`_ 22 _
`(d) responding by the Internet-connected server to a backlink signal from user
`interaction with the first hyperlink by providing in the annotation data stream a second
`displayable indicia.
`3 l. The method of claim 30 wherein, in step (d), the second displayable indicia is also
`a hyperlink.
`32. The method of claim 3 1 wherein, in step (d) the first displayable hyperlink sends a
`first backlink signal as a result of a mouse-over, and the second display able indicia
`sends a second backlink signal as a result of a mouse click.
`33. The method of claim 31 wherein the second displayable indicia is a company logo,
`34. The method of claim 33 wherein the company logo displays for a pre-determined
`time period and then disappears, and the annotation data stream from the server then
`provides a third displayable indicia.
`35. The method of claim 30 wherein one of the first and second displayable indicia
`comprises an animated graphic in a suitable format.
`36. The method of claim 32 wherein the second displayable indicia comprises an
`animated graphic display, which persists in the display for a pre-determined time
`period, then disappears, and the annotation data stream from the server then provides a
`third displayable indicia.
`37. The method of claim 30 wherein one or both of the first and second displayable
`indicia move in the display directed by data in the annotation data stream.
`38. The method of claim 37 wherein one or both of the first and second displayable
`indicia is associated with an image entity in the primary Video stream, and moves with
`WO 01/20466
`_ 23 _
`the image entity.
`WO 01/20466
`WO 01/20466
`550mwatofis< UmmVHOH—fing“muoafidfl—m‘NHO—tsafl“ah
`WO 01/20466
`WO 01/20466
`WO 01/20466
`WO 01/20466
`PCT/USOO/217 7
`lntemational application No.
`:GOéF 13/00; H04N 7/173
`:725/41, 112; 348/473.
`According to lntemational Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`725/41, 112; 348/473.
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`URL, hotspots, icon, or link; animated graphic
`Citation of document with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`lines 15-18
`US 5,774,666 A (PORTUESI) 30 June 1998; Abstract; Fig. 2; Fog.
`3; 3, lines 25-35; ciol. 4, lines 18-25;c 01. 8. lines 55-65.
`US 5,929,849 A (KIKINIS) 27 July 1999; Abstract; col. 9, lines
`25-35; col. 3, lines 25-32.
`US 5,95‘t‘7,708 A (WOLFF) 08 December 1998; Fig. 2; col. 7, lines
`US 5,880,731 A (LILES); 09 March 1999; Abstract, lines 1-5; col.
`3, lines 4—45;
`US 5,883,621 A (IWAMURA) 16 March 1999; Abstract; col. 6,
`See patent family annex.
`'3 Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`Special categories of cited documents:
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`to be of particular relevance
`earlier document ublished on or after the international filin date
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`ctted to establish the publication date of another Citation or other
`special reason (as spec1fied’)
`document of particular relevancea the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`document referring to an oral disclosure, use. exhibition or other
`combined With one or more other such documents. such combination
`being obvrous to a person skilled in the art
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`document member of the same patent family
`the priority date claimed
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`Date of mailing of the intemational Search report
`20 NOVEMBER 2000
`Authorized officer '
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/US
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Box PCT
`Washington. DC. 20231
`Facsimile No.
`(703) 305-3230
`document or pamcular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step
`when ”1‘ document 13 taken alone
`Form PCT/lSA/ZIO (second sheet) (July 1998)*
`Telephone No.
`(703 305-2399
`l \\