`AppravecifeI'IJseIhrough11/30/2020. OMB 0651*6039:
`US Patent and Trademark Office; 1.1.3. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under me Paperwork Reduciéan Act of 1895, he SJEFSCIUS are reauérad to respond to a inflection of information unless i! contains a vaiid OMB some! number.
`333333333 3323 333313? 333*; 33
`Titie 0f inventimn
`The appiication data shee:53 part of {he provisions! nrnonpmvisionai appiication far which it:s bemg submitted. The fnliswing form contains the
`bibiiagraphis data arranged in 3 fmmat specified by the United States Patent 3513‘ Trademark Office as summed in 37 CFR 1,76.
`This document may be mmgieted eiactmnicauy and submitted t3 the Office in elecironic farmai using the Eiactrcanéc Fiiing System (EFS) or the
`doaument may be printed and inciuded in a pager flied appiicaiien
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`Attorney Booker: NumberWI294not: PCT
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`Approved for use through 116912828. OMB 0651 4&3?
`U 5;. Patent and Tradesman: Otiiee; U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERQE
`‘,.-,-,-.-.-»”””” .
`. Tithe of invention 1 PROTEiN-FORTEFEED F000 PRQDUCT ....».“7....555.55....5...55.55555.55555555555555555mm...».»
`Prins Hes‘drikpiein 20'
`Address “t
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`“..5555555m77......“7rrr5555555555....55.......55.5. 55.555WW...5..........5
`Email Address5555W55555Mm55w555555555555555555555555555555
`Add:tionai Assignee or NonIAopiioant Assighee Date may be generated Within thi-5form hy
`seieoting the Add button.
`NUTS: This Appiieation Data Sheet must he signed in accordance with 3? (3th 1 33th)“ However, it this Anettcation
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`setso he signed in aeserdzenee with 3‘? Chit tints}.
`This Aopiieetion Data Sheet ends: he signed by a patent otaotitioner it one or more of the aopiioents is a juristio
`gentity {ego corporation or association). it the appttcent is two or more joint inventors, this form must he signed by a
`ipatent practitioner, attjoint inventors who are the aoottonnt, or one or more joint inventonaooticants who have been given
`'power of attorney tee. see USPTO Form PTOIAEAISH on hehalf oi gash joint inventormappiicents.
`See 37 CPR the) for the manner of making signatures sans;i certifications.
`Signature iltinda d. chin!
`............... WW5-
`Linda E).
`Lee. NameI(Shin
`Registration Number- 58205
`First hierne
`Additionai Signetire may he generated within this form by seieotihg the Add button
`(23¢ iAMk '7 '1 4’7
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`“it the Assignee or Non-AopimantAsssnneeis an Organization check here"
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