`Paper 9
`Date: March 31, 2022
`Patent Owner.
`IPR2021-01278, IPR202 1-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127°
`Administrative Patent Judges
`COTTA,Administrative Patent Judge.
`Dismissal Prior to Institution ofTrial
`35 118.C. $314
`' Further to Petitioner’s request, we have changedthe case captionto reflect
`that Lumenis Be Ltd., is the successor-in-interest of Lumenis Ltd. Paper4.
`* This Order addresses issues that are commonto each of these cases. We
`exercise our discretion to issue one Orderto be filed in each case. The
`parties are not authorized to use this style heading for any subsequent
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`In the period between August 5, 2021 and November10, 2021
`Lumenis Be Ltd. (“Petitioner”) filed a total of sixteen related petitions
`requesting inter partes review of eight different patents. We have issued
`decisions denying institution for eight of these petitions. See IPR2021-
`01273, Paper 8; IPR2021-01275, Paper 8; IPR2021-01276, Paper8;
`IPR2021-01279, Paper 8; IPR2021-01280, Paper 8; IPR2021-01282, Paper
`8; IPR2021-01283, Paper 8; IPR2021-01284, Paper 8. There are eight
`remaining petitions for which we havenotyet issued an institution decision.
`On March18, 2022, Petitioner emailed the Board requesting
`authorization to file a Motion to Withdraw IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-0 1285,
`IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403, IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405,
`IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127. Ex. 3001.3 BTL Healthcare
`_ Technologies A.S. (“Patent Owner”) opposed the request. Jd. On March 22,
`2022, we held a teleconference to discuss Petitioner’s request and authorized
`eachparty brief the issue. Ex. 2024, 25:4-17.4 Pursuant to our
`authorization, Petitioner filed a Motion to Dismiss and Terminate the
`Proceeding (Paper 9, “Mot.”) and Patent Ownerfiled an Opposition to
`Petitioner’s Motion to Terminate (Paper 8, “Opp.”).
`The parties do not dispute that we have discretionary authority to
`terminate the eight remaining proceedings. Mot. 1 (“The Board has
`discretion to ‘grant, deny, or dismiss any
`petition or motion.’”) (quoting 37
`3 Petitioner’s email also requested termination of IPR2021-01279 and
`IPR2021-01284. Ex. 3001. Shortly after receipt of Petitioner’s request, we
`issued decisions denying institution in those proceedings, rendering
`Petitioner’s request with respect to those cases moot.
`* For convenience, throughout this opinion, we cite to the papers and
`exhibits filed in IPR2021-01278. Similar papers werefiled in each of the
`other captioned proceedings.
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`C.F.R. § 42.71(a)); Ex. 2024, 13 (“Patent Owneris not disputing that the
`Board hasdiscretion to terminate if it so chooses.”). Rather, the parties
`dispute whether we should exercise our discretion to allow Petitioner to
`withdraw the eight remainingPetitions.
`Petitioner submits that the groundsset forth in the remaining petitions
`are “substantially identical’ to those in the eight petitions for which we
`denied institution. Mot. 2. According to Petitioner, if the Board were to
`issue decisions on the remainingpetitions, it would simply be “repeating
`37 66
`itself’ which would “serve no useful purpose for Patent Owner,”
`no additional value to the public,” and “simply waste agency resources.” Id.
`Petitioner further argues that termination is appropriate because the
`proceedingis at a preliminary stage. Jd. at 1. Petitioner explainsthat at the
`timeit first raised the issue of termination to the board, the earliest statutory
`deadline for the remaining proceeding was “almost three weeks” away, and
`the latest was “morc than two months away.”Jd. at 3.
`Patent Ownerarguesthat “[t]aking Petitioner at its word, the Petition
`here ‘presents the same ultimate issues that have already been decidedin the
`earlier denied petitions.’” Opp. 1 (citing Ex. 2024, 5:3-7). Thus, according
`to Patent Owner,“[i]ssuing an institution decision would require modest
`additional effort.” Jd. Patent Owner emphasizes the “great expense”’it
`incurredin filing 16 preliminary responses andasserts that it “should obtain
`the benefit of its investment through public notice as to the merits of the
`petitions.” Jd. at 1,3. Patent Owner contendsthat Petitioner bears the
`burden to establish good cause and asserts that Petitioner has not metthis
`standard because:
`(1) pre-trial briefing is complete; (2) institution decisions are
`imminently due (between two weeks and two months); (3) the
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`Board has invested significant resources addressing the relevant
`validity issues (same primary references, commonissues,etc.);
`(4) the parties have not reached anysettlement agreement (see
`EX2025, 1-3); and (5) Petitioner continues to refuse to assure
`PO thatit will not attack the same patents again at the Office.
`Id. at 2.
`Webegin by considering how much workhas been donebythe panel
`and by the parties in each of the proceedings at issue. From theparties’
`standpoint, all eight cases are fully briefed and nothing more remainsto be
`donein orderfor us to issue an institution decision. From the Board’s
`perspective, the panel in each proceeding has not completed its review of the
`record in all of the remaining cases. Based on the parties’ representations
`that there is substantial overlap in issues, we expect that the work required to
`prepare institution decisions would be diminished as comparedto writing on
`a blank slate.° That said, the panel for each case would still have to prepare
`each casein its entirety. The Board has more than a modest amount of work.
`Having considered the burden on the Boardofissuing eight more
`institution decisions, we next consider the benefit of issuing institution
`decisions in the eight remaining cases. Asan initial matter, the parties have
`not identified the challenged patents as being involved in active district court
`litigation. Paper 2, 3; Paper 3, 1. Accordingly, issuing an opinion would not
`facilitate resolution of issues presented in district court.
`Patent Ownerarguesthat providing institution decisions would “help
`insulate [Patent Owner] from further attacks on its patents.” Opp. 1. Patent
`Owneracknowledges(id. at 3) that the Board has already issued precedent
`° Because we have not completed our review ofthe recordinall of the
`remaining cases, we have notverified the parties’ assertions that already-
`decided issues are dispositive with respectto the still-pending cases.
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`specifically addressing Patent Owner’s concerns regarding future attacks on
`its patents from Petitioner. See General Plastic Industrial Co., v. Canon
`Kabushika Kaisha, IPR2016-01357, Paper 19, 16-17 (precedential)
`(recognizing “the potential for abuse of the review process by repeated
`attacks on patents” and articulating factors for panels to consider in
`determining whetherto institute on a patent that has previously been
`challenged, explaining “[o]ur intent in formulating the factors was to take
`undue inequities and prejudices to Patent Ownerinto account”). Patent
`Ownernonetheless argues that whether the Board previously issued an
`institution decision is an important factor in that analysis. Opp. 3. Petitioner
`disagrees, contending that “the Board already decided the Petitioner’s
`groundsin earlier, related proceedings” and “repeated issuance of a
`substantially same decision is a needlessly wasteful endeavor.” Mot. 1. At
`least with respect to future challenges from Petitioner, Patent Owner may
`rely on Petitioner’s statements. We find that issuing an opinion on the
`outstanding petitions would not place Patent Ownerin a materially better
`position underthe factors articulated in General Plastic than simply
`dismissing them.
`Asto third-parties, Patent Owner contends that issuing opinions on
`the remaining patents would provide “public notice” “thereby deterring
`future serial and meritless attacks.” Opp. 3. We do not dispute that an
`issued opinion would providenotice to the public. However, we are not
`persuaded that issuing an institution decision would provide substantially
`greater deterrent effect with respect to third-parties than a withdrawn
`petition, particularly when coupled with the already-issued eight related
`decisions denying institution on issues that the parties seem to agree are
`dispositive with respect to the remaining petitions.
`In addition, we note that
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`a decision oninstitution is limited to an evaluation of the arguments and
`evidence presented in the Petition. It is not, as Patent Owner seems to
`suggest, an appraisal of the challenged patent as against hypothetical future
`Weighing the burden on the Board to issue eight additional institution
`decisions against the potential benefits of issuing those decisions, we
`exercise our discretion to allow Petitioner to withdraw the eight remaining
`Petitions. While we are sympathetic to Patent Owner’s desire to see these
`proceedings through, we find that Patent Ownerdoesnot sufficiently
`account for the additional work required of the Board to issue eight
`additional institution decisions. Further, we note that permitting Petitioner
`to withdraw its remaining petitions would achieve the goal Patent Owner
`presumably hopedfor in filing its preliminary responses — non-institution.
`In consideration of the foregoing,it is hereby:
`ORDEREDthat Petitioner’s request to terminate IPR2021-01278,
`TPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403, IPR2021-01404,
`IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127 is granted.
`IPR2021-01278, IPR2021-01285, IPR2021-01402, IPR2021-01403,
`IPR2021-01404, IPR2021-01405, IPR2022-00126, and IPR2022-00127
`Scott A. McKeown
`James L. Davis,Jr.
`Keyna Chow
`Richard D. CollerIII
`Jon E, Wright
`Richard M. Bemben
`Lestin L. Kenton
`Christian Camarce