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`A10|US-2017/0193851 A1 McNicholetal.
`A11_|US-2016/0150021 A1 Britt et al.
`A12|US-2016/0066273 A1 Prats
`A13_|US-2016/0007198 A1
`A14|US-2015/0350068 A1
`Tung etal.
`A15|US-2014/0258055 Al Wolfe et al.
`A16|US-2009/0167553 At
`Hong ef al.
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`US-2017/0282736 A1
`Zalewski et al.
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`Rauenbuehier et al.
`Tung et al.
`Raleigh ef al.
`Gerberet ai.
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`Michael James Herric
`Urban Airship, Inc.
`||€1_—_| United States Office Action, U.S. Application No. 15/055,474, December 8, 2017, 10 pages.
`Attorney Docket Number|39132-42472/US
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`Michael James Herric
`Urban Airship, Inc.
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`Attorney Docket Number|39132-42472/US
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`information disclosure statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(1).
`This application relies, under 35 U.S.C. § 120, on the earlier filing date of prior application No. 15/202,397,filed July 5,
`2016, and the reference C1 cited therein is hereby referenced, but is not required to be providedin this application under 37
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`/Fredrick Tsang/
`Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Fredrick Tsang
`Registration Number