mally-reversible dietary fiber compositions (1) and (2)
`was added in 190 ml of water having a temperature of
`36 to 37°C and then aliowed to stand in a shaking ther—
`mostat for 30, 60 and 120 minutes, was sampled for de-
`termination with a liquid chromatography. FlG. :3 shows
`{062?} White the crushed composition (the thermaily—
`reversible dietary fiber composition (2)) having a iarge
`surface area was greater in eiution amount, the eiution
`amount thereof was not observed so much. in common
`to both the compositions, the eiution amount after the
`lapse of 50 minutes was proven to become smaller.
`Exampie 8
`5 to 10 9/5 by weight of purified Amorphophaiius
`konjac and it") to 30 1/4: by weight oi one or more saccha-
`rio'es inoiudeo‘ in (b) described the above were used, into
`which medicinai iiquor containing a medicinal ingredient
`was added together with water and uniforniy mixed, and
`the mixture was then aiiowed to stand for 16 to 18 hours
`at room temperature. then formed into a cylindricai shape
`about 3.5 cm in radius and about 2 cm high, and then
`subjected to pre~freezing for 19 hours at 28°C, foliowed
`by drying with the degree of vacuum controiied so as to
`provide reduced pressure of 10 to 250 Pa. A definite—
`shaped thern‘iaily-reversible dietary fiber composition
`containing 2 to 7 "/6 otwaterwas obtained in this manner.
`Exampie 4
`[@929] To 20 parts of sated oii. 1 and 2 parts of Amor-
`phophallus konjac were respectiveiy added and mixed,
`each mixture was then aiiowed to stand for a white, and
`into which waterwas added so that Amorphophaiius ken-
`jac concentrations reach 05 and 1.0 %, respectiveiy.
`The results confirm a viscosity recovery rate (viscosity
`oi oniy Amorphophaitus koniac) of 101.3% with respect
`to the Amorphophallus konjac of 0.5% concentration and
`that of 102.7% tor 1 .0 % concentration.
`'i‘hus, the sutficientviscosity recovery of Amorphophaiius
`koniac was oroven to be attainabie by soaking it with the
`sufficient amount of water, even with the salad oii added.
`Exampie 5
`[MSG] Aitematively, the viscosity recovery test was
`made by using a combination of Arnorphophalius koniac
`with sweetened condensed miik as a substitute for the
`salad oil, and the viscosity recovery of Amorphophaiius
`konjac was also proven to be attainabie by adding water
`To “:0 parts ct sweetened condensed miik. 2 and 4 parts
`of Amorphopnaiius konjac were respectiveiy added and
`uniformly mixed, each mixture was then aliowed to stand
`for a while, into which water was added so that the final
`Amorphophailus koniac concentrations
`reach 't and 2%, and the viscosity recoverytest was then
`resuiting in 98.2% for 1% concentration and
`10 (3% for 2% concentration.


`EP 2 08? res At
`edible oils, dairy products such as cow’s rniik and
`sweetened condensed miik, honeys, soybean miiks,
`cocoa powders and tomato pastes (iuice and ketch—
`The poiyseccharide thickener~containing dietary fib—
`er composition according to claim 1 or 2, wherein
`the polysaccharide ttickener is contained in an
`amount of t to 60 % by weight with respect to ma—
`teriais other than water.
`The poiysaccharide thickener—containing dietary fib-
`er composition according to claim 1 or 2, wherein
`the composition is given drying in the manner ofvac-
`uum drying or freeze-drying under reduced pres-
`A poiysaccharide thickener—containing dietary fiber
`composition characterized by being obtained by
`adding and mixing water in one or more members
`selected from poiysaccharide thickeners consisting
`ot Amorpl‘iophaiius konjac, seed coat ot Plantago
`ovate (psyilium), carrageenan, xanthan gum, curd—
`lan, pectin, gum Arabic, aiginic acid, chitin, chitosan,
`guar gum, gelian gum; tara gum. tamarind gum, tra-
`gacanth gum ard puiiulan and an inciusion agent
`which suppresses a water-aosorhing property of the
`poiysaccharide thickeners.
`The poiysaccharide thickener-containi :9 dietary tint:
`er composition according to ciaim 5, wherein the i! -
`clusicn agent consists of at ieast one or more mate-
`rials seiectedfrom a group consisting ot saccharides,
`edible oils, dairy products such as cow’s mitt; and
`sweetened condensed mitt-t, honeys, soybean miiks,
`c coa powders and tomato pastes juice and ketch-
`u, ).
`The poiysaccharide thickener-containing dietary tib-
`er composition according to claim 5 or 8, wherein
`the polysaccharide thickener is contained in an
`amount of t to 50 % by weight with respect to ma—
`teriais other than water.
`The poiysaccharide thickener-containi :g dietary tint:
`or composition according to claim 5 or 6, wherein
`the composition is given drying in the manner otvac--
`uum drying or freeze-drying under reduced pres-
`Exampie 6
`1 and 2 parts ot Amor—
`To 5 parts of honey,
`phophaiius koniac were respectively added and unitorm—
`iy mixed, each mixture was then aiiowed to stand for a
`into which water was added so that the Amor-
`phophaiius koniac concentrations respectively reach 0.5
`and 1 ‘34:, and the viscosity recovery test was then made.
`The resuits contirm the viscosity recovery at 1003 "/o for
`05% concentration and that at 98.6%1’or 1% concentra—
`Exarnpie 7
`1 and 2 parts of
`To 3 to 5 parts of cow’s miik,
`Amorphophaiius konjac were respectiveiy added and
`u niformiy mixed, each mixture was then showed to stand
`for a while, into which waterwas added so that the Amor-
`phophaiius kcniac concentrations respectively reach 0.5
`and 1%, and the viscosity recovery test was then made.
`The resuits confirm the viscosity recovery ot 98.1% tor
`0.5% concentration and that of 98.0% for 1% concentra—
`it is noted that the reason to "dd the water tinaily in the
`above Exampies is that it is assumed that a thickening
`property wiii be provided in case where the water is a'o—
`sorbed in the human body after taken. Thus, this thick—
`ening property is expectedto resuit in an increase in tons—
`tionai properties ’iorthe human body, it is aiso noted that
`the temperatures from 35 to 37°C of the water added are
`those provided on tie assumption of a body fluid tem-
`industrial Applicability
`[9033} The pciysaccharide thickener-containing die—
`tary fiber composition of the press it invention is used as
`the ingredient forthe toods, the medicines, the cosmetics
`orthe Eike, or alternativeiy, aiiowahie to be used by adding
`it in other materiais.
`“i. A poiysaccharide thickener-containing dietary fiber
`composition characterized by being obtained by
`adding and mixing water in Amorphophallus koniac
`with an average moiecular weight of 50,000 or more
`purified using an aicohoi ircm a matter in which
`starch is separated and removed from a tuber ot
`Amorphophaiius koniac piant and an inclusion agent
`which suppresses a water-absorbing property of
`Amorphophaiius koniac.
`2. The poiysaccharide thickener—containing dietary tita-
`er composition according to claim 1, wherein the in—
`ciusion agent consists of at ieast one or more mate-
`riais selected from a group consisting otsaccharides,


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`EP 2 08? 2°93 A1
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`EP 2 08? 1°93 A1
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`1994, Vol.49,
`(Shimizu Ke>aku Kabu shiki
`29 January, 2002 (29. '1. 02}.
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`09 March, 2007 (09. 03 A 07)
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`15 May, 2007 (15 A 05 A 07}
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`EP 2 08? 1°05 A1
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`EP 2 08‘? ?98 A1
`'i'his fist of references cited by me appiicenx‘ is for file reader’s convenience eniy. ii Gees nei fem? part of Ihe Eurepeen
`patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions canine? be
`exciuded and the E'PO disc/aims all iiability in this regard.
`Patent dacuments cited in the description
`JP 2004313058 A [0093}

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