`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Headwater Research LLC
`1011 Pruitt Place
`Tyler, TX 75703
`The projected patent numberandissue date are specified above.
`Determination of Patent Term Adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 (b)
`(application filed on or after May 29, 2000)
`The Patent Term Adjustment is 0 day(s). Any patent to issue from the above-identified application will include
`an indication of the adjustmenton the front page.
`If a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) wasfiled in the above-identified application, the filing date that
`determines Patent Term Adjustmentis the filing date of the most recent CPA.
`Applicant will be able to obtain more detailed information by accessing the Patent Application Information
`Retrieval (PAIR) WEBsite (http://pair-uspto. gov).
`Any questions regarding the Patent Term Extension or Adjustment determination should be directed to the Office
`of Patent Legal Administration at (571)-272-7702. Questions relating to issue and publication fee payments
`should be directed to the Application Assistance Unit (AAU) of the Office of Data Management (ODM) at
`APPLICANT(s) (Please see PAIR WEBsite http://pair.uspto.gov for additional applicants):
`Gregory G. Raleigh, Woodside, CA;
`Headwater Research LLC, Tyler, TX;
`James Lavine, Corte Madera, CA;
`Russell Bertrand Carter TI, San Jose, CA;
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`worksto encourage andfacilitate business investment. To learn more about why the USAis the best country in
`the world to develop technology, manufacture products, and grow your business, visit SelectUSA. gov.
`IR103 (Rev. 10/09)