`1300 Code: PA.
`F’TO/AlA’BQA (07-13}
`Approved for use through 03/31/2021. owns 0651-0035
`Document 33933111333“: Power Of Attorney
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act 011995. no persons are required to respond to a ooilection of information uriiess it dispiays a vaiid OMB controi number.
`NOTE: This form is to he submitted with the Power of Attorney 'oy Appiieant form (PTO/AIAISZB) to identify the appiication to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.5, uniess the application number and filing date are identified in the Power of
`Attorney by Aooiieant form.
`if neither form PTO/AlA/SZA nor form PTO/AiABZB identifies the aopiioatioh to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Power ofAttomey wiii not be recognized in the apoiioation.
`Aooiioetion Number
`Fiiing Date
`fEroi e. eager
`Eroi e. Besoi
`i Ehiiey 15, 2m 9
`Titie (ionpiioant is a Attorney of Record
`juristic entity)
`Applicant Name (iprpiicant is ajuristioentity)
`EprEe Eng"
`NGTE: This form must. be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33, See 37 CFR 1.40:1) for signature requirements and certifications. ii"
`more than one appiioaht, use multiple forms.
`forms are submitted.
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1131, 1.32, and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`the pubiio which is to fiie (and bytne USPTO to process) an aopiioatioh. Confidentiaiity is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CPR
`1.11 and 1.14. This ooiieotion is estimated to take 3 minutes to complete, inoioding gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed
`application form to the USPTG. Time will vary depending upon the individuai ease, Any comments on the amount of time you require
`to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information Officer, US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450, Aiexandria, VA 22313-1456. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THESE ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, 13.6. 80x1450,Atexandria,VA 22313-1450,
`lfyou need assistance in completing the form, call 1—800—PTO—Q199 and select option 2.


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