`Application Number 16/229,512
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor Newman
`Page 8 0f 8
`Matter Number 46DG-289224
`Cite No. Author, Title, Date, Pages, etc.
`FFmpeg, "AVPacket Struct Reference," Doxygen, July 20, 2014, 24 Pages, [online] [retrieved on
`July 13, 2015] Retrieved from the internet <URL:https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/2.5/
`PCT International Search Report and Written Opinion for PCT/US15/18538, June 16, 2015, 26
`ERNOULT, Emeric, 'How to Triple Your YouTube Video Views with Facebook',
`SocialMediaExaminer.com, November 26, 2012, 16 pages.
`PCT International Search Report for PCT/US17/16367 dated 4/14/2017 (2 pages)
`PCT International Search Reort for PCT/US15/18538 dated 6/16/15 (2 pages)
`communication to the applicant.
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