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`PROBLEM TC} BE SOLVED: Te previde en exie for reiiwey ear having high tetigue
`etrength, SOLUTEQN: The exte for reiiwey eer ie eernpeeed et e eteet which hee e
`eenipoeition containing, by weight, 6343—0485/63 C, 6.054% Si, 0.542% Win, (”35—15% Cr,
`015—03322; Me and 11—24% Ni end in which a region et tempered rnerteneite er heinite
`ie previded frern the surface te the inner pert end a herdened ieyer 4 of “924% Vioitere
`hardness exists in a mating part 1 and a region of tempered inerteneite or heinite exiete
`in its inner part; in this eeee, the depth ef the gerdened teyer is net emeiier than 5.13
`rnrn and net iarger then 13% at the diameter at the mating part, and it is deeirahie that
`e pteeticnwerked ieyei‘ ?’, by mid werking, with a depth at t te 10 min ie termed in the
`region t3 in the vieinit et the bfiut‘tdfii’y zene between the hardened teyer in the surface
`of en unrneting pert end an unhardened teyer 5. Thie exiie can he produced by terming
`the eteei inte the prescribed ehepe by het forging, enceeeeiveiy performing quench“
`temper treatment, eernitiniehing machining, induction hardening for the mating pert, end
`1 012
`11/15/2018, 2:55 PM
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