`(19} World Intellectual Property Grganization
`International Bureau
`{43) International Fortification Date
`27 February 2003 (27.022003)
`{ HI) international Publication Number
`Wt} {331635538 Al
`A23I, 1/212,
`('51) International Patent Classificatinitl;
`1/221, 1/236, 1/39, 1/0522, l/0526, 1/0532, #354, l/0562
`(74) Agent: MEIKITE, Andrew, ISL; Birch. Stewart, Kolasch
`&Birch, LIP, Po. Box 7’7, Falls Church, VA 220400747
`(ll) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`13 August 2003 (l3.l)8.2002)
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ». Did, DK, DM. DZ». EC, Ell, ES, l’i, GB, (ii), GE, GH,
`{25} Filing Language:
`(26} Publication Language:
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`EK, LR. LS, ET, EU, LV. MA, MD, MG, MK, I» N, l‘vTW.
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`SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, 'I‘Z, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`VN YU. /'A ZM. ZW.
`(350) Priority Beta:
`16 August 2001 (16.08.3001)
`{7i} Applicant (or all deszgnated States except US): KERRY
`INC {US/US}; lOt} East Grand Avenue, Beloit, WI 53511
`% ,
`Wm (72; ”WW“? and,
`m (75} lnventorsinpphcants (for US only): MORGAN, Ellen,
`% K [US/US}; Clo Kerry Ind, 100 E Grand Avenue, 86—
`% loit, Wt 53511 (US). KLEMASZEWSKI, Joseph, L.
`m [US/USE; c/o Kerry Inc., 100 E Grand Avenue, Beloit, WI
`m 5345M (US). O’SULLIVAN, Maurice [IE/IE]; Clo Kerry
`m Ingredients ltd, 'l‘ralee Road, Listowel
`(Hi1). EMMEL,
`m Irwin,
`7. [US/US],
`l4855 King Drive, Green Oaks, IL
`60048 (US).
`(843) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, NEW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, Tl, TM),
`European patent (AT, BE, EEG, CH, CY, (17,, DE, UK, FIE,
`ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, EB. I'l, LU, MC, NL, PT. SE. SK,
`7 API patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Ci, Civil, GA, GN, GQ,
`w’lh international search 'r€13” f
`For .two—Zeitercodes and otherabbreviazimts, reform the "Guid-
`(mce Notes on Codes and Abbreviations "’ appearing at the begin-
`mag ofeach regut’ar issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`rm(1!7) Abstract: Composite food having a gelling agent. possibly selected from gelatin, egg w ite, modified waxy maize starch, whey
`protein concentrate, modified potato starch, gcilan gum, and rennet casein, and a flavoring and/or textnring component, uniformly
`distributed throughout, possibly selected from nonfat dry milk, butter, enzyme modified cheese, BBQ seasoning blend, cheddar
`cheese. sugars, milk protein concentrate, vinegar, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil, with the remainder of the composite made
`up primarily of water. The composite food product is substantially solid and self—sustaining at ambient temperature. Also, method
`for preparing a flavored and/or textured food item for service by providing a sewable portion of an optionally cooked food item,
`removing a servable portion of tho self—sustainable food product from tho food product, contacting the servablo food portion with
`the servahle food item portion to form a flavored and/or textured food item combination, normally arranged with the product on top
`of the food itctn, and optionally (d) heating the flavored and/or textured food iteni combination to prepare the food item for service.


`‘WO ll3/lll'5538
`The present inventlen relates tn the art of feedetuffs, More
`particularly, the present inventien relates t0 gelubeeed precincts that can be
`used to enhance the llaver and/er texture 0f eeneumable feed items.
`Reversible llaverecl gels. have lung been known for varieus
`applieatiens in the food industry. Some relevant patent dieeleeures (in
`elireriolegieal erder) are discussed below:
`US. Patent No. 2,561,333 discloses a reversible gel made frem
`eeybeane. A soybean material, erg” seybeeri flakes, is treated to extraet oil
`and aleeliel solubles.
`lt is said that the aleehol selubles are antigelling
`facters in the seybeari flakes. The alcohel—extraeted proteinaceeus residue is
`then extracted with water te obtain a preteinaeeeue material suspent‘led in
`aqueous SGlLllllOlL lriseluble fibrous material is then separated and in the
`remaining phase evaperated t0 dryness. That remaining material is capable
`ef farming a reversible gel upen the atlditieri of aleehol thereto, Suggested
`uses fer the reversible gel are winee, cognaes, and se tertli, as; well as other
`flavors. At temperatures of approximately 306C or belew, a Stable gel terms.
`That gel will become liquid if reheated.


`'WO {33/915538
`I {0984]
`US, Patent No. 4,016,278 describes a mozzarella cheesemlike
`substitute of emulsified fat. (with water) and a particular neutralized casein,
`The gel which is ionized is reineltable to a stringy consistency at temperatures
`between abeut 20“? and 130°F. This patent thus teaches that reversible gels
`can be made with protein emulsifiers, item, the particular neutralized casein,
`although the composition invelved is one at” a relatively high fat ratio.
`US. Patent No. 4,427,784 describes various gels based on a
`variety of gelling agents including alginates and gums. The particular
`invention of this patent is based on a combination of glucomannan and
`LES. Patent No, 4,676,976 is directed to a reversible gel
`formed with ltonjalt inaniian and santhaiie gum, although other gums are
`also mentioned. The reversible gel can he flavored and can exhibit a wide
`range of properties, including properties of a nielta‘ole cheese.
`USS. Patent No” 5,567,454 discloses a nut butter (peanut
`butter) and jelly food slice. The peanut butter is contained between layers of
`the jelly, and the jelly has been gelled with conventional gelling agents, e.g.,
`pectin, gelatin, and agar, so that it is not sticky and may conveniently be
`handled with the fingers.
`US, Patent No” 5,681,602 discloses a lieat~reversible gelled
`pizza sauce in disk farm, which can be applied to a pizza crust, The disk is
`solid at room temperature or below but flows when the pizza is heated te
`higher temperatures. Among the categories of gelling agents described are
`proteins, and of these gelatin is a preferred gelling agent.


`'WO {33/915538
`US. Patent Ne. 5,690,999 is directed to a gelled spice
`centaining cempeeitien where the gelling agent can be eenventienal gums
`and gelatin but also may be casein. The spices are encapsulated in the
`cernpesitlen and then used fer previding flavors to varieus feed products,
`US. Patent Ne. 5,858,426 discieses a meltable feed product
`fer applying seasenlngs te feetl or serving as a sauce for foodo The pretluct is
`designed. te apply seasenings to feed when it melts which occurs as the feed
`is cooked, The prerluct has a gel—like consistency and is cemprised of water,
`a selidifying agent, a feed base, and seasenings embedded in the product.
`Metherls fer melting and using the product are also disclesed.
`US, Patent Ne‘ 6,322,841 relates to a cheese—like dairy gel
`that includes a gem, a starch, and a dairy liquid, wherein the gel has the
`texture, censisteney, and menthfeel of a cheese In particular embodiments
`of the dairy gel, it is essentially fatnfree, and is cheese from. sineng cettage
`cheese, ricetta3 cream cheese, American cheese, erecessed cheese, Parmesan
`cheese, baker’s cheese, cheddar, and Feta cheeseu
`One feature that characterizes all of these disclosures is the
`applicationepecitic nature ei’ each gelled precinct. There is an unmet need
`fer a breeder, more flexible aepreach to gel—based products to enhance the
`flaver and] or texture ef consumable feed items,
`The present invention prevides a self~susteining coineesite
`precinct eemprising an edible gel having one er more flaven‘ng and/er


`'WO {33/915538
`texturizing eemponents distributed uniferrnly throughout. The products 01‘
`this invention are substantially se‘lid at ambient temperature and liquefy or
`ntherwise change in texture at an elevated temperature.
`{an 13§
`A canvenient configuration fer the products at the present
`invention is a cylinder having size and eensisteney similar to that of canned
`jellied cranberry sauce.
`in another embediment, the present products may
`have the term and canslsteney of slices of cheese.
`in bath of these
`embodiments, the slices er" precinct may be separated fmm (me another by
`layers ef paper er piastie, ta facilitate hanclling. These precincts wenld net
`{necessarily} be initially “formed” on these separatien layers.
`The cempeslte preduets at" the present invention will
`preferably comprise 2&8?) weight-9’s selids and 154330 weight—“7’s water or ether
`edible liquids, Fats are eptienal ingredients, but when present will normally
`not exceed 40 weight—9’5. Gum eentent too is optienal, but when present
`eptimaliy ranges up te abeut l. weightv‘J/o. Gptirnurn pH fer the eempesite
`products ef the present inventien ranges from 3 ta 7., Law pH preduets
`sheuld he used with eautien. Protein content will preferably range from 3—12
`weight~%, and starch esntent will preferably range item 3-20 weight-”A2. All of
`these ranges are optimum er preferred, rather than absolutely limiting of the
`present inventien.
`The present invention prevides a eempesite feed precinct
`enmprising 0u3~20% (w/w) ef at least ene gelling agent selecteti from the
`group consisting ef gelatin; egg white, egg white protein, albumin, wheat
`pretein, whey protein, casein, soy protein, pea pretein, starch, modified feed


`'WO {33/915538
`starches, gellan gum, pectin, alginate, collagen, carrageenan, agar, and
`methylceilnlose, and combinations of ingredients which combine to produce a
`gel, and 0.145309% (w/w) of at least one flavoring component selected from the
`group consisting of sugars, salt, hydrolyzed proteins, spices, seasonings,
`vinegar, extracts, fruit juice, vegetable juice, juice concentrates, cheese,
`yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, smoke, malt, monosodinm
`glutamate, enzyme modified cheeses, concentrated dairy products, natural
`flavors, artificial flavors, and high intensity sweeteners, and] or at least one
`texturing component selected from the group consisting of starches, modified
`food starches, gnar gum, locust bean gum, nanthan gum, carrageenan, gum
`Arabic, maltodextrin, cellulose gum, corn syrup solids, whey proteins, milk
`proteins, casein, soy proteins, wheat proteins, meat proteins, plasma
`proteins, fats, oils, dextrins, mono—giycerides, di—glycerides, lecithin, and
`sugars. When the flavoring and] or textnring agent is a basic ingredient so ch
`as salt or sugar, additional flavoring and ,l or texturing ingredients will be
`incorporated into the compositions of this invention.
`The composite food product of the present invention may
`further comprise 55—40% {W/w} at least one fat and] or oil component selected
`from the group consisting of soybean, milk, coconut, cottonseed, corn,
`sunflower, canola, palm, peanut, tallow, lard, and butter, When this
`component is present, it is most preferably ill-36% {w/w} partially
`hydrogenated soybean oil.
`This invention also provides a method for preparing a flavored
`and/ or controlled texture food item for service. The method of this invention


`‘WQ {33/015533
`comprises the steps of: providing a servabie portion of an optionally cooked
`food item, providing a servahle portion of the selfmsustaining composite food
`product of claim 1, and contacting said servahie sod-sustainable food product
`portion with said serva‘bie food item portion to term a flavored andf or
`textured food item combination. The method may further comprise the step
`of heating the flavored, end/or textured food item combination to prepare the
`flavored and / or textured food item for service.
`The terminoiog’ “seiflsusteining” as applied herein to a
`product designates a product that requires no externai support means. That
`differentiates the product of the present invention from the pizza sauce disk
`of DES. Patent No. 5,681,692, which is taught to he formed on a suitable non—
`edihie surface or substrate. The terminoiogy “distributed uniformiy
`throughout” implies that a section taken from any portion sample of a.
`product will have approximately the same composition as a sample taken
`from any other portion of that same sample Thus the present product also
`differs from the sheet—shaped meitubie product or wrap shown in US” Patent
`No. 5,858,426.
`in that product, seasonings are sprinkled on a semisolid
`mixture so that they are embedded near its top surface, whereas in the
`present invention, the flavoring and / or texturizing agents are distributed
`substantially uniformity throughout the product. The terminoiogy “functionai


`'WO {33/915538
`amount” means an amount sufficient t0 effect a result, such as ilevering or
`texturing, that is diseernable to consumers of the present products.
`lt is
`netetl. that in seme cases, a single component may have a diseernable effect
`on two er more (if flaver anti/er texture and / or gelling.
`The precluet of the present inventien may include an edible
`heat—reversible gelling agent which causes partial or eemplete gelling of the
`product at ambient temperature and allews melting ef the gel structure when
`a food item. topped with the preduet is heated. The gelling agent used in the
`precinct. of this inventien can be selected fretn any of various suitable
`substances, such as proteins, gums, pelysaeeharides, starches, and the like,
`which enable formatien (if a heat-reversible gel structure within the product.
`In, ether embodiments of the present inventieri, hewever, heat~
`reversible gelling is net desired. Fer instance, when the preclucts at the
`present inventien are te he used as cheesemlike eendiments fer the
`preparation e-f preduets resembling eheeseburgers, ene would cheese gelling
`agents and ether eempenents tn previtle a preduet that weuld setten rather
`than melt at the preparatien and sewing temperatures of the hurger.
`Similarly, when the products of the invention are similar to fried mezzerella
`sticks; the precincts weuld seften rather than melt. Thus, generically, fer the
`present products, heating above ambient temperature results in a eentrelled
`change in texture.


`'WO ll3/l315538
`Selling Agent
`The terminology “gelling agent” as used herein refers to
`compenents that form a solid or semiuselid matrix in the applications
`described herein. The gelling agent may be a single ingredient which
`interacts with water or it may consist of multiple ingredients which in
`themselves may not necessarily form a gel with water but do so when used in
`comhiiietien. "he levels of gelling> agents described herein are understood tn
`he at least partially hydrated and functiensl.
`Products at" the present invention will generally comprise item
`15—80 Who/t water and item (13-20 “113%; of at least one functioning gelling
`agent. The gelling agent should generally disperse readily in the other
`ingredients of the precinct te form a substantially uniform mixture. When the
`product is gelled, the gelling agent should previtle the desired censistensy
`and forming strength in the resulting composite product.
`The type of fat used in the composite products tat this
`invention, it any, is not critical. The melting pen-it of the fat is not a
`significant issue, due to the ineorporetien of gelling agent inte the composite
`products. Optimal lat melting points range item 90—1 l5 “F. Likewise, the
`llaver (if the fat is not significant clue in the seasoning level of the preducts ef
`the invention, Typical edible fats suitable for use in the present inventien
`include those derived from soybean, milk, cocenut, cottonseed, corn,
`sunflower, canals, and palm.


`'WO ll3/915538
`Gelling~type proteins, including gelatin, collagen, plasma
`proteins, hydrolyzed meat proteins, egg protein, pea protein? wheat protein,
`and whey protein, can he used to make the composite products of this
`invention. Non gelling proteins, such as soybean, milk, and rice proteins} can
`also he used herein.
`Gelling~type starches, including higher amylose starches and
`modified starches such as modified waxy maize and modified potato starch,
`can likewise he used to make the composite products of the present
`invention. Starches that are not gelling agents can still contribute to the
`viscosity of the system. The viscosity contributed by the starches is
`dependent on the type of starch and the concentration at which it is used and
`the processing conditions. Higher viscosity starches can prevent the floating
`or settling of spices and particulates. Useful starches of this type include
`potato, tapioca, modified tapioca, our 1, and modified (lent starches.
`Combinations of proteins with starches can be important as
`gelling agents in the present invention. For instance, proteins such as wheat,
`egg, rice, pea, and beef proteins employed in combination with modified dent}
`modified potato? wheat, or rice starches are quite useful as gelling agents
`Gums that are gelling agents can also he used. Agar, for
`instance; can he used as a primary gelling agent. Gums that are not gelling
`agents can contribute to the overall viscosity of the system. Gums that
`impart medium to high hot viscosity _. such as xanthan, guar, and locust


`“W9 93K” 5538
`FCT/ DRE/25515
`bean gums and blends therenf, are impertant in maintaining the stability of
`suspended particulate flavoring and/0r textnring agents.
`Thus, specific examples of suitable gelling agents include
`gelatin, starch {egn modified feed starch}, alginate, pectin, callagen,
`earrageenan, agar, methyleellnlese, and combinations of gums such as
`xanthan and leenst bean gum. Suitable proteins include plasma proteins,
`hydrelyzed meat proteins, egg protein, pea protein, Wheat protein, and whey
`protein concentrate, Finally, as discussed abeve, enmbinatiens at such
`gelling agents may else be emplayed, Specific examples ef preferred gelling
`agents that can be used in the present invention are: gelatin, medified waxy
`maize starch, and rennet casein.
`Specific examples at ilavnring eemponents that can be used in
`the present invention are: nonfat dry milk, butter, enzyme modified cheese,
`salt, garlic pewder, vinegar, aeesulfame petassinm, sugars, lactic acid, BBQ
`seasoning blend, cheddar cheese, anteiyzed yeast extract, and starter
`distillate. When simple llavering agents such as salt and/er sugars are used,
`they are typically used in enmbinatien with additional flavering agents.
`Specific examples at textnring compenents that can be used in
`the present invention are: milk pretein eencentrate, nenfat dry milk, gnar
`gain, xanthan gum, mnne— and di~glyeerides, tapieea dextrin, sedinm
`easelnate, butter, sugars, cheddar Cheese, and partially hydrngenated
`saybean ell.


`‘WQ {33/015533
`l l
`Tygical combinations
`A typical cempesite prefiuet of the present inventien may
`contain the fellewing ingredients:
`% weight/weight
`Partially hydmgeriated seybean ell
`Mills: pretein concentrate
`Nenufat dry milk
`Modified waxy maize starch
`Gum gum
`Xenthan gum
`Disedlum pheephate
`Garlic pewder
`Natural flavers
`Feed celering
`< 2%
`< 2%
`< 2%
`< 5%
`< 2%
`as needed
`These ekllled in the art will appreciate; however, that One
`advantage of the system taught herein is the ability to vary bnth the nature
`and the amnents 0f the compositional eemponente Widely, to make a. Wide
`range of compesite precincts eemprieing an edible gel having one or more
`flavering and/er texturiztng compenents dietributed uniformly througheut.
`.Mgnyfggtgfingflthe comgosite graduet
`in a typical manufacturing process, the gelling agent is mixed
`with the other ingredients in Suitable emeunts and the mixture is heated tn
`the melting paint 0f the gelling agent, to cause aetivetien thereof. The order (if
`additinn of the ingredients should be planned to allew fer hydration (3f a


`‘WO ii3/915538
`functional amount of starches, proteins, and gums that may be included in
`the formuiatien.
`The present product requires agitation in order to incorporate
`all of the ingredients and stabilize the emulsion. This is especially critical for
`products with a. low hot viscosity. A Wide range of conventional stirring
`equipment can he used. The best processing for all types of formulations is
`provided by high shear mixing equipment, such as a LEKWIFEER® mixer for
`batch processing. Fonnuias with iow to medium viscosity at processing
`temperatures can be processed using a eoiioid miii in continuous or hatch
`operations. A valve hernogenizer (with pressures sufficient to achieve the
`desired emulsion} may he used for thin formuiations. The amount of shear
`and agitation on products with spices or other particulates should be
`carefully controlled, inasmuch as high shear may deteriorate those
`Processing temperature must be high enough to hydrate a
`functional amount of any starches and/or proteins in the composite
`ferrnuiation. Pasteurizatiori temperatures should he the minimum processing
`temperatures necessary to treat mierohiaiiy-susceptihie products The type of
`heating equipment is not critical to the system“ However, lower moisture
`systems cannot be processed using direct steam heating since moisture
`addition is limited in these eroducts. With low moisture products, indirect
`heating is optimai, unless the product is susceptible to burn—on. Cooling
`during processing can he used to prevent stratification of ingredients.


`'WO ll3/915538
`The heated mixture is cooled to a suitable temperature to
`effect formation of a three dimensional product. This self-sustaining gel
`orod‘uct will preferably have medium hardness, low to medium brittleness,
`and medium to high elasticity, as compared to other gels and as measured
`using an instrument such as an lnstron model 45:201. The hardness of the gel
`is measure by determining the force required to cause rupture of the gel
`during compression. Brittleness is a measure of the amount the gel can be
`squeezed before it breaks. Elasticity is a measure of the amount the gel
`springs back after being squeezed. Once the desired gel structure has been
`achieved, the composite product may be bagged, canned, or even frozen for
`extended shelf life if desired.
`Using the eomgosite groduct
`Another aspect of the present invention contemplates a
`method for preparing a flavored andfor textured food item for service. The
`inventive method includes the steps of:
`(a) providing a servable portion of an
`optionally cooked food item, (l3) removing a servable portion, e.g., a disk or a
`cube, of the selfnsustainalile food product described above from the food
`product, (c) contacting the servable food portion with the servahle food item
`portion to form a flavored and f or textured food item combination, normally
`arranged with the product on top of the food item, and (d) heating, for
`instance in a microwave even, said flavored and / or textured food item
`combination to prepare the food item for service. The present method differs
`significantly from that disclosed in US. Patent No. 5,858,426, which


`'WO {33/915538
`describes a melta‘ele food erodnet for applying seaeeninge t0 feeds such as
`(whole) chleken.
`In some cases Where the step {a} feed portien retains sufficient
`heat from seeking, etep tell is not necessary. The heat tram the melted food
`item can previde the necessary energy t0 nmtlify the texture of the sell;
`sueteinable feed pred‘uet at this inventien. Alternatively to step {b}, the
`servable portion (3f the seilmsuetainahle feed. product of this invention can be
`prepared initially as a disk er a cube.
`lt Should be meted that the term “cube”
`is used herein t0 designate a three—dimensional product of a dicing operation.
`It is net intentletl to indicate an ebjeet having precisely equal length, width,
`and height
`~ ~ ~ — EXAMPLES —————
`The fellowing nonulimiting Examples are presented eelely fer
`the purpose of illustrating various aepeets of the present inventien.
`Examgle l: Butter Garlic
`% weight/weight
`. Milk mantel entenrtate
`Modified waxy maize starch


`“W9 93/015538
` as needed
`Examgle 2: Bm’becue
`% ‘Wu‘i‘ight/ weight
`Fayioca dextrin
`“Effimm— 31101 dimglrcerides
`Xanthan gum
`Acasulfame otassium solution
`as needéd


`‘WQ 93/015533
`Exam 1e 3: Diced Checjgig:
`as needed
`Lactic acid
`Namrai flavors
`Food colorina
`The present invention has been described in detail ’With
`reference to partiouiar specific embodiments, It wiii be understood by those
`skilled in the art, however, that numerous modifications thereof and
`alternatives thereto can be effective within the spirit and scope of this


`'WO {33/915538
`A self—sustaining composite food, product comprising an edible gel
`that is substantially solid at ambient temperature, said food product
`comprising at least one flavoring and/or texturing component uniformly
`distributed throughout, wherein said composite food product comprises:
`03—20% (‘W/W} of at least one gelling agent selected from the group
`consisting of gelatin, egg white, egg White protein, albumin, Wheat protein,
`whey protein, casein, soy protein, pea protein, starch, modified food starches,
`gellan. gum, pectin, alginate, collagen, earrageenan, agar, and
`methyleellnlose, and combinations of ingredients which combine to produce a
`gel; and
`{Ll-60% {w/w} of at least one flavoring component selected from the
`group consisting of hydrolyzed proteins, spices, seasonings, vinegar, extracts,
`fruit juice, vegetable juice, juice concentrates, cocoa, cocoa butter, chocolate
`liquor, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, smoke, malt,
`monosodinm glutamate,
`enzyme modified cheeses,
`concentrated dairy
`products, natural flavors, artificial flavors, and high intensity sweeteners,
`and/or at least one teetering component selected from the group consisting
`of starches, modified food starches, gaar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan
`gum, earrageenan, gum Arabic, maltodextrin, cellulose gum, corn syrup
`solids, whey proteins, milk proteins, casein, soy proteins, wheat proteins,
`meat proteins, plasma proteins,
`fats, oils, dextrins, mono—glycerities, di~
`glycerides, and lecithin.


`‘WO 93/915538
`The eemposite food product of claim 1, in the farm of a three
`dimensienal shape.
`The cempesite feed product of claim 2,. in the term 0f :1 cylinder,
`disk, Slice, cube, 0r shred.
`The composite feed precinct 0f claim 1? further comprising 540%
`(w/w} at least one fat and/0r oil compenent selected item the greup
`censisting 0f eeybezm, milk; eeeonut, cotteneeed, cam, Sunflower, canola,
`palm, yeariut, tallow, lard, and btttteiz
`The cemposite feud pi'eeluct 53f claim 4, comprising 208596 {wfw}
`selids cemprleing said gelling agent, said flavering and/er texturing
`compenent, and said lat arid/0r oil campenent and 15—80% (w/W) water, Said
`campesite feed product having a pH of 3~8u
`The composite feed precinct 0f claim :3, comprising 10—30% {w/w}
`partially hydmgenated ecybean oil.
`A self—sustaining compesite feed preduct comprising an edible gel
`that is substantially selid at ambient temperature, said feed preduct
`cemerieing at least «one ilavering and/0r texturiiig eamponent unifetmly
`diettibuted thmughoutj wherein Said cemposite food precinct comprisee:


`“W9 ll3/ill 5538
`08—20% (w/w) of at least one gelling agent selected from the group
`consisting of gelatin, egg white, egg white protein, albumin, wheat protein,
`whey protein, casein, soy protein, and pea protein, used alone or in
`combination; and
`0. Leila/E; (w/w} of at least one flavoring component selected from the
`group consisting of hydrolyzed proteins, spices, seasonings, vinegar, extracts,
`fruit juice, vegetable juice, juice concentrates, cocoa, cocoa butter, chocolate
`liquor, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, smoke, malt,
`monosoclium glutamate, enzyme modified cheeses, concentrated dairy
`products, natural flavors, artificial flavors, and high intensity sweeteners,
`ancl/ or at least one texturing component selected from the group consisting
`of starches, modified food starches, guar gum, locust been gum, xantlian
`guru, carrageenan, gum Arabic, maltoclextrin, cellulose gum, corn syrup
`solids, whey proteins, milk proteins, casein, soy proteins, wheat proteins,
`meat proteins, plasma proteins, fats, oils, dextrins, mono~glycerirles, din
`glycerides, and lecithin,
`The composite food product of claim 7, comprising 3—1294: (w/w}
`of said gelling agent.
`A self—sustaining composite food product comprising an edible gel
`that is substantially solid at ambient temperature, said food. product
`comprising at least one flavoring and / or texturing component. uniformly
`distributed throughout, wherein said composite food product comprises:


`‘WQ 93/015538
`03-20% (w/w) of at least one gelling agent selected from the group
`consisting; of starch, modified food starches, gellan gum, pectin, alginate,
`collagen, carrogeenan, agar, anti methylcellulose, used alone or in
`combination; and
`0,1néfl% {W/W} of at least one flavoring component selected from the
`group consisting of hydrolysed proteins, spices, seasonings, vinegar, extracts,
`fruit juice, vegetable juice, juice concentrates, cocoa, cocoa butter, chocolate
`liquor, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, smoke, malt,
`monosodium glutamate,
`enzyme modified cheeses, concentrated dairy
`products, natural flavors, artificial. flavors, and high intensity sweeteners,
`and/or at least one texturing component selected from the group consisting
`of starches, mortified food starches, gust gum, locust been guru, Kanthan
`gum, carrageenan, gum Arabic, maltodextrin, cellulose gum, corn syrup
`solids, whey eroteins, milk proteins, casein, soy proteins, wheat proteins,
`inset proteins, plasma proteins,
`fats, oils, dextrins, mono—glycerides,
`glycerides, anti lecithin,
`The composite food product of Claim 9, comprising 53—20% (w/w)
`of said gelling agent.
`A self—sustaining composite food product comprising an edible gel
`that is s'ubstsntialiy solid at ambient temperature, said food product
`comprising at least one flavoring and/ or texturing component uniformly
`distributed throughout, wherein said composite food product comprises:


`‘WO ii3/{315538
`003»? % {w/w} of at ieast one geiiing agent is a combination of locust
`bean gum and cairageenang used alone or in combination with a second
`geiiing agent; and
`Go 160% {w/w} of at least one flavoring component selected from the
`group consisting of hydrolyzed proteins? spices? seasonings: vinegar= extracts,
`fruit juice, vegetable juice, juice concentrates, cocoa, cocoa butter, chocolate
`liquor, cheese, yogurt; cream cheese, sour cream, butter, smoke, malt,
`monosodium glutamate, enzyme modified cheeses, concentrated dairy
`products? natural flavors; artificial flavors, and high intensity sweeteners,
`and,“ or at least one texmring component. seiected from the group consisting
`of starches, modified food starches, gust gum; locust bean gum, xanthan
`gum? cart'aagesenanp gum Arabic, niaitodextrinx ceiiuiose gum, corn syrup
`solids, whey proteins, milk proteins, casein

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