`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 5 :
`A61C 7/00
`(11) International Publication Number:
`9 August 1990(090839) 5
`(43) International Publication Date :7
`WO 90/08512
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`24 January 1990 (24.01.90)
`(30) Priority data:
`24 January 1989 (24.01.89)
`US]; 24841 Avenue Tibbetts, Valencia, CA 91355 (US).
`(72) Inventor: LEMCHEN, Marc, Stuart ; 165 East 74th Street,
`New York, NY 10021 (US).
`(74) Agents: KENNEY, 1., Ernest et al.; Bacon & Thomas, 625
`Slaters Lane, Fourth Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314 (US).
`(81) Designated States: AT (European patent), AU, BE (Eura- .
`pean patent), BR, CA, CH (European patent), DE (Eu- :-
`ropean patent), DK (European patent), ES (European
`patent), FI, FR (European patent), GB (European pa— :
`tent), IT (European patent), JP, LU (European patent), ‘
`NL (European patent), NO, SE (European patent).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending Elie
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of .1
`(57) Abstract
`A method for providing an orthodontic bracket for placement on a malocclused tooth in a patient’s jaw to correct the mal— .
`occlusion, comprises the steps of generating digitized information representative of the shape of the tooth and its location with
`respect to the jaw; using data processing equipment to generate a mathematical model of the tooth as located in the jaw, from the
`digitized data, and to calculate the finish position in the jaw to which the tooth is to be moved; determining the form of the brack-
`et and its placement position on the tooth in order to move the tooth to the finish position in a selected course of orthodontic ,
`treatment; and providing the bracket of such form. A jig may also be provided to ensure correct placement of the bracket on the
`front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`United Suit“ of Amelia: r"
`Codes used to identifi; States party to the PCT on the
`applications under the PCT.
`Burkina Farm
`Central African Republic
`Germany. Federal Republic of
`Denmark -
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People‘s Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri lanka
`Soviet Union
`wo 90/08512
`PCT/US90/00361 -
`A Method of Produci
`an Orthodont
`This invention relates to the provision of
`orthodontic brackets and like appliances.
`Early in the history of orthondontics, dentists
`constructed their own applicances to treat patients. As
`the use of appliances grew,
`the orthodontic supply
`company became economically feasible. At first, all
`orthondontic brackets, or braces, whether produced by
`the doctor or supply company, were designed simply as
`handles to which the force-producing agents, most often
`archwires, were attached. Both the magnitudes and
`directions of orthodontic forces Were controlled by
`See for
`placing appropriate bends in the archwires.
`example, Figures 1 and 3 of U.S. Patent No. 3,447,128.
`The next major evolutionary step in appliance
`design was the "singular wire" concept.
`See, for
`example, Figures 2 and 4 to 19 of 0.8. Patent No.
`Force magnitudes were still determined by
`wire and not the brackets. However, force vector
`directions were transferred from the wire to the
`brackets. Bracket slots were cut so that the desired
`forces were applied to each tooth in the arch by simply
`ataching, fully ligating, a straight length of wire with
`rectangular cross-section into the bracket slots.
`Furthermore, different bracket base thicknesses were
`employed to control labial-lingual dental positioning.
`See, for example, U.S. Patent No. 3,660,900. These
`developments reduced considerably the amount of wire
`bending, and therefore,
`the length of time required by a
`dentist to treat a case. While such systems are
`generally considered to represent the state—of—the—art
`there remains a major disadvantage in the
`treatment mechanics of these products.
`In the current "straight wire" systems, of which
`WO 90/08512
`there are several, all bracket force vectors for
`specific tooth types (e.g., upper cuspids, upper central
`lower first molars, etc.) are manufactured to
`polulation averages. Thus there is no individual
`adaptability in any given straight wire system.
`patient's specific pretreatment malocclusion,
`condition requiring treatment, dental surface
`morphology, and facial type tend to be completely
`disregarded, as are individualized treatment goals.
`is well known, however, that these factors influence the
`selection of ideal mechanical parameters for every case.
`Viewed from one aspect the invention provides a
`method for producing an'orthodontic bracket for
`placement on a malocclused tooth in a patientis jaw to
`correct the malocclusion, comprising the steps of
`generating digitized information representative of the
`shape of the tooth and its location with respect to the
`jaw; using data processing equipment to generate a
`mathematical model of the tooth as located in the jaw,
`from the digitized data, and to calculate the finish
`position in the jaw to which the tooth is to be moved:
`determining the form of the bracket and its placement’
`position on the tooth in order to move the tooth to the
`finish position in a selected course of orthodontic
`treatment: and providing the bracket of such form.
`Viewed from another aspect the invention provides a
`method for determining orthodontic bracket placement on‘
`a malocclused tooth in a subjectis jaw to correct the
`malocclusion, comprising the steps of generating digital
`information defining the shape and location of the
`malocclused tooth with respeCt to the patient's jaw;
`generating a mathematical model of the malocclused
`tooth as positioned in the jaw from the digitized
`information; calculating the finish position in the jaw
`to which the malocclused tooth is to be moved from the
`digitized information; and calculating the placement
`position of an orthodontic bracket on the malocclused'
`W0 90/08512
`tooth required in order to move the malocclused tooth to
`its finish position by a preselected orthodontic
`Viewed from a further aspect the invention provides
`a method for determining orthodontic bracket placement
`on a dental arch to correct a malocclusion, comprising
`the steps of generating digital information defining the
`shape and location of the teeth with respect to the
`arch; generating a mathematical model of the teeth as
`positioned in the arch from the digitized information:
`calculating the finish position in the arch of the teeth
`from the digitized information: and calculating the
`placement position of orthodontic brackets on selected
`teeth required_in order to move malocclused teeth to
`their finish positions by a preselected orthodontic
`Viewed from a still further aspect the invention
`provides a method for determining orthodontic appliance
`placement on at least one dental arch to correct
`malocclusion between teeth in the arches, comprising the
`steps of generating digital information defining the
`shape and location of the teeth in each dental arch with
`respect to the other dental arch: generating a
`mathematical model of the arches as positioned in the
`head from the digitized information; calculating the
`finish position of the dental arches which is required
`to correct the malocclusion from the digitized
`information: and calculating the placement position of
`an orthodontic appliance on at least one of the arches
`required in order to correct the malocclusion by a
`preselected orthodontic treatment.
`in accordance with the invention it is
`possible to have orthodontic applicance placement with
`individualized parameters.
`In carrying out the inVention, and in accoradnce
`with the particular method of subsequent orthodontic
`treatment which has been selected to be used on the
`WO 90108512
`patient by the practitioner,
`the correct position
`in which to place a bracket on the tooth to move the
`tooth to the finish position is calculated from the
`mathematical model and finish position which are
`determined. VThe correct bracket position is defined as
`that position which yields zero fOrce in all directions,
`if, and only if, the subject tooth is in its ideal
`position with the archwire installed. Thus, when the
`brackets are subsequently placed and fixed in the
`patient's mouth, an archwire is placed on the bracket
`slots, and the archwire is fully ligated, the resultant
`individual force Vectors will automatically move the
`teeth to the finish position.
`The particular type of orthodontic bracket to be
`used in the method may be selected either before or
`after calculating its placement position on the tooth.
`In either event,
`in the preferred embodiments of the
`invention a standard bracket is thereafter modified, if
`desired, so as to provide for tooth movement to the
`finish position which has been determined individually
`for the patient,
`in view of the patient's physical
`deviations from the dental and skeletal statistical
`averages for an ideal finish position.
`Precise fixation of the brackets at the prescribed
`location in the patient's mouth is necessary for the
`proper corrective forces to be achieved.
`A further step
`in the preferred embodiment of the invention is to
`calculate the shape of a positioning device, such as a
`bracket positioning jig, for the orthodontic appliance
`to provide for the positioning of the bracket on the
`tooth in precisely the calculated placement position,
`and then forming a positioning jig to conform to the
`shape of the jig so calculated. When the positioning
`jig with the bracket attached is placed over a patient's
`the bracket is automatically located at the
`precise position.which will result in the required force
`vectors for treatment when attached to the tooth.
`WO 90/08512
`In the preferred embodiments the forces to effect
`treatment are produced by archwires.
`The archwires,
`when installed, act as springs which have been deflected
`by an amount proportional to the deviation of the tooth
`from its ideal location. An archwire, preformed in
`accordance with the requirements to move the affected
`tooth to its finish position when attached to the
`bracket, produces appropriate force magnitudes at
`various stages of treatment to move the tooth to its
`ideal position. An additional step in the preferred
`embodiments is thus the step of forming an archwire with
`respect to the mathematical model and the bracket into
`the configuration to cause to tooth to move to the
`calculated finish position when installed in the bracket
`on the tooth.
`While normally the orthodontic treatment to be
`undertaken with brackets provided in accordance with the
`invention will contemplate realignment of the patient's
`teeth in one or both arches, or even one arch with
`respect to the other,
`the preferred method of bracket
`production, for purposes of clarity and brevity of
`description, will be described with respect to the
`repositioning of a single malocclused tooth.
`The first step of the method is the generation of
`accurate digital information defining the shape and
`location of the malocclused tooth with respect to the
`patient's jaw. This information may be generated in a
`number of ways, such as electromechanically, by laser
`scanning, sonic ranging, digital video scanning.cr
`magnetically. Various devices which may be so utilized
`are described in Rekow, Computer Aided Design And
`Manufacture In Dentistrx: a Review Of The state of The
`Art, 58 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 512 (1987).
`Sonic ranging devices of this type are described, for
`in U.S. Patent No. 3,821,469.
`The second step of the preferred embodiment is the
`generation of a mathematical model, utilizing the
`WO 90/08512
`digitized information. The use of digitized information
`to generate mathmetical models is well known in the ,
`Computer—Aided Design ("CAD") art, and need not be
`described at the present time in view of the state of
`the art.
`It should be noted that each of the three
`systems described in the Rekow article previously
`referred to uses CAD.
`The mathematical model may be as detailed as the
`particular circumstances require, dependent only upon
`the quantity of dititized information generated in the
`in many applications of the preferred
`prior step. Thus,
`embodiment, a complete "mode1~", as that term is used in
`the dental art to refer to a full replication of the
`7 upper and lower dental arches and associated jaw'
`structure, will be mathematically generated.
`A physical
`embodiment of such a model is Shown, for example,
`Figure l of U.S. Patent No. 2,467,432.
`The next step is the calculation of the "finish"
`position of the malocclused tooth or teeth, with respect
`to their positions in the mathematical model. MOvement
`to the finish position typically may involve "tipping",
`that is, movement toward or away from adjacent teeth,
`"torquing", that is, angulating toward or away from the
`center of the mouth, , and "rotation", that is, rotary
`movement of the tooth about its longitudinal axis,
`intrusional-extrusional or bodily movement.
`There are a number of methods of treatment commonly
`Each method takes different
`used by the orthodontist.
`factors into account with varying degrees of emphasis.
`For the purposes of the preferred embodiment the
`orthodontist provides a description of the desired
`results, which is prescribed for reaching the finish
`position of each individual tooth relative to adjacent
`teeth, opposing teeth, supporting bony foundations and
`soft tissue, and the entire cranial-facial complex.
`Utilizing standard statistical tooth position data,
`repoisitioning of the teeth is calculated to provide a
`W0 90/08512
`mathematical model of the finish position.
`In the prior
`art, a similar step was accomplished manually in order
`to account for individual tooth morphology by physically
`removing duplicated teth from a model and repositioning
`them in a new model in the finish position.
`See for
`example, Figure 3 above in the above referenced v.5.
`Patent No. 2,467,432. HoweVer this procedure did not
`take into account the individual finish position desired
`relative to the cranial-facial base.
`In the preferred method, this repositioning is done
`mathematically by appropriate software programs which
`may be derived by conVentional means for the particular
`method of treatment elected by the orthodontist. An
`"ideal" finish position is not based upon statistical
`averages and takes into account the variation and
`physical characteristics of the individual patient.
`Therefore, it is preferably that,
`the program be
`utilized to proVide a customized finish position for the
`particular patient, so as to make the finish position
`ideal forthe patient, rather than attempting to have the
`patient duplicate the statistically average finish'
`After the finish position for the teeth in question
`has been calculated,
`the placement position of the
`orthodontic appliance, a bracket, for example, is
`In the presently preferred embodiment, a
`straight wire technique is utilized.
`The bracket
`manufacturers provide positioning information
`recommendations as to their brackets in the ideal
`position. This information is utilized together with
`the mathematical model of the finish position to
`calculate the bracket placement position on the teeth.
`While it is possible to position the brackets on
`the teeth in a variety of methods,
`in the preferred
`embodiment there is carried out the step of calculating
`the shape of a bracket positioning jig from the
`mathematical model
`in order to ensure that the bracket
`WO 90/08512
`A large variety of positioning
`is accurately placed.
`jigs are known in the art, and such devices extend from
`rather simple direct application devices, such as is '
`shoWn in U.S. Patent No. 3,686,762 to complex devices
`such as are shown in U.S. Patent Nos. 4,160,322,
`4,183,141 and 4,360,341, which conform in shape to and
`overlay the tooth itself.
`In its broadest sense,
`term "bracket positioning jig" as used herein includes
`devices utilized in the "indirect" method of bracket
`application, such as is described in U.S. Patent No.
`4,160,322, to position simultaneously a plurality of
`brackets on the patients teeth. Thus, after the
`the Shape of
`particular form of jig has been selected,
`the jig required to place the bracket or brackets in the
`previously calculated placement position or positions is
`calculated.’ Thereafter,
`in the preferred embodiment,
`the next step of the present invention is to form the
`positioning jig calculated in the previous step.
`In as much as the mathematical model of the arch
`has been calculated in the preferred embodiment, another
`step which may be utilized is the preforming oi an
`archwire for attachment to the bracket to conform to the
`orthodontic treatment to be undertaken.’ The particular
`details as to shape, size, and the like of the archwire
`are matters of choicegof the orthodontist, depending
`upon the particular treatment and brackets involved, and
`normally on the subject of specification in the
`prescription,if the stepis to be undertaken.
`orthodontic brackets are generally manufactured in
`standard types in accordance with population averages.
`One method of creating individualized brackets is to cut
`custom bracket slots for each patient. The cost of that
`procedure is usually prohibitive. The computerized
`design method, according to the present embodiment
`utilizes modification of the angulation of the
`bracket/tooth interface on an individualized basis in
`order to cause the bracket to produce a desired force
`WO 90/08512
`vector on the tooth. Specific force vectors are
`prescribed, and an entire system or brackets/adhesive
`placement, pre—formed archwires, and peripheral
`appliances (head gear, elastics, etc.) is selected, if
`so desired.
`In some instances a particular bracket may be
`selected and, for the particular case, modified in
`certain respects before calculating its placement
`In such an instance,
`the placement position
`is calculated for modified form of the bracket.
`other instances, a selected bracket may, after
`calculation of its placement position, be determined to
`require modification in'order to be placed in the
`required placement position.
`In such an instance,
`bracket may be modified after calculation of the
`placement position.to prevent its placement in
`accordance therewith.
`In the method of the preferred embodiment, standard
`brackets are modified as appropriate to produce the
`required treatment force vectors by use of a structural
`adhesive system.
`The modification of standard brackets
`by use of a structural adhesive system is known in the
`art. The structural adhesive is initially a moldable
`putty which easily take on the contour of the dental
`surface to which the appliance will be fixed, and Which
`provides the interface between that surface and the
`bracket base.
`A premachined archwire slot in the
`bracket face can thus be oriented with aix axes of
`freedom with respect to the dental surface so as to
`incorporate precisely the required force vectors.
`practicing one embodiment the bracket is correctly
`positioned on a laboratory model of the tooth, and the
`adhesive is hardened to a rigid state by a irradiation
`with ultravoilet light,
`followed by oven post-cure.
`adhesive is then an inseparable,
`integral part of the
`bracket, now customized for thatpatient's individual
`WO 90/08512
`While the use ofya moldahle putty to interface
`between the bracket and the tooth is satisfactory,
`present method may be utilized in conjunction with
`computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture
`(CAD/CAM), as described in the Rekow article referred to
`above, to provide a machined or cast base conforming to
`the tooth morphology and containing an apprOpriately
`positioned bracket receiving recess or fitting, so as to
`permit the base to be fixed to either the bracket or the
`tooth. The other of the two is then fixed to the base,
`thereby simplifying the attachment of the bracket to the'
`tooth and its customized ideal position for the
`individual patient.
`By this method, standard brackets
`are readily adapted to customized use, so as to simplify
`the inventory retirements of the practitioner.
`Additionally, such customized brackets may be provided 7
`to the practitioner by a dental laboratory, where the 7
`digitized information is utilized in the process of
`providing the practitioner with the required dental
`appliances for the correction of the malocclusion.
`As will be apparent,
`the practice of the present'
`invention may be restricted to a single tooth, may be
`utilized with some or all of the teeth in a given dental
`arch, or utilized with teeth in both of the arches of
`the patient. Therefore, while the description of a
`prefered embodiment has been in certain instances, with
`respect to a single tooth for purposes of brevity and
`clarity, the practice of the invention is not so
`the present invention may also be
`utilized with respect to orthodontic diagnoses involving
`the requirement of movement of one arch,
`in its
`entirety, with respect to the other, as where the
`patient exhibits a lateral offset.
`In such an instance,
`a mathematical model is calculated for both arches in
`their relativa positions with respect to one another.
`The prefered embodiments will take into account the
`W0 90/08512
`relatiVe resistance to movement of various teeth or
`groups of teeth. Bracket positions can then be
`customized to accountfor these forces.
`Indications can
`be provided for the inter-dental arch force mechanics in
`order to correct or maintain the position of each
`individual arch over its respective jaw structure as
`well as relative to the opposing arch and jaw.
`It will be appreciated that modifications to the
`methods set forth herein may be made by those skilled in
`the art.
`W0 90/08512
`A method for producing an orthodontic bracket for
`placement on.a malocclused tooth in a patient's jaw to
`correct the malocclusion, comprising the steps of,
`generating digitized information representative of the
`shape of the tooth and its location with.respect to the
`jaw; using data processing equipment to generate a
`mathematical model of the tooth as located in the jaw,
`from the digitized data, and to calculate the finish
`position in the jaw to which the tooth is to be moved:
`determining the form of the bracket and its placement
`position on the tooth in order to move the tooth to the
`finish position in a selected course of orthodontic
`treatment; and providing the bracket of such form.
`A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the form of
`the bracket is determined before its placement position
`is determined.
`'A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the form of'
`the bracket is determined after its placement position
`is determined.
`A method as claimed in claim 1, 2, or 3, wherein
`the bracket haS'an initial shape, selected from standard
`shapes, that is modified to the determined form.
`A method as claimed in any preceding claim,
`including the provision of means for enabling the
`correct placement of the bracket on the tooth.
`A method as claimed in any claim 5,
`including the
`steps of determining the shape of, and providing, a jig
`to ensure correct placement of the bracket on the tooth.
`A method as claimed in any preceding claim,
`WO 90/08512
`including the steps of determining the shape of, and
`providing, a preformed archwire for use with the
`A method as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein
`the digitised information is generated for a plurality
`of teeth positioned in a dental arch, and a plurality of
`brackets are provided, each of whose form and placement
`position on a respective tooth is determined to achieve
`movement of the tooth to a respective finish position.
`A method as claimed in claim 8, wherein digitised
`information is also generated for the other dental arch.
`A method for determining orthodontic bracket
`placement on a malocclused tooth in a subject‘s jaw to
`correct the malocclusion, comprising the steps of
`generating digital information defining the shape and
`location of the malocclused tooth with respect to the
`patient‘s jaw; generating a mathematical model of the
`malocclused tooth as positioned in the jaw from the
`digitized information; calculating the finish position
`in the jaw to which the malocclused tooth is to be moved
`from the digitized information? and calculating the
`placement position of an orthodontic bracket on the
`malocclused tooth required in order to move the
`malocclused tooth to its finish position by a
`preselected orthodontic treatment.
`A method for determining orthodontic bracket
`placement on a dental arch to correct a malocclusion,
`comprising the steps of generating digital information
`defining the shape and location of the teeth with
`respect to the arch; generating a mathematical model of
`the teeth as positioned in the arch from the digitized
`information; calculating the finish position in the arch
`of the teeth from the digitized information: and
`W0 90/08512
`calculating the placement position of orthodontic
`brackets on selected teeth required in order to move
`malocclused teeth to their finish positions by a
`preselected orthodontic treatment.
`A method for determining orthodontic appliance
`placement on at least one dental arch to correct
`malocclusion between teeth in the arches; comprising the
`steps of generating digital information defining the
`shape and location of the teeth in each dental arch with
`respect to the other dental arch; generating a
`mathematical model of the arches as positioned in the
`head from the digitized information: calculating the,
`finish position of the dental arches which is required
`to correct the malocclusion from.the digitized
`information: and calculating the placement position oft
`an orthodontic appliance on at least one of the arches
`required in order to correct the malocclusion by a
`preselected orthodontic treatment.
`9 O / 0 0 3 6 1
`PCT / Us
`International Application No
`l. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER (it several classrficauon eyrnnols apply, indicate all) '
`According to international Patent Classification (IPC) or to both National Claaeification and lPC
`A 61 c 7/00
`Minimum Documentation Searched 7
`Classificmion System i Classification Symbole
`A 61 c
`Documentation Searched other than Minimum Documentation
`to the Extent that ouch Documents are Included in the Fielda Searched '
`Category ' |
`Citation 01 Document. “ with indication. where appropriate. of the relevant oaaeaqee ‘1
`| Relevant to Claim No, "
`Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conferencei
`on Engineering in Medicine and
`Biology, 30 September — 2 October
`1985, Chicago, Illinois, volume 27,
`The Alliance for Engineering in
`Medicine and Biology, Publishers,
`(Washington, D.C., US),
`E.D. Rekow et al.: ”CAD/CAM in
`dentistry", page 298
`us, A, 4663720 (DURET)
`5 May 1987
`see the whole document
`" '
`EP, Al, 0025911 (HEITLINGER)
`1 April 1981
`see abstract
`EP, Al, 0091876 (DURET)
`19 October 1983
`see abstract
`_ _
`"1’" later ‘document publiehed atterflthe International'filino est:
`' Special categorlee of cited documente: '0
`date and not in con ict with the one ication
`D? 9" onty
`"A document defining the general atate oi the art wnich la not
`maiégnunoeretano the principle or theory underlying the
`coneioered m be of particular relevance
`“X“ “cum.“ oi ”Mud" “In-n“: a" cum“ "wan”
`“E" earlier document but oubllahed on or alter the international
`cannot be conaioered novel or cannot be coneioereo to
`"""i 5".
`Involve an inventive etep
`“L“ do'cu'r‘nent rhdlc'h may éhrohw ginning. onnpriogit‘y claimlezhor
`"Y” document of
`articular relevance" the claimed invention
`W 5". 5' ci °
`0 eeta i'
`t ‘ on i" 9"
`' ' n ma "
`cannot be conapioereo to involve an'lnventive etep when the
`"""°“ °' °"‘" “n". ""°" “‘ 'pw'fl'd)
`document ia combined with one or more other euch docu-
`"0'I document referring to an oral dlecloeure. nee. exhibition or
`mentl. ouch combination being obvioue to a person elulled
`other means
`"P" document nubliehad prior to the international lilino date but
`“1 the "L
`later than the priority date claimed
`“8" document member of the same patent lamliy
`Date of the Actual Completion of the International Search
`Date of Malling ot thla international Search Report
`1 3. 05. 90
`10th May 1990
`International Searching Authority ,
`Form PCTIISAmo leecond eheet) (Jewary IBIS)
`SI nature ofAuthorlz . ,--.- '
`I, f
`,\ / ‘ 5 _/
`ul ,_.‘
`_ ~I-
`US 9000351
`This annex lists the patent family members relating to the patent documents cited in the abate-mentioned international search report.
`The members are as contained in the European Patent Office EDP file on 12/06/90
`The European Patent Office is in no way liable for these particulars which are merely giben for the purpose of information.
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`Patent family
`US-A- 4663720
`EP-A- 0025911
`EP-A- 0091876
`For more details about this annex : see Ofiicial Journal of the European Patent Office, No. 12/82

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