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`83:33.3 am
`gm gm3339,35 applicatic-f‘: or
`2333 appficaiian or PC? iniernaiicnsi appiicatim member
`The above~sdentified appiicatim was mads: 33: 8333310352633 to 3333 made by me,
`i hash-eve: 33:3:
`arr: the 0339333235 invenacr 3133’” an 9335353333 joint inventor (33‘ a (flamed invention in the appiication,
`3 3:43:83»: Grimm/3" .d: e that an" wiiifu: fasssa slateme.:1 mace in this deciaratscn is .3m:smania under “:3 USC “103:3";
`by fine 331' imp:is;c=3m:eni of not mores 33:33:, five {5) years. or 3:33.333.
`3-‘efitssner'appficants’ cautonea‘: 3-3 aver: submitting persona? infwmaziofi in documents fled in a mien: sippiicatim: that may
`contributes to 1238333: 3.331333. Pexssnei infra 'maiien such.)“3 $5038! security: :33smber's, bank account numbsrs, 9r area‘s:3 saw: m3mbers
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`afion form FTOQCKBB submiiied for payment purposes) is new: reczuireci by {he USP30
`3:3 suppmt a peéiééan :33 an appiicaiicn.
`33 this twee of persona: informatics: is :. duded in 'documenis summed 3c the USFTO,
`petitioners/apgficen’rs shame: consider rsdactum such persenai information fmm the dacumems Defers: submifing them {03319.
`3:‘SPTO Pati‘ .3vaed {hat the retard {sf 2: {33:53:31 3;:33333333'531 is .333"?
`33533 {a 3339'9.3333-3333 after {33:30:56.9333:: {33‘ 33:33
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`3:333 appfication) or issuance”3' e
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`refarencean‘ in 53 {3333333333536 Law-33:53:53n.33 an issued patent {see 137’.F‘R 134) Cm;
`5 3:33} credit car-'1 sumo.
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`383333333333: REM
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`; RGET; hée 1313111111;
`As she 3312120111 115111116 inventor, i hereby decésre that
`“111‘. deflarfim':
`15 (1118-3119:: 1.11:
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`united States appficatacr. 5111 PCT'rs-r1113mat:011233 11;).316811011 number ______
`The ahave-i'13111111511 appiécatiah was mass or sumo-113815 it: he made by .19
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`i hereby acknmvledge that an” wi:Tful faise. stafemant media in this 31151311131511 is punishable under 1'65 US i
`by fine or impristmmeni (11" notmore than five. (5'; yea-'5. 0: bath.
`men‘appficam is 3311‘:101163:1‘10 1111011} su.bmittmg pars-cm ' 'wformatir1 its-.10:11‘-meats flied 111a p21Sent app5113.121{on 1113‘may
`‘10. identityhe?! Pars4211311 inf-31111311311 such as ssciafi secufit‘,‘ numbarsh“jafik acccmn‘: numb-sex, 1.11 credit can} numbers
`{0.161' than a check or weds. card authenzatinn fem.9T0--2':'3-38. submxied.1): 91131113111 purposes) is never required by the USPTD
`113 sup-pore 1e pehficn tar an apphcaiion.
`if 11155 type 01311111150113! inform-31111.11 is memes 111docurrsea1ts 31.113111139112131 the USPTG.
`petfiwnersx‘ap'bcahis 31.31.1111 consider redaceéng sash personal Snfarmaiian from 12113 dbcumehis befom submiiiing them {:3 tha
`iSPTG. Pet
`‘1er1’apgfs'ca.11' is advised“:1a£ the re“Gm 012:" hater-'1“appiicat'wrz is avefiiab‘e 1'0 the puma 111‘51.1 pubiication of the
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`91315111. Furthermcrs. the 1111'L11:1 {10111-3an abandoned app:18811-311 may air-o be 31131531212115 ihe' 131112115 if he 8111321931011 is
`refsmrsced in a sunfish-ed apgiécaiion ar an :ssuec‘ patent-1 $69 37 CFR 1.1-3). Checks and credit 1:21.-d zauthm‘ézahm‘. farms
`PTO-3038 taut-111111116 1‘11:- payment purpeses are 1131 {stair-$111111 The ahphzsatéon his anal therei‘cre. are not
`111: defy avaiiabie.
`E1111aghhui KEM
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`Date (Gpésunah
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`I No.29. Ar- app}:cation data s'.o HPTOJ'E:‘EIM Greg-.111
`bean pie-1:391:91: :isd. Use aneaddificnai P‘ {NASA-‘6‘- 11. m f1?! each addfi ha; 1111:9915:
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`" "Pa'e.:5 am: Trude'ra'u
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`! hereby 53995915933133
`T5733 Gaga-aft)?“
`5s: m.acted 553.
`The 3553525396 33.353555",
`United States appiécatior: or PCT 33159555933055.5355 awn-3.35.5031 number
`55535.3 or:
`: The abs-5536955535995 appficafion was made or authorized- 30 32-53 made by me.
` Set:55359553333351“. 559 555.95% 5.5531535155359255; Dr5g§55°w§n3hwemor 355‘s. ”3.5m3d55v-5n55'1-n 55 w‘licaison.
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`53:”Eve 5'5} years. 03 905.51.
`. by fine grim-3559931551935 :55:‘50:: mare 53525
`3 harem ackngwiedge 5556595531 \355335'5.'53
`Pefitmnerl:3pu55caa~.5 '59 cautioned.o avoid submitting; 539.5533055233 3353‘s 53553135351 5’55 documents filed inc' 5353'9533 app‘icatiun that may
`0051553535535: 5.0 5&53515553: theft. P53550553! 55555.5:“am“15055 853533 33 53335332-5359. bank acne-.5533 numb-35s.
`535 35535355. card 552:551505;:3 5
`(other 53:45: a check or are
`card 25533559552333953 {om PTO2336 5553355: 551.953 for payment ;,5.:r-,0595.):35 5595533 553(5in3953 by 5539 5.3859150
`t.. 3539535335 :3 {35“33055 a: 3555 353955995333.31
`53 55558
`“e 533' pewVar-a! info-“55173555353 is.. ciuded in (50953353195553 submitted 55‘: 53553 115597-53.
`petitionezsiapp ants 55:35::'53 consider redactim such 539550.5an ‘59‘053555395553951155‘59 documents b95359 submittng them 5'0 the
`‘ESPTQ Petitztmerlgpafi .23‘5“:3 advised that the record of 25 pats 5. 255333350550-53 33 ave:5535359 5033as pub55: after pubficc
`n a? the
`8309559333055 {me833 a non{33532559955953 5-.-q35535’5 in 53533159333695.5533 3?‘ ONE: 2.1.5525; :s 333539
`the 35353558833055) or issuance 052‘:
`patent. F5355h5355535>59 ih9-.
`5553' 55mm av ahandened a,5:955:99:m 5533‘; 95'50 be ave:39359. to the put-5‘5: 5? 53:65 3W5 533305: 35
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`9555.3 525555333 car-.5 55.53559:2955055 arms
`PTO-«2338 submitted 5535 gay-55.595353355109399 358 not retained‘555 5555. appiirsatwn e and therefore are net
`pas-35333335 avg... hie
`{ imantar: .3555er535355 PARS
` Sigrsaiur‘e. .......\\.
`N039 A53 agzpéecatian data sheet (P10583355
`52119355259555). 5535355553553 naming the entire Em-‘9:“ ave 95555335. must Lac-13235133355553:- 33538 5533355 555‘
`been pmv‘sousiy 315955. Use an 3665555355535 PTOIAEA/M form 532-5 5353655 3533351305335 555559555555
`. S 53 ‘35 and 3? CFR1.63 The Normsficn
`139d r-yC‘.5 U.S ’
`:32 am: '3? CFR ‘5’-
`55 em'ivasy.39
`5.3539905: 5mm 50 she US?TQ-
`51053-9 [:55 “Norm
`Comm Le 53085231450 155°»).Z‘ho U32 5-3-9355) CL;.0? SEND FEES"5“.COMPE.2932.
`.. ..

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