`Attorney Docket No. WAC-IOAPP3
`Application No
`Patent No.
`Confirmation No,
`Wangs Alliance Corporation
`Commissioner for Patents
`Office of Data Management
`Attention: Certificates of Corrections Branch
`P.O. Box 14450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Dear Commissioner:
`The undersigned respectfully requests correction of the mistakes listed on the attached
`Form PTO/SB/44 and an issuance of a Certificate of Correction.
`Patentee respectfully submits that the typographical errors listed are not the fault of the
`Patent and Trademark Office and is therefore concurrently paying by credit card the $160.00 fee
`that is set forth in 37 C.PLR. § 1.20(a).
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge any fees that may be due in connection with
`this paper, or to refund any overpayments, to Deposit Account No. 50-4650.
`Respectfully submitted,
`oo —ZEAge
`Edward M. Arons
`Reg. No. 44,511
`Attomeyfor Applicant
`Customer No. 72822
`Weiss & Arons LLP
`63 South Main St.
`Spring Valley, New York 10970
`Date: June 26, 2022
`PTCISR/44 (0307)
`Approves for use through 03/31/2023 OMB 0864-06023
`U.S. Fistent and Trademark Office:
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996, no persons are required to respond to a collectionof Information unless i disolays a valid
`CMG contro! number,
`UNiees Fore: PTO- 15
`: 10,488,837
`APPLICATION NO.: 16,246,453
`: 44/96/2019
`: Eric Stefankiewicz, Shelley Wald
`it is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
`is hereby corrected as shown below:
`in the Claims:
`} Claim 5, line 43, replace "said AC"with --said first AC--; line 45, replace “the earth ground" with --earth ground--
`Claim 6, line 53, replace “layer of the multilayer board made of copper" with --copperlayer of the multi-layer
`| board--
`Claim 13, line 21, replace “claim 9” with --claim 12—-
`Claim 14, line 13, replace “second ground terminal” with --ground terminal--; line 16, replace “the earth ground"
`with --earth ground--; line 19, replace “secand ground terminal” with --ground terminal--: line 45, replace "third
`ground terminal” with --third terminal--; line 48, replace “to the earin”with --io earth--; line 51, replace “third
`| ground terminal” with --third terminai--
`Claim 15, line 13, replace "said first AC powerinterface" with --said AC powerinterface--; line 21, replace "the
`earth ground” with --earth ground--: line 25, replace "tne earth" with --earth--
`Claim 16, line 8, replace “layer of the multi-layer board made of copper" with --copper layer of the multi-layer
`MAILING ADDRESS OF SENDER (Please do not use Customer Number below):
`Weiss & Arons LLP
`63 South Main Street
`Spring Valley, NY 10977
`This ocllection of information is raquired i
`p37 OER 1.9¢2, 1.323, and 1.324. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the qublic which is to fide
`jane by the USPTO to grocess) an application,
`Canfidentiaiity is govemed by G8 U.S.C. 122 and GY GFR 41.44, This collection is astimatedtotake 1.0 hour to
`complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the oamplated ap
`fon form to the USPTO. Time wil vary depenaing upon the individual case, Any
`camments on the amount of time you require to complete this f
`and/or suggestions far reducing this burden. should be sent io the Chief Information Officer,
`US. Patent a
`rademark Gifice, US, Deparment of Commerce, FuO. Sox 1450, Alexandria. VA 22973-7450, OG NOY SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
`FORMS TO THIS ACORESS. SEND TO: Atterition Cerificate of Corrections Branch, Gommissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria,
`VA 22373-1486.
`if you noed assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-F70-9139 andselect option 2.
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