`1:10o "mode: Oath
`Document Description: Oaih or decimation iiied
`Apurovw 10- use 1110111111 1 113012320 0111306510032
`US Patem and Trademark Office: U. 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Redo8110.. Act of 19 5 no persons are required to respm-d to a convection of infomation UHEESS 11 contains a valid OMB control number
`(3? {SEE 133)
`a Subm‘
`With initiai
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`Fiiing 1311113112ng
`1'17 CF111. 16(11)
`Aiiorney Dockei
`1 \eeié Martina Eiieabeth Marie.- La
`gdanuary 25 21119
`As a beiow named inventor; i hereby deciare that:
`This deeiaraticn is directed 1.0:
`Wit/e ofthe Iwe{ion}
`m The attached application,
`E41 Uniied States Application Number or PCT internanonai appiieaflon number 1573201898
`fried .; January 25 2131‘s}
`The above-identified application was made or auzhorized to be made by me.
`i beiieve i am the originai inventor or an angina! joini inventor of a ciaimed invention in the appiication.
`i hereby acknowiedge that any worm faise statement made in this oecieration is ponishabie under 18 U SC .1001
`by fine or irnorisonrmen? of not mc-re than iii/61(5) years. . or 110.11.
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`This ceiieciion oi' ’crmaiion is squire(1'9y'35 { 5 and L171FH 1.53'1116 information is required in obtain erretain a benefit by 11.3 public which is to iiie (and by
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`Under the F’apeiwork Reducmn Act of 1995, no persons are required to respanrj to a antic-ration of informatian uritess it contaifis a vaiid OMB control number.
`EEECLARATEQN —-— Litiiity er fieeign Patent. Apeiieatien
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`i paiiiienerssx’appiicants Shfiijlfl' consider radar-ting such persunai iniormatien irom the documents baicra submitting them to the
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`U.S .Pa:eni and Yrademark Cffice; US. SE?ARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`FORMS TO THES ADDRESS. 35315 T0: Cammissianer far Patents, 13.533. 8333: 14513, Mamndfla. VA 22313-14511.
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